Bring Me To Life

By benniferxjlover

59.9K 2.2K 838

Join Ben's quest for true love, filled with unexpected twists and the search for a modern-day Romeo and Julie... More

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Love and Understanding
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Choose me...
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This love
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Best friend
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Authors note
Cy's adventure
Breakfast fiasco
Cy's big date
Sibling rivalry
Thanksgiving part 1
Thanksgiving part 2
Rough start of the week
Time of our lives
Friends... can kiss.. ocassionaly.. right..?
The mastermind
The Ying to my Yang
The unexpected event
All I want for Christmas is you
The portrait
New Years Eve
Authors Note
The soft sting
Can't Get Enough
Jenn's Bday- La Vie En Rose
Lion King's Birthday
The chucky to my Tiffany
It Will Rain
Bring me to Life

Live For Me

239 12 5
By benniferxjlover

Jenn's POV August 8th, 2024

It was 2 AM, and sleep seemed like a distant memory. My body, usually accommodating to the demands of pregnancy, was in revolt. Each movement brought discomfort, and the pressure below my waistline was unrelenting. The damp sheets from our earlier intimacy were a forgotten detail amidst the growing unease.

"Ben... wake up," I whispered, shaking him gently.

No response.

"Benjamin!" I called out, a mix of frustration and worry creeping into my voice.

He stirred, groggy but attentive, as the bedside lamp illuminated my frazzled state.

"My back... it's killing me," I confessed, seeking comfort in his arms.

"Need a massage?" His concern was evident in his voice.

"No, just hold me," I pleaded, the pain intensifying with each passing moment.

As he drew me close, a surge of pain rippled through me, signaling what was to come.

"Babe, are you okay?" His worry cut through the darkness.

I glanced down, and the realization hit—my water had broken, and the baby was coming.

"Damn it," I muttered, the urgency setting in as Ben sprang into action, rallying our eldest to watch over the others.

"Benjamin... it hurts so much," I confessed, the weight of each contraction bearing down on me.

The drive to the hospital blurred with agony and anticipation, every bump in the road a reminder of the journey ahead. Ben's reassurances were a lifeline amidst the chaos, but the intensity of the pain was unlike anything I'd felt before.

"I can't wait," I cried out, the urgency overwhelming reason as I braced for what lay ahead.

"Jenn, we're almost there!" Ben's voice, a mix of panic and determination, filled the car.

But in the grip of labor, his words felt distant, drowned out by the primal instinct to push forward.

"Don't yell at me!" I snapped, the pain and frustration boiling over.

"I'm sorry, princess," Ben's apology was a soothing balm in the midst of chaos.

The journey to the hospital was a blur of agony and anticipation, every bump in the road sending shockwaves of pain through my body. Ben's hand, warm and reassuring, clasped mine tightly, his presence a steady comfort amidst the chaos.

"We're almost there," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

"I can't wait," I replied, my voice strained with effort as I braced myself against another contraction.

As we pulled into the hospital parking lot, a sense of relief washed over me, mingled with a tinge of apprehension for what lay ahead.

"Stay by me," I implored Ben, my voice betraying the fear that gripped my heart as he helped me out of the car.

"I'm right here, Jen," he assured me, his eyes reflecting both concern and determination.

Inside, the hospital corridors seemed endless, the scent of antiseptic mingling with the sounds of distant cries and hurried footsteps.

"Name and date of birth?" the receptionist asked, her voice gentle amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

"Jennifer Affleck, July 24th" I replied, my words punctuated by the intensity of each contraction.

A nurse led us to a room, the sterile surroundings a stark contrast to the warmth of Ben's presence beside me.

"You're doing amazing," he whispered, his voice a lifeline in the midst of uncertainty.

Hours passed like fleeting moments, the pain of labor eclipsed only by the unwavering support of my husband at my side. 1:30 PM

"I can't do this," I sobbed, the exhaustion threatening to overwhelm me.

"Yes, you can," Ben's voice, filled with love and conviction, resonated through the room.

With each push, I felt as though I was reaching the limits of my strength, yet Ben's steady encouragement spurred me on.

I screamed out in pain and gripped Ben's arm hard as I was finally able to push out our beautiful baby boy.

"Congrats! It's a boy!" The doctor said as the nurses cut the umbilical cord.

"Ben... It's a..." I said breathlessly before becoming unconscious.

As the intensity of labor peaked, a cold shiver of fear gripped me as I felt my heart rate plummet.

The machines surrounding me, with their insistent beeping, mirrored the unsettling rhythm of my slowing pulse—a haunting reminder of the fragile balance between life and the unknown.

Ben's eyes widened with alarm as he observed the monitors, his hand tightening around mine with a fervent urgency.

"Stay with me, Jen," he implored, his voice quivering with unspoken anguish.

But as the alarms blared louder, the nurses leaped into action, their faces a portrait of urgency as they ushered Ben out of the room. Their hurried movements spoke volumes, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation and the race against time.

