My Chaos Academia: Brotherhoo...

By Empe_ror99

166K 6.2K 1.7K

(Chapters 1-9 Rewritten) I died prematurely in the least cliché way possible... Vaporized as a result of a po... More

Chapter 1: Thank you for dying, come back soon! ☆
Chapter 2: Butterfly Effect ☆
Chapter 3: Intelligence Boost! E = mc² ☆
Chapter 4: Monster ☆
Chapter 5: Everywhere and Nowhere! ☆
Chapter 6: Sweet but Psycho ☆
Chapter 7: The Imposter Among Us ☆
Chapter 8: Ultra Despair Kids - Eri ☆
Chapter 9: Ultra Despair Kids - Child Emperor ☆
Chapter 10: The Cat and Mouse Game is ON! ☆
Chapter 11: Connection Lost ☆
Recipe for Chaos (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)
Problem Child (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)
Furby-Apocalypse! (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)
World! I am Child Emperor!
Villains! Assemble!
Turning Point
My Playground
Little Manipulator
Winter is Coming
Chaos Force
Caught up
The Chaos Tower: Sharp Claws
This Is The Way
A Catchy Song
Child's Play
Around the World
Hero and Villain
Dark Hero
All Might Bizarre Adventure
Team Hydra
You Win or You Die
An Even Fight and Two Angry Women
A Little Problem
Deadly Sin
Waku~Waku! Aldera Junior High
London Bridge is Falling Down~
Game Over
Ass in Danger
Catch Me If You Can!
Dessert Time
He who laughs last laughs best.
Chaotic Symphony Part 1
Chaotic Symphony Part 2: Endgame
Secret ~ Secret and the Hydra-Quinjet!
Under Siege!
Abracadabra! Part 2!
Tokyo Tower has fallen!
Hail Hydra!
The Final Boss Is Coming!
The Final Boss is here...
Fight or Run!
A Dark Force Stalking In The Shadows.
An Offline Adventure!
Chapter 57 Our Little Brother...
It's Tea Time!
An unfair world and the Villain~Tuber.
Welcome to Musutafu City... Home of Hydra
Chapter 61 Holding Out For A Hero - Part 1
Chapter 62 Holding Out For A Hero... Part 2
Chapter 63: Level Completed

A Real Threat

4.2K 171 53
By Empe_ror99

Chapter 11 A Real Threat

After my introduction to the world, I deactivated my voice amplifier, however, An eerie chill ran down my spine. "Prominence Burn!!!!" I hear an anger-laden scream coming behind me.

At this, immediately one of my robotic tentacles unfolds from my backpack grabbing Hawks and throwing him inside a building not far from my position. I need Hawks alive to confuse the heroes! They will think that I am just a victim of a nefarious organization and that will keep them distracted for a long time.

Then my protective barrier quickly activates covering me in a powerful hexagonal shield protecting me from the powerful flames hitting and surrounding my shield.

Endeavor is here! It seems that my battle against Hawks took longer than estimated. This completely changes my escape plan, before this, numerous scenarios begin to formulate in my little brain as the flames cease.

"So my guess was correct after all, that barrier can protect you from my flames." Says Endeavor appearing from the flames epically with a threatening posture with his arms crossed and a completely serious face.

At that moment, my little heart begins to pound wildly as the adrenaline begins to spread through my veins. Of all the heroes, for me, the most dangerous of all is without a doubt. Endeavor!

"I will not hold back just because you are a child, before me stands a dangerous villain and you will be treated as such." Endeavor growls covering his entire body in flames raising the temperature of the whole place.

The main show is about to start and I plan to have a lot of fun.

"You wouldn't think you could defeat me..." I say cheekily walking slowly towards him while my shield remains active. "With those little flames." I say with a crooked smile from behind my gas mask. "TRUE?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

At this, Endeavor's eyes narrow in my direction as the temperature begins to rise higher and higher. "I'll show you who I am." He growls throwing both fists back as he begins to concentrate his flames on a single point.

"Hell's Curtain!!!" Endeavor exclaims throwing his arms forward, emitting a huge blanket of flames in my direction.

"Maximum Power! Chaos Reflector Shield!" I exclaim spreading my arms as my shield receives a powerful fire attack. "All contingency protocols activate, now!" I exclaim as powerful flames reflect in all directions and all hell breaks loose around me.

The main battle has started...


