
By weirdorandolmao

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"He definitely wants to sleep with you," he taunts. "Excuse me?" I look at him weirdly, "What are you even ta... More



1.9K 37 53
By weirdorandolmao

We arrive at a fancy clothing place that Harper thinks gives off 'Paris' vibes.

Elijah and Lynn sit on the couch in front of the dressing rooms while Harper and I find outfits.

We're picking through dresses when I hear Lynn laughing. I turn my head to see her smiling at him and picking something off his crewneck.

I can't help but stare at them.

Am I jealous? Do I want to pick lint off Elijah Rivera's shirt?

"Lovey, you okay?" I look over at Harper and nod. "You sure? Your face looks like you just saw a puppy get ran over."

"Yeah, I'm just like super hungry I think," I lie right through my teeth.

"Let's go get something to eat then, this can wait."

Both Harper and Sage know about my eating habits so if I say I'm hungry, they stop everything they're doing just to get me some food. It's kinda sweet but also annoying at times but I know they have good intentions.

"It's alright, I can wait." I try to change the subject and find some clothes. "What about this?" I pull out a white long-sleeve lace mini dress.

She quietly gasps. "That's so cute! It kinda shows off your boobs. What if we meet cute French boys," she whispers.

"And, it's going back." I'm about to hang it back up when she grabs my wrist. She shakes her index finger in my face and shoves the dress into my chest.

I laugh as we continue to look through the clothes.

Harper and I grabbed a bunch of clothes and now we're in our dressing rooms. I decide to try on the vintage brown high-waisted boyfriend jeans I found. I pull off my shoes and slide out of my skirt.

I button up the pants and look at all angles in the mirror. Along with the brow and lashes, I also got blessed in the ass department, not to brag.

"Lavey, you ready?" Harper yells to me, her room right across from mine.


I hear her curtain open so I do the same. I look at her to see her wearing a pair of low-waisted light washed loose jeans.

"Those are cute!" we both say at the same time.

"You guys look so good!" Lynn says.

"Gracias," Harper sings as she drags me out to the huge mirror beside the couch.

I admire her in the reflection as she does a full spin. She grins at me before grabbing my hips and turning me all around.

I laugh as she continues twirling me. I catch Elijah's stare just for a second and bite my bottom lip to myself.

"Look at those glasses wait," Harper runs to a fun-looking glasses stand.

I continue laughing as she places flamingo glasses on my face and huge red ones on hers. "Why are these even in here," I jabber.

"They're on clearance. This used to be a party store, now it is not," a new British voice says flatly.

My smile slowly disappears as a lady, probably in her late forties, comes up to us with a bottle of champagne and four glasses.

"May I interest you in some champagne? I just need to see an ID."

This store is that fancy?

I open my mouth to say something but Harper casually puts a hand on my chest. "Of course, just let me get my wallet," she smiles sweetly.

Lynn, Elijah, and I all stay quiet, not even peaking a look at each other. Harper digs threw her purse she threw on the couch and pulls out her wallet. Harper hands her fake ID to the British brunette lady and I hold my hands behind my back, counting my fingers.

She takes a good look at the card then at each of us, then at Harper who stays smiling with those huge ass glasses on her face.

She narrows her eyes one more time before handing back the card. "Alright," she dryly states, putting the champagne and glasses down on the ottoman in front of the couch.

"Clean up after yourselves," is the last thing she says before turning around and walking to the back.

Harper turns to me and mouths, 'Oh my God'.

My mouth opens in shock and I look over at Lynn who looks concerned and Elijah who's amused.

My best friend bites her lip as she goes to pour everyone a drink. "This is why you guys should invest in a fake ID, the best money I ever spent," she mumbles.

She hands Lynn and Elijah their drink.

"I'll watch you, babe," she whispers under her breath as she hands me mine. I smile at her before taking a sip.

Another thing I inherited from my mom? Alcohol enthusiast. Once I drink, I don't stop. I have five moods when I drink; sad, loud, angry, laugh attack, or horny. The fact is, you never know which one it'll be until it's too late.

"I wanna buy these glasses," Harper exclaims.

