Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

Down Under

944 20 0
By Lieke4043

It's only an hour before we will finally touch ground again. This time in Australia. I still don't know the exact destination, but I don't really care. I just want to get out of this plane because we only had a short stop in Dubai before taking off again and I am starting to feel claustrophobic. I just want solid ground under my feet again and fresh air.
We have been flying over the beautiful landscapes for a while now and I can't wait to actually see it up close.

We both have been able to sleep quite a lot, which hopefully will help get over the jetlag quicker, but I'm sure it will be a struggle at first.
Blake had arranged my visa, so I should be fine getting in the country. Also I'm Daniels wife, so I hope it will be easy going. I'm not really in the mood for an interrogation.
It's not like I'm going to work here or move here permanently. Not yet at least.

"Almost home babe, how do you feel?" I ask Daniel as the seatbelt lights go on.
"I'm super excited, but I'm also glad we'll have some time to ourselves, before we see everybody. First let's just enjoy the honeymoon, then you can meet all my friends."

'Ladies and gentlemen we are about to land in Brisbane, thanks for flying with us and enjoy your stay' I hear over the intercom.
"Brisbane, that's like across the continent from Perth right?" I am surprised. I thought he might want to be closer to home once we got here, but this is pretty much as far away from Perth as it gets.
"Yeah, I've rented a cabin in Tamborine Mountain. He grins, looking so happy he kept this a secret from me. "We're going to have peace and quiet for the next 14 days, unless we want to go somewhere that is. I do have some things planned for us."

"Oh wow, sounds amazing. Just the two of us in the mountains. You know me so well." It absolutely sounds like the best place to have a honeymoon.
"Yeah we will have the most amazing view, I think there's even a jacuzzi in the living room. It will be fantastic." He looks so enthusiastic and I share his feelings. I can't wait to get there so we can just unwind from everything we've experienced the last couple of months.

At the airport, we collect our luggage and thank god Blake has done his job so well. I don't get questioned at all. We did manage to get myself a new passport with my new last name on it. We just had to pay double than what you normally pay for a new passport, because it was a rush job, but at least now I'm traveling as Mrs Ricciardo instead of Hayes.
Daniel goes to pick up the keys for our rental car and I go to Starbucks for a cold drink for the both of us. I haven't been outside, but it's summertime here so I'm sure it's hot out there.

I changed into a summer dress in the airplane, so I'm ready to head out.
Daniel joins me in the cue and there's quite a lot of people staring at us. Obviously he's one of Australia's favorites, so I can't exactly blame them.
I can see people hesitate to come up to him to ask him for pictures or autographs, that's a bit different than in some European countries. People can be very intrusive and rude, but luckily that doesn't happen very often.

"Let's get out of here, we still have over an hour to drive before we are at the cabin." Daniel says after grabbing the drinks from the counter.
"Alright, you drive right?" I take my drink from him and he nods. "Yeah I'll drive, you can enjoy the view."
He waves at some of the people that have their phones out. "Sorry guys its my honeymoon, so I'd like to head out with my wife to enjoy some time alone. I hope you understand."
The day after the wedding we posted a picture of us at the wedding to announce we got married. We never told the date online, so it was a bit of a secret, now it's out and we had so much loving comments about it. It truly warmed my heart.

They nod and put away their phones.
"Thanks a lot. Have a nice day." We want to walk away, but one lady calls after us. "Congratulations both of you. You make a gorgeous couple. I'm sure that little baby will be even cuter."
"Thank you very much, that's very kind." I give her a warm smile, before we go to the car park.

Daniel rented a Range Rover, this will be fun in the mountains and for whatever other things he has planned.
"The owner of the cottage has the fridge fully stocked, so we have enough to cook dinner tonight and have breakfast tomorrow. It probably will have enough to last us a few days before we have to to some grocery shopping." Daniel explains when he makes his way on the main road.
"Oh that's nice. I think tonight it will be something easy. Tomorrow I might have more ambition to prepare a proper dinner." I say looking at my surroundings.

