Bring Me To Life

By benniferxjlover

59.6K 2.2K 838

Join Ben's quest for true love, filled with unexpected twists and the search for a modern-day Romeo and Julie... More

Strictly business...
The Pleasure Principle
Talking Body
Fear Of Attraction
The Special date part 1
The Special date part 2
The beginning of the truth...?
The unspoken Truth...
Apologetic or unapologetic?
Ain't no mountain high...
One step ahead
One sweet day
A new milestone
Mom or stepmom...?
un bon debut a Paris
la nuit après les fiançailles partie 1
la vie est parfaite
Be my one
Count On Me
Chapel of Love
Love and Understanding
bienvenue bennifer à paris
Birthday shenanigans
Birthday special
Show day
Mystery Caller
Apology accepted...
Birthday boy pt 1
Party! Right...?
Best night ever
Killing me softly
The old Jennifer
Halloween time
Christmas part 1
Christmas part 2
Christmas day
Our first Valentines
Our first Valentines pt 2
Affleck vs Affleck
Choose your words wisely
Those eyes
Back where you belong
Change of plans
Love me to death
Boston day 4 pt 1
Boston day 4 pt 2
You live and you learn
Be alright
Lets make a movie
Last minute Gala
The after party
Kiss me more
Mother knows best
All I Ask
Play by play
Wildest Dreams
When someone loves you
Nothin' On You
Girls day out
I'm glad
Love again
The unexpected arrival
The arrival
The Great Depression
You got the best of me
Self control
On the 6
Authors note
Lets handle business...
The do over
Ay Dios Mio
Fire and Desire
Baby you're my firework
Youre my sparkle
Premiere Day- Flash
That feeling
Benvenuto in Italia
I Just Called To Say I love You
Its my party, I'll cry if I want to
Asking for forgiveness
Weeknight Burden
8.15 pt 2
Self care day
Practice makes perfect... right..?
Save me
Choose me...
Finally stress free
This love
2 steps forward, 1 step back
Finding her voice
Sera's big day
Remember me?
Emotional Fire
Best friend
Someone New
The move
Georgia market fun
Forgiving the Unforgivable: A Fresh Apology and a Fresh Conflict
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner
Authors note
Cy's adventure
Breakfast fiasco
Cy's big date
Sibling rivalry
Thanksgiving part 1
Thanksgiving part 2
Rough start of the week
Friends... can kiss.. ocassionaly.. right..?
The mastermind
The Ying to my Yang
The unexpected event
All I want for Christmas is you
The portrait
New Years Eve
Authors Note
The soft sting
Can't Get Enough
Jenn's Bday- La Vie En Rose
Live For Me
Lion King's Birthday
The chucky to my Tiffany
It Will Rain
Bring me to Life

Time of our lives

217 12 3
By benniferxjlover

Jenn's pov

The next morning, I awoke at around 5:30 to the sound of Raelynn whimpering in her sleep. Glancing at her crib, she wasn't there. Instead, I turned to see Ben holding her, feeding her a bottle of milk while sitting on a chair. A sigh of relief escaped me, and I approached Ben, gently touching his arm.

"I'm sorry for yesterday," I said softly, but Ben remained silent. "Ben... I apologize. I overreacted."

"There's no need to apologize. Your words came from insecurities. Instead, you should apologize to yourself for yelling about how you feel when another woman is around me," he said in a soft but stern tone. "I don't know what kind of example you're setting for Juni, but I'm sure she understood everything. Kids are smarter than you think," he added, then fell silent.

I was appalled by everything he just said. "Your suggestion to apologize to myself dismisses my emotions and belittles my concerns. The comment about Juni feels condescending, as if you think I lack awareness. I may not be the perfect mother, but I know I don't lack awareness, it's you. You're the one who can't tell when a woman is hitting on you and you don't do anything to stop it. So in other words, go fuck yourself before you come after me "lacking awareness." I snapped at him and grabbed my silk robe then went downstairs to make myself some tea.

I sighed and checked my phone to see today's schedule - no meetings or conferences booked. Smirking softly, an idea formed. After having my tea, I washed the dishes from last night and began making breakfast for the kids – breakfast burritos with eggs, bacon, Cajun-style potato grits, and topped with cheese.