I put my glass down. "Then we will buy these glasses." I take them off our faces and set them on the couch to start a 'buy' pile.

"Buy those jeans too, your ass looks too good."

I playfully punch her in the arm as we walk back into our dressing rooms.


"Buy those jeans too, your ass looks too good."

Most definitely.

Lavender punches Harper in the arm as they walk back to their dressing rooms.

I readjust myself in the seat and suddenly feel hot everywhere. I feel like I should put a pillow over my lap but I don't wanna seem like that guy, though, if I let it out in the open, I'll be that other guy.

I decide to just take a deep breath and think about something else. It's not that serious.

I take a sip of the champagne and lean my head back against the couch, closing my eyes.

When I feel a hand touch my knee, my head pops back up to see Lynn.

Fuck, I really don't need a woman touching me right now.

"Are you okay?" she asks sweetly.

"Yeah, I'm just hungry. We need to hurry up and win," I joke quickly.

She finally lets go of my knee and laughs, leaning down to grab her drink.

I fake laugh with her as I chug the champagne down in panic.

I pour myself another glass when the girls come out of their rooms smiling at each other.

Lavender's wearing a long sleeve black shirt that ties in between her breasts and fur at the wrists. Harper's wearing a white ruched crop tube top, I think it's called, that also ties in the front.

You've got to be kidding me.

"You guys have a lot of trust in those tops," Lynn laughs.

"You've been awfully quiet here, Elijah," Harper comes for me.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was the male point of view of which nobody cares about?" I tease.

She narrows her eyes and flips me off. I smile into my glass.

The lady brought out another champagne bottle for us because she saw how much was in the girls' 'buy' pile.

Harper, Lynn, and Lavender are all drunk and up by now trying on different clothes and accessories.

I'm still sitting on the couch. I was chugging the champagne at first but now I'm trying to pace myself just in case anything happens. I have a feeling that the British lady won't care.

I don't think the girls can wear half the clothes they're trying on right now in Paris because it'll be so cold.

They all moved into one dressing room because they wanted to act like models and run the runway. I even moved the ottoman aside for them so they have a full space.

This time, Lynn walks out first with a dark green mini-dress on. Striking her pose, I clap dramatically, trying to match their energy. She laughs so hard that she falls back down on the couch.

Harper goes out next wearing a white tight mini-dress. She poses with her hands on her face and sits beside Lynn.

Lavender goes out next wearing a black v-neck mini dress, her flamingo glasses, and a white feather boa the girls gave her.

She walks out and Lynn and Harper are full-on screaming for her while I'm grinning hard and clapping.

She looks beautiful.

"Let's get something sparkly!" Harper unintentionally yells in my ear, making me flinch.

"Excuse me," The lady comes back out. "We're about to close so please make your final purchases now. I also advise you to call a ride."

"You call a ride," Harper slurs.

The British brunette lady looks unamused so her smile fades. "Sorry," Harper clears her throat, "we'll call a ride. Gracias."

"I'll be at the register then."

"She talks so slow and proper," Lynn mumbles taking another chug of the champagne.

"C'mon. Sort through what you guys are going to buy," I say.

"You didn't even buy anything." Lavender points out.

I watch her slowly as she sits beside me.

"I don't think I need to," I state.

"Why not?"

"If I need anything I'll just buy it in Paris. My pronunciation of the language is pretty good, remember?" I slightly tilt my head, teasing her.

She adjusts herself on her knees. I don't think she realizes our legs are touching or that she's wearing a short dress. "And where are you going to get money for that?"

"I'll find some."

Harper drunkenly snickers as she sorts through clothes with Lynn. "That's what I said."

I don't know if she meant to say 'That's what she said' or not but I cannot care less. I'm too preoccupied with looking at Lavender.

She's so so close and she's looking up at me with her drunken hazel eyes. Her gaze drops from mine but I can't tell where it went.

"Hey, Lovey. Do you want this?" Harper asks.

Lavender unintentionally rests both her hands on my upper thigh to hold her weight as she leans forward, squinting her eyes to see what Harper's showing her. In that position, I get a full view of her cleavage.

I can't do this anymore. I'm trying so hard.

