If You Woe Her || Wednesday A...

Par epicninja20343

278K 10.1K 4.9K

Aloria Yaldon was an enigma. She came to Nevermore Academy the same time Wednesday did. And though she's a si... Plus

1: Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe
Fencing Isn't Supposed To Involve Flashbacks
Attempted Murder, Resesrch, And A Date, Oh My!
Therapy? Beating Up Pilgrims? Same Thing
Bullies Or Murder? Murder It Is
2: Woe Is The Loneliest Number
Sleep? Don't Know Her
Cuddles, Curses, And White Boys
Ohana Means Family-Wait, Wrong Show
3: Friend Or Woe
Punching Asshats And Chasing Butterflies
4: Woe What A Night
Date? Date Me
Dancing Queen, Young And Sweet, Very Bloody (But It's Paint)
The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth
5: You Reap What You Woe
Everybody Has Parent Drama Except For Us, We're Perfect
6: Quid Pro Woe
Don't Tease Me With A Good Time
7: If You Don't Woe Me By Now
Panic At The Dorm
Teasing, Kissing, And Some More Trauma
The Promised Date With A Side Of Murder
8: A Murder Of Woes
Dealing With A Hangover And Confronting A Homicidal Maniac
Kill Me Once, Shame On Me, Kill Me Twice, Shame On You
It's Your Birthday?! And You didn't Say Anything?!
Sex On The Beach-Er, Handsy On The Surf Board
Would've Been Nice To Know That You Suck At Teleporting
Not Even If You Paid Me-Wait, That Much? Really? Count Me In!
Popping Off In A Coffee Shop
A Flower Can Be A Surprisingly Effective Threat
Just Hold Me Till The Fear Leaves
You've Got A Friend In Me
Maybe Don't Confront The Guy With Telekinesis All By Yourself
Well This Wasn't The Plan
We're In It Together And That's Final
Who The Fuck Are You? Who You Is? Who You Be? I Don't Even Know Your Ass
How To Spy On Your Best Friend
So Close Yet So Far
Running Out Of Time
Where's Ronnie?
Okay, That Ain't Normal
So Many Questions And No Answers
Searching For An Answer
The Answers
Finding A Way To Kick A Bitch Out
Could You Maybe See Something Else
You Can Run But You Can't Hyde
That's The Beauty Of Having People
If You Woe Her
New Fic For The Show?
New Fic Announcement
New Fic Announcement
New Fic Announcement
New Fic Announcement
IM BACK (sort of)
IM BACK (for real this time)

Sometimes You're A Koala And Sometimes You're Unconscious

2.3K 93 59
Par epicninja20343

The day following the volleyball game was Saturday, and Aloria had been sticking to Wednesday like glue, arms constantly wrapped around her waist. Wednesday and Enid weren't even acknowledging it, but all their friends noticed.

And by the time lunch rolled around Yoko had to ask. "Okay, what is happening?"

Even while sitting Aloria was hugging Wednesday and leaning on her. Wednesday had to feed Aloria her food so she would eat.

Bianca leaned forward and whispered loudly, "Blink twice if you need help."

"It's fine," Wednesday assured as she fed Aloria another bit. "It's my own fault really. I brought this on my self."

At their confused faces Enid gave the answer. "Wednesday tried to break up with her last night. Kind of me too, but yeah."

"What? Why?" Kent asked.

"Guilt and misunderstandings. Don't worry though," Enid smiled, "I fixed it all."

Divina raised an eyebrow at her. "I find that hard to believe."

"It's true." Wednesday took a bite of her own food. "She put things into perspective."

Aloria nodded in agreement. "She can be surprisingly smart sometimes."

Enid nodded with a smug smile. "That's right—wait, surprisingly?"

Aloria giggled and let go of Wednesday for the first time that day to grab Enid's face and start kissing her cheek a bunch of times making Enid giggle as well.

Meanwhile, Wednesday froze when her siren let go of her. "I suddenly feel cold." Aloria chuckled and went back to hugging Wednesday who then unfroze. "Better." She took another bite of food.

Bianca looked at the others. "Am I the only one creeped out by this?" They all shook their heads saying they were too. Wednesday Addams allowing this much affection in public was unheard of.

"Anyway," Enid gave them all soft glares, "Skye is being released in a few hours. We're all still spending the day in town with her, Addi, and Fajr, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Ajax smiled and everyone agreed.

After eating Aloria, Wednesday, and Enid returned to the dorm for a while. "Aloria, cara mia," Wednesday began, "it's my writing time. I need you to let go."

Aloria squeezed tighter. "No."

"Lori, you can come cuddle me," Enid offered.


