Cat's Way to Survive a Natura...

By Reina714

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MLT Title: 猫猫的天灾求生路 Author: 狸奴不吃鱼 ... Xu Ning is an ordinary person living in a peaceful world. On th... More

01: The Crazy Searching Cat Boy
02: Cats in the Villa Area
03: A Cat who understand human writing
04: 'Social Fear' Kitten
05: Sleeping on a mat
06: The looting begins
07: Disgusting Humans
08: Licking Maomao for the first time
09: A kitten with fleas
10: Cried by Flea & Dog Gang
11: The Cat with Electricity
12: Black Cat Hunting
13: The powerful black cat
14: The Black Cat Confessing
15: Gossip Cats and Dogs
16: Secretly Jealous
17: The fire-breathing bird
18: Black Cat's Surprise
19: Early Warning
20: Escape
21: Cave
22: Possible epidemics
23: Busy Night
24: Back on the road
25: Journey
26: Not as big as a bamboo rat
27: Aboriginal Requirements
28: A useless cat
29: Take a shower~
30: New Plan
31: Town 01
32: Town 02
33: Mutated Pig
34: The black cat fell asleep
35: Is Feng Nian awake?
36: The first hunt
37: Feng Nian wakes up
38: A Beautiful Day
39: Daily life
40: Before the Storm
41: Lipstick
42: Big black and white cat
43: Epidemic
44: Xu Ning is sick
45: Illness 02
46: Playing
47: Continuous Heavy Rain
48: Imagination
49: New Action
50: Human Patrol
51: Robber
52: Looting the first pet store
53: Cubs
54: Complete the mission ~
55: Laying out the cave
56: Ashue's joining
57: Human Busyness
58: The cat chops down the tree
59: Middle-aged Man
60: Sui Sui
61: New Crisis
62: Preparing for War
63: Dead Man
64: Ningning and Qiqi
65: The cats and dogs disappearing in the town
66: I don't know what to call it
67: Battle with Tigers
68: The tiger is dead
69: Returning home after the end of the year
70: Daily life
71: Stealing food
72: Caught
73: Children in the Mountain
74: Giving a child away
75: See you soon
76: Meeting
77: A Pleasurable Day
78: Winter is coming
79: Eating
80: The First Wave of Cooling Down
81: The white cat with random thoughts
82: Cold
83: Lying down
84: The fierce cat acts coquettishly
85: Human
86: Humans on the Mountain
87: Injured
88: I don't know what to call it
89: Another big cooling down
90: It's almost the Chinese New Year
91: Preparations Before the Year
92: Chinese New Year
93: Chinese New Year
94: A special season is coming
95: Today is a good day~
96: New Events
97: Stories in the Town
98: Moving to a new home!
99: Zaizai in the dream
100: Cats who can't play with catnip
101: A trip to town
102: Ambush
104: Feng Nian "lost his mind and went crazy"
105: I love you
106: Attacked
107: Nutrition during pregnancy
108: The emergence of good habits
109: At the market
110: Cat's house is not short of food
111: Strange Wolves
112: Storm
113: A Thoughtful Night
114: The Purpose of the Wolves
115: Going Home
116: Recuperation
117: Big Tree
118: Zaizai is here!
119: Raising a cub
120: Raising a Zai Zai 2
121: The Construction of Cat and Dog Mountain
122: Visiting Group
123: Then you should still be jealous
124: Summer is coming
125: Zaizai is crying
126: End of text

103: Going home!

290 5 0
By Reina714

The sniper's voice was hoarse, with a strong sense of fear.

  Because he kept looking at the two cats, he looked more carefully than the other two. The two cats did look over before the projectile was ejected, and it was the white cat who discovered where they were first. Location.

  If it were just like this, he would only be amazed rather than afraid.

  What frightened him was the bullet missing.

  In order to accurately shoot at the target, he aimed repeatedly before shooting. There was no problem with the position where the bullet landed. If the big black cat did not suddenly accelerate, or the white cat did not lower its body, All these bullets will fall on the white cat.