It's so different than anywhere I've ever been. The only thing that is the same as in the UK is that we are on the left side of the road.
"Baby." Daniels voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"I don't expect you to cook for us. I can prepare dinner as well. I really appreciate you cooking when we're at home and I've been busy, but now I don't have a busy schedule. It's just us, we're a team and you don't have to do everything."

I look at him smiling, "I know, but I don't mind doing it. I just want to make you happy."
He grabs my hand, "you make me happy whether you cook dinner or not. It's you who makes me happy, not what you do or don't do. Let me take care of you for once. You are carrying our child, just take it easy for a while. We don't have to do anything we don't want to, nobody expects anything from us for a while. Let's enjoy it."

I realize he's right, we don't have any obligations for a while. Once testing starts it will begin again, but for now, nobody needs us to do anything. No team meetings for a while. Just nothing.
"I've only been a part of your life for almost 8 months, but I'm already so used to media days, team meetings, traveling for the races. It's almost strange we don't have that for a bit."

"Well you were pretty much thrown in that life. We didn't meet during winter break, we met when the season had only just started. So it's going to be strange to just be Daniel and Skylar, without the F1 world around us. I hope you'll still like me outside the season." He grins.

"I wouldn't be too worried about that. I'm in it for the long run. You won't get rid of me that easily." I stick up my hand where the wedding ring is around my finger.
"This one means you're stuck with me for life. Or until you're done with me." I wink when he quickly looks at me.
"I don't see that happening, ever. You're stuck with me as well."

"Good. So what do you have planned while we are here?" I try, but he doesn't fall for it.
"I'm not telling. We will be near the Gold Coast so maybe we can go down there for a day, but I also have something else planned a bit further away for Sunday, I just really want to surprise you with that, so I hope you don't mind."
We drive through some small towns, some are only one street.
"Ok I'll stop asking. Gold Coast sounds good. As long as I don't have to swim with sharks I'm fine with almost anything."

He laughs, he knows I don't like open water. "Nope you won't have to do that. Nothing that might be dangerous for you or peanut, don't worry."
We leave the main road and start to climb, I love the winding road that goes higher and higher into the hills.
It doesn't take too long before Daniel parks the car in front of a stunning cabin, which can hardly be called a cabin, it seems pretty big from the outside.

When we get out Daniel gets the suitcases from the trunk of the car. "The key should be underneath a plant on the right side of the door. Can you see if you can find it?"
I walk up to the door and find the plant he is talking about. I unlock the door and keep it open so Daniel can carry our luggage inside. Then I follow him into the cabin and I'm amazed.
The living room has a really nice lounge sofa, in a corner underneath the stairs is the jacuzzi Daniel spoke about.

In the other corner there's a fireplace although we won't be needing that with these temperatures. Then across the room we find a sliding door which leads to a massive porch area. I immediately make my way there, open the door and walk out to see one of the most stunning views I've ever seen.
Standing there I take a deep breath, the air feels so clean and fresh. You don't hear a thing, just the birds and the soft rustling of the wind through the leaves.

"This is amazing isn't it?" Daniel asks. I turn around to wrap my arms around him.
"It's fantastic, you really know me don't you?"
"I'm supposed to know you, you're my wife."
I feel his lips on my forehead.
"True, but you have only known me for almost 8 months."

"We have had a lot of time to talk, I know our lives are busy, but we still take time to talk, so I think that's how we both learned a lot about each other in this short time." He says turning me around so I can lean against him with my back. His hands are on my bump, caressing it. We just enjoy the moment, until a load rumbling noise ruins it.
"Peanut is hungry." I laugh.
"I'll carry the suitcases upstairs, maybe you can put some stuff away and I'll see what I can make for dinner." He suggests and we walk back inside.

Climbing up the wooden stairs we find a nice big bedroom with an en-suite where they placed a massive walk in shower.
"Oooh that looks great. But so does the jacuzzi downstairs. We just have to check the temperature there, because apparently it's not good to take really hot baths during pregnancy. And to be honest it's already hot enough outside, so I don't really need to be boiling in a tub as well." I say when I walk into the bathroom.

