Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

Swiss Chocolate

709 17 0
By Lieke4043

I don't know that much about Sebs family, besides the names and ages of his girls. I don't even know if everything that's on Google is true. So for what I don't know I use my imagination. It's fanfiction anyways 😜

After barely taking off we are already descending to Zurich airport. The short flight had some amazing views of snowy mountains and I'm really looking forward to see where Seb lives. He told me he lived in a converted farm house with many acres of land around it. He's very private, which is one of the reasons he lives here, in Switzerland they just protect and respect privacy a lot more.
I think it's amazing how he has done it, he is a four time world champion with a family, but he has protected his family's privacy as much as he could.

I am pretty honored that we were invited to his home, but he also knows he can trust us and we like the quiet and private life he leads just as much as he does. We would never do anything to jeopardize that.
He promised he would be waiting for us at the airport, so when we find our suitcases we make our way out to arrivals.
As I turn on my phone I see he texted he'd be a few minutes late, but that's ok.

I hear some piano music playing and I'm instantly drawn to the sound.
There's a young man in the arrivals hall, playing a piano they put there so anybody who wants to can play a bit.
The man looks up when I applaud after he finishes his song and he seems to recognize me.
"Miss Skylar, right?" He asks looking straight at me.
I nod, "yes, have we met?"
"We haven't, but I love your voice. Would you please honor me and sing with me?"

I look at Daniel who is next to me.
"Should I? Is that smart?"
He grins, "here it's fine, in the UK it might not be too smart, but over here they will respect you. So go for it if you want."
I feel a bit nervous, but this is something I would like to do once in my life.
Standing next to the young man I stick out my hand to shake his.
"Skylar, I'm Noah, it's such a pleasure to meet you."
"You too Noah. So do have a song in mind?"

He starts playing some notes I recognize and I smile appears on my face.
"Good choice."

I close my eyes to shut the world out for a bit. It is a bit scary, singing at an airport.
Once I've sang the first few lines I open my eyes and see Daniel standing a couple of meters from me, his loving smile gives me the courage I need to really get into it.
From the corner of my eye I see some people filming with their phones, but that's ok, if I don't want that I shouldn't be doing this.

Halfway through the song I realize Seb is now standing next to Daniel, looking surprised that it's me singing in the middle of the arrivals.
By the time the song finishes we've gathered quite a crowd, who are all cheering once the final notes of the song fade away.
"That was great Noah, thanks." I tell the talented pianist.
"Pleasure was all mine." We shake hands before I get back to Daniel and Seb.

"That was great baby, you sounded like an angel." Daniel compliments after giving me a kiss.
"Thanks babe." I then focus my attention to the blonde, blue eyed German man next to him.
"Seb! I'm so glad to see you again." He pulls me in for a hug.
"Sky, you've definitely made an impression. I walked in here hearing your beautiful voice and I didn't expect it was actually you singing. But you were amazing."

When we let go of each other I pull his beanie off his head.
"Wow Seb, your hair has grown even more. But you know what. You look hot with it. Hanna is a lucky woman."
His bright blue eyes sparkle from the laughter he's holding back.
"Tell her that. Come on let's get going, she and the girls are getting lunch ready and we have about 30 minutes to get home."

He picks up my suitcases, while Daniel drags his along. Outside I pull my beanie out of my pocket and put it on my head. It's cold and there's a lot of snow everywhere, but the roads I can see so far seem cleared of it.
We load everything up in a very fancy Aston Martin DBX.
"Still driving an Aston Martin Seb?" Daniel asks and Seb shrugs.
"It's a nice car and big enough for the family so why not."

"I call shotgun!" I quickly shout before Daniel can get in.
"Oh my god, you child." Daniel groans, but he smiles and opens the door of the passenger side for me.
"So chivalrous. Thanks babe." We get in and Seb drives off towards the highway.

"So how is retired life treating you so far Seb?" Daniel asks
"Oh it doesn't feel like I'm retired yet, it's just like every winter break so far. Except I don't have to go to any car launches, I don't go to Bahrein for testing. I'm just going to watch races on tv. Maybe visit one or two, but yeah so far it's just good."

"I'm glad, it's great you get to spend a lot of time with your family now. It's so precious watching your girls grow up. I'm really happy for you Seb." I say and he looks at me with his signature bright smile.
"Thanks Sky, you're little one seems to be growing well, you've just passed the 20 weeks right?" He asks turning his attention back on the road.
"Yeah, it's going very well, 20 week scan was perfect. And it's a very active little one in there."

