Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

Door Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... Meer

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back


742 21 6
Door Lieke4043

I'm sure I'm hallucinating, because the smiling faces I see in front of me are of people that I've followed for as long as I can remember and I've watched two of them grow up.
"Good morning Skylar, welcome to Australia Zoo." I hear the young woman say.
"I'm dreaming right, Daniel pinch me please." I hold out my arm in front of him and he pinches.
"Auw." Ok so not dreaming.

"Hi, how come you know my name?" I'm absolutely dumbfounded that I'm standing here in front of the Irwin's.
"Well your husband planned this day for you as a surprise and he contacted us to see if we could make it happen. Obviously we are happy to help." Bindi explains.
"I don't know what to say, I've been following you guys ever since I was a child. This is truly a dream come true."

I'm actually shaking hands with Bindi, Terri and Robert.
"Congratulations on your marriage and the little one of course." Robert says and I thank him.
"Ready for a day filled with animal encounters?" Bindi asks and I nod enthusiastically.
"Absolutely. This is amazing." I turn to Daniel who seems so happy with himself.
"This is crazy, but the best surprise ever. Thank you babe, I love you!" I pull him in a warm embrace, so thankful that he would make such an effort to make a dream of mine come true.

"I'd do anything for you, you know that. Now come on let's get going." He whispers in my ear and I let him go.
"Ready to go? First stop the Sumatran tigers." Bindi says enthusiastic as she always seems to be whenever I see her on videos.
"More than ready."
We follow them through the gates making our way to the tigers. I don't know what we're going to do there, but just watching them is already amazing.

We get to the enclosure, where I can already see the tigers.
"Oh they are beautiful, just look at them." I say in awe.
"Ready to meet them?" Robert asks.
"I'm sorry what?"
"They need some exercise, so we're going to go for a walk with them."
My eyes are going to pop out of their sockets hearing him.
"We're going to walk with the tigers?" I ask, just to check if I heard right.

"Exactly. I'll go over the rules first and then we'll take them for a stroll."
He explains what I can and cannot do, any interaction has to be instigated by the tigers, but I didn't expect anything else.
"Do you mind if we take pictures and maybe shoot some videos?" Robert asks me.
"Why would I mind, I hope I can have some of those pictures as well. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will never forget it, but being able to look back at it with pictures would be great."

"We would like to post some of it online. It's always great to raise attention to what we try to do here if we have celebrities coming in." He explains making me smile.
"Well then you have to take pictures of Daniel. He's the famous one."
"He is, but so are you."
I almost start laughing, but he looks so serious I don't dare.
"Ehm, right. Ok."
After a short reminder of the rules he goes in to get the tigers.

They are absolutely gorgeous up close. They come and smell my clothes and one actually rubs his head against me as would a regular house cat.
"Let your hands down so he can sniff them." Robert says and it feels strange putting my hands in front of an animal that could easily kill me if he wanted to. Even though these are still quite young and not even close to their adult size.

I feel his nose against my skin and my heart races, I'm not scared but amazed by this encounter.
Especially when he starts to rub his head against my hand I'm sold.
"You can give him a scratch if you want." Bindi smiles and I gently scratch the tigers neck.

"Holy shit I'm actually petting a tiger." I say looking at Daniel with the biggest smile on my face.
After some scratches we go for the walk. The day has only just begun and it almost beats our wedding day. Almost.
After the walk they put the tigers back in their enclosure.
"Ready for your next encounter?" Bindi asks.
"There's more? I thought the tigers were it."

"Oh no not at all, that was just the start. Next up are the red panda's. Im sure they would love something to eat." Robert tells me.
My mind is blown, "really? Oh I love red pandas"
We arrive at their enclosure and now we are both allowed to go inside. I already spotted them high in the leaves, but as soon as they notice us coming in they come down to see if we brought food.
Bindi went into a small shed and comes out with two bowls of different foods.
We are allowed to feed them and they are so soft and cute. Normally in the zoo you would see them from a distance, but now I'm feeding them and I can touch them.

"Are you scared of reptiles?" Robert asks me and I shake my head.
"Not at all, I just don't like spiders." I say before realizing they must have massive spiders here.
"By the end of the day you won't be scared anymore. I guarantee you that." He states and I laugh. We'll see about that.
He takes us to another enclosure. This time I get to meet a Komodo Dragon. He's massive, but very calm and I actually get to touch his tough skin.