An hour later, I finished just in time as the kids came downstairs. Ben had Juni and Raelynn in his arms, setting them up for breakfast. I noticed the absence of Ben's usual morning kiss, and so did Sera, Cy, and Violet. Sam and Max were too busy eating to notice. Feeling their eyes on me, I looked up and caught Sera and Cy whispering to each other.

"What are you kiddos talking about?" I asked with a smile.

"Nothing," Sera replied, smiling. Violet glanced between them and me, sensing there was more to the story.

As we all had breakfast, I quickly went upstairs to get ready to drop off the kids with Ben.

I came downstairs in this outfit, rocking my quick 30-minute makeup and hair routine. Ben looked surprised.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm your new employee," I teased.

"Going to work like that?" he said.

"Dressed like what? Professionally? Office style? Fill in the blank, Ben. I dare you," I grinned.

"I, uh, don't know what to say," he admitted, checking me out.

In the car ride to drop off the kids, Ben reached for my hand, trying to connect despite our earlier tension. I hesitated but eventually let him hold it, feeling the warmth. At red lights, he stole glances, maybe hoping for a positive reaction. Despite our unresolved issues, Ben made small gestures like adjusting the radio or sharing a smile, a quiet effort to bridge the gap between us.

As we navigated the city traffic after dropping off the kids, Ben tried to initiate a conversation, sensing the tension in the air. He began awkwardly, fumbling with words as he struggled to express what was on his mind.

"I... look, about this morning," he started, his gaze fixed on the road. "I didn't mean to come off so harsh."

I remained silent, my expression giving away little.

He sighed, glancing over at me. "I know I can be a jerk sometimes. I'm sorry if what I said hurt you."
Desperate for my attention, he continued, "Can we talk about it, please? I hate feeling like there's this distance between us."

I remained silent.. again.

Upon arriving at his workplace, I got the girls out of their car seats and settled them in the double-seated stroller, securing Raelynn, who had fallen back asleep. As I pushed the stroller walking beside Ben, he placed his hand on my lower back, and it slid down to grip my as. I shot him a disapproving look, and he slapped my ass before quickly pulling his hand away. The tension between us escalated, adding an uncomfortable layer to our already strained dynamic.

He opened the door for me and led me to his office.

As soon as I sat down across from him at his desk, Lisa Marie walked in with an iced cold coffee from Dunkin and a dozen glazed munchkins.

"Good morning Mrs Affleck." She said sweetly to me then looked at Ben. "Morning, Ben. Your usual Tuesday Dunkin. Don't expect more favors; I've got a lot on my plate," Lisa Marie said, her tone carrying a hint of flirtation despite her busy schedule and apparent dislike for Ben.

I glanced at her dress as she was talking to Ben.

I looked at her up and down slowly and noticed she had perfect skin, a smaller waist than me and definitely had natural assets... I looked at Ben as he was sipping his iced coffee she gave him and noticed how he interacted with her. He didn't bother looking at her chest or anything else of hers.

"Whatever, Marie. Remember, I'm the boss here, and you work for me," Ben said as he rolled his eyes playfully. His words held a playful undertone, unintentionally flirting with Lisa, who subtly responded with a teasing smile.

Lisa left the office with the finished and final draft Ben edited yesterday.

I looked at him and was displeased with the way he responded. He got up from his table and walked over to me. He placed his hands on either side of my chair and was looking down at me.

"God you're so beautiful... and you smell so good.." He whispered to me and was about to kiss me but Lisa walked in and was shocked to see us even though she just saw us.

"Um sorry to bother you but Mr Tyler would like to have a meeting with you." Lisa said.

"Okay. Now out. My wife is more important at the moment." Ben said as he glanced at her then looked at me.

Lisa was just about to continue speaking but Ben got more frustrated.

"out!" Ben snapped and she walked out of the room, closing the door behind.

Him being mean to her was a turn on. I smirked softly as he lifted my leg up a bit and caressed it softly before kissing me soft and deep. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. This kiss was different and more meaningful.