"Good, that's how it should be. You both deserve some things to go well again. You've been through enough together already." As we drive through a town called Kloten I chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Daniel asks from the back seat.
"In Dutch 'kloten' are balls. Like testicles. So my childish brain just thought it was funny."
Both men laugh at my explanation, "I though I was the childish one, but you sure have your moments huh baby?" Daniel laughs.

"That's why we work so well handsome." I feel his hand on my shoulder, softly squeezing it. I put mine on top of his.

During the ride I notice that this part of Switzerland doesn't have very high mountains. There are hills, but that's about it. It's still gorgeous though. I love the building style they have here, it's like a winter fairytale land.
We eventually drive up a massive wooden gate, Seb pushes a button on a little remote he has in his center console and the gate starts to open.
"Welcome to fort Vettel."

"Wow." I can't say anything else, the house is stunning and massive. I love the way they turned a farm into such an amazing home. And this is just the outside.
Seb parks the car in a big garage next to the house, there's another garage like building next to it.
"My car collection is in there, I'll show you later." He says as we make our way to the main house.

When he opens the door we are greeted by two adorable little blond haired girls.
"Hey girls, you already know Daniel, but I want you to meet Skylar as well, she is Daniels wife."
I squat down to get more on their level. "Hi girls, it's so good to meet you." The tallest girl sticks out her hand "I'm Emilie and I'm turning 9 tomorrow."
My head shoots up towards Seb, "it's her birthday tomorrow? Wouldn't you prefer to celebrate that with your family?"

He shakes his head, "no we talked about it and she actually really wanted you to come for her birthday. I've shown her some of your singing videos that are all over the internet and she was hoping you could sing 'Happy Birthday' for her tomorrow. I guess my singing voice isn't good enough."
My attention goes back to his oldest daughter.
"I would love to sing for you tomorrow. Thank you for having us on your birthday."

I see Hanna appear in the doorway to the hall we're still standing, but I haven't introduced myself to his youngest daughter.
"Hey, you must be Matilda?"
She nods, a bit more shy than her big sister.
"I'm very pleased to meet you, I love your curls."
She definitely has her fathers curly hair, only his are a lot more messy, especially now his hair is so long.

"Hi Skylar, Daniel. Welcome to Thurgau. It's really nice to have you here." Hanna comes up to greet us. We've met at Sebs final race in Abu Dhabi and we really clicked. She's very kind, soft natured and easy to get along with.
"Hanna, thank you so much for having us. Your home is just so beautiful and those girls are adorable."

"Seb and Daniel can you bring the luggage to the guest room, then come for lunch. Skylar, let's get you something to drink and then I want to hear all about your scan. You had it a few days ago right?"
She leads me through to the massive farm style kitchen, it smells amazing in here.
"I hope you like pancakes, the girls got to pick what we should make for you, so obviously they chose their favorite."

When I look at the enormous pile of pancakes, my stomach immediately starts to rumble.
"I love pancakes and these look and smell amazing."
"Emilie, Matilda, please help set the table, when papa and Daniel come back we can eat."
I want to help, but Hanna won't let me, so I take the ultrasound pictures out of my purse so I can show them later.

The men come back downstairs and after getting us all drinks Seb and Hanna lead us to their dining table. You could easily host large group dinners here.
"My parents and Fabian will also be here tomorrow for the birthday, my mom is really excited to see you again. My sisters couldn't make it unfortunately." His parents were also in Abu Dhabi for his last race, so we spoke briefly. I really liked Heike and Norbert, they are like the parents anybody wants. Supportive and loving.

"I would love to be able to spend some more time with them. In Abu Dhabi everything was so chaotic, but they seem so kind." I take a bite of my pancakes and they are great.
"Hanna this is great and thanks again for inviting us to your home. I feel privileged to be in Casa Vettel."
I really think we are privileged, especially because they are both so private. Obviously they can trust us, neither Daniel nor me would ever do anything to harm their privacy or their family.

Very soon Seb and Daniel are talking about the ROC.
"I would love to do that once as well." I hear Daniel say.
"You should, I don't know if Red Bull will let you while your racing for them, but maybe once you quit F1 you should definitely try it." Seb says after taking his 4th pancake from the stack.
"Mr. Vettel, I know you are retired, but you have to fit in those cars in Sweden in 2 weeks. So you might want to watch it with those pancakes." Hanna warns Seb.

He looks like a pouting child, "this is the last one, I promise. Besides I'm still working out with Antti tomorrow morning, so I'll burn it off again." He looks at Daniel.
"Even retired I still get slapped on the hand if I eat something good."

