Jenna x Reader One-Shots

By fordkate

558K 15.4K 25.1K

Just some random one shots that come to mind and feel free to request <3 Jenna Ortega x Fem Reader I love... More

❤️Jenna One-Shots❤️
Christmas Together
Books and Headphones
Interview 2
First Kiss
Intruder? No, just my girlfriend
"I love you"
Finding out
Meeting the Family
Football Mishap
Someone New
"You didn't say goodbye"
"Do you like me...?"
"Do you like me...?" 2
Demanding Boss
Demanding Boss 2
Demanding Boss 3
Demanding Boss 4
Demanding Boss 5
Demanding Boss 6
⚠️Demanding Boss 7⚠️
Demanding Boss 8
"...An Angel appears from Heaven"
Jenna The Bully
Best Friends Sister
⚠️Acceptance 2⚠️
"I can explain, I swear"
"I can explain, I swear" 2
Friendship? Relationship.
Meeting the family
Best Friend Protection
The Last Of Us
⚠️The Last of Us "Part II"⚠️
First meeting
SAG Awards
Let's fall in love for the night
Public Outrage
Public Outrage 2
Falling in love behind the scenes
Made for Death
Made for Death 2
Desired for You
Desired for You 2
Desired for You 3
Desired for You 4
Desired for You 5
Old Money
"We wasted days"
The Main Lover of Y/n L/n
Meeting at Coachella
"Give into me, my love"
Behind the scenes
Hanging out gone... right?
⚠️Secret Insecurities⚠️
A '55 Romance
"Do you want me, Jenna?"
"Do you want me, Jenna?" 2
⚠️"Do you want me, Jenna?" 3⚠️
"Do you want me, Jenna?" 4
"Do you want me, Jenna?" 5
Next Door Neighbour
Next Door Neighbour 2
"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry"
"That girl has trust issues..."
"That girl has trust issues" 2
A Secret Society
Secret Kid
Secret Kid 2
⚠️Mystery Unsolved⚠️
Mystery Unsolved 2
Mystery Unsolved 3
Mystery Murder 4
Mystery Murder 5
Mystery Murder 6
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I'm sorry, who are you?" 2
"I'm sorry, who are you?" 3
❤️Phoebe Atwell❤️
Feelings for the new girl
Feelings for the new girl 2
On the run
New girl
Secret Crushes
Feelings for you
❤️Lorraine One-Shots❤️
❤️Vada One-Shots❤️
⚠️School Shooting + Aftermath⚠️
Best Friends
"You slept with her?"
"There's no reason"
❤️Wednesday One-Shots❤️
Wolf Fight
Soft Side
Whose side is she on?
Smitten Over Y/n Sinclair
Secret Relationship
"Can't get you out of my mind"
❤️Katie One-Shots❤️
Fleekfest Concert + Aftermath
My Girl
Jealous of Carter
❤️Tara One-Shot❤️
"I will always protect you"
"I like you so much, Tara"
❤️Ellie Alves One-Shots❤️
Escaping the box
"Ellie Alves, hi"
"Falling in love, are we?"
"Falling in love, are we?" 2
❤️Mabel One-Shots❤️
Meeting you
Protecting Mabel
Protective older sister
❤️Cairo One-Shots❤️
An Inspiration
An Inspiration 2
An Inspiration 3
An Inspiration 4
An Inspiration 5
All Yours
All Yours 2
Poem #1

Horrible Fights

5K 165 148
By fordkate

A/N: Jenna x Reader

Requested by: BlazingStrike1

Summary: Jenna and Y/n get in a horrible fight and Y/n ends up leaving, staying the night at a friends house causing Jenna to worry for the whole night. The next morning Y/n comes back, seeing her scared and panicked, worrying about her then make up, Y/n feeling bad.



Y/n's POV:

Jenna begins to walk away, scoffing and shaking her head, storming away from me. I walk after her, not wanting to be done with this 'conversation' that's actually an argument.

"No, Jenna, stop fucking walking away from me! We're not done!" I shout after her, walking after her and seeing her turn around to me, annoyed.

"What more is there to say?" Jenna questions, annoyed. "You clearly wanna fuck her—"

"—Who said that I want to do that—? Look, Jenna, just listen to me," I begin, resting my hand on her chest and seeing her stare at me, annoyed, "she is just a friend—!"

