Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

The big day

763 23 1
By Lieke4043

Wedding day is finally there. Tell me what you think. I always love your comments.

When I wake up, for a second I don't know where I am. But when I look next to me I see Bri and Jenna sleeping on a air bed on the floor. Kelly is in the bed with me and Charlotte is on another air bed on the other side.
Today is the day! Our wedding day. After today I'm going to be Mrs. Skylar Ricciardo. I check my phone, it's 6 in the morning. I only slept for 4 hours. But I still feel energetic and excited for today.

Last night we had a bachelorette party. Daniel had his bachelors party somewhere else.
We took it easy as I can't drink and I didn't want to feel exhausted today. I have no idea how Daniel has done. But when I read some texts he sent me last night, I can tell he definitely had a bit too much to drink.
I get out of bed very quietly, I really have to pee, but I don't want to wake the girls just yet. We still have plenty of time before we have to get ready.

Kelly is going to do my hair and Bri will take care of my makeup. After flushing the toilet I check myself in the mirror. My bump is definitely very visible now, I place my hand on it.
"Hi my sweet peanut. Today is the big day, mommy and daddy are getting married. He's going to look so handsome in his suit I'm sure."

I can't believe how obviously pregnant I am all of a sudden. I had to wear my maternity jeans since Abu Dhabi as my normal ones were getting very tight and uncomfortable. I tried on my dress yesterday and it fit perfectly. I was so relieved.

The week has flown by. Sunday after the race we went to the after party. Eventually I ended up singing with the DJ that was playing, which was a lot of fun. We were able to fly home the next day as McLaren didn't need Daniel to stay for testing and Red Bull decided he should go home to prepare for the wedding.
We said goodbye to McLaren, I was fine saying goodbye to Zak and Andreas. The rest of the team was more difficult. They worked so hard, but just couldn't get the car and Daniel to work together.

I also stopped by Melissa, she felt bad about the pictures that were on Instagram of her and Daniel even though now I know nothing happened. Her exact words were "I could never shag Daniel. He's way too old for me." Daniel was mildly offended, but I was laughing my pants off.
She won't be handling our social media anymore, but Christian actually assigned an assistant to me as soon as I told him I would take the job.

So now I have an assistant who will do pretty much anything for me, I don't know how I will cope with that, but he's also going to take care of my social media, so that's nice.
Meeting him was fun, a bit awkward, but alright I guess.
"Miss Hayes, I'm so honored to be working for you." Was the first thing he said. Even before I could ask his name.
"First of all, it's Skylar, or Sky. Please no Miss Hayes or Mrs Ricciardo or whatever. Second, what's your name?" I asked shaking his hand.

"Oh right I'll try, my name is Bradley."
"Nice to meet you Bradley. I'm looking forward to working with you."
He seems nice, he's 28 and was working with Checo first. I don't know if I'll be able to get used to having an assistant, but I'm sure he'll be busy enough with social media. I'm not going to ask him to grab me something to drink or whatever. I am very capable of doing that myself.
We talked for a bit and I learned he had 6 younger siblings, the youngest being only 5 right now, so he knows his way around babies. He might be able to teach me something.

When we got home on Tuesday we unpacked, but also got stuff ready for when we go to Perth. I only packed summer clothes as it will be warm there. I've never had Christmas in the summer, so that's going to be something different. Daniels family was at Abu Dhabi which was nice. I got to meet his sister and her kids. They were great, so I'm looking forward to spending time with them.
They went back to Australia after the race to make sure everything is taken care of for our wedding there the 2nd of January.

Thursday we had an ultrasound with Dr. Dubois. She was so happy to see us again, this time very pregnant with a bump to prove it.
The ultrasound was amazing. We saw peanut bouncing around which was strange, because I didn't feel that at all, but we definitely saw it.
"That's one healthy baby. I'm so happy for the both of you." She said, I'm glad she will be the one doing the delivery as well.

We then discussed my wish to give birth at home.
"So far I see no problems with that, your blood pressure is perfect. You've only gained minimal weight so far. If things progress like that you can definitely stay at home if you want. If it's necessary we can always get you to hospital."