"If I could fuck you on my desk, I would. But we have the girls and anybody can walk into my office..." Ben whispered in my ear, his gentle touch tracing the curves of my sides. With a subtle nod, I reveled in the pleasure of his attention he was giving me. As he pulled away, he handed me the bag of munchkins with a mischievous grin, stealing one for himself before leaving.

While Ben was gone, maybe 20 minutes went by and George Clooney walked into the room, instantly captivated by the allure of my hair. "Jennifer Lynn?" he exclaimed with excitement as I turned to face him, genuinely surprised by his unexpected presence.

"Hi, honey!" I greeted him with a radiant smile, placing the donuts down before moving to embrace him. His hug was warm like I remembered and his cologne... smelled so good per usual.. I could get lost in his scent.

"It's been forever! You look as beautiful as always. I think the last time I saw you was in 2015 with Beau," George reminisced, his eyes admiring my beauty.

"Aw, thank you! You're too kind. And you, even more handsome," I replied with a charming smile as he slowly pulled away.

"Tell me, what brings you here?" he asked, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"I came to work with my husband, but he's stuck in a meeting," I explained, maintaining the flirtatious undertone.

"Ah, I see," George nodded, then turned his attention to Juni, catching her eye. "Hi, gorgeous. You look just like your mommy," he complimented, kneeling beside the stroller. Juni, in her innocence, offered him a fruit loop.

"Thank you, you're so sweet," George chuckled softly, taking the treat. I giggled softly, enchanted by the interaction.

"Her name is Juniper," I proudly introduced, watching George stand up and smile at me.

"Ahh, the name Elaine gave you," he noted, his eyes locking onto mine. "Juniper," he said with a wink, leaving a playful spark in the air.

"Mhm," I nodded and smiled.

I could sense we were both reminiscing about it—the days of filming Angel Eyes when we'd be having sex almost daily in my trailer after filing. George was undeniably one of my most unforgettable costars.

He shot me that familiar look, but our silent exchange was abruptly interrupted as Ben walked into the room, breaking our gaze. I turned to face him, and he kissed my forehead with a smile.

"George, it's a pleasure to see you. Thank you for meeting me here. I apologize if I made you wait long," Ben greeted, shaking George's hand.

"Oh, no problem at all. I just got here. Jennifer was keeping me company. We were just talking about how amazing it is that you guys moved here. I swear everything is better on the east coast," George chuckled, and Ben nodded in agreement.

Concerned that I might be intruding, I hesitated. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked Ben.

"No, no, stay. I don't mind you being here. We're just going to discuss some business about the script, and he's going to read some lines," Ben reassured me, offering a warm smile. He handed me his iced coffee, and I took a sip, settling in as the conversation shifted to the upcoming project.

Ben leaned back, a contemplative look on his face. "George, I've been thinking a lot about this new project, and I can't imagine anyone else playing the lead role. You're the perfect fit for the character."

George raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Well, I appreciate the compliment, Ben. But what's the story? Why this movie, and why me?"

Ben took a moment, choosing his words carefully. "This movie is different—it's not just another script. It's got depth, emotion, and a storyline that I believe will resonate with people. It's about love, loss, and redemption. I see you bringing a unique charm and authenticity to the character that will elevate the entire film."

George nodded, absorbing Ben's words. "I'm intrigued. But there must be more to it. What's driving you to have me on board so passionately?"

A genuine smile crossed Ben's face. "Look, George, we've worked together before. I know what you bring to the table. Your presence, your charisma, it's magnetic. This character needs that magnetic touch, and I can't think of anyone better than you. Plus, I want to recreate the magic you and Jenn had on Angel Eyes. This movie has the potential to be something special, and I want you to be a part of it."

George leaned in, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're not just saying this to butter me up, are you?"

Ben chuckled. "No flattery, George. I mean every word. I believe in this project, and I believe in you. Together, we can create something unforgettable."

George's smirk turned into a grin. "Alright, you've got me intrigued. Let's dive into the details. I'm in."

Ben nodded and signaled Lisa Marie to come in. She handed them the contract then quickly left.

I watched Ben work, which was a huge turn on.. or maybe being in the presence of George was..

To be continued...

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