Hogwarts Express: Time Travel

By xmaraudersgirlll

791K 25.6K 2.9K

Follow the girl who lived, Anastasia Lily Potter and her friends as they go back in time, to their parent's e... More

Cast: Futur Gen
Cast: Marauders Era I
Cast: Marauders Era II
Year 1
I. Time Travelers
II. The Dursleys
III. Meeting Hagrid
IV. Diagon Alley
V. Sorting Hat
VI. Three Headed dog
VII. Quidditch
VIII. Detention
IX. Voldemort
X. House Cup
Year 2
XI. Caged
XII. The Burrow
XIII. Bad Encounters
XIV. A flight to Hogwarts
XV. New Defense against the dark arts teacher
XVI. Chilling Voice
XVII. Rogue Bludger
XVIII. Parselmouth
XIX. Heir of Slytherine
XX. Tom Riddle's diary
XXI. Hermione petrified
XXII. The monster within
XXIII. The Chamber of Secrets
XXIV. Basilisk Slayer
XXV. Break
Year 3
XXVI. Marge
XXVII. Leaky Cauldron
XXVIII. Scabbers and Crookshanks
XXIX. Dementors
XXX. Buckbeak
XXXI. He's been sighted
XXXII. Lupin
XXXIII. The date
XXXIV. Broom gone
XXXV. The marauders map
XXXVI. Godfather
XXXVIII. Prophecy
XXXIX. Animagus
XL. Peter's betrayal
XLI. Werewolf
XLII. Time turner
XLIII. Saving Sirius
XLIV. Feather
Year 4
XLV. Break
XLVI. World Quidditch Cup
XLVII. The dark Mark
XLVIII. Guests
XLIX. Unforgiveable Curses
L. The four champions
LI. Rita Skeeter
LII. Dragons
LIII. First Task
LIV. Dance?
LV. The Yule Ball
LVI. Both?
LVII. The second task
LVIII. Pensieve
LIX. Third Task
LX. Lost him
LXI. He's back.... He's back
LXII. Break
Year 5
LXIV. Dementors
LXV. The Order HQ
LXVI. The hearing
LXVII. Umbridge
LXVIII. Punishment and Blood Quill
LXIX. Ordering Dungbombs
LXX. Percy's letter
LXXI. The Dumbledore Army
LXXII. New rules.... Terrible outcome
LXXIII. Capacité émotionnelle d'une cuillère à café
LXXIV. Saving Mr. Weasley
LXXV. St. Mungos
LXXVI. Occlumency
LXXVII. All is fair in love and war
LXXX. Hagrid's brother
LXXXII. Vision
LXXXIII. The battle of the ministry (1)
LXXXIV. The battle of the Ministry (2)
LXXXVI. The battle of the Ministry (3)
LXXXVII. Goodbye
Year 6
LXXXIX. Summer
XC. Horace Slughorn
XCI. Our last night
XCII. Draco
XCIII. Potions
XCIV. The Gaunts
XCV. Quidditch Tryouts.
XCVI. Cursed Necklace
XCVII. Tom Riddle
XCVIII. Dinner Party
XCIX. The game
C. Christmas Party
CI. The Unbreakable Vow
CII. The talk with Remus
CIII. Scrimgeour's Visit
CIV. Memories (1)
CV. Memories (2)
CVI. Birthday gift
CVII. Ron saved
CVIII. Katie Bell returns
CIX. I Fucked up
CX. Party surprise
CXI. Task completed
CXII. Horcruxes
CXIII.The cave
CXIV. The traitor
CXV. The calm after the storm
Year 7
CXVI. Break (1)
CXVII. Break (2)
CXVIII. Obliviate
CXIX. The rescue
CXX. The death of a soldier
CXXI. Escape attempt
CXXII. The Last Will of Dumbledore
CXXIII. Unexpected Visit

LXXIX. Stalker

3.5K 158 8
By xmaraudersgirlll

LXXIX. Stalker

Inside Snape's office, Annie sits down in front of the sneering professor who was looking at her with narrowed eyes, it was a long moment of silence before he decided to speak.

Snape: Have you been practicing, Potter?

Annie: [Hesitant] Yeah

Snape: [Still sneering distastefully at her] Then we shall see, won't we?

"I don't have anything against yo Severus, but I truly think you're a git for bullying her just because she's Potter's kid" Rabastan pointed out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"What did I do now?" snapped an annoyed Snape risking a glance to Lily

"Just pointing out"

He places the tip of his wand to his head and extracts the same memory and tosses it into the Pensieve, Annie could only watch, wanting to know what it was. But before the two could even start anything, the door was pushed open and in came Draco, looking anything but pleased.