I felt very relieved. Now we are hoping things will stay this way, but I feel very well, the nausea has gone completely, I've got so much more energy now then during the first 12 weeks. So far it has been smooth sailing.
There will be a bath installed when we are in Australia. So maybe I can even have that water birth I would love.
After hearing the doctor say it's perfectly safe to have a home birth, Daniel is now fully on board with it.

And now there's today, our wedding day. We said goodbye yesterday before both going to our parties and we won't see each other until I walk down the aisle to the man I love and who I will call my husband in a couple of hours.
"Sky are you stuck in the toilet or something. You've been in there for ages." Ah there's Jen. I guess they have all woken up now.
I pull my shirt back down over my bump and make my way out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth.
"Sorry I was just lost in my thoughts."

"I'm guessing with some certain sexy Australian dude who is probably all over the place with nerves right now?" Bri smiles.
"You think he's nervous? Maybe he's still sleeping." I'm sure he was a bit drunk so I can't imagine him being awake yet.
"Well your phone has been buzzing the entire time, so I think he's up." Charlotte yawns, only just waking up properly.
I quickly grab my phone seeing Daniel who is calling me.
"Good morning handsome. How are you feeling?" I answer it.

"Good morning my love, I'm alright. Only a minor headache, but I can't wait to see you in a couple of hours. How was your night?" Oh that sleepy sexy voice of him. My spine is tingling just hearing him like that.
"It was fun, but you know you're going to see me soon right?"
"Yeah Daniel just leave us to it, we have to make your girl even more stunning than she already is." Jenna shouts, making me grin.
"I know I just wanted to hear your voice. But I'll let you get to it. I love you so much, soon to be Mrs Ricciardo. Or wifey."

"Love you too soon to be hubby." We hang up the phone and Kelly ushers me to the shower. "Wash your hair, so I can make it perfect. But not too much conditioner please. Just shampoo."
I do what she tells me to, when I get out of the shower I put a nice smelling body lotion on my skin.
I then put on the tiny lace thong that I got for the wedding night. I'm not going to wear a bra or something as my dress has that already sewn in and with the open back a bra would look ridiculous.

Wearing a robe I get back to the girls who are still dressed in their pajamas. We have some breakfast. Not that I'm hungry at all, but it's going to be a long day so I need to eat.
During breakfast the photographer arrives, she will take pictures of us getting ready. Her partner is with Daniel to take pictures of his preparation.
About 1,5 hour later my hair is completely done and Kelly has definitely outdone herself. It looks amazing.

Now it's Brianna's turn to do my make up. In the mean time Kelly does the hair of Charlotte and Jenna.

Bri knows I don't want to look like I've got a load of crap on my face, but I do want to look pretty.
She eventually does exactly what I was aiming for.

"Oh Skylar, you look stunning. Daniel won't know what came over him when he sees you." Jenna gushes and I'm not even wearing my dress yet.
I do feel very beautiful, I still look like me, but just Skylar 2.0.
They all get on with the rest of their hair and make up while I carefully sip my tea.

When we are all done we still have some time left before we have to get dressed.
"What time is Lewis coming to pick you up?" Kelly asks and I check the time.
"He's going to be here at 13.30. We have to be at the venue 14.00. And then it will start at about 14.15."
"Are you nervous?" Charlotte asks.
"No why? I'm marrying the man of my dreams. How can I be nervous about that. I'm excited for today and everything that is to come."

"Girls you look amazing." I compliment them when they are done with their hair and make up. Their dresses are all hanging on the doors in the apartment. They fit perfectly, so they are just about to put them on, before helping me to get in my dress.
But first a quick light lunch, because breakfast is already been a few hours and peanut is getting hungry.

After lunch they all disappear in the bedroom to get dressed, I can't wait to see them.

I clap my hands in excitement when I see them all dressed up in their stunning dresses.
"Oh my god girls you all look absolutely breath taking. Charlotte, Charles will pass out when he sees you as will Max when he sees you Kelly. And Jenna, holy smokes, I think Michael will be too stunned to speak." They are not officially dating, but I know they really like each other. Jenna just doesn't want to commit.