  Even if the speed of the bullet is a little slower, the slight delay does not affect the emergence of this fact at all.

  A cat that can dodge bullets.

  This conclusion was hard to reassure him. The sniper rifle in his hand kept firing. The man loaded the sniper rifle repeatedly without daring to stop at all.

  The two people who were still arguing next to them suddenly became quiet when they heard what he said. They also discovered that the two cats were actually coming towards this direction, and the other person with a gun in his hand quickly followed and attacked.

  Feng Nian had determined the specific positions of these people as early as when the second shot appeared. Wind barriers appeared on the road in the middle. The bullets passed through one obstacle after another, and the momentum had been reduced by half. Then he stopped in front of the two cats.

  Using wind barriers on windy days does not consume much power, but a large number of wind barriers appear and are damaged, and the damage appears again, which consumes a lot of money for Feng Nian.

  If there was no pregnant Xu Ning on his back, Feng Nian could have used more risky methods to deal with the gun-wielding men, but now Feng Nian did not dare to take risks, nor did he dare to agree to Xu Ning's request to go down to the ground and walk alone.

  The attack of bullets suddenly stopped. Xu Ning, who was worried about Feng Nian's back, breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Feng Nian climbs up the tree, I'll wait for you on the tree!"

  The leaves are dense, and it is not easy for these people to aim with the skills of three-legged cats, let alone predict their movement trajectories.

  In this short period of time, they had reached the edge of the mountain forest. After Feng Nian heard this, he immediately jumped up and climbed onto the nearest tree to them. It did not place Xu Ning directly on the tree, but took Xu Ning to change two positions among the trees before placing the kitten in the position it liked.

  Without Xu Ning to worry about, the black cat moved its body, and several important joints made small crackling sounds. The big black cat's blue eyes, which had completely darkened, immediately locked onto the human's hiding place.

  The three people below started to panic when they lost sight of the two cats. Not to mention other things, the hand that had just resisted the bullet was enough to make them nervous and scared.

  The three of them wanted to run away immediately, but it was already too late.

  The wind blew quietly, and by the time they noticed it, they were already enveloped by the strong wind.

  A black figure appeared silently in front of the three people, like a life-threatening plot. A bad premonition surged in the hearts of these three people, but they were unwilling to make such an appointment. The guns were raised by humans, and the bullets... It poured in the direction of Feng Nian.

  Feng Nian was extremely impatient with these human weapons. When they took action, the wind blade fell directly on the wrists and ankles of the three people.

  Blood burst out, and deep cuts were cut directly from the wrists and ankles of the three people.


  The weapons in the human's hands fell to the ground. Feng Nian glanced at those things briefly, used his superpower to gather the things, and placed them all ten meters away from them.

  Folks often refer to cats catching mice as playing mice. In the animal world, cats' hunting behavior is probably the most cruel one.

  When they catch a mouse, they don't rush to kill it and eat it. Instead, they play with the mouse, and even deliberately let the mouse escape for a certain distance, and then catch up and catch it.

  The cat's sharp nails make deep wounds on the prey, watching the prey finally die of exhaustion before starting to eat.

  Cats are natural executioners when it comes to torturing their prey.

  The big black cat came slowly, squatting in front of it, and it was half a man tall. Its green eyes looked down, making the three people's hair stand on end.

 The sniper looked at the two companions beside him who were still gasping for breath, and kept retreating despite the severe pain. The pressure emanating from this cat was very wrong. He clearly understood at this moment, His group greatly underestimated the strength of this black cat.

  Feng Nian's originally calm eyes started to move a little when he saw the man retreating, and those eyes that were always gentle in front of Xu Ning took on a cruel interest.

  Feng Nian has always believed that one blow will kill him and he never plays tricks on his prey, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to play tricks on his prey.


  Xu Ning lay on the tree for a while, and sleepiness began to rise.

  It glanced at the direction Feng Nian left, and after confirming that the big black cat had safely gained the upper hand, the fight started before its eyes, bringing it into the world of Duke Zhou.

