You're The Music That's Been...

By kelseyb2000

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Miraculous Ladybug was created by Thomas ASTRUC, Disney Channel owns the right to the show Miraculous Ladybug... More

The Collector: Part 1
The Collector: Part 2
The Collector: Part 3
The Collector: Part 4
A Special Christmas: Part 1
A Special Christmas: Part 2
A Special Christmas: Part 3
A Special Christmas: Part 4
Despair Bear: Part 1
Despair Bear: Part 2
Despair Bear: Part 3
Despair Bear: Part 4
Luka Chapter Seventeen
Prime Queen: Part 1
Prime Queen: Part 2
Prime Queen: Part 3
Prime Queen: Part 4
Befana: Part 1
Befana: Part 2
Befana: Part 3
Befana: Part 4
Luka Chapter Eighteen
Riposte: Part 1
Riposte: Part 2
Riposte: Part 3
Riposte: Part 4
Robustus: Part 1
Robustus: Part 2
Robustus: Part 3
Robustus: Part 4
Gigantitan: Part 1
Gigantitan: Part 2
Gigantitan: Part 3
Gigantitan: Part 4
Luka Chapter Nineteen
The Dark Owl: Part 1
The Dark Owl: Part 2
The Dark Owl: Part 3
The Dark Owl: Part 4
Glaciator: Part 1
Glaciator: Part 2
Glaciator: Part 3
Glaciator: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty
Sapotis: Part 1
Sapotis: Part 2
Sapotis: Part 3
Sapotis: Part 4
Gorizilla: Part 1
Gorizilla: Part 2
Gorizilla: Part 3
Gorizilla: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-One
Captain Hardrock: Part 1
Captain Hardrock: Part 2
Captain Hardrock: Part 3
Captain Hardrock: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Two
Zombizou: Part 1
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Zombizou: Part 3
Zombizou: Part 4
Syren: Part 1
Syren: Part 2
Syren: Part 3
Syren: Part 4
Frightingale: Part 1
Frightingale: Part 2
Frightengale: Part 3
Frightengale: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Three
Troublemaker: Part 1
Troublemaker: Part 2
Troublemaker: Part 3
Troublemaker: Part 4
Reverser: Part 1
Reverser: Part 2
Reverser: Part 3
Reverser: Part 4
Anansi: Part 1
Anansi: Part 2
Anansi: Part 3
Anansi: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Four
Sandboy: Part 1
Sandboy: Part 2
Sandboy: Part 3
Sandboy: Part 4
Style Queen: Part 1
Style Queen: Part 2
Style Queen: Part 3
Style Queen: Part 4
Queen Wasp: Part 1
Queen Wasp: Part 2
Queen Wasp: Part 3
Queen Wasp: Part 4
Malediktator: Part 1
Malediktator: Part 2
Malediktator: Part 3
Malediktator: Part 4
Frozer: Part 1
Frozer: Part 2
Frozer: Part 3
Frozer: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Five
Catalyst: Part 1
Catalyst: Part 2
Catalyst: Part 3
Catalyst: Part 4
Mayura: Part 1
Mayura: Part 2
Mayura: Part 3
Mayura: Part 4
Chameleon: Part 1
Chameleon: Part 2
Chameleon: Part 3
Chameleon: Part 4
Animaestro: Part 1
Animaestro: Part 2
Animaestro: Part 3
Animaestro: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty Six
Bakerix: Part 1
Bakerix: Part 2
Bakerix: Part 3
Bakerix: Part 4
Backwarder: Part 1
Backwarder: Part 2
Backwarder: Part 3
Backwarder: Part 4
Reflekdoll: Part 1
Reflekdoll: Part 2
Reflekdoll: Part 3
Reflekdoll: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Seven
Weredad: Part 1
Weredad: Part 2
Weredad: Part 3
Weredad: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Eight
Silencer: Part 1
Silencer: Part 2
Silencer: Part 3
Silencer: Part 4
Oni-chan: Part 1
Oni-chan: Part 2
Oni-chan: Part 3
Oni-chan: Part 4
Miraculer: Part 1
Miraculer: Part 2
Miraculer: Part 3
Miraculer: Part 4
Oblivio: Part 1
Oblivio: Part 2
Oblivio: Part 3
Oblivio: Part 4
Desperada: Part 1
Desperada: Part 2
Desperada: Part 3
Desperada: Part 4
Luka Chapter Thirty
Chris Master: Part 1
Chris Master: Part 2
Chris Master: Part 3
Chris Master: Part 4
Startrain: Part 1
Startrain: Part 2
Startrain: Part 3
Startrain: Part 4
Luka Chapter Thirty-One
Kwamii Buster: Part 1
Kwamii Buster: Part 2
Kwamii Buster: Part 3
Kwamii Buster: Part 4
Feast: Part 1
Feast: Part 2
Feast: Part 3
Feast: Part 4
Moving forward
Book 3