"—Yeah fucking right."

"I mean it! We are just friends, I don't want to date her, I don't want to kiss her, or even anything remotely romantic with her. She is my friend!" I argue, hoping that she can at least try to understand it.

"Yeah, I bet she believes that as well." She argues, crossing her arms. "I bet if I fucking ask her, she'll think that you two are something."

"That's her opinion but I don't like her like that—!"

"—No, Y/n, you allowed her to feel like that! You allowed her and welcomed those feelings!"

"I didn't know I was doing that! I was being nice to her, she's a new friend and I thought that if I welcomed her to the group—"

"—You welcomed her to the group?!" She asks, annoyed.

"Yeah, why?"

"You haven't even welcomed me to the group!"

"That's because I know you wouldn't like them, you would out-smart them in a second and they would judge you for that—!"

"—Oh, please, I can handle myself." She replies through a scoff, walking away and budging past me, me falling into the door frame, I follow after her, walking downstairs.

"I know that but I'd get so annoyed and I would hate to do that!" I express to her, sincerely, seeing Jenna grab a cushion and chuck it at me. "Ow—!"

"—Oh, please, as if that hurt. Don't be a baby." She scolds me, chucking another at me. I chuck both at her, seeing her look at me offended. "You did not."

"You threw it first." I argue, shrugging and resting my hands on her my waist.

"You are ridiculous!" She shouts at me, chucking it back, hitting me in the face making me groan. I hold onto the cushion, letting it rest beside my thigh. I walk over to her yet she walks away from me, heading into the kitchen and getting a glass and pouring herself a glass of water. "Leave me alone!" She shouts at me,

"No, Jenna, we have to talk!"

"I think we're done here." She states, walking away and heading upstairs to our room. I sigh and run my hand through my hair, thinking about what I could've done better and why she even is mad at me. I don't get why she's so angry at me helping Maeve fit into the group. I met her, knew the group would like her, introduced her, and that's all. I don't see the big deal.

Gosh, I need to talk to my best friend, I head into the living room and chuck the pillow onto the couch, I grab my bag and I leave, going to my friends house.


I arrive at my best friend's house and I use the key that she gave me, I unlock the door and tug on the handle, opening the door. I step inside, looking around and feeling myself smile as I begin to glance around her house. Her house is always so beautiful and pretty. I love being here, it's so welcoming.

"Flo!" I call on her, waiting for a response. "Flo, are you home?" I call out to her, waiting on a response but nothing. I decide to call her and I hear her phone, I look around and see that's on the kitchen counter. I peak out the window and see that she's putting out her washing, I head out the back door and walk down the steps, "Hi." I greet her, seeing her glance before turning to me.

"Hey, weirdo, what're you doing here?" She asks me, continuing to hang her washing out. I head over, helping her out to get it done quicker.

"A fight." I answer, clearing my throat.

"Woah, you two fought?"

"Yes, is that a surprise?" I ask her, making Florence scoff in disbelief, she shakes her head and hands her bra while I hang a t-shirt.

"For you two? Yes. You two have insane communication that I crave deeply in a relationship," Florence expresses to me, making me smile widely. "what went wrong?" She questions, resting her hand on my forearm, both of us pausing. "Y/n, what went wrong?"

"I just..." I try to find the right words, "I don't know, one second we're fine, the next she's accusing me of cheating and I tried to convince her that I would never do that to her yet she wouldn't believe me." I explain to her, letting out a small sigh. "I just... I don't know what to do. I really don't." I express to her, shrugging as I continue to hang up clothes, her finally letting go of my wrist.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I dismiss, shaking my head, clearing my throat. "Can... Can I stay the night?" I ask her, hoping that I can stay here.

"Yeah, of course." She agrees, nodding her head.


Jenna's POV:

I head back downstairs and I glance around, not seeing Y/n anywhere. I peak my head into the kitchen, not there. She's not in the living room, oddly enough. She loves the living room. Where is she?

