Jenna x Reader One-Shots

By fordkate

589K 15.6K 25.2K

Just some random one shots that come to mind and feel free to request <3 Jenna Ortega x Fem Reader I love... More

❤️Jenna One-Shots❤️
Christmas Together
Books and Headphones
Interview 2
First Kiss
Intruder? No, just my girlfriend
"I love you"
Finding out
Meeting the Family
Football Mishap
Someone New
"You didn't say goodbye"
"Do you like me...?"
"Do you like me...?" 2
Demanding Boss
Demanding Boss 2
Demanding Boss 3
Demanding Boss 4
Demanding Boss 5
Demanding Boss 6
⚠️Demanding Boss 7⚠️
Demanding Boss 8
"...An Angel appears from Heaven"
Jenna The Bully
Best Friends Sister
⚠️Acceptance 2⚠️
"I can explain, I swear"
"I can explain, I swear" 2
Friendship? Relationship.
Meeting the family
Best Friend Protection
The Last Of Us
⚠️The Last of Us "Part II"⚠️
First meeting
SAG Awards
Horrible Fights
Let's fall in love for the night
Public Outrage
Public Outrage 2
Falling in love behind the scenes
Made for Death
Made for Death 2
Desired for You
Desired for You 2
Desired for You 3
Desired for You 4
Desired for You 5
Old Money
"We wasted days"
The Main Lover of Y/n L/n
Meeting at Coachella
"Give into me, my love"
Behind the scenes
Hanging out gone... right?
⚠️Secret Insecurities⚠️
A '55 Romance
"Do you want me, Jenna?"
"Do you want me, Jenna?" 2
⚠️"Do you want me, Jenna?" 3⚠️
"Do you want me, Jenna?" 4
"Do you want me, Jenna?" 5
Next Door Neighbour
Next Door Neighbour 2
"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry"
"That girl has trust issues..."
"That girl has trust issues" 2
A Secret Society
Secret Kid
Secret Kid 2
⚠️Mystery Unsolved⚠️
Mystery Unsolved 2
Mystery Unsolved 3
Mystery Murder 4
Mystery Murder 5
Mystery Murder 6
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I'm sorry, who are you?" 2
"I'm sorry, who are you?" 3
❤️Phoebe Atwell❤️
Feelings for the new girl
Feelings for the new girl 2
On the run
New girl
Secret Crushes
Feelings for you
❤️Lorraine One-Shots❤️
❤️Vada One-Shots❤️
⚠️School Shooting + Aftermath⚠️
Best Friends
"You slept with her?"
"There's no reason"
❤️Wednesday One-Shots❤️
Wolf Fight
Soft Side
Whose side is she on?
Smitten Over Y/n Sinclair
Secret Relationship
"Can't get you out of my mind"
❤️Katie One-Shots❤️
Fleekfest Concert + Aftermath
My Girl
Jealous of Carter
❤️Tara One-Shot❤️
"I will always protect you"
"I like you so much, Tara"
❤️Ellie Alves One-Shots❤️
Escaping the box
"Ellie Alves, hi"
"Falling in love, are we?"
"Falling in love, are we?" 2
❤️Mabel One-Shots❤️
Meeting you
Protecting Mabel
Protective older sister
❤️Cairo One-Shots❤️
An Inspiration
An Inspiration 2
An Inspiration 3
An Inspiration 4
An Inspiration 5
All Yours
All Yours 2
Poem #1


4.2K 138 204
By fordkate

A/N: Jenna x Reader

Summary: Y/n is playing an Ice Hockey Game and when she gets into a fight, Jenna is there to scold her but also worry about her.

here we go


Y/n's POV:

I skate toward the puck, skating as fast as I could. Getting shoved into the barricade hearing people shout abuse. I quickly gather myself, seeing it was number 19. Fucking 19, hate her. I continue to skate toward the puck, John passes to me and I dribble past 19 and fake a pass, shooting. Almost in but 21 in my team, picks it off and scores.

"Fucking bitch." I hear number 19 say, letting her shoulders sink. I budge past her and skate toward 21 and celebrate, seeing 19 shouting at me.

"What?" I question, laughing. Skating toward her, as I can tell that she's getting angry with me.

"No, no, no— Away. Away." I hear the referee say as he redirects me, his arms around me. "Let's not start a fight."

"She's literally called me a bitch and is getting all pissed off—"

"—I know, I know, but be the bigger person." He instructs me to do, I sigh and nod my head.

"All right, okay." I agree,

"We good?"

"Mhm." I agree, he lets go off me and I see Jenna smiling at me as she wears my jersey. She's so cute. I get into position and the game begins again.

Here we fucking go.