I thought that would be it, but next thing I know we are inside the meerkat enclosure being surrounded by cheeky little meerkats.
We sit down on a big rock and they are all over us. One actually climbing on Daniels head and I have one on my lap.
I always feel the urge to start singing 'Hakuna Matata' when I see these little rascals.
"I thought they would be heavier, but they are so light." I say when one sits on my hands.
"They are, they weigh less than a kilo. But aren't they the cutest?" Robert glows when he talks about the animals we have met so far.

"They sure are. I love their personalities as well. They are so curious and not shy at all." One of them puts her little hands on mine, they are tiny.
"They are used to interact with people, we just want our guests to be able to experience how amazing these animals are. And hopefully that will help them be aware of what we are doing to their habitats and lives." Robert explains passionate.

"You look so much like your father. I'm sure he is looking down at you guys with so much pride." I say thinking about Steve and his legacy. His children and his wife are definitely continuing his amazing work.

"I like to think he is. It's all thanks to him we are able to do this." Robert says also so proud of his dad.
"Ready for our next stop?"
"Sure, keep it coming, I hardly think it can get better."
He proves me wrong.
We go to the Regal Eagle next, what a stunning bird, so majestic. Next are the otters, they are just as cheeky as the meerkats.

Then I'm amazed again. In a massive pasture we get to see the rhinos from up close. I even get to touch one and I know these magnificent animals are getting extinct because of poachers. It's so sad to realize that so few of them remain.
"I hope our kids and our grandkids and their kids will be able to see these amazing animals in real life and not just on video footage or pictures." Daniel says as we feed the rhinos some vegetables.
"Yeah me too, just look at them. They are so beautiful, they take my breath away."

Once the food is done the rhinos lose interest and walk away.
"Now I think the next animals we're going to meet will make you even happier." Bindi is now with us as Robert has to go to feed the crocs for the visitors.
"This day has already been amazing, so I'm very excited to see what you have planned for me next."

"Well were going to visit one of Australias favorite animals."
She stops in front of the koala enclosure and lets us in.
"Are you kidding me right now?!" I see a koala sitting on branch and I instantly fall in love.
"I'm not, we can't skip these babies can we?"
Bindi walks up to one of the koalas. She picks it up and it clings onto her.
"How gorgeous is she huh?" She comes over to us and puts the koala in my arms.
I actually tear up holding this soft, ball of fur.
She grabs me with her little hands as if she is holding on to a tree.

"Oh my god, babe I'm holding a koala." I'm practically whispering as I don't want to scare her.
"I know, you look adorable together."
"You can pet her, she loves cuddles." Bindi says and I start stroking her back.
"I don't know why I'm getting emotional, but this is such an humbling experience. And I think my hormones are all over the place right now." I say when a tear escapes my eye.
"Don't worry, I was crying all the time during my pregnancy. It doesn't stop after they are born though." Bindi laughs. "Lets put her back so she can eat. We still have 6 more stops."

She takes over the koala and puts her back on her branch, where she immediately starts eating her eucalyptus leaves.

Next we get to the wombats, they are so funny and so adorable, I love them as soon as we get to them.
After that we go to feed the giraffes, standing in front of one makes me realize how tall they really are, but so soft natured and calm.
Robert comes back from feeding the crocs and he takes us to the biggest tortoises I've ever seen. They are the size of a small table.
"They are about as fast as my McLaren was this year." Daniel jokes, making me burst into laughter. He wouldn't have made this joke during the season when his future was still unsure.

But now with his Red Bull contract the future is shining bright again so he is able to mock the results from last year.
We eventually meet the echidna's and the bintorongs. I don't really know where to compare them with. It's like a cross between a raccoon and a bear or something. But they are fantastic, I've never seen an animal just like it. We end up at the kangaroos where we just enjoy seeing the little joeys hopping around.

"Who would like some lunch?" Bindi asks after a while.
"That sounds amazing, I'm pretty hungry to be honest."
She takes us to her home where we meet Chandler her husband and little Grace. Her adorable baby girl.
"Do you know what you're having yet?" She asks me pointing at my bump.
"No we wanted to keep it a surprise, so we won't know until this little peanut comes out." Daniel answers placing his hand on my belly.