  The white cat slept so soundly in the tree that the screams in the distance did not reach its ears. It was not until he was dragged down from the tree that he opened his eyes in a daze and rubbed the black hair underneath. .

  The smell of blood reached his nose, Xu Ning reluctantly cheered up and asked, "A-Nian, are you injured?"

  Feng Nian patted Xu Ning's head soothingly with his superpower, and said in a gentle voice: "It's nothing, don't worry. Sleep well, we will be home when you wake up."

  "No, there must be a human ambush behind." Xu Ning yawned and stuck his head out a little more, letting the cold wind fall on his face to wake up his sleepy brain.

  Even if it is awake at this time, it cannot help Feng Nian. It is better than sleeping soundly on its back and letting Feng Nian face the dangers of the outside world.

  Feng Nian smiled helplessly and said: "You are not happy to be able to sleep peacefully."

  Xu Ning felt that its words were mocking her for not knowing how to enjoy it. She patted the big black cat's back several times with its soft flesh pads and then said, "You care about me, I'm happy to do it!"

  The big black cat smiled and refused to argue with it on such a trivial matter. Instead, he asked: "Do you feel uncomfortable in your stomach?"

  As he grew up, he had seen many pregnant cats, and he understood that pregnant cats should not be frightened or chased at this time. The bullets that appeared just now, not to mention the pregnant kittens, were Feng Nian himself. At this time, After taking revenge on mankind, I was already terrified.

  It couldn't predict that if its vigilance was not high enough, if Xu Ning had not discovered the human's location, or even if its powers were just a little bit weaker, on the day it got the good news, would the kitten follow the instructions in its belly? The cub leaves it together.

  Xu Ning shook his head and said, "I don't feel anything."

  The baby in the belly is very peaceful. Except for the pain when it smelled catnip yesterday, it seemed like it didn't exist the rest of the time.

  No feeling is good news, Feng Nian warned: "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me and we will go to a human to check again."

  They have no shortage of meat. As long as human inspections can ensure the safety of the two cats, Feng Nian will allow them to have inspections every day.

  Xu Ning was helpless about the big black cat's thoughts. In order to dispel its thoughts, Xu Ning could only say: "It is enough for humans to have a check-up once a week. More than three times will cause harm to the body."

  In order to make his nonsense more convincing, he even said: "If it weren't for this and my male cat was pregnant, how could that doctor only let us go there once a week?"

  Feng Nian thought about it carefully and felt that what Xu Ning said made sense, so he said: "Then I won't go. I will ask experienced pregnant cats later to see if there is anything that needs attention."

  Xu Ning:......

  That's okay.

  At least he was tossing around in his own territory.

  The two cats were afraid that they would be ambushed by humans along the way, so they simply did not return to the road and walked directly in the mountains.

  In the world of animals, no matter how well-hidden humans are, there will be times when they can't hide, not to mention that this group of people who came to ambush them were just a group that had just been trained for a short period of time.

  Feng Nian killed two more groups of people one after another. He was concerned about the kitten behind him and did not use any cruel methods. He just cut off the tendons in their hands and feet, making it difficult for them to hold weapons and even move around.

  The white cat on the back watched this scene silently. These people wanted their lives. Xu Ning didn't have any good intentions in her heart, but she was speechless when she saw Feng Nian picking off the limbs of those people.

  On a cold day, blood kept flowing out. These people did not even have the ability to move away and could only watch their lives passing by step by step.

  What should I say?

  He is truly a born executioner!

  This torture was done so calmly and cruelly!

  Xu Ning, who was full of imagination, was thinking in a completely different direction than what the big black cat had expected. Fortunately, both cats were silent and did not tell each other their guesses, otherwise there would be another big fuss. joke.

  Feng Nian spent too long venting his anger to the three people in the first wave. Brother Li, who was in the middle, couldn't see the two cats for a long time. He had a bad premonition and quickly led the people towards the direction of Cat and Dog Mountain. , after bringing everyone along, take a detour to find the teammates in front from the other side.

