Bring Me To Life

By benniferxjlover

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Join Ben's quest for true love, filled with unexpected twists and the search for a modern-day Romeo and Julie... More

Strictly business...
The Pleasure Principle
Talking Body
Fear Of Attraction
The Special date part 1
The Special date part 2
The beginning of the truth...?
The unspoken Truth...
Apologetic or unapologetic?
Ain't no mountain high...
One step ahead
One sweet day
A new milestone
Mom or stepmom...?
un bon debut a Paris
la nuit après les fiançailles partie 1
la vie est parfaite
Be my one
Count On Me
Chapel of Love
Love and Understanding
bienvenue bennifer à paris
Birthday shenanigans
Birthday special
Show day
Mystery Caller
Apology accepted...
Birthday boy pt 1
Party! Right...?
Best night ever
Killing me softly
The old Jennifer
Halloween time
Christmas part 1
Christmas part 2
Christmas day
Our first Valentines
Our first Valentines pt 2
Affleck vs Affleck
Choose your words wisely
Those eyes
Back where you belong
Change of plans
Love me to death
Boston day 4 pt 1
Boston day 4 pt 2
You live and you learn
Be alright
Lets make a movie
Last minute Gala
The after party
Kiss me more
Mother knows best
All I Ask
Play by play
Wildest Dreams
When someone loves you
Nothin' On You
Girls day out
I'm glad
Love again
The unexpected arrival
The arrival
The Great Depression
You got the best of me
Self control
On the 6
Authors note
Lets handle business...
The do over
Ay Dios Mio
Fire and Desire
Baby you're my firework
Youre my sparkle
Premiere Day- Flash
That feeling
Benvenuto in Italia
I Just Called To Say I love You
Its my party, I'll cry if I want to
Asking for forgiveness
Weeknight Burden
8.15 pt 2
Self care day
Practice makes perfect... right..?
Save me
Choose me...
Finally stress free
This love
2 steps forward, 1 step back
Finding her voice
Sera's big day
Remember me?
Emotional Fire
Best friend
Someone New
The move
Georgia market fun
Forgiving the Unforgivable: A Fresh Apology and a Fresh Conflict
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner
Authors note
Cy's adventure
Breakfast fiasco
Cy's big date
Sibling rivalry
Thanksgiving part 1
Rough start of the week
Time of our lives
Friends... can kiss.. ocassionaly.. right..?
The mastermind
The Ying to my Yang
The unexpected event
All I want for Christmas is you
The portrait
New Years Eve
Authors Note
The soft sting
Can't Get Enough
Jenn's Bday- La Vie En Rose
Live For Me
Lion King's Birthday
The chucky to my Tiffany
It Will Rain
Bring me to Life

Thanksgiving part 2

304 11 3
By benniferxjlover

Ben's pov

As I woke from bed, I noticed Jenn's absence. Curiosity led me downstairs, where I found our moms engaged in a delightful coffee chat. Joining them, I warmly greeted both my mom and mother-in-law.

"Hi, baby. The house looks absolutely gorgeous. I'm thrilled you're closer to us now," my mom beamed as I settled beside Jenn.

"Thank you. Actually, it was Jenn who handled all the interior designing," I proudly shared, wrapping my arm around her waist and planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Jenn responded by resting her hand on my thigh, leaning comfortably against me as the conversation flowed between our moms.

My mom was holding Raelynn, while Juni peacefully dozed off beside the couch in her playpen, cuddling her bottle of milk.

Gazing at Jenn, I marveled at her beauty, captivated by the way she spoke, laughed, and the nuances of her smile. Each subtle detail deepened my love for her. As they continued talking, I softly rubbed her side.

After a few minutes, my mom carefully placed Raelynn in her playpen for tummy time. Lupe and my mom ventured into the kitchen for more Dunkin munchkins, leaving Jenn and me alone in the living room. Surveying the room, I turned my attention to Jenn, showering her neck with soft kisses.

"Good morning, beautiful... you smell so good," I whispered to Jenn. Blushing, she enjoyed the tender kisses.

"Good morning... daddy," Jenn murmured, kissing me and playfully biting my lip. Her teasing escalated as she traced my inner thigh, outlining my bulge and gripping it through my pants.

Trying to suppress a groan, I covered my arousal with a pillow. Jenn giggled, kissing me deeply, and I reciprocated by gripping her ass firmly.