"Aw that's nice. Did you think of any names yet? I mean you still have plenty of time, but I'm sure you have some ideas." Chandler asks.
"I have, we just haven't really discussed it really. There is one name I would love to have as a middle name for a girl and one for a boy. The first names I don't know yet, but maybe Daniel has already thought of some." I look at him, he looks back surprised that I thought of middle names.
"Really baby, what are they?" He wants to know.

"Well for a boy I would like his middle name to be Michael, for obvious reasons." I check his reaction, but by the looks of his massive smile he likes the idea.
"He would freak out if it's a boy and we tell him the names." Daniel says thinking about it. "What about the girl then?"

"I would love her to have your moms name, as a middle name that is. The first name I want something that's hers alone. Same for a boy." I explain and I see his eyes start to shine a bit from him getting emotional.
"You want her middle name to be Grace?"
"Yeah, your mom is amazing and I would be honored if we had a daughter who carried her name."

"Grace is a great name." Bindi laughs, looking at her daughter.
"It sure is." I reply.
"Those names would be perfect. We just have to think about first names then." Daniel says smiling.
"And we're not telling them ok?"
He shakes his head, "no of course not."

Robert comes inside and quickly grabs a slice of toast.
"Sky I have one more animal encounter for you. You wanna come with me?"
After finishing my tea I get up, "so what animals am I going to meet now?"
"You said you weren't afraid of reptiles and snakes right?" I nod. I'm not, I just don't like spiders.
"So let's go to the reptiles then." He leads the way after we say bye for now to Bindi, Chandler and Grace. They invited us to stay for dinner as well, but we also have a 2 hour drive back, so I don't know if that would be a good idea.

We get to the building where they have the snake and iguana enclosures.
"These ones are the venomous snakes, so we will leave them in there. Over there we have some pythons and boa's. They are a lot safer to handle." Robert explains, I do look at the venomous snakes as they are still very beautiful, behind the glass that is.
I get to hold a python and a boa, people always think they are slimy, but actually their skin is smooth and a bit cool to the touch.

Daniel gets to hold them as well, he looks very cool holding them. Not nervous at all, but he's an Aussie. He should be used to snakes.
I realize if we eventually end up in Australia I will have to get used to seeing massive spiders every now and then. I feel shivers running down my spine thinking about it.
"Ok so last stop. I know you told me you don't like spiders and I told you after today you wouldn't mind them as much anymore. So I have a challenge for you. We have some stunning tarantulas. They are not dangerous, I wouldn't make you hold an animal that could harm you."

My heart start to race, I already know where he's getting at.
"You want me to hold a massive, hairy spider?" I ask nervously.
"Are you up for it? I promise you they are very calm and actually quite fluffy. I'll show you first and then you can decide."
He leads us to some other smaller enclosures where I can see the massive spiders just sitting there, not doing much.

"Ooh my god they are so big. Just look at all those legs, all the hair. Oh I don't know if I can do this." I'm already shaking just thinking about actually holding one on my hand.
"Don't worry, I'll get one out first, I will hold it, so you can have a closer look and then if you want I'll put her on your hand."
Robert opens one of the enclosures and carefully scoops up the big spider.
He was right, she is very calm, just chilling on his hand, every now and then she moves one of her legs, but it's not like she's running around or anything.

"Can I hold her?" Daniel asks.
"Sure, hold out your hands so I can put her on." Robert gently places the spider on Daniels hands.
I think he's the bravest guy ever, I still don't see myself doing that at all.
"See baby, she's fine. And pretty to be honest. Look at that blue, it's stunning." He even puts his hand close to his face to have a better look.
"Look at that face, that's actually pretty cute." He says after observing the spider for a while.
"Ok show me, but don't shove her in my face. I'll come to you." I say gathering all my courage to get so close to the eight legged creature as I dare.

Daniel was right, the spider actually has a cute face, it makes her a lot less scary. She has 6 eyes and her face is so fluffy that I almost forget she's a spider.
"Ok you know what, screw it, let me do this." I suddenly decide I'm doing this.
Robert first takes the spider from Daniels hands and then tells me to put mine next to each other so she will fit on there, as my hands are a lot smaller.
"Ok take some deep breaths and relax. You'll be fine. I've got my hands right next to you, just don't drop her, because that will kill her. If you get too nervous tell me, then I'll take over."

