Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

170K 3.2K 382

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

New year

851 19 1
By Lieke4043

"We understand you had a rough night, but we would like to talk to you and ask some questions." The taller of the two starts. "I'm officer Cook and this is my partner officer Ryan."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Skylar Ha.. I mean Ricciardo, sorry we haven't been married that long." I smile at them, "please take a seat. I'm sorry we have to do this here, but I was ordered to stay in bed for 2 days."

"No problem, I hope everything is ok?" Officer Cook asks.
"It is, but it almost wasn't." I feel my anger boiling again.
"We understand, could you please take us through what happened?" Officer Ryan asks, so I take a deep breath and start talking.

"We had dinner and because I had been helping in the kitchen Daniel, Michael and his dad told me to go outside as that was the plan for after dinner anyways." Daniel comes in with 2 cups of coffee for the officers and tea for us.
"I decided to go see my horse for a bit and then suddenly this woman showed up. She knew my name, but I had never seen her before. She started talking about how she is supposed to be with Daniel and that it was only a matter of time before he would go back to her.
So I told her we are married and have a baby on the way, but then she said that he was only staying because he's a good guy. If there was no more baby he would leave me."

I feel my hands start to shake thinking about what happened next. Daniel notices and puts his hands around mine.
"She was scaring me so I wanted to go back to the house, but then she pushed me in my back, so I fell forward. I was only able to turn slightly so my stomach wouldn't have to take the full blow when I hit the ground. I must have screamed, because then Daniel and the rest came running to us. Daniel, Michael and I went to the doctor and I think Joe called you. So whatever happened after I don't know."

They have been writing down everything I said as well as record it so they can listen to it later.
"Did you get hurt in any way?" Officer Ryan asks.
"I thought I was going to lose our baby. We were very lucky that didn't happen, I was bleeding, but that was a blood vessel that burst inside of me." I swallow back the lump that is forming.

"We lost a baby earlier this year, so maybe you can imagine the pure terror that we experienced last night. Fearing we were going to lose another baby. And by the hands of somebody else, not because there is anything wrong with this baby. And besides that I scraped my arm and leg when I fell on the dirt." I show my arm and leg, they ask if they can take some pictures and I let them. Anything that can help I will do.

"She wanted to hurt our baby, she actually said that. It was just a bump in the road to get Daniel back, so she decided to get rid of that bump. She is crazy and I truly hope she gets punished for what she tried to do." My blood is boiling after reliving it all again.
"Well if you want to officially press charges she will face the consequences, she has already confessed and threatened to do it again. So we're positive she will be locked up for a while." 

"I definitely want to press charges. She cannot attack our unborn baby and get away with it."
They note everything and explain that because she confessed already it will probably be a simple case.
I explain them I will be in Europe after our wedding and because of the pregnancy I won't be able to travel in a couple of months.
The only time I'm coming back to Australia is for the Grand Prix.

Apparently if they need me to testify, I can do that through a conference call, so that won't be an issue.
After a while they thank us for our time and get up to leave.

"Are you ok baby?" Daniel comes back after letting the officers out.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just still so mad and I hate that. I'm not an angry person, you know that. Just the thought of her purposely trying to hurt our child infuriates me. I would like to have some time alone with her. She would be unrecognizable when I'd be done with her." Daniel climbs on the bed next to me and pulls me against him.

"That's your momma lion coming out. Trust me I feel the same. I never thought I would be able to hurt a woman, but I might not have an issue with her." He holds me for a while which works wonders on my state of mind.
"Thanks for holding me, it really helps."
He smiles down at me, "whenever you need me, I'm here for you."

Isaac walks in the room with his Nintendo. "Aunt Sky, do you want to play a game with me? " he asks.
"I'd love that buddy, you have to show me what to do ok?" He jumps on the bed and Daniel decides to get up. "I think you'll have fun together. Do you mind if I go for a work out with Michael?"
"No of course I don't, go! You have to train hard to be prepared for the season." After he's changed he gives me a kiss and then leaves.
Very soon Isaac and I are lost in Mario World.