Wednesday sighed. "Fine. But you can't do anything distracting." She walked them over to her chair and sat down before having Aloria sit on her lap. The siren buried her face in her neck and she got to typing.

Aloria knew she was being childish, clinging to Wednesday like she was. But she just couldn't help it. Wednesday almost left her. One of the girls she loved more than anything in the entire world almost left her. She understood why Wednesday thought she should . . . she was wrong . . . but she understood how Wednesday got to that conclusion. She understood it came from a place of wanting her to be happy and safe. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell when she tried to leave. So now, as ridiculous and childish as it was, Aloria didn't want to let go of Wednesday. Because if she did she might try to leave again. Aloria just needed one day to cling to Wednesday like a koala and then she would be fine. Thankfully both of her girlfriends seemed to understand this without her having to say anything. Oh how she loved them.

An hour later Wednesday's writing time was up, but she realized something horrible. Aloria was asleep in her lap, arms around her shoulder, and face buried in the crook of her neck. If she moved too much Aloria was bound to wake up, and what kind of monster wakes up the most perfect person in the world just because their leg has fallen asleep? Wednesday prided herself on being no saint, but that didn't mean she was Satan. So she resigned herself to stay in this position either until Aloria woke up or it was time to head to Jericho.

Enid began giggling behind her on their bed. "She fell asleep on you, didn't she?"


"Want me to help move her?"

Wednesday sighed. "No, it's fine. I don't want to risk waking her up."

Enid shook her head with a smile. "Suit yourself. But she's going to have to wake up in an hour and a half anyway."

"Then she has an hour and a half to sleep."

Wednesday figured she would just keep writing in the meantime since she couldn't move anyway, and that's what she did. Then an hour and a half later it was time to head to Jericho.

Wednesday gently shook Aloria. "Cara mia, it's time to wake up. We have to go."

Aloria groaned and didn't open her eyes. "Why?"

"We're spending the day in Jericho with everyone remember," Enid reminded as she walked over. "Come on, we don't wanna be late." She kissed her head.

Aloria's eyes fluttered open. "Okay, okay." She picked up her head and met Wednesday's eyes causing her to jump away startled. She fell to the floor with a thud. "Ow." She looked up at Wednesday concerned. "I fell asleep on you, I am so sorry."

"It's fine." Wednesday began to rub her thighs. "I can't feel either of my legs." Her legs were lead. She didn't even have that tingling sensation that hurts when you move. "But it's fine."

Enid helped Aloria to her feet. "Then let's go before the others leave without us. Can you walk Wednesday? Or do I need to carry you for a bit?"

Wednesday began to blush a little at the thought. "I'm not a toddler, Enid. I can walk."

Enid nodded and the two headed to the door as Wednesday slowly used her chair as support to push herself to her feet. She wobbled, unable to feel her legs making balancing difficult. She forced her right leg to take a step forward but as soon as she did she was falling. She hit her head and it was lights out.

"Oh my god!" Aloria yelled as she dropped to her knees. "I killed Wednesday!"

Enid chuckled as she went to Wednesday's side and checked her head. "I'm sure she's fine. Look, no blood."

Aloria continued to pretend to cry. "I'm a monster!"

"Aloria, she's fine. Come here." Aloria crawled over to her two girlfriends. "Your dad started to teach you how to heal with your magic, right? Wanna try it?"

"I don't know," Aloria shook her head, "I'm not that good yet. I wouldn't want to make things worse."

"That's fine." Enid rubbed her arm. "Then I guess we just wait."

And wait they did. Ten minutes in, the group waiting by the gates of Nevermore looked at each knowingly. "Hundred bucks says they're having sex," Ajax crossed his arms.

"Of course they're having sex," Yoko rolled her eyes and began to board the shuttle bus. "Hundred bucks says they'll be an hour late."

"Put me down for 45 minutes," Divina followed her girlfriend.

"I say 30," Kent joined.

"I'll do an hour and ten," Ajax guessed.

Bianca was the last to board the bus. "Two hundred says they're not even having sex."

"Then why would they be late?" Yoko questioned.

Bianca shrugged. "Don't know, don't care. I just don't think they're having sex after what they told us at lunch."

"And I think it's all the more reason why they would be," Yoko crossed her arms. "Two hundred bucks then. Everyone game?" They all nodded.

It took forty minutes for Wednesday to wake up, and when she did Aloria hugged her. "I'm sorry for killing you!"

Wednesday winced at the noise. Her head was pounding. "What happened?"

Enid grinned. "You, little miss 'I can walk', couldn't because your legs were asleep and ended up falling and hitting your head."

"So I failed to walk like a toddler? How detestable."