  Xu Ning and Feng Nian didn't encounter any other ambushed humans on the road. They felt much more relaxed and walked back to the mountain more briskly.

  The two cats had no idea that not long after they left the location of the last group of people, Brother Li led people here.

  Seeing the miserable condition of his companions, Brother Li's face turned dark. A few people who knew a little bit about bandaging came forward to look at their injuries and said, "We have to go to the hospital."

  In such a cold weather, no matter how fast we go, it will be difficult to heal their tendons, but if it keeps dragging on, these people really have no hope of being cured.

  Brother Li heard the hidden meaning of these words and said: "Put this person on your back and let's go see the others."

  This place was the closest to them, and the rest of the people would only encounter the two cats before them. Brother Li was already prepared for the worst.

  Most of the subsequent groups of people died as expected by Brother Li. Only one person who had stopped the flow of blood in front of him still managed to survive.

 The corpses of several brothers were brought in one after another, and everyone's expressions were not very good now. The anger in their hearts was almost ignited, and the desire to kill those beasts became stronger and stronger.

  Until the location of the first group of people ambushed.

  Within the scope of a source ten meters in diameter, scattered blood fell on the white snow, fell on the thick trees, and fell on the green leaves. There was no good flesh on the bodies of the three people. I don't know who it was. The minced meat fell to the ground, stained with some pink snowflakes.


  The sound interrupted the movement of the group of people. Brother Li and the first few people turned their heads numbly to look.

  He was the youngest young man in the team. The young man knelt on the ground, fear flooding his brain. When he saw Brother Li and the others looking over, he suddenly shouted: "I don't want it, I don't want to retaliate against them!"

  "We were the ones who went there first to kill them! They were just self-defense! Yes, self-defense!"

  "I, I, I can accept being disfigured!"

  "I don't want to die, oh oh oh oh oh oh"

  His cries were suppressed by himself, but could be heard in the surrounding silence.

  No one can laugh at him. No one here is frightened when they see the scene in front of them. The scene in front of them is not like the world but like hell.

  Brother Li took a deep breath and exhaled, saying: "Collect the body and let's go back."

  After saying that, he took the lead in mustering up the courage to step forward and reach out to pick up the nearest piece of meat.

  The feel of the minced meat in the hand is no different from other meat. The blood with some frost in the cold winter makes the suppressed fear keep coming out. Brother Li can't imagine what these three brothers went through before they died. He couldn't figure out whether he was right or wrong in making this decision.

  His brain was so confused that he couldn't make any judgment at all. He mechanically picked up the bodies of his companions.

  The people behind were silent for a moment, then came forward to collect the bodies of the three people.

  When this group of people suffered a huge psychological blow, Feng Nian and Xu Ning finally returned to Mao Dog Mountain.

  It was getting late, and most of the cats and dogs on the mountain had returned to rest and play near the residential area. Feng Nian did not go to look for them, but took the kitten directly towards the mountain.

  When passing by the big tree, the big tree warned in a gentle voice: "If you have a baby in your belly, don't go out casually. It's not good for the baby, and it's not good for yourself. It's good to bask in the sun and take a walk on the mountain."

  Xu Ning looked up in surprise, "Dashu, how did you know there was a baby in my belly?"

  The big tree tilted its crown strangely and said, "Is it difficult to know? The breath of life suddenly appeared in your belly. What else could it be if it wasn't a baby?"

  Xu Ning blinked and motioned to the big black cat to put him down and look at the big tree.

  "Dashu, when did you find out there was a baby in my belly?"

  It is quite curious about the time when the little cub in its belly arrived for the first time.

  Dashu recalled for a while and said: "When we first met, there was a little breath of life in your belly, but the breath was very weak. It should have just appeared not long ago."

  At that time, Dashu thought he had made a mistake and did not tell the kitten about it. It was not until the smell became stronger and stronger that he realized that the little male cat was pregnant.