Luka Chapter Twenty-Nine

387 10 7
By kelseyb2000

"We're looking for new talent with stunning musical abilities and visual skills with a brand new style that everyone will die for. You'll have two weeks to send in your videos!" (y/n) exclaims and I nod pointing out how it would be good for Marinette's designs as well. "Yeah! If we all pitch in two weeks is more than enough time to make an awesome video. Everyone in?" We agreed and get to work right away and in two weeks we had awesome costume designs, cool dance moves, and an awesome song to collab with (y/n) and soon submit the music video and wait. During one of our practices a week later after I commented about how sincere the song was I notice (y/n)'s downcast look as she checks her email for the billionth time. "Hey (y/n), still no news about the contest?" I ask, sitting next to her and she shakes her head, stating "No, do you think they didn't like our song?" "They had to have received a ton of videos, they probably haven't made their pick yet," I reassure her when Ivan catches our attention and points to a screen of the bad music artist XY.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, that jerkwad had stolen our look, style, and song. (y/n) pulls up the live stream to prove it was true, he had stolen our song. "But that's our original style." "That's Marinette's unicorn and masks." "Not to mention our lyrics, melody, and music. It should be us on tv and there better be a good explanation. Let's go, we gotta have it out with Bob Ross and XY," One quick trip to the studio later and we weren't even allowed inside. "They're not here right now." "Seriously? They're right there on live screen," Marinette points out, pointing at the giant screen showing XY above us.

"You're not allowed in, you have no invitation and the show already started." "But it's our show." "Not our problem miss," I look between (y/n) and Marinette who were already thinking of ideas on how to get in, and I share a smirk with them. After distracting the guards with a fake akuma attack, the three of us sneak onto the studio set to find Alec questioning XY about his new record and XY claiming he came up with it all in like five minutes, making me scoff at him.  "In five minutes? He couldn't even sing it the way it's supposed to be sung." "His remix is terrible, truly an insult to all songwriters." "And his mask isn't even a good rip-off," (y/n) then marches up to Mr. Roth, introducing herself and telling him she sent him the Kitty Section video.

"Video? What video? I don't know what you're talking about kid," Marinette shoves her phone in his face stating, "Maybe this will help jog your memory. See? The costumes, the dance moves, the masks, and the music, it's all the same," Bob crosses his arms as he dryly chuckles at us as his son walked up. "There's no comparison, you're some amateur garage band and my son is a solo artist. You play instruments, he uses digital music. Our unicorn is much cooler and your mask is nothing like yours." "That's not true! You copied Marinette's costumes!" I yell while (y/n) showed our notes for writing the song, pointing out it was the exact same, word for word, beat for beat, and how they stole everything else. "Let's not exaggerate now we may have just been a little bit inspired, that's all," XY says with shrugs and I aggressively rip the mask off of him while correcting him. "Inspired?! You flat-out stole! You didn't design this mask, Marinette did. (y/n), Rose and I wrote that song!"

"We're not asking for much just let Kitty Section appear on the show and give them proper credit," (y/n) pleas and Bob rolls his eyes, going off on some tangent about how we'll want a record deal and then the profits. This wasn't true we just wanted the credit we deserved, this wasn't a career path, we just wanted to have fun making music. "Just forget it, it's no big deal," XY tries to shoo us off when (y/n) says "No! It's not fair! I'm not gonna stand here and let Luka's, mine, and my friends' work get stolen! If you won't tell the truth then I will right now, on the air, live!"