The next days have flown by, Isaac has been with me pretty much the entire time. I've never played too much games before, but it has been a lot of fun. I was glad when I could get out of bed again. The bleeding has stopped and the tightness of my belly was gone the day after the fall. Peanut has been very active, which was a reassurance for me.
Vanessa is still locked up, apparently she has been freaking out and acting very strange so they actually had to have her admitted to a psychiatric institution. I don't know what happens next, but I'm glad she is far away.

It's the last day of 2022 and in a couple of hours we're going to celebrate New Years. We spent the day in Duncraig and had some time on the beach, just sunbathing and relaxing. It was just the two of us which was needed after the last couple of days. My dress is hanging in our bedroom and they made it to fit perfectly. So I'll be wearing that for our second ceremony, but I decided to wear a lighter dress for the party afterwards. It is still summer here and I don't want to be sweating the entire time and also because of the bbq.

Daniel has been very secretive about some things he apparently has arranged for the wedding, so I'm very curious to find out. But only 2 more sleeps and it's our second wedding day, so I'm sure I'll be able to wait a bit. I haven't been able to ride, because I had to take things easy and as we are going to fly back home two days after the wedding I doubt I will get the chance. Hopefully we can have a quick visit back before the Melbourne race the end of March.

"Today was great babe, thanks for this. I really needed some time to unwind and just be with you." I say as we stroll down the shore line. We just finished dinner and are heading back to the car.
"Yeah it has been a crazy Christmas huh. I'm just so glad you and our little one are ok. I don't know what I would have done if anything would have happened to you or her."
I squeeze his hand, "I know, but we are both fine. And in two days we're getting married again. Some people don't even get to do it once. Let alone twice."

He grins, "oh the surprises I have for you. You'll love it I'm sure."
I frown as I look at him, he is so happy with himself which is pretty cute to be honest.
"I'm sure I will, you have never let me down with your surprises so far."

When we get back Isaac and Isa are sleeping so they can be woken up before midnight to celebrate with us. Although Isabella might just sleep through the night as we are far away from where the fireworks are.
The rest of the night we play board games, listen to music and eat. A lot.
Half an hour before midnight Michelle goes to wake up Isaac. She comes down without Isabella as she wouldn't wake up.

It's almost time, everybody has a glass of champagne, except for me and Isaac of course.
"Here we go guys. 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all count down. At 0 Daniel and I hold each other tightly, he then cups my face to look me in the eyes.
"Happy new year my love. This will be an amazing year. I'm sure of it."
"Happy new year honey badger. I am looking forward to it. I love you so much." We kiss, but we can't for long, because everybody wants to hug and kiss and party.

"Happy new year Sky, I'm so glad you came into our lives. You've definitely made it better." Joe says after giving me a warm hug.
"Oh Joe, thank you. You're the best. I've been meaning to ask you. Would you please walk me down the aisle for our ceremony. I know it's nothing official, but I would love for you to give me away to your son."
The hug gets so tight I can almost feel my ribs crack. "Absolutely, I'm honored."

We are finally able to have our campfire that was actually planned for Christmas. I send some texts to wish everybody back home a happy new year. But they still have hours to go before they have new years in Monaco and the UK which is pretty funny.

'Happy new year Sky, enjoy your day tomorrow, for you it's tomorrow, for us it's in 2 days. Send us loads of pictures.' I get a text back from Jen and Bri who are probably getting ready for a massive party they were going to attend in London.
In our group chat we also get a lot of reactions.
'Girl we haven't even had dinner yet and you are already in the next year, but happy new year.' Charlotte texts
I've send a separate text to Lewis and I'm glad the did reply. It has been a bit different as he's trying to put some distance between us. Apparently it's not enough that I'm on the other side of the world.

'Happy new year beautiful. I hope you're doing well and that my god baby is behaving. Take care and I will see you soon I hope.'
I hope this means he's getting over me and ready to get our friendship back to how it was, because I do really miss him. We spoke briefly after Christmas, because I wanted to tell him about Vanessa and he was furious. It almost felt like normal again, but when I asked if he had been in contact with Bri he says no, he still had some work to do on himself.