POV Toshinori Yagi

"Sir, would you like me to pour you another drink?" A friendly bartender behind a bar asks me, I'm currently on an all-expenses-paid Atlantic Ocean cruise courtesy of my old friend Mirai Sasaki. I tried to call him after receiving the boat ticket in the mail, however, he does not answer my calls. Will he still be upset? Why did he send me the ticket?

So it must be some kind of trick on his part, possibly he wants to show me his new apprentice and I set up a meeting on this cruise ship. Sir Nighteye's thought process is sometimes very confusing to me. But where do I get the money to pay for all this?

However, there is no trace of Mirai on the cruise ship and the most curious of all is that despite being a cruise ship I have only run into some members of the crew who kindly guided me to the bar. This is very strange.

My phone hasn't received any kind of signal for about an hour, a sinking feeling wraps around my stomach warning me that something is very, very wrong.

"Sir, are you alright?" The friendly bartender asks me again.

My hero instincts have never been wrong.

At that, my eyes focus on one of the televisions near me that is transmitting only static. "Why is there no signal or internet?" I ask.

"Huh, an hour ago there were no problems, I have no idea, possibly a communication failure or an electrical storm." Says the bartender nervously wiping a glass with a rag.

The last message I got on my phone was from Naomasa, regarding a little villain brawl in his jurisdiction, typical stuff. But why do I feel so impatient?

I then spread the One For All on my ears while maintaining my emaciated form covering the ship and its surroundings with my senses. Shortly after, my eyes snap open due to not detecting anyone else aboard the ship except for the bartender and myself, while in the distance I can hear boats speeding away from the ship.

Why did they leave? What is happening?

At that moment, a holographic screen appears in front of the bartender showing a small silhouette covered in a black cape. Why does a bartender have such advanced technology? Are they affiliated with I-island? Is it some kind of test? From what I see the hologram appears to be some kind of recording.

"The moment has come." Says the small figure in the hologram causing the bartender's eyes to narrow in my direction causing a shiver to run through my entire body. Why did his aptitude change drastically?

"Execute order 66." It's all the little figure says in the hologram before fading away.

In that, the bartender begins to light up more and more while small bolts of electricity begin to run through his entire body. What the hell is going on on this ship?! It may be that these people. Do they know my real identity?!

"¡¡¡HAIL HYDRA!!!"


POV Third Person

U.A Grounds

The U.A security defenses are on high alert while in the distance some flashes can be seen coming from the city. "This villain... is different." Nezu whispers looking intently at the U.A campus turned into a makeshift hospital.

"Quick, bring the wounded heroes here!" Cementoss yells placing both hands on the ground and quickly creating a structure resembling a small makeshift hospital.

Recovery Girl is found with her cane moving quickly from side to side tending to the heroes and policemen who were injured after the stadium attack while wounded heroes continue to arrive from the city. This motivated the villains who are taking advantage of this situation to cause even more chaos.

"Director! The Heroes Public Safety Commission has just authorized your proposal!" Vlad King exclaims running towards Nezu. At that, Nezu's eyes gleam slightly as an evil smile spreads across his furry face which makes Vlad King a little nervous.

"Activate emergency protocol Yuei-Locomotor!" Nezu exclaims through a comlink that he already had set up and configured beforehand.

During his time as headmaster of the U.A. Nezu has prepared numerous contingency plans for different situations and Nezu will not let this opportunity pass him by.

At that moment, from the sky two combat robots fall to their knees next to Nezu's sides creating small craters in the ground and immediately drawing the attention of nearby heroes and police.

"Director..." Vlad King whispers with his eyes wide open at what his eyes are witnessing.

Then, the ground begins to shake slightly while in the distance rows and rows of fighting robots with red robotic eyes used mainly for entrance tests and maintaining the security of the facilities can be seen. All marched in orderly lines towards the main gates of the most important school for heroes in the country.

"Awesome." Cementoss whispers swallowing a lump in his throat while the rest of the heroes and policemen have looks of astonishment on their faces after witnessing such a display of power from the U.A.

"The city has been threatened! March into the city and defend it! Follow your programming code! Yuei will support the city in this time of crisis and need!" Nezu exclaims pointing to the city in the distance. At that, the robots begin to fan out in the direction of the city as a small army of machines under Nezu's command.

"I always wanted to do this." Nezu whispers with a strange gleam in his eyes as he watches the robots leaving the U.A facility and marching towards the city.

"Looks like there's a new player." Nezu hums watching in the distance as the lights of the city begin to go out until the entire city was left without electricity, thus remaining in complete darkness being illuminated by flames and explosions.

