Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

Birthday girl

716 20 2
By Lieke4043

"Happy birthday my love." Is the first thing I hear when I wake up. I've actually been able to sleep all night. Not so strange considering I don't even remember how many times he made me orgasm last night.
"Thank you my honey badger." When I open my eyes he is standing there in just his sweatpants with a tray filled with breakfast.
I see fresh orange juice, tea, toast with melted butter and Nutella, I have been craving Nutella since a couple of weeks so we now make sure we have Nutella everywhere we go.

My mouth starts to water when I see it all, but even more so because of him, being his shirtless sexy self.
"Eyes on the food love." He grins and I quickly see what else he has on there.
He also has some fresh fruit and for himself he has porridge and also fruit. Some toast with chicken and avocado and some croissants for the both of us.
"Aw babe, you didn't have to do this, but it's so sweet and it looks amazing, so thank you. I have to go to the toilet first, but then I can't wait to dig in."
"Take your time baby, I'll be here."

He puts the tray on a little bed table we bought so we can have breakfast in bed without having to worry the drinks will fall over in bed.
After I have washed my hands I quickly brush my hair so I don't look like a scarecrow as much.
Daniel has climbed back in bed and he actually put on some music. I hear Brad Paisleys song Then, which just makes me feel so much butterflies again.
I know it's not the baby, because he definitely doesn't feel like butterflies anymore. It's more a kickboxer when he starts.

"Come back to bed, I've got quite a day planned for you. So I hope you slept well." He looks as excited as a kid in a candy store, so I'm very curious to find out what exactly he's been up to.
"I did actually, so I'm very well rested and looking forward to whatever you came up with."
As I climb back in the bed I see a little wrapped box on the tray that wasn't there before I went to the bathroom.
"Oh Daniel please tell me you didn't buy me some super expensive piece of jewelry?"

"Just open it." He hands it over and I realize my hands are a bit shaky when I take off the wrapping paper.
There's a red velvet box and I take a deep breath before I open it.
There is a gorgeous ring in there, but it seems unfinished. In the middle there's a diamond, next to it I see a beautiful ruby. But theres also an empty place for another stone.
"So as you can tell it's not complete yet. The diamond is your birth stone. The ruby is mine and the third one will be peanuts birth stone. If she is born in May I will have an emerald placed in it, but if she is a bit late and waits until it's June there will be a different one."

I swallow back the lump that is forming in my throat, I'm not sad at all, just so happy that it makes my eyes fill with tears.
"I love it Daniel, it's stunning. You really thought about it didn't you?" I give him a kiss before he can answer. I love the way I can taste the sweet fruit he has been eating on his lips.
"I wanted to make it special as I didn't know about your birthday last year, so I have to put two birthdays in one today."

"No you don't silly, but thank you, this is truly such an amazing gift." I try it on and it fits perfectly. I'm not going to wear it just yet, because I'm a bit scared I might start to swell a bit in the next couple of weeks and then maybe I can't get it off anymore.
He understands so we put it back in the box and he places that in his nightstand so as soon as peanut is born he can take it to the jeweler to get the stone put in.

"I told Michael I have a day off today, I don't have to train with him, so I'm all yours today." He says once we finished breakfast.
"Oh my, what on earth did you plan for today?"
He shrugs, "you'll find out. But we should be getting dressed to get ready for your next surprise."

As I take a quick shower to wash up after last night he cleans away the breakfast stuff. He gets in with me and holds my bump for me again to give me a few minutes of ease.
It's truly the best gift he can give me, I love the ring, but the fact that he tries to ease my discomfort is worth so much more.
We get dressed and then he grabs a scarf.
"It's not that cold outside is it?" I ask but his grin tells me it's not for the cold.

"Nope, but I'm going to blind fold you." He puts the scarf over my eyes and ties it behind my head.
"Hmm I kinda like this, we should try this in the bedroom once." I say when everything is now dark.
"Don't tempt me, we have too much to do today."
I hear his voice somewhere on my right, his hand suddenly grabs mine as he leads me out of our door.

Then we get in the elevator, which feels really strange not being able to see. If anybody would come in now they could have a proper laugh that's for sure.
I think we get out in the lobby, because I hear the security guard greeting Daniel and wishing me a happy birthday.
"Thanks Leonardo!" I shout when I feel the fresh air as we step outside.
I also smell rubber and the exhaust fumes of cars, so I'm guessing we're in the garage.

"Wait here." He tells me to stop and I feel a bit lost. I could standing in the middle of the garage as far as I know.
I'm glad to feel his hands on my arms as I realize he's standing behind me.
"I'll take off the blind fold now." His hands quickly untie the knot he made in the scarf, so it falls down.
My eyes have to adjust to the light for a second but then I gasp.

"No you didn't!! Tell me it's just for today. You rented it right?" My heart is beating out of my chest.
"No baby, this is yours."