"Why does he do that everytime?" wondered a confused Amos Diggory

"Perhaps he doesn't want the Legilimens spell to reverse allowing Potter to access into his mind" suggested Flitwick


He watched between Annie and Snape confused, what were they doing late in the night in his office? Annie on the other hand scowled at his presence, she notes that he seemed extremely tired compared to how he usually looked, but she didn't comment on it. She was still mad at him and she.... She... hated him.

Draco: [Clearing his throat as he caught himself ogling Annie once more] Excuse me professor. But professor Umbridge says she needs you right away.

"I swear to Merlin she's some sort of rash, she's spreading through Hogwarts and infesting in everything" grumbled Regulus

"Right you are little brother, right you are"

Snape: [Annoyed, that woman was too much] What on earth for?

Draco: Well sir, remember when Montegue vanished over Christmas? She says he's turned up in the toilet in the fourth floor

Snape: Any idea how he got there?

Draco: [Shaking his head] He's pretty confused. I think he said something about the vanishing closet

"Dorcas once got lost because of the vanishing closet" noted an amused Marlene

"Hey, that was in first year"

"Still, it was pretty funny"

Snape: [Standing up, irritated] We will pick up your remedial potion lessons tomorrow, Potter

Draco let out an amused rare smile, compared to his usual smirk this one was a real smile which surprised Annie, but she was quick to remember this was Malfoy and he was amused at the fact that she was having remedial lesson. If looks could kill the glare she sent him would put him six feet under.

"He's so infatuated with her" scoffed Lucius disappointedly "She's not the only girl in the world and she's not pure" he scowled "He's engaged to a pureblood, shouldn't that be satisfactory enough?"

"Enough Lucius" Narcissa warned, eyes narrowed "He can be infatuated with whoever he likes, and you will not be forcing anything on him, you've seen the Parkinson girl?" she stared at him as if he was out of his mind

"If looks could kill...." Dorcas started "I don't want to imagine what would happen to him" she smirked

"Right you are"

She watched annoyed as both Snape and Malfoy left the office. She stayed glued to her place at first, she looks around then her eyes falls on the Pensieve, standing up she walks up to it and glances at the door, she knew she would regret it but her curiosity had won, she plunges her head inside.

"I knew she'd do it" laughed James

"It's like she physically can't stop herself" added an amused Lily

"Too curious for her own good, too curious"

"It was a long shot"

The scenery changes, and she lands on the soft grass next to the Black Lake, under a tree sits a young Sirius, and next to him equally young looking, Remus, Peter and James. James is playing with a snitch, letting it go and catching it again

"Mate is this...." Remus started, worry etching into his features

"I bloody think it is" answered an equally worried James

Sirius: Put that away Prongs [James shrugs and does so] I'm bored, wish it was the full moon

"It bloody is innit?" he growled angrily "Why the hell would you put that in the pensive?" his question was angrily directed to Snape

"I had hoped this is not what I thought it was, but judging by your reaction, I couldn't be more wrong" sighed an annoyed Lily

"What wrong Black?" smirked a triumphant looking Severus Snape "Don't want your precious daughter to see the git you lot truly are?"

"Sod off Snevillus" growled James as he glared him "We apologized didn't we?" he scoffed

"Mr. Potter I suggest you calm down" McGonagall, being very aware of what had happened warned, she had not been easy on them for that stunt, Hogwarts had a non-bullying policy, and she'd been harsh on them for that one

Remus: [Chuckling] Easy for you to say...

"I still think full moons are tad fun" he whispered to no one in particular

"You know Black" Marlene started "If you stopped being such a git, people would like you more, you pretentious brat"

"People already like me" he argued offended by her insults

"I wouldn't be too sure" grumbled a rather annoyed Regulus


James: [He nudges Sirius] This should cheer you up, Pads, look!

Sirius: [Looking where James' gaze was locked then grins] Excellent, Snevillus!

Snape walks past them hurriedly and the four stand up at once, but James' amused face falls as he realizes why Severus was hurrying, it was because he was following after a certain Red head who was completely oblivious to being watched as she was laughing to whatever Alice and Marlene were saying. Sirius scowled at that as well, Lily was a friends and he didn't like it one bit that the greasy git was following her like an obsessed stalker. Remus was hesitant he knew his best would be merciless on him, Peter didn't care in the slightest.