"Y/n?" I call on her, waiting for a response yet nothing. I don't have my headphones or earphones in so it's not like I need to take them out. I look in her office and she isn't there. Where the hell is she? I begin to pick at some dead skin as I walk toward my phone that I left on the kitchen table and I send her a text, waiting for a response but nothing. I chew on my bottom lip and stop picking at my skin. "Y/n?" I call out again, glancing around and heading over to the couch and sitting down. Trying to catch my breath.

Maybe she just went out, she just went out. She just went out for a walk? She likes walking, we both like walking. Maybe I can... I can go for a walk and I can bump into her on the walk. That'll work, right?



Okay, I went for an hour and a half walk, she could be home now. Y/n, I swear to god, please just be home. You aren't responding to my texts and I'm getting worried, now. I am not up for opposing calling the police— I knew all those murder podcasts that my mom made me listen too would come in handy one day. Oh, my god, do you think I might end up on one for my girlfriend—?

Oh, my god... is she dead? Is she dead?

Please don't be dead, baby.


I unlock the door and open it, stepping inside and everything looks the same as I left it. I shut and lock the door behind me then hang the keys up and quickly take my jacket off. I peak into the kitchen, nothing. Nothing in the living room.

"Y/n? Are you home, now?" I call out to her, waiting for a reply yet nothing. I head into her office, nothing. Guest room that turned into nothing, nothing. I check the downstairs bathroom, nothing. I go upstairs, nothing in the games room, nothing in the bedroom, nothing in the closet or the bathroom. "Y/n, where the fuck are you?!" I exclaim, getting annoyed. I panic as I pace back and forth, I decide to call Emma. She always knows how to calm me down. She answers after 4 rings.

"Hey, Jen, you okay?" I hear Emma ask me, I continue to pace back and forth.

"No, I'm horrible." I answer, truthfully, "I can't find Y/n! I don't know where she went, we got in an argument and—and—and then she—she just left! I went upstairs for like 5 seconds and she's gone! I haven't seen her in like 2 hours, what do I do?" I ask her, panicked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You two got in a fight?" Emma asks, sounding shocked and surprised.

"Yes, why?" I question,

"Well... nothing, just you two are always so happy and good at communicating, I didn't think you two would've had an argument." Emma expresses to me,

"Focus!" I exclaim, panicked.

"All right, relax, she's probably just at her friends house." Emma attempts to assure me, "Look, put on a movie. We'll FaceTime and watch it together, 'kay?" Emma says to me, I take a deep breath in and exhale softly.

"Okay..." I mumble quietly,


It's halfway through the movie and I'm bored out of my mind, I want to cuddle with Y/n. I want to kiss Y/n. I feel like I haven't been apart from her before and this is the first time it's happening which is making my heart beat faster.

"Jenna?" I hear Emma call on me, I look over at my phone screen when I see her looking at me worriedly. "Hey, talk to me, what's wrong?" She asks me, I let out a shaky exhale as I set my phone down.

"I... I'm worried. Y—Y/n, she's never done this before and I know we had an argument and sometimes she just randomly shuts down but this is so scary! I don't know how to deal with this, how to push forward or what I should even be doing right now. I don't know what friend she would go too as she doesn't tell me anything about her friends— well, she does, she just likes to say 'Whatever is said between us, is between us' so whenever I ask, it's more just 'Yeah, it was normal' which makes me feel as if feels like she's supposed to be happy but isn't— have I been blind this entire time and completely missed something? Do you think that's why she's ran away—?"

"—Woah, Jen—Jenna, listen to me. She hasn't ran away. I assure you, she's probably just out with her friends to try and cool off." Emma assures me, I sigh, letting my shoulders fall and I continue to watch the movie. "She's going to be okay, I promise." She adds, I nod my head in agreement and bite my bottom lip as I bring my hands close to my face, I pick at the skin at the side of my nail and sigh.

"Yeah, you're right..." I mumble quietly,


I'm getting myself a cup of water as I'm trying to read but it's failing at the moment as my mind is going in so many different directions that I can't focus.

"Try drink some milk, maybe. It might make you feel tired." Emma suggests, yawning. I shake my head lightly.

"Nah, I don't... I don't really want milk right now." I disagree, she hums softly.

"Fair— Oh, my god. Let's see what Hunter posted on his story." I hear Emma say, making me chuckle softly. She tells me what he posted and I just smile as it is something he would post. I miss the gang. It was a fun time.