"Bri, every single guy will be after you tonight. Maybe even some not single ones." We laugh and she shrugs.
"We'll see. There is one single guy I kinda fancy, but I don't think he sees me that way." This is something new for me.
"Who? Tell me!"
She starts to blush. I never see Brianna blush.
"It's Lewis." She admits making me squeal.
"Really?! Oh my god that's awesome. I can't blame you he's very handsome and so sweet. You would be perfect for each other."

"Well tell him that, because I don't think he is into me at all." She shakes her head.
"When he sees you today he will change his mind. For sure." I take a deep breath.
"Ok let's get that dress on me, Lewis will be here soon and I can't be late at my own wedding." Suddenly I do start to feel a bit nervous.
Brianna comes with me to get me in the dress.

I open the robe I was wearing and I see her eyes suddenly fill with tears.
"Bri what's wrong? Don't cry!" I quickly tie the robe back up so I can give her a hug.
"I'm so happy for you, these are happy tears. I just saw your bump and it hit me you're actually going to be a mom." I give her a tissue so she can carefully dry her eyes without ruining her make up.

"You were fighting for your life only a couple of months ago and now look at you. You found the love I always hoped you would. You are having a baby. Your life has turned out just as I always wanted for you." Her words make my eyes water as well.
"Oh Bri, you're the best friend anybody could ever ask for. I love you."
We hold each other tight, trying to hold back our tears.
"What is taking you so long?" Jenna barges in to see me still in the robe and on the verge of crying with Bri desperately dabbing her eyes to prevent her make up from running.

"What is going on?" She asks
"Nothing, we just had a moment. I told Sky how much I've wanted this for her. Finding love and becoming a mom. Especially after fighting so hard to survive what Shane did to her." Bri explains and Jenna nods understanding.
"I'm not going to get into this, because I will start bawling my eyes out and I will look like absolute shit if I do." She sniffs but then turns around to get out of the room.

Bri and I look at each other shaking our heads before bursting into laughter.
"She's nuts, but I love her." I say dabbing my own eyes now.
"Yeah she's great. Come on let's get you into your dress." Bri says and I drop the robe.
She holds the dress down for me so I can step into it carefully.
As she pulls it up I slide my arms in the sleeves and she zips up the back.

I slowly turn around so I can look at myself in the mirror. When I see my reflection I gasp. Is this really me?
"You look like the best version of you Sky. Daniel is a lucky man." Bri says from behind me and I have to agree with her.

"Come let's show the girls." Brianna picks up my shoes. I won't put them on until the very last moment.
Once we get back into the living room there are 3 mouths that drop.
"I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry." Kelly whispers as she is waving a magazine in front of her face to keep her eyes dry.

There's a knock on the door, Charlotte goes to open it.
"Holy shit Char, you are beautiful." Charles pulls her in his arms kissing her senseless.
Once he lets go of her she giggles, "Charles, my lipstick!"
"Who cares, you don't need lipstick. You are gorgeous." He comes in and sees the rest of us grinning.

"Oh us boys are going to have a hard time behaving ourselves. You look amazing girls. And Sky, Daniel is going to pass out when he sees you." He hugs me and I thank him.
There's another knock and this time Jenna opens it. Max comes in. He will take Kelly and Jenna with him, Michael is staying with Daniel as he is his best man.

Max whistles when he sees Kelly. "Pure perfection, damn woman you are so pretty. You all are by the way." He looks at me and grins.
"Daniel is a wreck, but as soon as he lays eyes on you he'll turn into a complete puddle."
"He's a wreck? Really? He didn't seem nervous when he called me this morning." I'm so eager to call him to reassure him, but it's not long now until we see each other again.
"He's so nervous, but also really excited. But there's this tiny glimmer of fear you won't show up." He explains and I shake my head.

"How could he think that? Silly man." I decide to send him a quick text.
'I love you, see you very soon. You'd better be waiting for me down that aisle.'
Hopefully that will take his nerves away.
Max hadn't shut the door behind him, so suddenly Lewis comes walking in.
"I'm here to pick up a blushing briii.... Holy shit Skylar." His jaw drops when he sees me.