"I still don't understand how you defend him Lily" sighed a worried Marlene in a quiet voice "It's creepy that he always there watching you from somewhere" she shuddered at the thought of having someone watch her from a far every day

"I agree" nodded Alice speaking in an equally hushed voice not wanting Snape to hear "He's so creepy, his obsession with you is truly unhealthy, I'm just worried about you"

"I appreciate it girls, where on some levels I would agree, but he's just... misunderstood. He wasn't always like that when we were young" she started "He changed a lot"

"No Lils I just don't think you realized he was stalking you even then, because you always decided to see the good in people, that all" Remus was the one who spoke this time, he also felt that Severus Snape is an odd case and should stay away from his friend

"This ought to be good" Dorcas laughed

"Well you weren't the only one who found it funny Dorcas mate" James grinned

"I'm looking at you Mr. Potter" scorned McGonagall

"My mouth is sealed Minnie"

James: All right there? Snevillus? [Snape wheels instantly, wand out at the ready]

Sirius: [Being faster than him] Expelliarmus!

James: [As he watched Snape trying to dive for his wand that had flown out of his hand] Impedimenta!

Snape: [Struggling against the invisible ropes] Just you wait....

Sirius: [Laughing] Wait for what, Snevillus? For you to wipe that greasy nose on us? [Several bystanders laughed at his statement]

Despite McGonagall's warning and Severus' presence many laughed at Sirius' words, even the Slytherins themselves

"I wouldn't want him anywhere near you" Lucius whispered distastefully to Narcissa "Never knew he was that odd"

"You're not perfect either" she rolled her eyes

"Don't compare me to him" he protested

While a lot would agree that James and Sirius' ways were a bit barbaric, including Annie because who would like public humiliation. But it was something necessary if they wanted to keep him away from the girls

He was a public menace. For the girls that is at least

The said boy, couldn't even tear his eyes from the screen, because if he did, well let just say the multiple glares he received were more than enough of a hint of what was going to happen. Teacher present or not.

James: [Turning to the other students, he lifts his wand] And now the moment you've all been waiting for....

Lily: [Appearing behind him looking furious] Leave him alone James Potter [Both James and Annie who was standing watching the scene turned at the voice and there stood Lily Evans]

James: [Annoyed that after everything she still defended the boy] Another charity case, Lily?

"I'll have you know it was not charity case" the girl scowled "He was my friend"

"Was?" questioned an amused Alice

"Was, is, what difference does it make"

Lily: [Scowling] What has he done to you?

James: Nothing, it's more the fact that he exists really, you see... [His eyes drift back to Snape as he launched for his wand, he didn't expect that the first spell would wear that fast]

Snape: Semper-

James: Levicorpus!

Annie watches in surprise as Snape is lifted into the air and dangled by his ankle, he struggles madly mid-air, robes hanging from his arms to over his head

"James Fleamont Potter" shouted an angry Euphemia, she'd let James get away with anything but Bullying that is where she drew the line

Fleamont would find himself agreeing with his wife, where he understood James' point in trying to keep Lily Evan the girl he fancied safe, but that would not be the way and front the tone of his wife he couldn't help but shiver in worry for his son "Oh, you're in for one hell of a punishment boy"

"I am absolutely disappointed in you, I do not even find the word to voice the way I feel this instant..." she glared at her cowering son, "You as well Sirius, both of you should be ashamed"

"But mum!" James protested "I was doing it for Lily, you saw how he was following her"

"I do not want any excuse, oh you better apologize boys"

"We did" Sirius added trying to calm the woman he came to love as his mother but he knew there was no point

Lily: Leave him alone, James

James: [Grinning] I will if you go out with me

Lily: [Rolling her eyes] I wouldn't go out with you, if it were a choice between you and the giant squid! Now let him down!

"So there's a chance" James started as a grin spread over his features

Furiously blushing, Lily shook her head and tried to play it cool "Don't even think about it"

James shrug, knowing he could never refuse her anything, he makes one small gesture with his wand and watches as Snape falls to the ground. He tries to go for his wand again but Sirius is quick to send a hex towards him.

"I know you deny any feeling for the guy" chuckled Alice causing Lily to playfully glare her "But it is rather amusing to watch how putty he becomes in your hands"

"That I agree" Marlene all but laughed

"He does not" the red hair argued

"Watch!" it was Marlene who decided to prove a point "Potter?"