As we are sitting by the fire my mind wanders off to last year and even more to the upcoming year.
When we're home we've got our 20 week scan, then we are going to Switzerland to visit Seb and his family. We will join him and Mick in Sweden to watch the Race of Champions. Then there will be the car launch in New York for Red Bull. Daniel will have his first official duties as a Red Bull driver and my job will start as well. And then in a few months we're going to be parents.
I still have to push the baby out, I have no idea what to expect, but I have faith in my body that things will be fine.

Still the idea of having to push a baby out of a small hole is a bit scary. I'm sure it will hurt like hell, but everybody keeps saying it's worth it in the end and that is something I believe.

"Where are you with your thoughts." I hear Daniel ask me.
"You don't want to know." I smile at him as he hands me a non alcoholic drink.
"I do actually. Humor me." He sits down next to me, waiting for me to spill.
"I was just thinking about having to push something the size of a big melon out of a hole that is definitely not the size of a melon."

He almost chokes on his drink, "ok I didn't expect that, but I understand why that crosses your mind. It will be intense I have no doubt about that, but I'm going to stick by you. You won't have to do it alone. You've got me and Dr Dubois there for you every step of the way."

"I hope so, but what if you are in Spain or Italy. Or even in Monaco but you're in the middle of the race?" I know he has his mind set on being there, but his job might not let him.
"I don't know baby, all I know is that I'll do anything in my power that even if I'm in Spain or Italy to get to you as soon as possible. I'll have Max's jet that will be stand by. But yeah it might take a few hours to get to you."
He looks down at his glass and I can see his mind is going a million miles an hour.

"Sometimes I think maybe I should have taken a break this year. At least then we'd be sure I would be there for you when peanut decides to arrive."
I get on his lap, I really need to be closer to him. "No babe, the chances are this baby might come during the week in between the races and then you'll be home. I'm sure it will be fine ok. I'll keep my legs crossed until you make it home." I joke lightening the mood.
"I don't think that's a good idea, but yeah there are more days in between the races. I'll make sure to come home as soon as the race and the media obligations are done. I won't spend more time away from you then I have to."

"I know and also the team will try to support you in that as much as they can. At least we'll travel with you during the season. You'll have so much time with our baby, he will ever say you were an absent father." I'm playing with the curls in his neck, which I know he loves.
"I am really looking forward to becoming a dad. The first time holding that little one will be magical. I am even looking forward to changing dirty diapers." The orange glow of the fire is being reflected in his eyes, making them look golden.
"You're going to be an amazing father. You're already an amazing husband, it will be fantastic seeing you with him.... " he gives me a look "Ok or her."

We spend some time outside, but eventually we decide to get to bed, we're going to have a relaxed day, sleep in and take it easy, before getting married again.

Grace and Michelle are helping me get ready for the day, my hair and make up are done and now they are putting the dress on me. I still can't believe I'm wearing this dress. Kelly has absolutely made this day unforgettable even though nothing happened yet. Just being able to put this dress on is insane.
"Skylar you look stunning, are you ready?" Grace says after lacing my dress up.
I'm glad she didn't lace me up too tight, now I can still breathe.

"Absolutely, I've done the fancy wedding before, today is much more fitting to me and Daniel. It will be fun." I look at myself in the mirror again, very pleased by what I see. I'm glowing, there's a sparkle in my eyes and I just look happy. It could have been so different if Vanessa had succeeded with what she had planned. But luckily this baby is strong, just as strong as his parents.
I know Daniel has some surprises for me, but I have one for him as well.

Daniels pov:

I feel so much more relaxed then on the big day in Monaco. Maybe because we've done this before or because it's with a small group. At least this time I'm not worried she might not show up. She's already stuck with me and I don't think she regrets that.

I'm wearing my suit for the ceremony, but we're both going to change afterwards. I can't be there in ripped jeans if she is wearing that dress. I'm sure she's going to be breathtaking again. But she is breathtaking in whatever she wears.
I can't wait until she sees the surprise I arranged for her. I'm sure she's going to love it.
"You ready son?" My dad walks in the bedroom where I've been getting dressed.
"Sure am dad, she is already my wife, but I'm glad we get to do it again together with you."
He stands in front of me fixing my tie.

