Bring Me To Life

Bởi benniferxjlover

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Join Ben's quest for true love, filled with unexpected twists and the search for a modern-day Romeo and Julie... Xem Thêm

Strictly business...
The Pleasure Principle
Talking Body
Fear Of Attraction
The Special date part 1
The Special date part 2
The beginning of the truth...?
The unspoken Truth...
Apologetic or unapologetic?
Ain't no mountain high...
One step ahead
One sweet day
A new milestone
Mom or stepmom...?
un bon debut a Paris
la nuit après les fiançailles partie 1
la vie est parfaite
Be my one
Count On Me
Chapel of Love
Love and Understanding
bienvenue bennifer à paris
Birthday shenanigans
Birthday special
Show day
Mystery Caller
Apology accepted...
Birthday boy pt 1
Party! Right...?
Best night ever
Killing me softly
The old Jennifer
Halloween time
Christmas part 1
Christmas part 2
Christmas day
Our first Valentines
Our first Valentines pt 2
Affleck vs Affleck
Choose your words wisely
Those eyes
Back where you belong
Change of plans
Love me to death
Boston day 4 pt 1
Boston day 4 pt 2
You live and you learn
Be alright
Lets make a movie
Last minute Gala
The after party
Kiss me more
Mother knows best
All I Ask
Play by play
Wildest Dreams
When someone loves you
Nothin' On You
Girls day out
I'm glad
Love again
The unexpected arrival
The arrival
The Great Depression
You got the best of me
Self control
On the 6
Authors note
Lets handle business...
The do over
Ay Dios Mio
Fire and Desire
Baby you're my firework
Youre my sparkle
Premiere Day- Flash
That feeling
Benvenuto in Italia
I Just Called To Say I love You
Its my party, I'll cry if I want to
Asking for forgiveness
Weeknight Burden
8.15 pt 2
Self care day
Practice makes perfect... right..?
Save me
Choose me...
Finally stress free
This love
2 steps forward, 1 step back
Finding her voice
Sera's big day
Remember me?
Emotional Fire
Best friend
Someone New
The move
Georgia market fun
Forgiving the Unforgivable: A Fresh Apology and a Fresh Conflict
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner
Authors note
Cy's adventure
Breakfast fiasco
Cy's big date
Sibling rivalry
Thanksgiving part 1
Thanksgiving part 2
Rough start of the week
Time of our lives
Friends... can kiss.. ocassionaly.. right..?
The mastermind
The Ying to my Yang
The unexpected event
All I want for Christmas is you
The portrait
New Years Eve
Authors Note
The soft sting
Can't Get Enough
Jenn's Bday- La Vie En Rose
Live For Me
Lion King's Birthday
The chucky to my Tiffany
Bring me to Life

It Will Rain

151 12 1
Bởi benniferxjlover

Jenn's POV.

In the suffocating waiting room, I concealed my identity with a long trench coat and sunglasses, my heart pounding louder than the ticking clock on the wall. Thoughts raced through my mind like a hurricane, envisioning Ben emerging with words that would either shatter or mend my world. "Jennifer, I'm okay. I missed you," echoed relentlessly.

My head spun, a whirlwind of fear and hope colliding. Grateful Cy was safe, I couldn't fathom losing both my child and husband. The dread of the unknown, not seeing Ben, gnawed at my soul. Desperation drove me to close my eyes, seeking solace, but memories flooded back with a crushing weight, intensifying the drama of this agonizing moment.


Dunkin set

"Where is Ben?" I asked.

"He's here, he'll be coming out of his trailer shortly." My assistant said.

Just then Ben came out of his trailer and walked into set with his a binder that had his lines in it.

I walked back to my directors chair and sat down, crossing my legs and reading part of the script to make sure everything runs smoothly. A man approached me and we locked eyes.

"Hi, I'm Ben." He said.

"Jennifer. And I know, I requested you." I said then looked back at my script. "Do you know where your place marker is at, Ben?" I asked and looked at him.

"Yeah.." Ben said as he continued to look at me. I looked up and noticed him still looking at me and not realizing I was hinting that he should go to his spot. He chuckled nervously once he realized then made his way to his spot.

Once everyone was in their place, it was time to film.

"Ready?" I asked, peering at Ben over the rim of my glasses while casually leaning against the armrest.

He gave me a thumbs up instead of a nod and it made me giggle. This man is so nervous.. it was a bit cute..

"Action!" I said and watched the scene.

****Flashback Continues****

As the scene wrapped, Ben approached me with a hopeful smile, attempting to engage in conversation.