  Xu Ning didn't expect that Zai Zai would build a nest in his belly so early. He recalled the times he did that with the big black cat in the tree hole and felt suffocated.

  Could that dream really be Xiao Zaizituo's dream? ! !

  Could it be that the lack of restraint between it and the big black cat almost killed the kitten? ! !

  Xu Ning's mind was wide open and Feng Nian couldn't think of anything. The big black cat recalled what happened to the two cats later and found that it was the one who took the initiative. Xu Ning was just cooperating with it based on the principle of enjoyment. The little black cat didn't do it at all. In love!

  Instinct outweighed the bad premonition, and Feng Nian hurriedly said before Xu Ning's claws fell on him: "I'm going to hunt!"

  The claw fell into the air. Xu Ning looked at the big black cat's back, let out an angry breath from his nostrils, and slapped his claws hard on the ground.

  Dashu looked a little amused at its appearance, and advised in a gentle voice: "The matter is over. Since nothing happened before, it means that the quarrel between you two did not cause any harm to the child."

  Xu Ning:! ! !

  The white cat looked over with wide eyes and said in disbelief: "Dashu, do you know what we did?!"

  The big tree shook its branches to soothe the kitten's spirit, then laughed dryly and said: "Ha, ha, what's that? Trees don't rely on their ears to listen to sounds. Sometimes the capture range is a little further."

  As he said that, the big tree made a little gesture with its branches, and then comforted the little white cat in its increasingly desperate eyes: "Then what? I will deliberately avoid your side from now on. I promise I won't hear it." a lot of!"

  Xu Ning looked desperate, "I know Dashu, Dashu, I'm going home, good night."

  "Good night......"

  The big tree watched worriedly as the kitten drooped its head and left the sight. After making sure that the little guy returned home safely, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  It paid attention to the location of the tree hole and the direction in which the big black cat left. When it came back, it stopped the big black cat in time and relayed the question just now.

  After listening to Dashu's words, Feng Nian's expression became visibly desperate.

  A kitten will not lose its temper on an unintentional big black cat. As the culprit, it will definitely be used to take out its temper when it returns.

  But think about it, it's because he's obsessed with sex.

  Wow, who would have thought that a little tom cat could be pregnant? !

  Feng Nian went to the tree with a desperate expression, adjusted his facial expression, and then went home with today's meal.

  When the big black cat came back, Xu Ning was burying himself in the nest and shutting himself up. He never thought that he could still hear their movements even though they were so far away from the tree. This was really frustrating for the cat community! ! !

It has to be said that Xu Ning's desperate look made Feng Nian breathe a small sigh of relief. He placed the bamboo rat in the empty space, stepped on the soft cushion and walked to the nest and said warmly: "Ning Ning, get up and eat."

  I was out all day today and only ate a few dried meat from mutated beasts on the way. Xu Ning didn't eat any fresh food at all.

  Xu Ning groaned and rubbed against the nest for a long time, then revealed one eye to look at the big black cat, and said in an aggrieved voice: "It's all your fault."

  If Feng Nian didn't know how to control himself, the baby in his belly wouldn't have frightened him in a dream, and the big tree wouldn't have accidentally heard the sound of the two of them doing that.

  Regardless of whether the dream was caused by the little kid in the belly, or whether the reason for the dream was this, in the mouth of the now angry kitten, it was not the same.

  Feng Nian looked at the aggrieved kitten and knew that he should feel sorry for him, but the kitten complained softly and the watery blue eyes made the cat unable to control himself!

  Feng Nian awkwardly moved his paws to block a part that shouldn't have appeared, and he admitted his mistake obediently: "Ning Ning is right, it's all my fault! There will be no next time, let's have a meal, okay?"

  A good apology was unexpectedly spoken by Feng Nian. Xu Ning's aggrieved expression twisted, and the sadness disappeared without a trace.

  Things have already happened, no matter how angry or embarrassed it is, it is useless, not to mention it has not caused any bad effects.