"I'm so proud of you, you've matured over the year. I know it was a struggle with the team, but this season will be better. Maybe not right from the start, but I'm positive you'll be back on the top where you should be." He wipes off some invisible dust off my shoulders.
"Thanks, I don't think I would have been where I am now without you and mom. And last year I only pulled through because of Sky. She is my lifeline, I don't know what I would have done without her."

"Sky is special, there's nobody else like her. Not many girls would just drop everything to live the life you have. Not for the right reasons that is. But she is honest, loyal and she loves with all she has. Not just you, but everybody around her. She just embraces everybody, which is quite amazing if you realize what she's been through." I know my dad adores Sky. He has the same protective feelings for her as me, which I am really happy about.

"She sure is one of a kind. That's why I still don't understand her mom. But I find it even more incredible that Sky is who she is, despite of how her mom treated her. Anybody would hold grudges or would carry anger, but she doesn't. She is hurt, but she would still treat her mom with respect and kindness if they were ever to cross paths again. I don't think I could do the same." I check my looks in the mirror once again, but there's nothing more I can do. I fixed my curls with a little bit of wax, not too much, because I know Sky loves to run her hands through my hair.

"I'm glad you found her. And I'm glad she found you. Your love story could easily be a movie. Anyways I have to go, I have to walk my daughter in law down the aisle. You know if you ever hurt her, you'll have me to deal with right?" He grins, but then pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm not going to hurt her dad. She means everything to me and I love her with every fiber in my body."

"I know, that's how she feels about you too. Now get your ass to the barn, you have to wait outside though." He says before taking off leaving me questioning why I have to wait outside.

My mom walks in, she is going to take me to the barn, not that I don't know the way, but she wanted to really bad, so I'm fine with that.
"You look handsome my boy. Skylar is stunning as always, so let's get you out there."
I offer my mom my arm, she puts her hand on it and we walk outside.
"Dad said I had to wait outside. Why is that?" I ask, but she just smiles.
"You'll see."

When we reach the barn I see everybody waiting outside. What the hell is this about. I expected them to already be seated.
I see Michael trying to hold his laughter when he sees my confused face.
"Don't worry mate, we'll go inside in a bit. Just wait and see." My mom tells me to wait in front of the door so I am standing there, absolutely clueless. My surprise is inside, which Michael is aware off, I guess if he says we'll go inside in a bit I'll just trust him.

Suddenly I hear the sounds of horses coming our way, when I look up I see Sky in her dress riding Rain and my dad is on Jack.
My jaw drops, I thought she had to take it easy for a bit. Riding isn't taking it easy I would say. Ok she's going very slowly, but still I'm a bit worried.
But oh my god she is so beautiful, I can't believe my eyes. Her hair is flowing down in wavy curls, this time with a side part a bit up.

I don't deserve her. I really don't. But she seems to feel I do and I am so happy about that I can't even describe it in words.
Michael walks over to her to help her get off. Rain is being such a cool horse. She isn't even bothered by the dress hanging over her back, she really is the perfect horse for Skylar.
My dad also jumps off and then they walk down the path they made towards me.

"Baby you blow my mind again. You look fantastic. But was riding Rain here a good idea?' I give her a kiss, but then I see the sparkle in her eyes.
"I called the doctor and she said it was perfectly safe. The bleeding has stopped since the day after the fall." She bends over until her lips or right next to my ear.
"She even gave us the green light for our wedding night."

My heart skips a beat, I'm happy about that, but honestly I'm also pretty scared.
What if us having sex damages something? I know she's almost 20 weeks and sex is safe even until the end of the pregnancy. But after what happened with Vanessa and the pure terror we both experienced, thinking about losing this baby as well. I feel the urge to be so careful with her.
Even more than usual.

"Babe, don't look so shocked. It's fine, let's go inside and do this one more time." Hearing her voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I smile knowing what's waiting for her inside.
"Yeah sounds like a plan."
Michelle let's the guests go in the barn first so they can take a seat. I actually get to walk my wife down the aisle myself. My dad brought her here and now I get to take over.
My heart is racing when I think about how she will react once we walk inside.

The door opens and I see everybody found their place, so now it's our turn.

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