"Jennifer, that was great teamwork," he complimented.

I barely glanced up from the script, my mind fixated on the next shot. "Thanks. Just make sure you hit your marks for the next one."

Undeterred, Ben persisted. "So, Jennifer, do you enjoy working on these types of projects?"

I sighed, my focus solely on business. "I'm here to work, Ben. Small talk won't make the film better."

He chuckled nervously, still trying to break through my professional facade. "Fair enough, but it's nice to get to know your co-stars, right?"

I raised an eyebrow, uninterested. "I know what I need to know for the scenes. Let's keep it professional, shall we?"

Ben's attempt at connection faded as he nodded, realizing my disinterest. The distance between us grew as the set buzzed with activity, and my determination to keep things strictly professional echoed in the cold exchange. The vivid memory lingered as the real-life drama unfolded in the hospital waiting room.

****End of flashback*****

"Mrs. Affleck?" The doctor's voice cut through the heavy atmosphere, and I rose, my heart pounding.

She approached with deliberate steps, a bearer of news that would reshape my world. "Your husband, Ben, is stable, but we had to induce a coma due to the severity of his injuries."

A chilling silence engulfed the room as her words hung in the air. I felt the weight of the revelation settle over me, each word carving deeper into my soul. Memories of our shared history flashed before my eyes, the contrast of the past and the harsh reality of the present stark and undeniable.

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer; they welled up and spilled down my cheeks, tracing the pain etched on my face. Time seemed to stand still as the doctor continued, her words echoing in the hollowness of the moment.

I stood there, frozen in a moment suspended between hope and despair. "A coma?" I whispered, the word tasting bitter on my lips. The tears fell freely now, a cascade of emotions unleashed.

The doctor nodded solemnly, her gaze filled with empathy. "Yes, Mrs. Affleck. We needed to stabilize him, and inducing a coma was the best course of action for his recovery."

My voice trembled as I struggled to find words, grappling with the reality before me. "How... How long will he be in this coma?"

"We can't determine an exact timeframe. It depends on how well he responds to treatment," the doctor explained.

I nodded, my mind swirling with a torrent of emotions. As the weight of the situation sank in, I whispered, "Just... bring him back to me." The plea hung in the air, a desperate cry for a reunion with the man who had once treated me like a queen.

The doctor, her eyes reflecting both compassion and professionalism, gently replied, "I understand how difficult this is for you, Mrs. Affleck. However, considering the severity of Ben's injuries, it's crucial for him to remain undisturbed at this time."

Tears streamed down my face, and I pleaded with desperation, "Please, I need to see him. I can't bear not knowing if he's okay."

She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I know it's hard, but for his sake and yours, it's best to wait until he's more stable. Coming back tomorrow would be advisable. It will give you both a chance to calm down, and you'll be better prepared to face the situation."

Fighting against my overwhelming emotions, I begged, "I can't wait. Please, just let me see him. I need to be with him."

The doctor sighed, torn between empathy and medical necessity. "Mrs. Affleck, I understand your distress, but seeing him in this state may be more emotionally taxing. Tomorrow will be a better time, I promise."

Tears blurred my vision as I pleaded with the doctor, desperation in every word. "Please, I made an oath to my husband when I married him, you know the vows... 'in sickness and in health.' I don't want to leave him. I've always promised to stay by his side."

The doctor's gaze softened, acknowledging the depth of my commitment. "I understand, Mrs. Affleck. Your love and dedication are evident, but it's essential to let him rest tonight. Tomorrow, you can be by his side with a clearer mind."

Despite her rationale, I clung to my plea. "I can't bear the thought of him waking up alone. Please, let me just see him for a moment. I need to know he's not alone."

She sighed, torn between compassion and her duty. "I empathize with your feelings, but it's in his best interest. Tomorrow, you'll be more composed, and he'll need your strength during his recovery."

Reluctantly, I nodded, tears still streaming down my face, the weight of the situation heavy on my shoulders.

Suddenly, the monitors in the corridor started beeping urgently, breaking the tense moment. The doctor's expression turned frantic as she hurried towards Ben's room.

Instinctively, I followed, my heart pounding in my chest. The sterile hospital corridors blurred as the urgency intensified. Bursting into the room, a gasp escaped my lips as I saw Ben lying in the bed, his face marred by scratches and bruises, a stark contrast to the man who had once treated me like a queen.