It's been 2 minutes and it's almost the end of the first quarter, I see number 19 on the opposite team skating toward the puck. I skate toward her, hitting her with my shoulder. She flips onto the ground. Crowd cheers. I rush toward the puck and pass it to my goalie who passes back to me. I move out the way as she tries to retaliate. I skate toward their goal, passing it.

"Yo—Yo—Yo, chill. Chill." I hear someone on the other team shout to 19 who is shaking her head, annoyed. Sorry I'm too quick.

"23!" I hear Nic, my teammate, shout to me. I glance around and see him, "Keep going! Keep going, number 19." He shouts as he passes to me, I skate toward the goal, dribbling it and passing it. I get it again. I shoot, I score. I celebrate yet see number 42 talking to 19 and pointing at me.

"Number 19's gonna be on my ass." I inform my captain, Wayne, he looks around and nods his head.

"Okay, try keep cool! Let's go!" He shouts, clapping his hands as we get back into position. I get ready and as I watch Wayne get into the face-off, going against the captain on their team. I feel number 19 skate and stop beside me.

"So," She begins, glancing at me. "free for dinner?"

"You wish." I say, through a laugh. Glancing at her. "Not having a good game, are you?"

"Fuck you." She spits at me before looking toward Jenna, "Damn, you've got one hot girlfriend." I hear her say, I see Nic glance back at me, giving me a stern look as if not to fight. I'm losing my patience though. I seriously am losing my patience with this bitch. "I swear, I could just take her to my room and fuck the shit—"

The referee drops the puck and I immediately drop my stick, helmet, and gloves. People beginning to cheer. She does the same, both of us skating toward one another. I throw a left, then a right. She grips my t-shirt and I try push her off of me. She punches me in the face. Then again, then again. I try to trip her up and it almost fails. Thankfully, I have good balance and don't fall.

"Break it up! Break it up!" I hear someone on the other team shout to her, yet Nic tackles into him. The guy's helmet falls off his head. Standing above him. I dodge a punch, gripping her t-shirt. I punch her, then again. Then again. She hits me and tackles me onto the floor. My head hits against the ice. Fucking ow! I flip us over, gripping her t-shirt and hitting her multiple times. Feeling her get a few punches here and there against me.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" I hear someone shout,

"Holy shit!"

"Go 23!"


"Oh, my god!" I hear someone say, I finally get pulled off. Feeling the referee and multiple teammates shouting abuse at me. I smile, feeling blood drip down past my eye and down my cheek. I feel myself get pushed by her teammate and I push them away,

"Fuck off—!"

"—No, no, no. Stop." The referee redirects me, turning me away from them and stopping me from causing another fight. I glance at my team and there are so many people stopping people from trying to fight with me. I laugh and move my mouth guard out, resting it on my lips, it curling upwards. I catch my breath, knowing I definitely won that fight. Whoever says I didn't are fucking blind. I got more punches than her and yes she might've got me on the ground but I quickly flipped it around.

I have to sit in the box for 5 minutes once I'm out of the medical room because my nose is bleeding and I have a cut, I protested not to go but they wanted me too.

"I'm fine, Jesus. I just need to get back on the rink." I express to the medical professional, him chuckling softly.

"And you will, let me just bandage you up." He replies, giving me an assuring look. "I think—"

"—Y/n mother-fucking M/n L/n! I am so angry but also relieved to see you!" I hear Jenna say, bursting through the door and her shoulders sinking before rushing over to me, she inspects my face. Cupping my face in her cheeks. "My god, I can't believe she hurt my baby. I'm gonna have some words with her—!"

"—No, no, no!" I grip the back of her jeans and stop her from moving, "Where ya goin', Honey?"

"Stupid... girl..."

"Come back." I say to her, smiling at the medical professional, she huffs and turns to me. "How ya doin'?" I greet her sarcastically,

"Please don't get hurt, okay?" She says, sternly. I go to protest but she points at me, "No, I mean it. I expect to see you okay, perfectly fine apart from this. I expect to see no fallen out teeth, nothing broken. Nothing. I mean it. Nothing. Do you hear me?" She states, demandingly and pointing at me, I nod my head, frantically. Slightly scared and turned on. I don't know what to feel, I feel both. She's hot and scary sometimes and I love it.

"I... Loud and clear, Ma'am." I answer in reply, she sighs softly and sits down beside me. She kisses my head and rests her head on my shoulder.

"At least you looked hot when fighting." I hear her reply, making me and the medical professional laugh, she smiles.

"You know she said something about you, it's why I caused the fight. I couldn't let anyone say anything about you."

"My sweet protector." She whispers softly, I place a kiss on her head and once I'm all patched up, I'm in the naughty box as Jenna calls it. She goes back to her seat and I watch her, smiling at her as I make sure she gets back to her seat without any disturbance. I watch as 19 approaches the naughty box and before the play can even begin, I've managed to start another argument.