"Lily said she'd be so happy if you were to move to the last seat on the table" she grinned

His eyes lit up and without even questioning it, he was quick on his feet and doing as asked taking a seat where Marlene told him


"That.... That's... James come back here" she sighed defeated

The boy once more obliged

Everyone at this point was laughing, Euphemia still partially mad at her son but she couldn't believe what she just saw, she turned to her husband

"Our son is definitely head over heels" she sighed with a dreamy smile

"Young love

Sirius: Locomotor Mortis [No one expected Lily to actually draw out her wand]

Lily: I said, leave him alone

"Big mistake" winced Gideon knowing well and enough how protective the boys were over each other"

His playful expression vanished, firstly he wouldn't take it too kindly to anyone who decided to draw their wands out on Sirius or any of his brothers for that matter, secondly he was annoyed that she couldn't see he was doing this for her sake, he still can't believe she'd defend Snape while he was stalking her

James: Why don't you understand I'm doing this for you Lily-flower

Sirius: [Pointedly] Your sake and every other girl's sake for that matter

"No matter how noble your intentions were Mr. Black, Mr. Potter and you too Mr. Lupin, bullying is never the solution" Dumbledore spoke

"Yes professor" the three grumbled at once

"Quite frankly James, I don't think the girl is ever going to look your way if you keep doing what you're doing" his mother sighed disappointedly "I wouldn't even blame her, she's right"

"Thank you Mrs. Potter" the red head beamed

"Don't worry your pretty head over it sweet girl"

"But hey, he's the stalker who watched her from afar like a creep and keeps following her around" James tried

"Yeah, he never quits"

"Still, I could've talked to him" Lily grumbled, he had cost her, her childhood friend

"I doubt that would've stopped anything" pointed Remus with a jerk of his head

Lily: If you want to do anything for me, then let him go!

James: [She was just too damn stubborn] Fine! [He mutters the counter-curse and Snape struggles to his feet again] You're bloody lucky, Lily was here Snevillus! You should be thankful and stop harassing her

Snape: [Mad and enraged] I don't need help from a filthy mud-blood like her!

Several gasps echoed in the hall, not expecting him to call her word. Lily went stiff in her seat, while Snape looked down in shame, the word haunted him, and because of that one word he had lost the girl he'd been in love with for years.

"I told you" James mouthed to his grim looking mother

"You shouldn't be looking so smug, mate" Sirius whispered "I don't think she forgave you yet"


"Mr. Snape I would like to have a chat with you once this movie has ended" Slughorn stated, Lily was his star student but he was also head of Slytherin, he was not going to let one of his student get away with this.

"Yes, professor"

Annie was too speechless to even utter a word, her breath hitching, she watched in shock as a light died in her mother's eyes, the blow was painful, it showed in the way Lily's hands trembled. James was furious, eyes blazing in rage, he points his wand that is shaking in his hand due to his anger and growls at Snape

James: Apologize to her now!

"I don't think it'd mean anything, if you forced him to apologize" stated a confident Andromeda

"Exactly" nodded Remus agreeing with her, he had told James this thousands of times

Lily: [Deeply hurt and partially blaming James] Don't make him apologize! You're just as bad as he is! [She turns and starts walking away]

James: I would never call you that. Lily! Hey Lily!

"It's not about the fact you would never call her that dimwit" cursed Alice "It's your fault that Snape had called her that in the first place" she stated annoyed

"So you're saying I should've let him continue his stalking session?"

"No, but..."

"What?" Sirius prompted

"Nothing, whatever you win" sighed Marlene

Annie watches her go, just then, adult Snape, the one she knows grabs her roughly, Annie turns to him horrified, she's been caught and he was fuming. Snape yanks on her arm and the memory dissolves around them.

"Oh, shit!" winced Fabian in sympathy, the girl's been caught once more.

Returning to his office, Snape is quick to pull Annie closer, he is livid in rage, pale, lips thin and shaking. He holds her close with trembling fingers glaring daggers at her.

"Get your greasy fingers off of her" growled an angry Sirius

"That's where I draw the line, touch her again and you'd regret the day you were born" added a seething James

"Pads, Prongs the professors!" Remus hissed urgently

"Moony you just saw..."

"I'm saying the professors are watching, you can have your way where there's no witness" he whispered to them, he cared about the girl just as the two of them did,

James and Sirius' eyes lightened at that "Moony you're the best" they grinned

Snape: Having fun, Potter? [Annie shakes her head, wanting to say something but the professor shakes her roughly, fury etched in his every feature] Been enjoying yourself?

Annie: No!

"Maybe you ought to let her answer" shrugged Rabastan annoyed

Barty turned to an equally angry Evan and whispered "You thinking what I'm thinking"

"If you're think about educating the git later in the dorms, then we're thinking the same thing"

"You've read my mind"

"Great minds think alike sweetness, they think alike"

"That they do"

Snape: [Sneering] Amusing man, your father... [His lips are shaking, lips bared, he shakes Annie roughly one more time, absolutely seething]

"I truly am" nodded James, but he was not joking because his eyes were blazing in rage.