Her hands go up higher as she leans even more forward. My lips part in pleasure but I quickly shut them as well as my eyes, leaning my head back against the couch.

"Yes, please," she finally says.

At least we know she still has manners when she's drunk.

"I'll help!"

Lavender finally leans up but just as I think she's going to leave, the next thing I know, she's straddling me just to get to the other side of the couch.

I can't help it anymore, I don't think the alcohol's helping either. I grab a pillow and cover my lap, dragging my hands down my face.

I take out my phone to check the time, it's almost seven o'clock. No way, we stayed here for four hours.

I pull up Cameron's contact and ask if he can come to get us. He says he'll be here in five so I put my phone away, take one last deep breath, and get on the floor to help the girls.

"You guys are sure you want to buy all this? It's cold in Paris," I reassure them as they're checking out.

"Jackets exist, stupid." I hear Harper's voice insult me. "That's why we each bought like three."

I roll my eyes and look over to see Cameron's car pulled up.

After the lady takes a couple more minutes to scan all their things, I thank her and push all the girls out.

I open the back door and the girls slide in one by one. After I'm sure they all have their seatbelts on, I hop in the front, putting mine on.

"You okay? You look like you just ran a whole ass marathon," Cameron teases.

I sigh. "Just drive."

He smirks and starts the car.

The girls start screaming at Cameron to blast 'The Weeknd' as we drive. He does as they say and they start singing.

With all respect, they're terrible at it.

When Cam pulls into our house, I let the three intoxicated girls out and walk them to Lavender's house.

I ring the doorbell and Sage opens the door a minute later. "Why is it that every time my sister goes somewhere with you, she's so close to passing out on the floor."

I open my mouth to say something but Lavender interrupts me.

"Sagey!" She jumps into his arms.

"You smell like an old lady and germs." He sighs. "Come inside. I'll sober you all up."

"Oh, I'm not drunk," I tell him.

"It's 7:15 p.m. and you're underage. You're drunk."

I watch them all walk inside. "Okay," I mumble under my breath.

I walk in last and close the door behind me. Sage makes us follow him into the kitchen and he pulls out cold water and a fruit snack for each of us.

"We should play spin the bottle!"

"Drink your damn water, Harper." He groans.

Lynn takes a seat at the island and quietly eats her snack while Harper spins around in a circle as she drinks her water. I'm pretty sure she had the most champagne out of all of us.

I feel a hand on my shoulder before I can see who it's connected to.

"Can I do your makeup?" I see Lavender pop up in front of me.

She drags her hands down my chest but before she can make contact with my lower stomach, I gently grab her wrists.

"Maybe later. Why don't you sit down and eat your snack first, okay?"

Sage walks over from trying to get Harper to stop spinning. "Oh my God, is she touching you? I'm sorry." He pulls Lav away from me. "Do not give her any attention, she needs to sober up before Mom gets home." He smacks her on the back of the head and I immediately see her dry out at his words.

Lavender takes her things and sits down at the dining table. She opens the bag of gummies and rests her head on her hand.

I face back around and Sage gives me a knowing look. "What were you guys doing? I didn't know they were meeting you."

"Oh, they weren't. We just ran into each other and Harper asked if we wanted to go shopping for Paris with them and the British lady there offered us champagne so Harper used her fake ID," I explain.

He throws his hands up in the air. "Of course she did."

"And they bought a lot of clothes, like a lot. They're in Cam's car. I can go grab them, I should go home anyways," I imply.

"Sure, whatev— Harper!"

I slowly walk to the front door as Sage tries to stop Harper from squirting chocolate syrup and whipped cream in her mouth.

I shut the door behind me as I walk down the sidewalk to my house.


I'm back! and I have a few questions.

first, how are you enjoying this book so far? Thank you for 650 reads!!!!!

second, what would you like to see in this book? More of someones POV, more sad scenes, more twin scenes, etc.

Third, how do you feel about pet names for Elijah and Lav? I want to make this book adjusted for your liking. Drop your favorite ones in the comments :)))

I really hope you're enjoying this book so far. I appreciate all the love, support, comments, and votes. I love you all, please feel free to message me about anything.

TikTok: weirdorandolmao

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