Alone in that sterile room, vulnerability washed over me like a tidal wave. The air crackled with palpable tension as the medical team worked tirelessly to reignite the dwindling flame of life within me.

Beyond the confines of the room, Ben's anguished cries mingled with the hum of medical machinery—a symphony of desperation and hope that reverberated through the hospital corridors.

In those harrowing moments, suspended between consciousness and oblivion, I clung to awareness with every fiber of my being. Each shallow breath was a battle cry against the encroaching darkness, a fervent plea to defy the abyss that threatened to consume me whole.

And then, in a fleeting moment of lucidity, I summoned all the strength left within me to utter those words that hung heavy in the air, laden with both revelation and uncertainty.

"Ben... I love..You.." My voice trailed off, breathless and fragile, before darkness enveloped me in its embrace.

As I drifted between realms, the boundary between the world of the living and the realm beyond blurred into a dreamscape of ethereal beauty. It was amidst this surreal landscape that I found myself standing on the familiar shores of a tranquil beach, the gentle lapping of the waves a soothing melody to my senses.

There, amidst the shifting sands and the salt-tinged breeze, stood Titi Rose—a vision of serenity and love that tugged at the strings of my heart. Her presence, though ethereal, radiated warmth and familiarity, filling me with a sense of peace I hadn't known in years.

"Jenn.. Mija...," she whispered, her voice a gentle caress against the backdrop of the ocean's song. "How you've grown, how you've flourished in the tapestry of life."

Tears welled in my eyes as her words washed over me, a tide of emotion that threatened to overwhelm my senses.

"I've missed you so much, titi," I confessed, the ache of longing weighing heavy upon my soul.

Her smile, a beacon of understanding and compassion, spoke volumes of the bond that transcended the veil between worlds. "And I, you, my dear. But know this—you carry the essence of my spirit within you, a guiding light that shall illuminate your path through even the darkest of nights."

As we walked along the shoreline, the sand soft beneath our feet, Titi Rose shared stories of days gone by—moments of laughter, tears, and everything in between. Each memory was a precious gem, a testament to the depth of our connection and the love that bound us together, even in death.

But amidst the warmth of her embrace, a somber truth lingered—a truth whispered on the breath of the ocean breeze, carried upon the crest of each rolling wave.

"It's not your time, mija.. You need to go back home.. You have so much life to live. I will be here watching you," Titi murmured, her voice tinged with a sadness as ancient as the stars themselves. "There is still so much left for you to experience, so many lives left to touch with your kindness and grace."

A pang of sorrow gripped my heart at her words, the ache of separation threatening to overwhelm me.

"But I don't want to leave you, It's been 6 years without you... Theres moments where Tiana calls me asking for help because her mom used to guide her... Now I guide her...." I protested, the thought of parting from her too painful to bear.

Titi Rose's smile, though tinged with sadness, held the promise of a love that transcended the boundaries of mortality. "We are never truly apart, mija. For love, like the ocean, knows no bounds—it flows through the currents of time and space, binding us together in an eternal embrace. When you see blue jays... just know that i'm there.."

And as the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, I felt a sense of peace settle over me—a knowing that, though our time together in this realm was but a fleeting dream, the love we shared would endure for all eternity, a beacon of light in the darkness of the unknown

2:30 PM

In the dimly lit hospital room, amidst the steady rhythm of medical equipment and the soft murmur of nurses, a sense of urgency hung in the air. The nurses, their faces drawn with determination, encircled me with quiet resolve—a silent promise to fight for every breath, to wrestle me back from the precipice of darkness.

With gentle hands and steadfast determination, they worked in unison, their movements guided by years of training and a shared commitment to healing. Monitors beeped in a steady cadence, a symphony of hope amidst the quiet desperation, while the antiseptic scent of the room mingled with the warm breath of optimism.

Their voices, usually calm and soothing, now rose in a chorus of encouragement—a melody of reassurance that cut through the silence like a beacon in the night. Each word was a lifeline, whispered with unwavering faith in the possibility of redemption, in the power of human connection to defy even the most daunting of odds.

As they toiled tirelessly, their efforts fueled by a collective determination to see me through the darkness, I felt the first tentative stirrings of awareness—a fluttering of eyelids, a shallow breath that filled my lungs with newfound purpose.

Meanwhile, in the corridor outside, Ben paced frantically, his heart a drumbeat of fear and uncertainty. His hands shook with a mixture of hope and despair as he awaited news, each passing moment stretching into an eternity of agonizing suspense.

And then, like a ray of sunlight breaking through storm clouds, the doctors emerged from the shadows, their faces etched with relief and joy. With steady voices and unwavering resolve, they delivered the news—a lifeline of hope amidst the chaos.

"She's alive," they said, their words a balm to Ben's shattered nerves. "She's stable."