Robert slowly let's the spider move to my hands and even though I'm trembling, I don't freak out. I really expected I would. But I don't want to drop her and kill her.
"Keep breathing baby, you're holding your breath." Daniel says.
I let out a shaky breath, trying to keep breathing in and out. It helps to focus on that, especially when the spider decides to move a bit.

"Oooh please spidey, don't start walking." I plead, rocking from one foot to another.
"If at any point you want me to take her, let me know. But you're doing really well. You can be so proud of yourself." Robert says and I feel pretty damn brave myself.
"It's alright, I'm still nervous, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be."
That is until she actually starts walking.
"Ok take her, take her please!" This is too much for me today, I'm bouncing around until Robert manages to take her from my hands.

"Woooow thank you, ok that was intense." I feel a bit stupid. I worked with huge aggressive dogs and I never blinked, but a spider that fits on my hands is scaring the crap out of me.
Daniel wraps his arms around me, kissing me on my head as Robert puts the spider back in her enclosure.
"That was very brave love. You did amazing."
"It was pretty cool, until she started walking. I was so scared I would drop her." I feel my heart rate lowering again being in Daniels arms.

"Well guys if you want you can just enjoy the rest of your day in the zoo. I hope you will join all of us for dinner tonight." Robert says making me look up.
"We'll have to see about that, we still have to make the drive back to the cabin."
"No we don't." Daniel suddenly says.
"What do you mean we don't? We're staying at the cabin and it's over 2 hours to get back there."

"We are staying here tonight and drive back tomorrow." He simply says.
"But we don't have any clean clothes or toothbrushes." The last time I saw my toothbrush it was sitting in a cup in the bathroom when we left the cabin.
"I had already packed an overnight bag, I brought everything we need. Bindi asked if we wanted to stay when we planned today and I accepted. So we're staying at their home and before you protest. They offered. I didn't ask."

He knows I don't want to be a burden to anyone, so I would never ask something like this, but neither has he so I guess we might as well accept the offer.
"Ok sounds amazing, but only if we are really not a burden." I say just when Bindi comes in.
"A burden? What are you talking about?"
"About us staying the night. Daniel just told me you guys offered and it's so nice, but I don't want to get in your way."

She comes over and grabs my hands.
"You're not, we would love to have you over. It has been so much fun today, we can just enjoy a nice evening. Grace is staying over at mums, so it's just us grown ups."
Bindi is so sweet. She's only 24, but I guess having lost her dad so young made her grow up a lot faster.
"Alright. Thanks for the invite. I think I speak for both of us when I say we really appreciate it and you guys have made this day unforgettable. We are definitely coming back with our peanut when he or she is bigger. You guys do such an amazing job here. It has been fantastic seeing it all up close. So thanks for this experience."

She gives me a hug. Daniel and I spend the rest of the afternoon wandering around watching Robert do another croc feeding show. It makes my heart stop a few times, but obviously he knows what he's doing.
That night after dinner we sit outside on Bindi and Chandlers porch with the four of us just talking about pretty much everything.
She tells me a lot about her dad, the way I saw him on tv was exactly how he was in private she says. A loving, kind man who was passionate about wildlife preservation. A true hero.

That night in the guest bedroom we listen to the sounds from outside. I don't know what animals I hear, but there are plenty around here.
"This was the 4th best day of my life." I tell Daniel as I'm lying with my head on his chest.
"Only the fourth? What is your top 3 then?" He asks as he combs my hair with his fingers.
"First our wedding day, second the day we found out we were pregnant again and third the day we met."

I hear him chuckle. "I guess I have to agree there. Although the day you said yes to my proposal is also in the top 10 and the first time we had sex was a pretty amazing day. Remember, in the shower?"
"I sure do, our first time was already so good I never thought it would get better, but it did. It still does." I think about our amazing sex life, the way we just fit together perfectly.
"Yeah, match made in heaven I guess. Goodnight my sweet wife, I love you." He says kissing the top of my head.
"Goodnight dear husband. Love you too."

I was hoping you guys could help me out. I'm still not sure whether the baby will be a boy or a girl and also what the name is going to be. So I would love your opinions. Boy/girl? Names? I like names that aren't too common, but have a meaning. Help a girl out here 😝

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