I'm playing a game on my phone while Emma is talking to me and we're having a deep conversation at the moment,

"...You know? I feel as if everything leads back to love. You can't do anything without love and it feels so ridiculous to say that out loud but it's true, every action you do is for love whether that's for a friend, family member or partner. Everything. Like happiness can lead to love for a person. Sadness and loss is there because you have loved someone and then lost them due to whatever reason. There is just so much love in the world that is like... a perfume, it's like a misty—a— a misty spray that just passes you and you don't even realise." I ramble onto Emma, Emma nodding her head in agreement,

"Literally, it's so crazy to think that so much can happen and can connect back to love. It— Wow, it's just... mhm." She answers, as we both just stare into space at the wall.

"Right? I mean, I feel like with love you can go so far with it and it's just such a broad topic to talk about that it's sometimes hard to talk about it in a short amount of time, you know?"

"Yeah, I get you."

"Like I hate how interviewers ask about love lives and everything, to me? Most boring part, I just don't see why they find it necessary to understand what's going on my life. Like why do you need to know? Does it make me more interesting on what my love language is? Does it make me more interesting on knowing what flowers I like or what my ideal date is. It's weird and—and—and odd and... and I just don't get it. It's so weird. I can't explain it." I express to her as my eyes finally peal away from the wall and when I look at my phone screen, it resting on it's side as it's charging, I see Emma smiling at me.

"Yeah, that... that's really weird." She replies, nodding her head.


Emma fell asleep and I'm writing on my laptop as I don't know what else to do. I've tried so many things yet everything is failing me and my mind is going a million miles a second. I'm trying to write an essay like what Emmerson would've done and I tried to read more of his essays but I can't read. I keep getting distracted.

"Although, my love for her was bigger than she knew, she had the idea and thoughts of leaving me. So, without my knowledge, she's left and my heart is in ache. It's only been 4 hours and I can't stand the silence, the isolation, and the fear of ending up alone is slowly infiltrating my mind to the point where I can no longer think of anything else. Call me dramatic, call me crazy. But my love for you is endless, my dear, and I'm scared for what has happened. For what I've said and for what my actions were during our argument. Come back to me, Cara Mia. Come back to me and I will be better. Even better than when we first started dating. I will do this all for you, and all I ask and wish for in return is your love and your beautiful soul to come back to me." I type out into the laptop, pouring my heart and soul into the essay that I'm writing as it helps me clear my thoughts— my true thoughts cause sometimes when I'm interviews it feels as if I say one thing but I don't think that way or I mean the opposite. It's weird.

I feel tears begin to fall down my cheek without realising it. I wipe them away, not knowing why I'm crying. I want Y/n. I want her back here and I want to know she's safe.

Why is she hiding from me?


I wake up to hearing the door open and when I open my eyes, I see that Y/n's here. I stand up and immediately rush toward her. Wrapping my arms around her neck and practically jumping on her.

"Ay! Por el amor de Dios! " I exclaim, sighing in relief. I jump off of her and begin hitting her in the arm, multiple times.


"—What the hell is wrong with you?! I spent the entire night worrying about you! Worrying that you were kidnapped or—or that you ran away— Y/n, what the fuck?!" I exclaim, angry at her.

"I stayed at Florence's!" She argues,

"Tell me that then! Don't become Houdini and disappear on me!" I argue, sighing and kissing her, she kisses me back and holds me close to her. I pull away and continue to scold her. "Fucking hell, next time you are pissed at me, don't disappear! I can't take it!" I exclaim, angrily, beginning to cry, she looks at me shocked.

"What the hell is happening right now?" I hear her mutter, she pulls me into her arms, hugging me tightly. "I'm not going anywhere, my love, I'm so sorry." She apologises, rubbing my back and her other hand rests on the back of my head; I feel her place a kiss on top of my head and I continue to lean into her, feeling myself be so overwhelmed that I don't know if I'm angry or not. "It's okay, my love, I'm here now." I hear her say softly in my ear, making me feel much more relax. I'm glad that she's home so now I can become a sloth and stay on her back or stay clinging onto her for the rest of the day and use it as an excuse to do so.

I'm so glad I have her back, I was so scared. I thought she was dead but she's back in my arms now and I am happy she's home.


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