Annie: [Terrified of the man] I... sorry!

"The poor girl is terrified" noted a worried Narcissa

"Wouldn't you be?" snapped an equally worried Marlene "She's just a fifth year, and he's a grown man"

"What is it you're suggesting?" growled an offended Snape

"I'm not suggesting anything"

In his anger, he easily picks Annie off the floor, and flings her away from him. Annie flies back and slams into the potion cabinet and falls to the ground as glass beakers and bottles shatter around her as she tries to cover her eyes while some shard scratch her arms.

The hall winced and expected James or Sirius would jump and this time for good finish off Severus Snape their fellow classmate who so happens to be a stalker, but what they did not expect was

A furious looking Lily Evans, face red in anger that almost matched her hair, standing up, wand out pointed at Snape ready to curse him to the ends of the world, Marlene and Alice desperately tried to stop their best friends from actually doing something but the small red head was unbelievably strong for her size

Strong muscled arms wrapped around her middle, easily lifting her up, arms flailing about, legs kick, James didn't release her

"Calm down, you're the one who's going to be punished if you actually do something" he whispered, that got her to stop struggling in his hold "Don't worry, Pads and I have a good plan, one we're willing to share if you calm down"

"It better be good" she growled as she pushed him away huffed then took a seat next to her shocked best friends.

"I'm sure since you're a professor, it was mentioned, that violence against the students was never allowed, no matter what" McGonagall pointed, eyes narrowed "Perhaps you're not fit for the job after all" she sighed disappointedly

"I can't believe he just did that" gasped a shocked Andromeda "That's... that's... I don't have the words"

"It's highly unprofessional" nodded her father Cygnus Black "Very unprofessional indeed" his wife stared at her daughter then at her husband, it's been a while since she's seen then agree on something ever since she ran away from her arranged marriage and instead married her muggle born husband Tonks

"I want to murder him" Barty growled angrily

Evan could only nod in agreement "I know how you feel"

"Then let's"

"When there's less witnesses"

"Who cares, The Blacks and the Potters look ready to do just that" Barty informed him, right he was because the Black brothers, James and his family were glaring at Severus Snape heatedly, one wrong move and one of them would pounce and finish him off "I want to get my hands on him before any of the them can"

Snape refused to look away from the screen, he didn't want to meet anyone's gaze. He could only take the consequences of his choices

Snape: [Pointing a shaky finger at her] You will repeat what you saw to no one!

Annie: [She is already shaking her head, in fright and shock] No, of course-

Before she could say anything else, Snape picks up a jar of some fluid and hurtles it across his office and it shatters across the wall. He picks up Annie by her robes and hauls her to her fit, slamming her against the broken cabinet, broken glass digging to her skin causing her to wince in pain

"If she as much bleeds I swear I'll kill you"

"You're hurting you sick pain in the arse" shouted Dorcas

"Get your hands off of her" added an angry Remus

Snape: You had better not, Potter! Or you will experience a pain so horrible you'll wish you had never been born! [He pushes Annie away from him] Now, out of my sight! Do not set foot in this office ever again!

"Judging by the look on her face, I don't think she even wants to" sighed an annoyed Bella causing Rod to look at her surprised, she's been quiet for quite some time and hearing her speak again was a good sign, at least it was to him, he'd missed hearing her voice, he might be dramatic, but he was madly in love with her. So he didn't give two rats arse about what anyone thought.

Seeing the goofy smile on his face, Bella stared at him confused "What?"

"You're talking" he grinned


"You're talking"

"Are you alright darling?"

Annie didn't need to be asked twice, eyes wide she turns and runs out of the office, leaving a seething Snape behind.

"Did you enjoy that Sev?" chuckled Rabastan "Making little girls terrified?" the said boy only glared the joking Lestrange boy

"I wasn't terrified!" Annie huffed annoyance clear on her face

"Sure you weren't angel" commented Barty she just rolled her eyes at his comment

"You were definitely terrified, it's alright to admit it love" Draco teased

"Whatever you arse", he could only chuckle at her adorable pout. And he wasn't the only one.


So I know, I know that isn't exactly how the 'mud-blood anccident' went, I'm all but well aware, but I hate Snevillus honestly I loath him, nothing can change my mind

So to those who likes him.... Sorry

Anyway I hope you enjoy

Thank you so much for reading 

Love you 

Stay safe!

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