I'm looking at one of the most breath taking cars I have ever seen.
"It's not an electric one, it's a 2017 Ford Mustang GT, I know you love the old timers more, but I felt this one is safer. It's still noisy though."
I'm just speechless, my jaw is pretty much on the floor as I'm staring at this car that apparently is mine.

"I can't accept this Daniel, this is too much." I turn around to face him, but when I see him looking so happy that he got this for me I realize I can't refuse.
"Are you sure babe? This is a bit much for a birthday present isn't it?"
"It's not, please accept it. I know how much you love these cars and I just wanted you to have one." His face drops a bit, he really is nervous that I'll refuse to accept it.

"Oh you are absolutely crazy, but I love you so much. Thank you!"
I put my arms around him as much as I can to get as close to him as possible.
A sigh of relief escapes him and I understand he just wants to make me happy. For me this is crazy, but for him this is a way of showing how much he cares about me.

"So how about we take this monster for a ride?" He holds his hand out dangling the keys from his finger. "Do you want me to drive?" I ask him and he nods, "it's your car. You try it."
I take the key and unlock the car, when I open the door I'm taken back by the beauty of its interior.
It even has a backseat, where Daniel has already put in the system where we can just click peanuts car seat in. Saves us a lot of struggle with the seat belt.

I'm glad the car isn't super low, because I would never be able to climb in or out one of those low to the ground sports cars.
I carefully get in the car, enjoying how the leather seat feels, it's super comfortable, something I can definitely use these days. My hands run over the steering wheel and even though I still think this car is a crazy birthday present. Secretly I really love it.
Once Daniel gets in we put our seatbelts on and I start the car.

The roar of the engine sends shivers down my spine, I close my eyes to enjoy it for a second and I hear Daniel chuckle.
"I remember when I picked you up in that McLaren to go to the MTC. You looked just like you do now when I let that engine roar. It turned you on didn't it, just as it does now?"
"Absolutely, but I think the fact that I was in a car with you turned me on a lot more. It still does."

When I look at him I can just tell what he's thinking. "Not a chance babe, I'm in no way mobile enough to have sex in this car. You'll have to wait until I'm back in my normal shape again." I look down at my huge bump, "if I ever get back in shape that it is."
His hand finds my belly and he gently strokes it.
"You will, you've hardly gained any weight, all the weight that you did add is the baby and her swimming pool in there. Do you realize that you can't even tell you're pregnant from the back? Your waist is still as slim as it was before."

I'm actually glowing because of his sweet words. I know I'm lucky, so far I didn't even get any stretch marks, but that might change in the last weeks.
"Thanks babe, now where are we going?" I pull up out of the garage and he tells me where I have to go.
We drive past the marina and then head into the hills.
It doesn't take long before I realize where we are going. It's our spot, the place where he took me when I just got here, the place where we went when we decided we were going to let nature decide if and when we would get pregnant again.

That spot has been the place we go to escape everything, just to look out over Monaco and sometimes we just sit there without talking.
I park my new car and we make our way down the narrow path through the shrub.
"I can't wait to take peanut here." Daniel says as he helps me so I don't fall over.
When we reach the small open area I see there's a picknick blanket with tons of pillows and a basket that is probably filled with good stuff.

"Oh Daniel! Did you do this? When? How?" He was with me the entire time so I don't know how he did this.
"I may have had some help, Charles and Charlotte brought it up here."
I can't believe how much thought went into today so far. He really went the extra mile to make this day special for me.
He takes my hand, leading me to the blanket and helps me so I can sit down, leaning against the pillows.

He then kneels on the blanket besides me and opens up the basket. Pulling out a cute little birthday cake, plates and a knife.
"Oh Daniel, you got a cake!!"
"Of course I did, it's your birthday. You need to have cake."
When he puts the cake in front of me I see it's white with purple flowers on it, it says 'Happy Birthday my beautiful girl'

And there's the tears again, god I'm such a mess these days. Bloody hormones.
Daniel cuts two big slices off the cake and we really love this time up here. Watching down at the activity in the city and the boats that are leaving the marina while we are up here is pretty calming.
"So how are you feeling about me having to go to the races alone? Will you be ok?" Daniel asks me while I'm laying with my head on his lap.

"I will be. I won't lie it's going to be hard. We've never been apart for that long, but I guess I'll have to get used to it. I will miss you like crazy, but I'll be watching you win on tv." I can see him smiling when he thinks about winning. The fact that he is now actually in a winning car is just such a relief. His talent is finally able to come out again.
"If I win, it will be for you and peanut. I'm sure I'll get plenty of questions about why you aren't there. We haven't put the due date out in public, so I'm sure people will think you've given birth when you're not there."