"No, you don't," she whispered, wiping off lip gloss from my lips and ensuring there was none on my chin.

Taking her coffee, I sipped it, surprised to discover a mix of coffee and tequila. "Coffee and tequila?" I whispered.

"Yeah, today is going to be a long day. Might as well have some fun," she winked, reclaiming her coffee. Our moms returned, engaging in conversation and laughter.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, catching us off guard since we hadn't invited anyone. Jenn answered, revealing her dad with her stepmom Lydia and half-sister Valentina. Jenn greeted them, letting them in, and I couldn't help but notice Lupe's smile fading. The unexpected arrival added a layer of tension to the dramatic morning.

"Hi, mami. We miss you so much and wanted to stop by to say hi before heading over to my titi Janette's house," Lydia greeted, offering a smile as she hugged Jenn.

Jenn reciprocated, smiling warmly. "Hi, of course, come on in," she welcomed, ushering them inside.

I was genuinely surprised by their unexpected visit. It had been a while since I last saw her dad, and meeting her stepmom for the first time added an unexpected twist.

Rising to my feet, I extended a greeting, "Pops, cómo estás?" I smiled, embracing David. He hugged me back, patting my back warmly.

"Very good, mijo. We wanted to see you, and I wanted my wife and daughter to meet the two little cuties," David expressed, smiling as he directed his attention to Raelynn and Juniper.

Despite the underlying tension between Lupe and Lydia, the facade of pleasantries remained intact for the sake of the moment.

""Lydia... it's good to see you," Lupe forced a smile.

"Good to see you too, Lupita," Lydia reciprocated with a feigned smile.

Lupe introduced my mom to Lydia, and an air of tension enveloped their conversation. Valentina, shedding her coat, revealed a figure as curvy and beautiful as Jennifer. Sensing the tension, I exchanged a glance with Jenn, who smiled in response.

"I'll take your coat," I warmly offered to Valentina, carefully helping her remove it.

"Thank you, Benito, you're so sweet," Valentina said, casting a flirtatious charm. Jenn's immediate reaction was palpable; her discomfort was evident.

"I go by Ben, and of course, no problem," I replied, placing Valentina's coat in the closet.

"Papi, can I see you in the kitchen? I need your help with some stuff," Jenn interjected, her irritation thinly veiled. I followed her, sensing her annoyance.

"Don't you dare get close to her. She's like her mother and is a huge flirt. You got it? You're mine," Jenn whispered angrily, glaring at me. "Only I can call you Benito," she growled.

"Babe, you don't have to worry about her. You're my wife and my trophy I get to show off," I assured, pulling her close and rubbing her sides to calm her down.

"Don't let me down, Ben. I mean it. Take care of my mom as if she was your mom. Don't let Lydia make passive-aggressive remarks. Defend my mom when I'm not there. Got it?" she demanded, and I nodded.

While the reasons behind the hatred for her stepmom and half-sister remained unclear, I adhered to Jenn's directives, navigating the drama that unfolded within the family.

As I observed the family interacting, the atmosphere seemed charged with unspoken tension. The kids, just waking up, eagerly went downstairs and were thrilled to find their grandparents reunited in one room. They greeted David and Lupe first before acknowledging Lydia and her daughter Valentina.

"Even the kids know better," I whispered to Jenn, who nodded in agreement.

Violet, quick to pick up on the dynamics, remained kind to everyone but opted to stay close to my mom and Lupe.

"So tell me about this love story of yours. How exactly did you guys meet, and why Jennifer?" Lydia asked, a soft smirk playing on her lips as she scrutinized me.

"Well, I met my beautiful wife on set, and something about her just drew me in. Yes, her looks are attractive, but it's her personality, the way she carries herself, her charisma, and how she gets things done – excuse my words, David and Lupe – but it was a genuine turn-on," I chuckled, casting an affectionate look at blushing Jenn.

"But her having kids didn't throw you off? You don't want a woman with no kids?" Lydia probed, with Valentina eyeing me up and down, analyzing my response.

"Lydia," David interjected with a warning tone.

"No, no, it's okay, David. Jennifer and I understand each other very well because we both have kids. When you have kids of your own, you want to find someone who understands what it takes to work and provide for them. I chose Jennifer because she's amazing with my kids, and I love her kids just as much as if they were my own," I explained, smiling as I pulled Cy into my lap and kissed their head. Despite their strong dislike for Lydia, Cy remained polite.