"Hey Lewis, so how do I look?" I smile, his reaction was enough to convince me I look really good today. He walks up to be and takes my hands in his.
"I've never seen anyone more beautiful than you." He bends over to kiss my cheek, but then whispers in my ear. "It's not too late to change your mind. We could elope." I burst into laughter wrapping my arms around him.
"Oh Lewis, you are the best. You know I adore you, but there's a curly haired Aussie waiting for me."

He smiles, "it was worth the try. Everybody ready to go?"
"More than ready." I put my phone and keys in a small purse Bri will keep with her.
I slip in my white heels and we make our way outside. It's chilly so I'm glad I have a faux fur jacket on and the wedding will be indoors, so that's also something I'm very happy about now.
"So are you finally going to tell us where we have to go?" Max asks. We've kept out venue a secret, but now I will have to tell them.

"You have to go to the Musée Océanographique." I smile, we're going to have the ceremony in a sort of tunnel that looks like you're under water.
"Oh wow that's going to be awesome. Well let's get going then." Charles helps Charlotte in his Ferrari, while Max helps Kelly and Jenna in his Aston Martin.
Lewis opens the door of his Mercedes for me and then the back door for Brianna.
This is it, we're on our way to the location where Daniel will be waiting for me.

The butterflies are filling my stomach with excitement, I can't wait to be married to him.
Lewis gets in the car and I ask him where Roscoe is. He's our ring barer after all.
"Angela took him with her, he's all set and ready to go." He answers laughing.
"Awesome, Lewis thank you for doing this. Walking me down the aisle and letting Roscoe bring the rings to us."

"I'm honored you asked me Sky. There's no way I would have said no to you. And Roscoe will love being the centre of attention for a couple of minutes. I just hope he behaves, but he loves you, as soon as he sees you he will want to come say hi, so those rings will get to you for sure." All three of us laugh, Roscoe will be the clown of the day that's for sure.

"By the way Brianna, you look gorgeous as well. I hope you will save me a couple of dances tonight." Lewis looks in his rear mirror, where Bri is blushing. "Of course, I would love that."
I smile, I really hope Bri is wrong and Lewis does see her the way she sees him. They would be so good together.
In the distance I see the location appear, my hands are starting to feel a bit sweaty, my heart rate goes up a bit.
I start to fidget with my fingers which Lewis notices after he parked the car.

"Don't pick your fingers. Everything will be amazing. You have the man you love and who loves you waiting for you. Let go inside and get you married."
From the back Brianna puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Sky this is what you've always dreamed of. Starting a family with somebody who loves you more than life itself. It's the fairytale you hoped for since you were a little girl. You already look like a princess, now lets go and walk down that aisle towards your Prince Charming."

I nod, take a deep breath and then reach to open the door, but Lewis stops me.
"Hang on that's my job." He jumps out of the car and first gets to Bri to help her out of the car. When she takes his hand I can see her blush again. I've never seen her blush as much as today. She really has a massive crush on Lewis. I really hope he will feel the same.
Then he opens my door and takes my hand to help me get out.

Jenna, Kelly and Charlotte are all waiting outside together with Max and Charles. They will lead us to where we have to be. Then they are going inside to take their place next to Daniel as they are all groomsmen. In the hall where the ceremony will be isn't enough space for all the guests, so only a small amount of people will be there, the rest will be at the reception and the party.
For now pretty much all the drivers will be at the ceremony, with their partners and kids if they have any, together with my dad, my brother and his family, Christian and Geri, Angela and Roscoe of course.

We get inside to the lobby where somebody is waiting for us to bring us to the waiting room.
It's a small room with a door that leads to the ocean hall. I hear some people talk and my hands start to shake. Lewis grabs them to support me.
Abby comes in with Pixie who looks adorable in her dress.
"Aunt Sky! You look like a Disney princess! You're so pretty." She shouts when she sees me.
"Oh Pixie, look at you! You're so beautiful!" She gives me a hug and places a sweet kiss on my bump.

Abby hugs me as well, "that poor man of you is falling apart. I don't think he will survive if he has to wait much longer."
"Let's get this show on the road then. I'm more than ready."
Bri hands me my bouquet.

The music starts to play, I take a deep breath and one by one the girls walk through the door.
This is it!

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