"She's just so sexy, man. I'll give you points for that—"

"—Fuck you—! Fuck you! As soon as I'm out the box, I'm fucking coming for you." I shout at her, number 19 laughing and being directed away. I shake my head and huff, pushing my mouth guard out a little and having the side between my teeth before adjusting it and putting it back into place.


I have 5 seconds left,

"Have a good fight! Try not to lose!" I hear a girl say to me, giving me a thumbs up. It was a little girl.

"Tell that to her, I'll win just for you."

"Uh— Really?"

"Just for you." I say to her, turning back. The door opens and I see her approaching. I immediately drop my stomach and tackle her onto the floor, her falling to the floor. She quickly gets up and I push her back, punching her multiple times yet she cross-checks me, making me fall. She then drops her stick, punching me multiple times. I punch her a few times back yet she has to get pulled off, she literally cross-checked me at the front, making me fall. Surely she has to sit in the penalty box and maybe even get a suspension. It was intent to harm.

She gets directed away yet I skate after her but feel arms wrap around me and redirect me. Fucking hell, this game is ridiculous.


I don't know how she made it back onto the ice but she has, I've been on her ass the rest of the game, winding her up. Commentating as if I had the mic on and calling her all sorts of names. Laughing when she fails and gets frustrated. The game is about to end and I'm fed up of her and her fucking antics. Plus, she got the last laugh and I don't want that happening, so, guess what I'm gonna do?

Last fucking second fight.

I look at the countdown, seeing it go 5-4-3... There she is. I skate toward it and just as the whistle is about to blow, I make her fall onto the ground, she doesn't move. Her eyes are shut before they blink open, her teammates push me away and one tries to start a fight but I push them away, going to fight but Wayne stops me from causing another fight.

I groan as we all get separated and head off the rink to do an aftergame review. Coach is a little unimpressed with how I was starting fights but liked my aggressiveness. Saying how I should become more of a fighter for the team. It made the team laugh.


So... you know how Jenna said that she doesn't want me hurt and perfectly fine? We're in a room at the hospital waiting for my scans to come back as I think I might've damaged my wrist.

"I said not a scratch, everything to be fine."

"I didn't mean it, baby! She really said some stuff about wanting to fuck you and I got angry. Plus, I'm surprised my bruising on my chest isn't worse. Her fucking stick hurt." I complain, shaking my head and getting angry at the thought of it. What a fucking bitch...

"Although it was hot," She begins, placing a kiss on my lips that I return, smiling widely. "you need to not get in a fight. Okay?" She says, giving me another short kiss that I return.

"But my coach wants me to fight more."

"Well, don't!" She shouts over me before I can even finish my sentence,

"Okay, okay! Damn, I won't fight for a while." I agree to her terms, seeing her sigh and sit beside me.

"Are you okay though?" She asks me, I look over at her and lean in, kissing her lips knowing that it'll at least ease her a little bit. She pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"I'm fine, Jenna." I state, giving her my best smile. "See? I have all my teeth. At least that's something." I remind her, seeing her roll her eyes as she laughs softly. Shaking her head.


"Hey, I'm your dumb-dumb." I reply, resting my head on her shoulder, she gives me head scratches and I immediately want to crawl into her lap and want to melt into her body. I might be taller, stronger, and a lot heavier than her but my apparently golden retriever instincts won't stop me from wanting to sit on Jenna's lap and get cuddles and head scratches. "I want this over with." I complain,

"Me too, bub. Me too." She whispers in reply, "Everything's gonna be fine."


...I fractured my wrist.

"I gave you one order, L/n! One order!"

"I didn't mean it!" I complain, crossing my left arm over my stomach. "I really didn't mean it, it was in your honour and—" She stares me down and I swallow the lump in my throat, "S—Sorry."

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." She warns me, I groan.


I'm trying to sleep but I can't. I keep tossing and turning and I hate it. I really hate it. I huff, crossing my left arm over my stomach, shaking my head.

I can't believe she's making me actually sleep on the couch. I didn't think she was serious about that but here I am... sleeping on the couch while my girlfriend - my beautiful, amazing, angel face girlfriend - gets to sleep in bed—

You know what?

I huff and stand up, walking toward the stairs and walking upstairs. I knock on the door then open it, peaking my head in and I see her rubbing her eyes, stirring awake.

"I find this very unfair—"


"—Not fair." I state, huffing.

"It is."

"Please, baby?" I ask her, she looks at me and huffs.

"Fine. Only because you're being ridiculously cute and I miss you." She replies, I blush and shut the door, rushing into bed. I climb in beside her and I rest my head on my comfort pillows. Wanna know my comfort pillows?

Her boobs.


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