"I don't mean to be rude; it's just a simple question. But why did you choose my grandpa? Didn't you want someone without kids?" Violet chimed in, her tone smart and sassy.

"Well, David chose me actually. But yes, it would've been nice. However, you can't help it when you meet someone with an amazing personality and charm like him," Lydia responded, flashing a smile at David. Glancing at Jenn, I rubbed her knee softly, silently reassuring her to stay calm amidst the brewing drama.

""Mhm... well, it was nice chit-chatting with you all. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving," Lydia responded, subtly signaling to David that it was time to leave as she rubbed his thigh.

"It was very nice having you here, and thank you for stopping by," Violet replied courteously.

"Next time, Grandpa, we would love for you to come over and have dinner with us... just yourself," Violet whispered to David. He nodded, offering an apology, while Jenn and Lupe bid farewell to Lydia and Valentina. Sera handed them their jackets.

As Cy got off my lap, an unintentional spill of grape juice stained Lydia's white cashmere top.

"Oh, my apologies, Lydia. But I hope to see you soon," Cy warmly smiled, giving her a tight hug, ensuring the grape juice soaked into Lydia's top. She pulled away, attempting not to show her frustration.

"Thank you..." Lydia fake smiled and left with David and Valentina.

"Bitch," Lupe muttered as the door closed.

"How dare he invite that tramp into your home, and their tramp offspring," Lupe snapped. Jenn and I rushed over to calm her down.

"Relax, Cy and Violet took care of it. Cy spilled grape juice on her cashmere top," I chuckled.

"Oh, good. That wasn't nice, but I'm glad they took care of her for me," Lupe responded with a sense of satisfaction.

"Anyways, it's cooking time! Forget Lydia and Valentina. They can both go to hell. Let's cook and boogie!" My mom declared, swiftly putting on some lively disco music. Knowing how to uplift Lupe's spirits, she pulled her into the kitchen, and the two began dancing. I couldn't help but laugh and joined the impromptu dance party, following my mom's lead. Jenn, initially watching with a playful shake of her head, eventually succumbed to the infectious energy and joined us.

As we moved to the beat, the kitchen became a lively scene of cultural fusion. Lupe, embracing her Puerto Rican roots, skillfully prepared traditional dishes, infusing the air with the rich aromas of sofrito and adobo. Meanwhile, my mom, representing our Boston upbringing, whipped up favorites like clam chowder and lobster rolls. Jenn and I both were prepping the turkey and we went outside to go fry it.

Jenn wielded her phone, ready to capture the frying spectacle as I prepared to plunge the turkey into the sizzling oil. With a metal-wired hook in hand, I slowly lowered the bird.

"Okay, guys, my husband and I are making fried turkey. Here's my Benito. Say hi, papi," Jenn grinned, focusing the camera on me.

"Hi, guys!" I waved at the lens, then swiftly turned my attention back to the turkey, dropping it into the bubbling oil and promptly stepping away.

"So, we're gonna let it cook for about an hour, and then we'll check on it. Meanwhile, Jenn will be gobbling something while we wait," I smirked at the camera.

"Ben!!! Don't be gross!" Jenn teased, though the amused twinkle in her eyes.

""Anyways, follow me," I signaled for Jenn to join me, leading her into the kitchen. Stepping aside, I revealed my mom, Lupe, and the kids. "This is my wonderful mother-in-law, Lupe, who you guys love, and this is my momma, Chris. Between these two, they both fight for the spotlight," I teased, and both Lupe and Chris shook their heads playfully, saying hi to the camera. Taking the phone from Jenn, I playfully smacked her ass as she walked away to stand between my mom and her mom.

"So, guys, my mommy is making Puerto Rican dishes, well, my favorite – her arroz con pollo and pasteles for after dinner. And my other momma is making food that my husband, my brother-in-law, and she grew up eating in Boston. Momma Chris, tell them your specialties," Jenn smiled, turning the camera to my mom.

"I'm making clam chowder and some lobster rolls. It's very Boston of me to make these, but my little Benny and Casey always beg for me to make this every Thanksgiving," Chris smiled at the camera, and I turned the camera to me.

"My motha makes the best clam chowda' and lobsta rolls. Nothin' can top my motha's cooking," I said, my Boston accent making an appearance without me realizing.