The room filled with the chaotic symphony of medical equipment, and I stood there, helpless, witnessing the fragility of life. The doctor swiftly worked to stabilize him, a flurry of activity surrounding the man I loved. I felt a surge of panic, my earlier plea for access to him now overshadowed by the raw reality of his critical condition.

As the doctor and medical staff rushed to stabilize Ben, a nurse noticed my presence and hurriedly approached. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you need to step out," she said, gently guiding me toward the door.

"No, please! I need to be with him!" I protested, my voice edged with desperation.

She tried to console me, "We're doing everything we can, but you must wait outside for now."

Resisting her efforts, I fought back tears, pleading with intensity, "Ben!! Wake up! I'm here, baby!!" The echo of my desperate cries reverberated through the sterile hospital room as the nurse persisted in ushering me out, the door closing behind me, leaving me in the echoing hallway, yearning to be by his side.

Minutes crawled by like an eternity in the desolate waiting room, each passing second weighed down by the heavy uncertainty that clung to the air. Anxiously gripping the edges of the seat, I yearned for any news on Ben's condition.

Then, finally, a nurse emerged, her expression carrying the weight of the world. "Mrs. Affleck, there's been a slight improvement. Ben is responding to the treatment, but he remains in a medically induced coma."

A surge of conflicting emotions surged within me – a fragile flicker of hope overshadowed by the haunting reality of his still unconscious state. "Can I see him? Please, I need to be with him," I pleaded, the desperation in my voice echoing through the sterile corridors.

The nurse hesitated, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Not yet. The next few hours are crucial. The medical team needs to monitor him closely. We'll update you as soon as there's any change."

Returning to the desolate waiting room, I sank into the chair, the heavy silence broken only by the rhythmic ticking of the clock. A dramatic pause, suspended between hope and despair, as I silently prayed for the man who had once treated me like a queen.

My somber thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the shrill ring of my phone. Violet's name flashed on the screen, and I hastily answered, my heart skipping a beat.

"Mom, where are you? I'm home, but the others aren't back yet," Violet's concerned voice echoed through the phone.

I took a moment to compose myself, my voice wavering. "I'm at the hospital, sweetheart. Something happened to your dad, and I need to be here with him."

There was a brief pause before Violet responded, "Is Dad okay?"

Tears welled up again as I whispered, "He's stable, but he's in a coma. I'll keep you updated, and I'll be home as soon as I can."

Violet's immediate response was filled with concern, "Mom, I'm on my way to the hospital right now."

I took a deep breath, grateful for her support, but a wave of responsibility overcame me. "Violet, sweetheart, before you come to the hospital, can you please pick up your siblings – Cy, Sera, and Max? They're at a party. Ben was supposed to bring them back, but I need you to do it. Drop them off at home with the nanny, and then come to the hospital."

Violet hesitated but understanding the gravity of the situation, she replied, "Okay, Mom. I'll make sure they get home safely, and then I'll head to the hospital."

I thanked her, reassured by the strength of family during this tumultuous time.

As the clock in the hospital waiting room stubbornly ticked past midnight, Violet finally arrived, carrying a bag with extra clothes. Her eyes met mine, registering the exhaustion and worry etched on my face.

"Mom," she said softly, handing me the bag, "I brought you some clothes. Thought you might want to freshen up a bit."

I managed a weak smile, grateful for her considerate gesture. The clock now read 1:45 AM, and I felt the weight of the night pressing down on me. Violet, though undoubtedly nervous, masked her emotions well, perhaps not wanting to add to the visible strain I carried.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I whispered, accepting the bag. Her presence brought a small comfort in the midst of chaos, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, family stood by each other.

Violet, sensing the anguish in my eyes, attempted to divert my focus. "Mom, let's talk about something else. What do you love most?" she gently asked, trying to anchor my thoughts elsewhere.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips, and I attempted to steer the conversation away, but the gravity of the situation pulled me back. "I love how your dad never gave up on me or our family. Through every storm, he stood by us, unwavering, a pillar of strength."

As the words spilled out, an emotional tidal wave crashed over me. The weight of uncertainty, the fear of losing the man who had been my rock, overwhelmed my attempts at composure. "He's always been there for us," I whispered, tears streaming down my face.

In the midst of my unraveling emotions, Violet, though trembling inside, held a remarkable strength. "Mom, we'll get through this. Dad is strong, and he won't give up," she asserted, her words a lifeline in the tempest.

But the hospital room echoed with the raw intensity of the moment, a mother's love and a daughter's resilience colliding in the dramatic narrative of a family facing an uncertain future.

To be continued...

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