"Let them speculate, we will let everybody know about peanut when we feel like it. I'm really looking forward to finally meeting him. Or her."
We both have a hand on my bump, loving the kicks and wiggly bum we can feel.
"She really is head down now isn't she?" He asks.
"Yeah, at least she was the last time Dr Dubois checked. I will have to go in every week now for check ups. I just hope this little one doesn't turn around, I won't be able to have that home birth if he is breech."

"She won't, she won't have much room to turn anymore. I'm positive you'll be able to give birth in our own home. With me and Dr Dubois there and nobody else. How about after. When do you want people to come over?" He asks me and I think about it for a while.
"I'm not sure, I would love to show our baby to the people closest to us as soon as possible. But I would also like to just be with the three of us for a couple of days. I guess we'll have to wait until that time comes. We both have a say in it and we don't know how we will feel then."

After a while we decide to clean up and get back to the car. Daniel tells me to take a nap when we are home, because he wants to take me out to dinner tonight. He goes for a quick work out with Michael even though he said he had a day off, he might as well if I'm taking a nap anyways. When I'm in bed I grab his pillow to cuddle with, I think I'll be doing that when he's away a lot as well.
I quickly fall asleep and dream about Daniel and me holding our baby. Here in our own bed, cuddled up with the three of us. It's an amazing dream and when I wake up a couple of hours later I have a big smile on my face.

"Baby it's time to get ready. You might want to dress up a bit, it is your birthday dinner after all." Daniel says and I sigh.
"I don't have anything fancy that fits me anymore. I'm too big now."
He comes in carrying a big box, "it's a good thing I took care of that then."
He puts the box down on the bed and takes off the lid.
"Oh Daniel! You shouldn't have. You've already spoiled me enough today."

He picks up the dress. It's a black, off shoulder dress with a velvet long sleeved top and a mesh skirt with stars on it.

"But you deserve it. Now put it on, we have to go in 30 minutes. I have made reservations."
I guess I'll just have to accept this as well, so I give him a long, loving kiss. A kiss that makes my body react in a second. I will never not want this man, but I know we can't right now. Especially if he has made reservations. So reluctantly I let go of him and I get ready.
The dress fits perfectly and is also very comfortable, so after putting on a bit of make up and fixing my hair I'm ready to go.

"It looks amazing on you. I may have had some help from Kelly, but I thought she would know what you would like as she has also been there." Daniel looks extremely handsome as he hands me my coat and we make our way to the garage. We take the Mustang again, but now he's driving because I don't know where he wants to go.
We end up in the restaurant Charlotte and Charles took us when I first went on stage in Duke that same night.

It's like he's taking me on a trip down memory lane and I love every second of it. The food is amazing as it was the first time, even though we are together pretty much 24/7 we are never done talking to each other. Not always about serious and deep stuff, but the small talk is just as nice.
When it's time for desert they bring out mine with some fireworks on it and the entire restaurant starts to sing.
I blush as I still don't like to be in the center of attention, but knowing that Daniel arranged all of this does really warm my heart.

"I'm going to blindfold you again for our next destination, it's in walking distance so I hope you're up for one last activity?" He asks after paying the bill.
"Ehm yeah sure, I guess."
He ties the scarf around my eyes again and leads me somewhere, but because he has turned me around a few times I'm completely lost. I don't know if we left the restaurant at the front or the back. I do feel the fresh air when we step outside, but then we make a couple of turns left and right as we are walking, which makes me feel extremely disorientated.

A couple of minutes later he tells me there's a threshold so I have to take a big step to get over it. It feels a lot warmer here so I guess we went inside somewhere.
It's eerily silent where we are now, but he keeps leading me further inside.
"Babe where are we? It's so quiet in here." I whisper, speaking with my normal voice doesn't feel right.
"You'll see, just be patient." It's so weird hearing his voice but not being able to see him.

I trust him completely, otherwise I would have never let anybody blindfold me and take me somewhere unknown.
"Ok you can stop now." I feel him getting behind me and I giggle. "You're not going to fuck me blindfolded are you, I mean as far as I know there could be people here."
"Noooo, not right now, but hold that thought, maybe we can do that later."

I can feel him loosen the scarf and I'm almost able to see where we are.
"Are you ready baby?" He asks me and I nod.
"Yeah, come on take it off so I can see where I am."
The scarf drops down and I open my eyes. It's still pitch black around me, so I blink a few times worried that I have suddenly lost my eyesight.

But then the lights go on and I'm actually blinded for a second.
I look around once my vision is back and by the sight of the people in front of me, I almost fall backwards, but Daniel is there to support me.
My hands are in front of my mouth and I just burst into tears, tears of joy and happiness. Tears of extreme love and gratitude.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYLAR!!" They shout and I need a moment to bury myself in Daniels embrace as I try to wrap my head around it all.

I immediately recognized the place, we're at Duke and in here are all the people that are important to us.

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