"Yup, you're a huge failure," Enid teased. "Now come on, we're seriously late." She stood up and helped Wednesday to her feet who wobbled a bit making the werewolf's grip tighten. "Ya know what, I'm not even gonna ask if you can walk."

"What do you—"

Wednesday was cut off by Enid scooping her up like she weighed nothing and carrying her bridal style. "Okay, let's go."

Wednesday blushed as Aloria giggled and raised her eyebrows suggestively at her. This made the shorter girl hide her face in Enid's neck. How embarrassing.

They made their way to the gates of the school where the shuttle bus to town was just leaving. "Damn it!" Enid exclaimed. "Guess we're walking."

"Or we could just wait," Aloria suggested.

Wednesday lifted her head to answer, "If you count the ten minutes it takes to get to town, the ten minutes back, and then the ten to go there again, it's thirty minutes in total. If we walk it'll just take twenty."

Aloria nodded. "Fair enough."

The three began walking, rather, the two began walking while Enid carried Wednesday. Halfway there Wednesday requested she be put down. Enid did so and the shorter girl walked in the middle while the other two held her hands. By the time they reached everyone outside the Weathervane they were an hour late.

"Yes!" Yoko pumped her fist. "Pay up bitches!"

Everyone began grumbling as they pulled out their wallets but Bianca held up her hand. "Wait," she turned to the three girlfriends, "were you guys having sex?"

Enid sighed. "Unfortunately not. Our sweet little Wednesday's pride got the better of her and she knocked herself out."

Wednesday glared at the werewolf. "Call me sweet and little again and I'll break out my silver knives."

Enid smirked. "No you won't."

Bianca turned to the others with a smirk of her own. "That makes me the winner then." Everyone began handing the siren her money.

"How? How!" Yoko complained as she pulled out her wallet. "This doesn't make sense! You're cheating! You have to be!" She slapped the bills into her hand.

Bianca laughed. "I already told you, I just know them better than you guys."

"When are you guys gonna stop betting on our sex lives?" Aloria asked.

"When it stops being entertaining."

"Anyway," Enid gave them all glares before turning to Skye who was next to her own girlfriends, "I'm glad you're okay and released from the hospital."

"Me too, now if only you could convince my girlfriends here," she slowly wrapped her arm around Addi's waist, "that I'm totally fine . . . and to give me back my phone!" She tried to go into Addi's pocket to grab it but the werewolf slapped her hand away making her cross her arms and pout.

"Doctor said no electronics for another 24 hours," Fajr informed the confused Enid, Aloria, and Wednesday.

"But don't you wanna know if Ronnie was using his phone!" Skye exclaimed. She turned to Wednesday. "Come on, Wednesday, tell them!"

Wednesday turned to Addi and Fajr who crossed their arms. "Addi, Fajr, make sure she doesn't touch a single electronic." They smirked and gave a look to Skye.

Skye groaned. "Oh come on! Just go back to not caring about what happens to me will ya! Here I'll start." She narrowed her eyes at Wednesday and let her face become stoic. It kinda of looked like she was mimicking Wednesday's own expression. "I hate you."

Wednesday stared at her for a moment. "The feeling is incredibly mutual."

Skye smiled and it impressed Aloria how easily she went from to happy to disdain to happy again. Whenever the siren tried to do Wednesday's usual expression she always broke out laughing. Though Yoko could also do a pretty good mimic. Yes, they all once had a competition at the beach house in Florida. Yoko won.

"There ya go!" Skye gestured at her. "Now tell them to give me my phone."

Wednesday turned to Addi and Fajr. "Keep it forever."

"Come on!" Skye dropped to her knees and looked to the sky. "You really do hate me."

"Baby, you're supposed to be taking it easy," Fajr scolded as she pulled her back to her feet.

"I'll take it easy when I have my phone." Skye held her palm out waiting to be given it.

Instead Addi grabbed her hand with her own and interlocked their fingers making the vampire pout. "So what are we doing?" She asked the others. "Keep in mind we're limited thanks to Skye."

Everyone thought about it and they ended up deciding on a rather chill day. They first went to the Weathervane and got coffee and then swung through McDonald's to grab food. They took the food to the nearby park and had a little picnic as they talked about whatever came to mind. Wednesday mostly stayed silent as did Skye as she tried numerous times to steal her phone back though never succeeding. When the sun began to set they watched and took pictures. After that they took the shuttle bus back to Nevermore and everyone went their separate ways.

Aloria, Enid, and Wednesday went back to their dorm and cuddled while watching Sofia The First. As usual, Wednesday wasn't really watching the show but instead the two beautiful girls beside her. She would never understand how she got to be so lucky.