"Sky, I would love to see those ultrasound photos. May I?" Hanna asks and I hand them over to her.
"Ooh look at that, that's definitely your nose Sky." She says and I look at Daniel.
"Told you." He says and he hands the photos Hanna has seen to Seb.
"That's definitely a girl." Seb states and Daniel high fives him.
"It is right? I'm sure of it."

Hanna shakes her head, "no I think it's a boy. But you don't know yet do you?" She asks me and I shake my head.
"We don't. But Daniel is convinced it's a girl and I think it's a boy, so we are very curious to see who is right." I show the pictures to the girls and they are in awe seeing the baby.
"As long as it's healthy, that's always the most important." Seb says and he is right. That's exactly how we feel about it.

Once everybody is full of pancakes Emilie asks me if I want to see her room.
"I'd love to, please show me."

She takes my hand and she drags me up the stairs, the door has her name on it, so I know exactly which one is hers.
She has one wall with wallpaper that has hearts printed on it, some with glitter, but most just soft pink.
The other wall is gray with a subtle glitter in it as well, depending on how the light falls on it.
"Oh you're room is amazing, I love the glitter. Ah and you have a nice high bed. A lot of play room underneath. Perfect for building a fort out of sheets don't you think?" I smile as she looks excited by the idea.

She immediately starts to pull the sheets off her bed. I'll put it all back later, I don't want to cause extra work for Hanna or Seb.
We push the edges in between her bed and the mattress so it hangs down. We then chuck some pillows in the fort and get in.
"This is a nice fort." She says as we are leaning against the pillows.
"It sure is. It's a bit like Rapunzels tower. Only we can get out when we want."

"I like Rapunzel, she's funny." Emilie says.
"Yeah I like her too, especially when she hits Flynn with the frying pan."
We giggle thinking about that part of the movie.
"Skylar, can you sing that song she does when she is cleaning and reading and painting?" She asks me.
I'm glad I'm a Disney fan, because I know pretty much every Disney Princess song.
"Sure I can, do you want me to sing it for you?"
She nods and sits up a bit.
"Ok but let's get out of the fort, because I can never sit still with that song."

We crawl out from behind the sheet, I'm glad I still can. Maybe once I'm almost at the end I won't be as flexible anymore.

We dance around the room, because even though we don't have the music, its still fun.
The door is still open as we forgot to close it, so pretty soon Hanna with Matilda, Seb and Daniel are coming to see what we're doing.
Matilda loses her shyness and joins us as we twirl through the room.

Once the song ends the other adults applaud.
"That looked like a lot of fun, but I was wondering if anybody is up for a snowball fight?" Seb asks, leaving the girls and me cheering.
We want to bolt out of the room to put on our shoes and coats, but Daniel catches me when I pass him.
"I thought you were the adult one of the two of us." He smiles.
"Not when it comes to snowball fights. Get ready to be destroyed." I stick out my tongue, but he then puts his lips on mine for a sweet kiss.

"Ieuw. Come on let's go!" We hear Emilie shout, so he lets go of me with a grin.
"Can't leave the girls waiting." He holds my hand as we follow the girls downstairs.
"Skylar I have something for you wait here." Hanna disappears in a big closet and comes out carrying a ski jacket.

"This is from when I was pregnant with Matilda. It should fit you. It's a lot warmer than your jacket." I put it on and she is right, it fits perfectly over my bump and it feels so warm and soft.
"Just as I thought. You should take this to Sweden, because it's really cold there."
"That's so kind. I will give it back to Seb when we leave. Thank you."

Seb hands Daniel one of his ski jackets and then helps Hanna getting the girls ready. They look very cute with their beanies, scarfs and gloves.
"Ready? Be prepared to look like Olaf in a few minutes." Daniel says before he runs out the back door into the massive yard. You can't really call it a garden, it's more a park.
"Let's get him girls. It's boys vs girls and we will win!"

We get outside and hide behind a play house of the girls. We start to make snowballs to have a lot before we start throwing them.
I don't see Daniel and Seb at the moment, but I do hear them whisper somewhere in front of us. I think they might be behind the outdoor pizza oven.
Once we feel we have a sufficient amount of snowballs we quietly make our way to the pizza oven where Daniel and Seb are still discussing how to beat us.

I have my arms full of snowballs, the snow is sticking perfectly, so they don't even fall apart.
Once we are close we get ready, and then jump behind the pizza oven throwing them in Seb and Daniels necks and faces.
Once we run out of snowballs, two surprised and snow covered men get up.
"Look girls there are two Olafs in the yard." I shout before Daniel grabs my arm and lays me down in the snow on my back.