"I'll check, you unpack and I'll get dinner ready." He gives me a kiss and heads downstairs.
I fall back on the bed to test it, it's perfect. Not too firm, but also not too soft.
This is going to be an amazing honeymoon, I'm just so curious to what Daniel has planned. He is so excited for Sunday, so I'm guessing it will be something special.
Oh well first unpack and then food.

Half an hour later Daniel calls up to let me know he finished dinner. I'm just about ready putting away our stuff as well, so I make my way down to see what he put in the table.
"It's nothing too special, but I did make pancakes." He says as he points to a massive pile of pancakes.
"Oh yum! They look so good. Let's try them." We sit down and dig in.
I manage to eat 5, which is quite a lot for me, but I am eating for two. I know that's not really true, but hey I'm hungry, peanut is hungry, we eat.

"So it's pancakes for breakfast tomorrow I see." I say when I look at the left over pancakes. We could probably eat 2 more days of these.
"I don't mind. I'm just going to clean up and then maybe we can just sit on the deck to enjoy the evening."
I get up, wanting to help out.
"No my love, take your drink and sit outside. Tomorrow you can help."
"Alright I'll take the drinks, do you want a beer or some wine?" I ask him.

"A beer thanks baby. I'll join you in a bit. This place has a dishwasher so I only have to put everything in there."
I grab a beer for him out of the fridge and I see it is very well filled. We're definitely set for the next few days.
Sitting on the deck my mind wanders off to the wedding. The day was so wonderful with the people we care about, also a lot of people I have seen in the paddock, but I don't even know their names.
Lewis and I haven't spoken since his confession, we were busy packing and he was also getting ready for his winter break.

Bri and I did talk to each other. She told me she knew right away when he talked about needing some time to get over somebody, that he was talking about me.
I asked her how she felt about it and I remember her just shrugging.
"I didn't think he was into me anyways, so I'm alright. I'm not going to wait around, but when he's ready he can always call me and then we'll see how I feel about him."

All I'm hoping for is that we can still have the same friendship as we had before. I send a picture of our view to the group chat so they know we arrived safely.
"I checked the temperature of the jacuzzi, but we can adjust it, so if you want we can turn it on so it can get on the right temperature to get in later?" Daniel asks from inside.
"Sounds like a plan. How long will it take to warm?"

"Half an hour or so."
It will be nice to get in there before we go to bed. We are both getting tired, so we won't turn in late today.
Daniel goes back in to turn the jacuzzi on, before coming to sit next to me to drink his beer.
"Is there anything you want to do while we are here?" He asks me.
"I don't know, I haven't really checked what we can do. I didn't know we would go here until we actually arrived. But I'll see what I can find tomorrow."

After finishing his beer he gets up, "I'll put my swim shorts on for the jacuzzi."
I look at him raising my eyebrow. "You're joking right?"
"What? Why?"
"I'm getting in there naked, but if you prefer your trunks be my guest." I grin seeing him swallow hard.
I stand up to walk inside. Pulling my dress over my head as I walk in.
Daniel has already put big towels next to the jacuzzi so I slip out of my panties and turn around to see where he is.

"Are you coming or what?" I say as I climb into the hot tub.
"I will if you keep looking at me like that."
Lowering myself in the warm water I almost moan because of how good this feels.
Daniel almost trips over his shorts as he is taking them off and rushing to me at the same time.
"Oh my god, you be careful or you'll end up breaking something." I say shaking my head.
But when he pulls his shirt over his head I stop, it's not like I haven't seen his body before, but every single time he takes my breath away.

"What are you staring at?" He asks taking off his shorts safely now.
"You." Is all I answer, but it's enough to make him look very smug.
"Still not bored of this ugly face then?"
"Get your sexy ass in this water right now." When he stands up I see his boxers barely hiding his massive hard on.
"As you wish wifey." His boxers come flying off and he quickly climbs in the tub next to me.