She marches up to the camera when Bob pulls her back before she got on screen and soon threatened her, making me growl and grip the mask harder as I watch him, steal her phone so she couldn't expose him. "Silencer, I am Hawkmoth. This man is the voice of evil and I'm going to give you the power to silence him for good. All I ask from you in return are Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. Do we have an agreement Silencer?" I suddenly hear Hawkmoth's voice echo through my head. My gaze shifts to (y/n). If it meant that this jerk would pay for threatening mon amour like that then this was a deal I'd gladly take. I silently put on the rip-off mask. "I'll take your silence as a yes," A purple mist surrounds me and once it's gone I approach XY who was yelling at (y/n) and Marinette and I take his voice. XY tries to speak but no noise came out as I collected his voice.

Everyone but (y/n) and Marinette run out of the room in a panic and I instantly take notice of (y/n)'s panicked look so I approach and reassure her through XY's voice, "Don't worry (y/n), you and Marinette are ok. I would never hurt you or your friends. I will use the power Hawkmoth has given me to restore justice and I will force Bob Roth to admit what he's done to you two and Kitty Section."  "Don't do that Luka, that's revenge, not justice. If you team up with Hawkmoth you'll have to fight Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir!" (y/n) tells me worriedly and I ask her, "Those jokes? Where were they when we needed them? As of now, Silencer is laying down the law of silence." "Well they deal with supervillains, not everyday problems, Luka please..." She begs and I internally sigh.

She didn't understand how important this was to me, how important she was to me, I had to tell her. "You're the most extraordinary girl (y/n). As clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing in my head since the day we first met. I won't let anything happen to you," I tell her before taking off after Bob Roth. He ends up running to the roof and I inform him, "You can't get away from me Bob Roth. I will make you tell the truth live on tv." "Don't touch me, I'm warning you, I'm well connected, and just one call to Mr. Bourgeois, and he'll bring the police for me. The whole army if he has to," He starts stammering before tripping over his own feet as I got closer. Just as I was about to take his voice, Ladybug's yoyo pulls me away from him. I look up and glare at Ladybug and (s/n), what right did they have to come interfere now? "We can't let you do this Silencer," Ladybug says as she and (s/n) land in between me and Bob who pushes (s/n) toward me yelling "Stop him already!"

Listen Silencer- Luka you don't know what you're doing. Hawkmoth is evil and even though you might think you're using your power for good it's only helping with whatever evil scheme he has," She tells me while dodging my attacks. Yeah right, which is why he was willing to help me deal with this jerk and you weren't. I glare harder and she freezes up, giving me all the time I need to take her voice from her. (s/n) gives me a shocked look as I go in for a punch when Ladybug's yoyo wraps around her and pulls her out of the way and starts fighting me instead. It wasn't long however before Bob used her as a shield allowing me to steal her voice as well while he escaped on an elevator.

"You shouldn't have stood in my way," I tell the two in Ladybug's voice before they both try to summon their powers but it doesn't work and I laugh. "No lucky charm this time Ladybug. Or ice storm (s/n), you'd need your voice for that, and I'm the one who's got it," They both jump off of the building and I run toward the edge to see they both had disappeared. "You can run Ladybug, (s/n), but neither of you will get away from me for long," I mumble when I hear Hawkmoth's angry voice echo in my head. "Don't let them escape you Silencer. They're vulnerable!" "Don't worry Hawkmoth, now that I have their voices. I have a plan to get ahold of their's and Chat Noir's miraculous. But first revenge!" I tell him before taking off into the city soon wondering where he was hiding.

I had to draw him out somehow...Right! He said he was friends with the mayor, he'll probably call him for help which meant he won't be able to stay hidden for long, I head over to City Hall and steal the mayor's voice, soon waiting for Bob Roth to call. It wasn't long before the phone rang. "André? André, it's me, I need you to send in the troops." "No problem Bob, where are you?" "The one place in Paris you've probably never stepped foot in: the sewers!" "Don't worry, I'll send the police in right away," I end the call and ask for Bob to be arrested and taken back to the studio through André's voice.