He starts to sprinkle snow in my face and then shoves a handful in the collar of the coat.
"Aaaah that's cold!" I shriek and when the snow starts to melt, little streams of ice cold water runs down my neck and my back. Especially when he pulls me back on my feet and the snow and water flows down my back all the way to the waist band of my jeans.

"You know there are nicer ways to get my nipples hard right?" I whisper in his ear, at the same time I shove a handful of snow in the front of his jeans.
"Oooooh holy cow that's cold." He starts to dance around as the snow melts over his groin.
In the mean time Seb is pretty much rolling over the floor laughing. Especially when he sees the wet patch in Daniels jeans spread.

"Danny we have toilets in the house man." He laughs, tears running down his face.
"It's a good thing I don't have to go any time soon, because I don't think I'd be able to find it anymore." He sadly says and I just lose it.
I hold my stomach as I burst into laughter.

The girls take advantage of the fact that Seb is still trying to catch his breath from laughing so they both jump him, making him tumble over in the snow.
"Get him girls!" I shout as they are shoving snow into his jacket and boots.
"Noooo have mercy!" He begs, but they continue for a bit until he manages to get up, now also soaked from the snow that melts into his back and socks.

"Ok time to go inside. Papa needs dry clothes and I think Daniel and Skylar do too." I forgot the cold when I was laughing at Daniel, but now I start to shiver a bit.
After kicking the snow of our boots we go inside where Daniel shows me our room. He has put our stuff up there, but I haven't been here yet.
It's a big room, the bed is huge and all made out of wood.

"I'm going to take a shower, hopefully I'll be able to get my dick out from hibernation again." He says as we are taking off our wet clothes.
"Mind if I join?" I ask.
"They always say stupid questions don't exist, but this one comes close. When would I ever say no if you want to join me in the shower?"
I guess he's right. We hang our wet clothes to dry and head to the adjoining bathroom.

There's a walk in shower, with a rain shower as well, just like ours at home. Also there's a separate bath, big enough for both of us.
"We're going to try that later, but now a shower is quicker." Daniel says as he takes his boxers off.
"Ah there you are. Thank god I thought I had lost you forever." he says looking at his groin, making me laugh so loud again I have to cross my legs to prevent myself from peeing.

"Daniel stop! I have to go really bad." I beg him.
"Then go, I'll get the water warmed up for you." He says and turns on the water.
"But... you're here and I'll be on the toilet." I am a bit unsure how to feel about that.
He turns around. "Baby, my face has been in between your legs more times than I can count. I'll be watching as our baby comes out of there. Do you really think I would be bothered if you go to the toilet when I'm in the shower? Don't be ashamed, just go baby."

He steps into the shower as I contemplate if I can do this. He is right though, why would I be ashamed of going to the toilet while he's in the shower. We are not ashamed of anything when we're together so this shouldn't be a problem either.
I get over myself and go to the toilet, after flushing I step into the shower with him.
"See, no big deal. I'm your husband, it's not like I would get turned off by you if I see you sitting on the toilet." He wraps his arms around me as we both enjoy the hot water.

"Thanks for being you Daniel. Thanks for making me feel like there's nothing to be ashamed off. I love you so much."
He gently tugs my hair so I look up at him, shielding me from the water that would otherwise run into my eyes.
"I love you too my beautiful wife."
Suddenly out of the blue a thought pops in my head.
"Shoot, we don't have a gift for Emilie. We have to go shopping. Like today."

"But we don't know what she would like, so we have to ask Hanna and Seb first." Daniel says.
"No we're going to ask Emilie, it's her birthday."
We quickly finish the shower and get dressed in something warm and dry.
Downstairs we find Seb and Hanna discussing dinner.
"Guys, where is Emilie, we have to get her a present for her birthday, but first I want to ask her what she would like to have."

Hanna smiles, "if you ask her, she will tell you she wants a cat. She's been asking for one for months now, but we never got to it."
"A cat? A real one? And you're ok with that?" I ask. I never felt an animal would make a good present for a child, but if Seb and Hanna agree then I don't mind going to a shelter to see if I can adopt one for her.
"Yeah, we have enough time and she's now turning 9, so we figured we would get her one. But I know you used to work with animals so maybe you'd be the perfect person to pick one for her." Seb explains.

"Alright, where is the shelter? And can we maybe borrow a car?" Seb gives me the address and the keys to the Aston Martin.
"It has to be used to dogs though, our dog Sammy wil get back from the groomers shortly." Seb tells me.
"Alright, let me see what I can do. It might be an early birthday present if I find one and if we can take it right away." I grab my coat and hand Daniel the keys of the car.

"Daniel you can drive, I would be way too nervous that I damage that car. See you in a bit guys." We close the door behind us to find the shelter.

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