My body is screaming for him so as soon as he sits down I climb on his lap, facing him.
"Hmm this is nice." He says, looking into my eyes.
"This is even better." I bite my lip, lowering my throbbing pussy over his cock, making him fill me up completely.
"Holy shit, somebody is horny." He says before plunging his lips on mine.

With our lips locked I start riding him. A bit careful otherwise I will cause all the water to spill.
I hold on to the edge of the tub, rocking my hips, squeezing my internal muscles around him.
For some reason I got so turned on just seeing him, I feel my climax coming very quickly.
With our lips still connected I whimper against him when the first waves of my peak wash over me.

"That was fast baby, don't stop!" He says when we break apart from our kiss.
My body trembles against his as I ride out my orgasm on top of him.
His mouth latches on to one of my nipples, sucking it in and carefully tugging it with his teeth. He prolongs my orgasm this way until I finally relax against him.
I keep moving my hips and when I've landed back on earth I reach behind me, gently massaging his balls.

He sucks in his breath through his teeth as he lets go of my nipple.
"Baby as much as I want to cum inside you, I want to spend some more time in this water." He groans and I understand what he means.
"Sit on the edge." I tell him and he does.
I'm on my knees between his legs as I take him between my lips, my tongue running over his tip. I can taste myself and his salty drops of pre cum that keep oozing out.

"Ooh yes, suck me dry my love."
As if I need the encouragement. I start bopping my head up and down, letting his cock hit the back of my throat.
My hand around his shaft moves simultaneously with my head.
"Hmmm that's it baby, keep going." I hear him mumble, his hand is around the messy bun I quickly put in my hair before getting in the water.

It doesn't take very long before I hear his breathing change, his body becomes a bit restless and I know he's getting close.
I look up at him, right when he looks at me. Our eyes lock and I can see the exact moment he's going over the edge, even before I feel it.
He holds my head still as he thrusts in my mouth when he fills my throat with his warm seed.
"Jesus fucking Christ." He pants once he's done and I let go of him wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I didn't spill much, that would be a waste.

He lowers himself back in the warm water with shaky legs. I sit next to him as he pulls my legs over his.
"I would say this is a great way to start our honeymoon." He smirks before pulling me in for another kiss.
"Couldn't agree with you more."

We spend some more time in the warm water, until we are both feeling very sleepy. Daniel gets out first and after wrapping the towel around his waist he holds the other one up for me.
We brush our teeth and get in the bed together.

We took it easy the first couple of days, recovering from the jet lag we just went on a few hikes through the hills. Had a picknick and mostly enjoyed each other.
My sex drive has been high since we've been together, but these pregnancy hormones makes it go through the roof. I just can't keep my hands off him. Not that he's complaining.

After getting up pretty much in the middle of the night, ok it was 5 in the morning, but it felt like the middle of the night, we had a quick breakfast and are now on our way to the surprise Daniel has planned. He told me it was over 2 hours driving, but I love taking a road trip, especially through this amazing landscapes.

"When we're getting close I'm going to blindfold you, otherwise you could see where we are going before I want you to." He looks at me to see how I react.
I grin, "keep that blindfold with you for later. But it's ok, I don't want to spoil your surprise."

After a while he pulls over, takes out the blindfold and covers my eyes.
"Do you see anything?" He asks.
I shake my head a bit nervous, but I know he won't make me do anything I'm not comfortable with.
"Good. It's about 10 more minutes. I promise you, you're going to love this."
He drives off again and I decide to just relax and see what's going to happen.

I guess it's about 10 minutes later when I hear gravel underneath the tires of the car.
"Don't tell me we're somewhere in the outback and you're going to leave me behind." I joke, I hear him chuckle. "Not a chance."

He stops the car but tells me to keep the blindfold on.
I hear him get out and then seconds later the door on my side opens.
He holds my hands to help me get out of the car, then we walk somewhere, he guides me so I don't trip over anything.

"Ok stop here, I'm going to take it off now." He unties the blindfold and removes it.
It takes a moment for my eyes to get adjusted to the bright sunlight, but then I see the people who are standing in front of me and I gasp.
"Oh my god!"

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