The next day was a rather boring one until 24 hours on the dot had passed and Skye snatched her phone back and went to her computer room. Her, Addi, Fajr, and Wednesday were gathered. It was time to finally see if Ronnie had been using his phone or not.

Skye rapidly typed on her computer. "Oh, my loves, it's so good to feel you again."

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you love your tech more than you love us," Fajr crossed her arms.

"I can love all three of you equally," she smirked making Addi slap her upside the head which only made the vampire chuckle. "Okay, two days ago, 5:23 pm, let's see if our boy was up to anything." A few more seconds passed. "Looks like he wasn't on his phone at all that night. Which means the phone floating above him has to be a secret second one which is sketchy as hell."

Wednesday crossed her arms and closed her eyes in thought. So it was a second phone, but what was Ronnie doing with it? Was he sending the text and later did the call? Or was he keeping an eye on the crowd to investigate? Was he the stalker? Or their Friend?

"So he's the stalker, right?" Fajr asked.

"That's what my money's on," Skye shrugged.

"What do you think?" Addi asked Wednesday.

Wednesday opened her eyes. "It's too early to decide anything. All we know is that he has something to do with all this. He could be the stalker or our Friend. We just don't know yet."

"And if he is the stalker we need to start looking into a partner," Addi added as she crossed her arms. "He wouldn't have been able to do everything at the volleyball game alone."

"So what's the plan now then?" Fajr asked.

"Skye?" The vampire hummed in response and Wednesday continued. "If we called the stalker would you be able to trace it directly back to their phone?"

Skye's face slowly broke out into a shit eating grin. "You. Are. A. Genius! I can definitely do that!" She started looking around the room. ""I'm gonna need some new and better equipment, but absolutely I can." She stood up and left the computer room making the others follow. "Come on, let's go to Jericho!"

Fajr grabbed Skye's arm to stop her from opening the door. "You still need to be taking it easy. We can go into Jericho and get everything tomorrow. And then the day after that we can do the phone call, deal?"

Skye groaned. "Ugh, fine." She stomped over to their bed and flopped down like a child.

Addi shook her head with a smile on her face and turned to Wednesday. "I guess we have a plan then. You okay with waiting the two days?"

Wednesday nodded. "Yes, that'll be fine. The stalker's been oddly quiet lately."

Fajr and Skye turned to them. "What do you mean?" The gorgon asked.

"I haven't received any new messages or calls." Wednesday pulled out her phone and showed them. "I've been racking my brain for why that is, but I can only think of two reasons."

"Which are?" Skye asked.

"Either the stalker, or one of them, is Ronald." Wednesday slipped her phone back into her pocket. "Thanks to what happened when the lights went out he now knows we're onto him, and so him and his partner are laying low."

"And two?" Addi pushed.

"Or the stalker got whatever they wanted from the volleyball game and are now using this time to form a new and worse plan . . . I'm not particularly fond of that thought."

"Maybe no news is good news," Fajr shrugged optimistically.

"Or no news is their new plot to drive your anxiety up the wall," Skye suggested. "They showed us at the volleyball game that their willing to get violent." She rubbed the side of her head to showcase her point. "But maybe it's another form of psychological torture like the "where's Aloria" messages. When they send photos we kind of know what they're up to, but without any contact we don't. Not knowing what they're up to is bound to make you anxious."

Wednesday huffed. "Then I won't let it make me anxious." She turned to Addi. "Two days." The werewolf nodded in confirmation and she took her leave.

She went back to Aloria and Enid in their dorm and filled them in on what happened. After that Enid and Aloria wanted to do their nails and dragged Wednesday into joining them. They painted hers all black except her two pinkies. Enid painted her left pinky pink and Aloria painted her right pinky purple. Wednesday complained about it but did let them do it in the end so she couldn't complain too much.

After that they cuddled as they watched a movie, but since it was Wednesday's pick it was horror. Aloria and Enid spent the entire time hiding their faces in Wednesday's neck and jumping at every jump scare. And because they kept jumping it would make Wednesday jump, startled by their reaction. Lots of popcorn was being spilled.

And when they went to bed, both girls cuddled extra close to Wednesday who was in the middle. The goth girl smirked. Ah yes, her plan had worked.


Hey hey hey, not super proud of this chapter but I wanted it to be more fluffy since I figured they and you guys deserved a little break. Also sorry for the sort of late update. Super Bowl was yesterday and though I only watched like half of the game, I was busy eating my weight in nachos and didn't write all that much.

But we know Ronnie wasn't on his phone and he was using his telekinesis to control another one. What is he up to? I know a lot of you think he's the Friend now. I will not confirm nor deny anything.

Hope you enjoyed


Continuer la Lecture

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