"I'm excited," Jenn squealed. I turned the camera back to her, and she waved at it. "Alright, guys. This is us while cooking. I hope you guys have a happy Thanksgiving, and stay tuned for a little Thanksgiving giveaway!" Jenn smiled, blowing a kiss to the camera. I ended the video, then went up to Jenn.

"I'm gonna go edit the video; I'll have Raelynn and Juni with me, so don't worry about them. They're pretty good when they're with me. Call me if you need anything, okay?" I reassured her, holding her close and placing soft kisses all over her face.

"Okay honey. Thank you for your help. I love you lots." Jenn smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and rubbed her sides softly.

"I love you more and you're welcome, beautiful." I smiled at her as I looked into her gorgeous almond brown eyes before leaving with the girls to my office.

I settled down with both girls in my lap, Juni displaying her newfound ability to sit independently, showcasing her independent spirit. Raelynn, being the younger one, nestled against my chest with my arm securing her. The girls observed intently as I worked on editing the video.

"Mmm-mmm-ma-ma... mama," Juni uttered, her first-ever word. I immediately shifted my attention to her.

"What did you say, baby girl?" I asked excitedly.

"Mmmm-ma," she smiled, continuing to make adorable sounds.

"Jennifer!" I called out, and Jenn hurriedly joined me in the office, a mix of caution and nervousness on her face.

"What, what???" she asked anxiously.

"Mama!" Juni announced, beaming at Jenn.

"Oh my god!! Honey!!! Yes!! It's me! Mama!" Jenn squealed with excitement.

"Mama," Juni repeated, opening her arms toward Jenn, reaching for her.

Jenn, teary-eyed and thrilled, gingerly picked her up.

"Yes, princess. I'm mama," she smiled, tears streaming down her face. I grinned, witnessing this heartwarming scene unfold.

"Mmmmm... mmmm... mama..." Juni continued, sounding out the word.

"Oh my god, Ben, this is amazing! She knows my name!!" Jenn exclaimed with a wide smile.

"I know, baby," I chuckled, capturing the precious moment on video.

"So amazing.. Wow.." Jenn responded and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back and set my phone down. "Hmm.. Te amo mucho... Thank you for giving me two beautiful babies, papi." Jenn added, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"I love you more, baby girl. I cherish our blessings." I whispered and smiled at her.

"Maybe one more?" She teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

"One more kiss? Yeah." I smiled and kissed her.

"One more baby?" Jenn bit her lip softly, a thoughtful expression on her face.

I paused, considering her words. "Mama.. I'm 48 now.. You're barely 43.. I think about the joy our children bring us every day," I said softly, looking into her eyes. 

"Imagine the love, laughter, and beautiful moments one more baby could add to our lives. It's another chance to create a unique bond, a new chapter in our family story." Jenn whispered as her eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and contemplation. 

Jenn's face glowed with anticipation as she looked at me, awaiting my response to her heartfelt suggestion.

I sighed, my gaze tender as I considered her words. "Jenn, you know I love our family, and each child we have is a blessing. The love, laughter, and beautiful moments they bring into our lives are immeasurable. But, baby, we need to think about the practicalities. We're both getting older, and the demands of raising another child, the sleepless nights, the constant attention – it's a lot. Our careers are in full swing, and our time is valuable. Adding a new member to our family means spreading ourselves even thinner."

Jenn's excitement waned as she listened, and a touch of disappointment crossed her features. "I understand, Ben, but think about the joy they bring. Another baby means more love, more joy, and an even fuller house. It's an investment in our family's future happiness."

I took her hands in mine, trying to convey my feelings with sincerity. "Jenn, I get it. I really do. The joy is undeniable, but we already have two beautiful, vibrant babies.. Two under two years old... Our family is complete, and we've built something incredible together. It's not about the lack of love or desire for more children; it's about ensuring we can provide the best for the ones we have. Quality over quantity, my love."

She nodded, understanding the practical side of my argument, but her eyes still held a glimmer of longing. "I just thought it would be amazing, you know? Another little person to share our lives with."

I smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "It would be amazing, but what we have is amazing too. Our family is perfect just the way it is, and I want to make sure we can continue giving all our love and attention to the incredible children we already have."

Jenn sighed, her disappointment transforming into acceptance. "You always make sense, Ben. Maybe our family is complete, and I should cherish what we have."