  Xu Ning's mentality has always been very good, and the grievances caused by the embarrassment just now were as if they had never appeared before being teased by Feng Nian.

  The big black cat breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, took the kitten to the side of the bamboo rat, peeled off the fur on the surface to reveal the skin and flesh underneath, and let Xu Ning eat first.

  "Eat more. If it's not enough, I'll catch more."

  After thinking about it, he added: "You don't have to leave it for me. I'll just catch one and eat it later."

  Xu Ning ignored it. After eating half of it, he said fiercely: "Eat quickly, catch it after you finish it!"

  It has been pampered by Fennian since it became a cat, and there are very few days when it can support itself. Probably because of these experiences, Xu Ning also speaks softly, and he looks like a very Rua cat at first glance.

  The fierce look he made deliberately at this moment was not only not fierce, but actually made Feng Nian's heart itch.

  From Feng Nian's perspective, the current kitten was cursing and fierce in those days before it went into heat.

  It responded with a smile on its face, packed up the leftover garbage, and left the tree with it.

  Xu Ning didn't wait in the nest for long. Feng Nian quickly brought back another prey. This time it was not a bamboo rat, but a big bird with thick hair.

  Xu Ning pawed expectantly, and then returned to her body, looking like a delicate little girl letting Feng Nian take care of her.

  Bird meat is a very good delicacy in the cat world, but because the thick bird feathers are troublesome to handle, most cats don't have the time to handle it and eat it.

  Only Xu Ning was pampered by this big cat who was willing to pluck the fur cleanly before feeding it.

  After eating the bird meat, it was already getting late. Feng Nian used his powers to throw the garbage far away from the big tree where they lived, and coaxed the kittens back to their nests to sleep.

  During this period, Xu Ning was very sleepy. It was difficult to sleep outside during the day. When he came back, he was embarrassed and had to eat, and his sleepiness was temporarily forgotten. When Feng Nian mentioned it, he was so sleepy that he couldn't extricate himself. .

  Not long after the kitten stepped into the nest, it fell down and fell asleep.

  Feng Nian looked at the sleeping kitten and smiled. He lit up the stove next to him and then returned to the nest. He hugged the kitten and fell into a light sleep.

  The wind blew by, disturbing the leaves. The big tree shook its branches with some relief and some regret before the big black cat was driven out, immersed in the bath of moonlight.

  The author has something to say:

  After reading this chapter, I have something to say. I'm a chatty person. If you don't mind, just click on the upper left corner and choose to block it~


  Because I have too many typos, in order to thank the little cutie who helped catch bugs in the comment area, on the last day of each month, a hundred bug-catching comments will be randomly captured and sent out a red envelope of thanks, and the same bug in each chapter will not be distributed repeatedly.

  Thank you to all the cuties for your support, and also to the cuties who persist in catching bugs for rabbits~

  Every bug has been changed in time, I hope everyone enjoys it!


  At 12 o'clock in the morning, I saw a little cutie commenting that except for the XXY chromosomes, all three flowers are female. Then I suddenly remembered: Gong Sanhua was born to be a father-in-law!

  Me: Crazy shocked, then frantically looking through the information I found before.

  After looking at the memos on my computer, mobile phone, and photo album, I finally saw a line of words in the corner of the notebook.

  The vast majority of male three-flowered flowers are sterile, but a small number of male three-flowered flowers can reproduce to a certain extent if they are fully developed!

  [Relaxed] [The rabbit spreads out] [I just said that I couldn't make such a big cognitive mistake]

  [Okay] [The above are all excuses] [What my friend just said] [The following is our conversation]

  Rabbit: Sisters! ! ! I'm a fool! I'm giving birth to a baby for the male's three-flower daughter-in-law! ! !


  Friend: The male is not necessarily the father-in-law, so why can't his wife have cubs?

  rabbit:? May I? ? ?

  Friend: Isn't it possible? ? ?


  Of course there are related notes about Rabbit, but I didn't even see it or even think about it when I wrote it.


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