Tears of relief streamed down Ben's cheeks as he embraced the doctors, his gratitude overflowing like a river in flood. In that moment, the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude and awe.
As I lay there, enveloped in the gentle embrace of awakening, a sense of profound gratitude washed over me like a wave of warmth. In that moment, I realized that I had been given a precious second chance—a chance to revel in the splendor and mystery of life with a rejuvenated sense of purpose and appreciation. And then, amidst the glow of consciousness, I caught a glimpse of my Titi, her presence a beacon of comfort and reassurance. Her voice, a familiar melody, whispered words of solace and love, filling me with a profound sense of peace. Though blessed to see her once more, the realization of how long I had been unconscious sent shivers down my spine—a reminder of the fragility and unpredictability of life's journey.

Ben came into the room once the doctors allowed him to once I was more stable.

"Mr affleck, we would like to inform you that the cause for this was that we have discovered that your wife Jennifer has Tachycardia." The doctor said.

"What is that exactly?" ben said as he stood beside me holding my hand and was holding me close.

I stayed quiet as I felt at peace in his embrace.

"Tachycardia is basically when your heart decides to go into overdrive and starts beating faster than usual. For grown-ups, it's like your heart throwing a party and hitting over 100 beats per minute while you're chilling out. But here's the thing: what counts as "too fast" can vary from person to person, depending on stuff like how old you are, how healthy you are, and how much you hit the gym. Now, why does your heart decide to go into turbo mode? Well, it can be a bunch of things. Maybe you're stressed out about that big presentation at work, or your body's fighting off a fever, or you forgot to drink water and got dehydrated. Certain meds, wonky hormones, or health issues like heart problems, hyperthyroidism, or anemia can also kickstart the tachycardia party. Oh, and don't forget about those sneaky stimulants like coffee or cigarettes—they can join in on the fun too. But in Jennifer's case, her heart rate surged to the point where it felt like it threw in the towel, overwhelmed by a whirlwind of other factors like high blood pressure. Her body was basically in full-blown panic mode. However, after running some tests, we discovered that her heart is actually functioning at a level that's spot-on for her age. In fact, her heart health rivals that of a 22-year-old." The doctor said.

"So do you think it was mostly dehydration that probably caused it?" I asked.

"We're leaning towards that conclusion, especially considering your anxiety and high blood pressure," the doctor explained gently, his voice a comforting presence in the sterile hospital room. "But don't fear, we've got you hooked up to a liquid IV to boost your hydration levels. Now, while we're at it, what's the name of this little guy?"

As the nurse brought in our tiny bundle of joy, Ben and I shared a glance filled with unspoken anticipation. With matching smiles, we turned to the doctor and, almost as if reading each other's minds, we both exclaimed, "Levi Christopher Affleck."

A rush of warmth flooded my heart as the nurse carefully placed our precious baby boy into my waiting arms, his tiny fingers wrapping around mine, filling the room with a sense of love.

As the doctors and nurses quietly stepped out, leaving us to bask in the intimate moment, Ben's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, revealing the depth of his emotions. He reached for my hand, his touch gentle yet firm, grounding us in the reality of our shared experience.

"Jenn," he began, his voice quivering with vulnerability, "I need to tell you... I was scared. Terrified, actually, of losing you."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his emotions. With a deep breath, he continued, his voice wavering but filled with sincerity.

"You're everything to me, Jenn. The love of my life. The thought of losing you... I don't think I could bear it. If the nurses had told me... if I had lost you..." His voice trailed off, choked with emotion.

Tears glistened in his eyes, reflecting the dim light of the room, as he bared his soul to me. In that moment, I felt the raw intensity of his love, the fear of almost losing what mattered most. It was a reminder of our shared humanity, of the fragility of life and the strength of our bond.

With a trembling breath, Ben leaned in, resting his forehead against mine, seeking solace in our closeness. In the quiet of that sacred space, surrounded by the echoes of our shared ordeal, we found comfort in each other's embrace, knowing that together, we could weather any storm that life may bring.

Overwhelmed by his words and the depth of his love, tears welled in my eyes, and I squeezed his hand gently, conveying the depth of my gratitude and the strength of our connection. "Ben," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion, "I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere. We made it through this together, and we'll face whatever comes next as a team. I love you."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke again, his voice trembling with raw emotion. "You know, Jenn," he began, his words catching in his throat, "while I was waiting for news about you, there was this woman in the waiting room. She was talking about her niece, sharing how she had gone through this incredibly painful delivery, but somehow, miraculously, she pulled through."

A fragile smile graced his lips as he reminisced about the moment, his eyes filled with a mixture of awe and wonder. "And I couldn't help but think," he continued, his voice barely audible, "if she could muster the strength to overcome such incredible odds, then so could you. Deep down, in the depths of my heart, I just knew that you were going to pull through. And look at you now, my own little miracle."

In that vulnerable moment, as we shared our experiences and our hopes, I felt a profound sense of connection with Ben. His words were a testament to the power of love and resilience, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. And I knew that my Titi must've sent an angel to calm down Ben...

To be continued...

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