I set Juni and Raelyn in their cot beside my desk then turned to hug Jenn tightly, reassuring her with my embrace. "Exactly, my love. Our family is complete, and it's a beautiful, vibrant masterpiece. Let's continue to focus on nurturing the incredible bonds we already share."

"Okay," Jenn whispered as she gazed at Raelynn, who was kicking her legs softly and making adorable baby noises. Juni sat up, her curious eyes darting between her mother and I.

I noticed the hint of sadness in Jenn's eyes and rubbed her back gently, silently acknowledging the conversation we had. Our focus shifted to the girls, and we decided to take them downstairs to join the family.

In the kitchen, Chris and Lupe, were engaged in a conversation with Jennifer.

As I settled in, working on my laptop, Jenn sat down with our moms, an air of uncertainty around her.

Jenn hesitated before broaching the subject. "You know, Ben and I were talking, and I was thinking about having another baby. But he's not too keen on the idea."

My mom and Lupe exchanged a look, understanding the complexity of the situation. Chris, holding Raelynn, chimed in, "Well.. Jenn having a newborn is a lot of work, and you're just getting into the swing of things with Raelynn."

Lupe nodded in agreement, adding, "It's important to consider the dynamics of your family and your own well-being. Ben's viewpoint might be rooted in ensuring the best for all of you."

Jenn sighed "I just thought it would be wonderful for Juni and Raelynn to have another sibling close in age."

My mom, offered her perspective. "Sweetheart, it's natural to want the best for your children. But sometimes, the best means giving them the attention and love they need without spreading yourselves too thin. Raelynn is still so young, and you both are doing an amazing job."

Jenn nodded, absorbing the wisdom from the women around her, "Look, Raelynn is only four months old, and she needs all your love and attention right now. It's not about not wanting more children; it's about prioritizing what's best for your family in this moment."

The doorbell rang. Jenn, eager for a change of topic, went to open the door. To her surprise and delight, Leslie and Lynda stood on the doorstep with their families.

"Hey, sis!" Leslie grinned, hugging Jenn tightly. Lynda joined in, and the room filled with laughter and joy as the sisters, along with their families, reunited under one roof. The unexpected arrival of Leslie and Lynda brought a welcome distraction from the earlier conversation, and the family gathered to enjoy the precious moments of togetherness.

The atmosphere was buzzing with the anticipation of catching up.

As the sisters settled in, Jenn broached a more serious topic. "You won't believe what happened. Dad actually brought his wife to the house. But they were here for no more than 20 minutes."

Lynda and Leslie exchanged shocked glances. "What? When did that happen?" Leslie asked, her eyes widening.

Jenn sighed, recounting the awkward encounter. "Literally today. It was so unexpected. I didn't even know he was in town, let alone that he would show up at our doorstep with his hoe wife. and their offspring. Valentina."

Lynda shook her head in disbelief. "That's just like Dad, always unpredictable. What did you say to him?"

Jenn shrugged, a mix of frustration and resignation on her face. "Not much. It caught me off guard. We exchanged pleasantries, but it was uncomfortable, even the kids were uncomfortable. I can't believe he just brought her to the house like that."

Leslie chimed in, "Well, you know Dad. He never thinks about the consequences of his actions. How did Mom handle it?"

Jenn sighed again. "She was upset, understandably. It's like he still doesn't realize the impact his choices have on the family."

Lynda, sensing the heaviness in the room, decided to shift the mood. "Hey, let's lighten things up a bit. Guess what, everyone? I just got a scriptwriting job for Warner Bros Studios!"

The room erupted in cheers and applause. Lynda beamed with excitement, continuing, "And the best part is, it's a remote job! I can do it from the comfort of my own home."

Jenn's eyes sparkled with admiration, and the news brought a burst of positivity to the gathering. "That's amazing, Lynda! Congratulations!"

Leslie's eyes widened with excitement. "Lynda, that's incredible! Congratulations!"

Lynda beamed with pride. "Thank you! And the best part is, it's a remote job. I can work on scripts from the comfort of my own home."

Leslie, an avid fan of storytelling, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Scriptwriting for Warner Bros? That's like a dream job! The power of creating stories that resonate with people, taking them on emotional journeys—there's something truly magical about it."