Once I get confirmation that Officer Roger was going to get Bob I head back to the studio and wait. When I find them, I thank Officer Roger for doing his job. "Who are you?" He asks before I steal his voice before grabbing Bob and shoving Roger into an elevator. "I can take your voice Bob Roth and make you say whatever I please. But we both know that's not what I want. You're gonna admit what you did to (y/n), Marinette, and their friends with your own voice," He glares at me claiming he wouldn't do it and that he'd rather be silenced. "You really think I can't make you? Listen I can ruin your reputation just like you threatened to do to (y/n). Everyone in show biz knows me, I'll make sure you lose every single friend, I can put you in jail, I'll never sing again for you dad and you'll never make another dime from my music. We'll make your life miserable!" I tell him using the appropriate voice when needed when he finally gives in. Taking Alec's voice I put Bob in front of the camera. "Dear viewers, we're on air with an exclusive interview with Bob Roth who has something very important to tell us."

Before he could admit he was a thief though, Chat Noir comes bursting in claiming "We got all the time in the world, might as well have a bit of fun." "Keep your nose out of other people's business kitty or I'll silence you," I warn him but he continues to joke around. "That would be a shame considering how hilarious I am," That's when I notice that Bob was gone and I run into the hallways looking for him. "Oh no, I can't find Ladybug or (s/n) anywhere, how will I ever get out of this mess without them?!" I suddenly hear Chat Noir call out and I respond with Ladybug's voice. "Chat Noir, I'm over here!" "M'lady! If you've gotten your voice back then you've defeated Silencer, it's safe to come and find you!" "Yes, yes, there's no danger now, meet us outside the studio, and we'll wait for you!" "Ok, I'm coming, I'll meet you outside the studio door!"

Perfect, now I can spring an attack on him. I go hide and when I hear him coming I jump out to see the three together, Ladybug brandishing a polka-dotted lamp as Chat says "Ha! Thought you had us but you didn't Silencer. Ladybug still has her superpowers." "That's impossible! I took your voice from you, how could you possibly have summoned up your Lucky Charm?" I say before I gasp as I realize I said that in Ladybug's voice which she takes advantage of and summons her actual lucky charm: a vacuum. 

I'm kicked into the studio by Chat Noir who summons his cataclysm and we start fighting when I knock him to the ground and take his voice. But before I could actually claim it, it was sucked away from me into, Ladybug's vacuum with Chat Noir's belt she had taken a minute ago. (s/n) then tackles me to the ground and Chat Noir cataclysms my helmet. A purple mist covers me and I look around confused. "What happened?" I ask and (s/n) helps me up. "You were akumatized, are you alright?" She asks, cupping my cheek and I nod, my eyes soon widening as she sends me a sweet smile, relief filled in her eyes. What is this? "This is outrageous (s/n), you tied me up and imprisoned me in a dressing room!" Bob's voice suddenly yelled out as he wheeled himself in and she shoots him a confused look. "Me? I did that? Doesn't sound like something I'd do," Bob then turns to me. So the ladybug, cat, and bear gotcha huh? Serves you right, what did you think that I was gonna tell people the truth? That I stole Kitty Section's song and your friend's designs so I could give them to my talentless son?! You didn't think that the superheroes would come to save me, that's right they work for me now."

(s/n) and I start snickering. "What are you snickering for?" "We're snickering because you're on the air Mr. Roth and everything you said was just broadcast live," His jaw drops when he sees Ladybug had the camera pointed at him and he had just admitted he was a thief. He then spins off how we were gonna come on as a surprise and we'd be allowed to play to finish the show. He actually did let us but before we went on stage (y/n) asked me something weird. "Luka...Did you really mean those things you said when you were akumatized?" 

"I'm sorry (y/n) I don't remember what I said, what was it?" "Don't worry about it, you said what you said while under Hawkmoth's influence," Please tell me I didn't say anything bad. "I don't know what I possibly could've said. I just hope it wasn't anything mean because you're the most extraordinary girl I've ever met, as clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing in my head since the first day we met," I tell her and her face goes redder than it was a minute ago. She throws her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug and kisses me when I hear the rest of the group call out for us to hurry this along. "Come on, we can continue this later, we've got a show to do," I whisper before we go up and play which earned us a huge following.

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