Jenn, her earlier concerns momentarily forgotten, joined in the excitement. "Leslie's right. The impact of a well-written script is immense. Lynda, you're going to bring so much magic to those stories."

Lynda laughed, grateful for the support. "Thanks, guys! I'm excited to dive into this new adventure." 

"You know, if you ever need some tips, Ben can help you out. He is an amazing writer, and since he is also a director, he can give you insights into how directors choose screenwriters," Jenn said, a mischievous glint in her eye as she gave me a playful nudge. "I might be biased, but he's got quite the talent for storytelling. Maybe it runs in the family." 

I took off my headphones and looked at them. "What runs in the family?" I asked, smiling at Jenn. She couldn't contain her excitement and quickly shared the news.

"Oh my god! That's amazing! Screenwriting is fantastic, and the way you can create memorable movies is incredible. This is just the beginning of your journey in the movie industry. Maybe sooner or later, a director will give you a chance to co-direct a movie or show," I said, smiling warmly, proud of Lynda's achievement and envisioning the exciting possibilities that lay ahead.

Lynda's recent success as a scriptwriter inspired me to reminisce about a significant moment from the past.

"Lynda, your journey into the world of scriptwriting takes me back to a pivotal moment in my own career," I began, a nostalgic smile playing on my lips.

"Back in the day, when I moved out of the apartment that I living in with Mattand Casey, still figuring out my place in the film industry after multiple auditions, small roles in movies... One day I got a call that changed everything. It was Steven Spielberg. I had submitted some of my work to him, not really expecting much. To my surprise, he loved what he saw and gave me a chance to direct a project he was working on."

Lynda's eyes widened with curiosity and excitement. "Steven Spielberg? That's incredible, Ben! What was it like? I mean I have met him because of Jenn but what was it like working with him?"

I leaned back, lost in the memories of that transformative period. "It was surreal. I was just a semi young filmmaker with big dreams, and here was this legendary director, offering me an opportunity to prove myself. The project was challenging, but it was my big break in directing."

I could see the spark of inspiration in Lynda's eyes. "I learned so much during that time. Steven guided me, sharing his wisdom and experience. It was more than a professional opportunity; it was a mentorship that shaped my approach to filmmaking. And that chance, that leap of faith he took on me, set the course for my career like when I directed multiple movies for my friends."

Lynda leaned forward, captivated by the story. "That's amazing, Ben. It's like a dream come true."

I nodded, grateful for the journey that led me to where I am today. "It was a turning point, a steppingstone that propelled me forward. So, when I see you embarking on your own exciting journey in scriptwriting, it brings back those memories. You never know where one opportunity might lead you, and I'm excited to see where your talent takes you, just as Steven did for me all those years ago."

With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Lupe wiped her hands on her apron and came out of the kitchen with my mom. Lupe then called out to the family scattered around the living room. "Alright, everyone! The feast is ready! Come and get it!"

Her announcement was met with a chorus of excitement, and the clatter of footsteps echoed as we eagerly made our way to the dining room. The anticipation in the air was palpable as we all knew that Lupe's cooking and my mom's cooking were a treat not to be missed.

As we gathered around the dining table and sat down, the spread before us was a sight to behold. Steaming dishes of comfort food, a mixture of Puerto Rican food and some food my mom made. 

"Come on, grab a plate and help yourselves! There's plenty for everyone," My mom exclaimed, motioning to the array of dishes.

We got our food and were asking each other to pass trays of food around. Once we served ourselves, my mom looked at all of us. 

"Who would like to say Grace?" She asked. 

"Me." I smiled and looked at everyone who have me their full attention. "In a moment of reflection, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible blessings that fill my life – my beautiful wife and our precious children. Each day with them is a chapter of joy, laughter, and unwavering support. As I think about the unique personalities and shared moments that define our family, my heart swells with appreciation. From the early morning giggles to the bedtime stories, every experience is a reminder of the love that binds us together. Through the ups and downs, my wife's unwavering strength and the genuine laughter of our children make life's journey truly extraordinary. In their smiles and tender embraces, I discover the true meaning of happiness and the profound joy that family brings. I am profoundly grateful for the love that surrounds me, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories..." I paused and looked at Jennifer. "This is specifivally for my wife... My rock.. My everything... Jennifer, Thank you for the way you wrap your arms around me, your gentle kisses that make my heart flutter. Thank you for standing by my side and supporting me in everything I do. Your thoughtfulness never goes unnoticed and your advice is always valuable to me. Your voice of reason keeps me grounded and your patience with me is a true testament to your love. I feel so protected and safe in your presence. Your love is like no other, so pure and genuine. Your kind heart never fails to make me feel loved and cherished. Thank you for always lending me your ear and for your endless acts of kindness. You have a special talent for creating the most beautiful memories that I will treasure forever. Your strength inspires me and your caring nature warms my soul. Your loyalty is unmatched and your laughter and smile bring so much joy into my life. Your reassuring voice and words of encouragement always give me the strength to keep going. But above all, thank you for simply being you. You are truly one of a kind and I am grateful to have you in my life." I said to her and kissed her. She kissed back and was in tears and very emotional. 

Thank you.." She said softly as tears streamed down her face. "My husband Ben is not only my partner but also an amazing father to our special children. Every time he spends with them shows his love, patience, and unwavering commitment. As an extraordinary dad, he goes above and beyond, making us feel loved and happy. Ben's enthusiasm about being a father truly makes our family unique, from helping with their schoolwork to telling them bedtime stories and planning exciting trips. His deep understanding of our children creates a home where they feel safe, understood, and appreciated. Ben is like a co-pilot in our journey of parenting, navigating the ups and downs with kindness and strength. His love is a guiding force, and I am extremely grateful for the joy and love he brings to our family. I am also grateful for our unique children - Sera, Max, Cy, Raelynn, Juniper, Violet, and Samuel." Jenn paused as she wiped her tears but more tears kept coming out. She continued speaking, "Their laughter and individual personalities bring richness to our family, teaching me the deep meaning of unconditional love. Each child is a precious part of our story, and I am blessed to walk through life with these amazing souls, I call my children. Furthermore, I am deeply grateful for the amazing women who have influenced my life. My sisters, Leslie and Lynda, have always brought me joy and wisdom. Their strengths and perspectives have made my journey better, and I am thankful for their constant support. My mother, Lupe, is a symbol of love and strength, providing comfort and guidance. Chris, my mother-in-law, has seamlessly become a part of our family, showing endless love and understanding. Their love, encouragement, and support have shaped the person I am today. They are not just family, but a cherished group of people who make every experience more meaningful. I am incredibly grateful for these incredible women who fill my life with love and warmth. My amazing nieces... and nephews... My amazing They and them, I appreciate you guys so much and thank you cuties for always sending me uplifting messages throughout the year... You all make me so happy and feel so loved." Jenn said while crying. She was just over emotional and grateful for everyone. 

"Aww" everyone said and smiled. 

We each took our time to express our thanks sincerely and deeply before we finally enjoyed the delicious food in front of us. The table was filled with laughter, creating a warm and loving atmosphere as we talked about precious memories and happy moments together.

Once we finished eating dinner, Violet suggested playing Cards Against Humanity, a game known for its humor and unpredictability, and everyone eagerly agreed. Sam went to the office to go watch a movie since he was too young to play. Raelynn and Juni were in the living room sound asleep after being fed their bottles of milk.

The room was alive with anticipation as we shuffled the cards, creating a circle of camaraderie. Jenn, my partner, shot me a mischievous glance, ready for the playful banter that would surely ensue. Leslie and Lynda, exchanged knowing smiles, anticipating the hilarity to come.

The younger members of the family, Violet, Sera, Cy, and Max, excitedly joined in, their youthful energy adding an extra layer of enthusiasm. Chris, my mother-in-law, and Lupe, my mother, both looked forward to the unpredictable twists the game would bring.

As we dealt the cards, the first round commenced, and the room erupted in laughter at the clever and sometimes outrageous pairings. The cards laid bare the humorous and often unexpected facets of each player, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared amusement.

"Daddy, Why is mommy crying" Lynda read one of the cards out loud. 

Jenn held her card out first and read the card. 

"Kids cover your ears!" Jenn said and laughed as she read the card. "The primal, ball slappig sex, your parents are having." She busted out laughing and we all were laughing hard. 

"Oh yeah." I teased and Jenn immediately slapped my chest playfully as we continued to laugh. 

"You sick fucks." Leslie responded and we kept laughing. 

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and all of us almost pissing our pants from laughing too hard as we kept playing. This was probably one of the best thanksgiving dinners I have ever had. 

To be continued. 

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