"Child Emperor... Huh? What a peculiar name." Says Nezu turning his back on a city in chaos as he heads to his office to command the robots. "What fun." Nezu says waving his tail happily and pressing a small button.

"However, you will not approach this school." Nezu says darkly as a gigantic force field begins to cover the school of heroes under the dumbfounded gaze of those present.


Minutes later, in the city, near the epicenter of the battle between Endeavor and Child Emperor

"Civilians have been evacuated from the main battle zone!" Exclaims pro hero Rock Lock in the middle of the street approaching hero Gunhead, they are tasked with taking down any remaining villains in their assigned zone and providing aid to any civilians caught in the main combat zone.

"Endeavor needs our help." Rock Lock says looking at the explosions of fire that occur in the distance.

"Orders are to cordon off the main combat area and help civilians." Gunhead exclaims quickly. "Didn't you see what that little demon did to Hawks?" Gunhead says shaking his head.

"To hell with it! He is just a little kid, if we fight together with Endeavor we can defeat that brat and get some publicity." He says Rock Lock with a sly smile on his face as he starts running towards the main battlefield, followed by a reluctant Gunhead.

However, a few streets away, a burst of light passes through Rock Lock's leg to the surprise of both. "Haaah!" Rock Lock yells falling to the ground in severe pain as Gunhead quickly supports him on his shoulder.

"Sniper!" Gunhead exclaims as more bursts of light rapidly approach his position.

"We all are the jingoes~ oh-oh-oh." Toga pulls the trigger of her laser sniper rifle on top of a building while holding a lollipop in her mouth and humming a tune Isamu taught her. "We are in the jungle~ oh-oh-oh." She hums as she keeps shooting at any hero who tries to interfere in Isamu's fight.


POV Endeavor

"Hell Spider!!!" I exclaimed sending long thin blasts of fire from my fingertips creating a wave of destruction toward the demon child. His damn shield is protecting him from my flames, I need more... more heat!

The fire blasts hit Child Emperor's shield, however, most of them are reflected in different directions destroying nearby buildings. By now all civilians along with Hawks have been evacuated, so I can unleash my power without worrying about collateral damage.

I need to take care of his shield, once I manage to penetrate his defense I will char him.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the villain and you've caused more destruction than me, that's unfair!" Child Emperor taunts me by deactivating his shield and throwing some marbles in my direction, then everything around me is covered in thick smoke. "You are too dangerous for me, so you will not escape." I hear Child Emperor humming.

At this, I extend my arms and provoke loud applause causing a wave of fire in all directions thus dispelling the smoke.

It was at that moment that I realized what Child Emperor's plan really was, the smoke was just a distraction.

"HAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAH." I exclaim involuntarily as I grit my teeth and fall to my knees with wide eyes. Dozens of little robotic bugs are running through my body right now causing uncontrollable laughter as my lungs start to burn with pain. At this rate, I'm going to suffocate! Dammit!

"Tickle-Tickle Bug." Child Emperor says lightly laughing with his hands on his waist. "Sometimes I get scared of my own inventions." He says swinging on himself before reaching his hand towards his waist and unfolding a small cylindrical object, after which he presses a button and a red light illuminates his entire small body.

It's a damn lightsaber!

"Game Over~ Endeavor-san." is all he says before he starts running in my direction.

Then everything around me slows down as I watch as Child Emperor slowly rushes towards me with his lightsaber and I catch a glimpse through the visors of his gas mask. Bloodthirsty eyes getting closer and closer to me.

My dream has always been to surpass All Might with hard work and dedication no matter what the cost. I will not allow a small child to stain my legacy, my end will not be this way. I need more... more heat... much more!

"I will never give up!" I exclaim from deep in my chest ignoring the twitches coming from my own body as a determined look settles on my face.

"Flashfire Fists!!!" I exclaim raising the temperature of my fire to the highest level which causes the robotic insects that were immobilizing me to melt. At this, my flaming fist rushes towards Child Emperor who instantly activates his protective barrier a few meters away from me.

Then a powerful explosion engulfs the entire battlefield as my flaming fist hits his shield. At that, the force of the explosion caused the ground beneath Child Emperor to dislodge thus causing him to be propelled into a small building that was still standing.

"Whoa!" He exclaims within his protective barrier crashing into the building and causing the structure to collapse.

"I can't seem pathetic right now." I growl with my fist outstretched breathing heavily. That won't be enough to defeat him, this villain genuinely is.

A real threat!

I grit my teeth as I start to head in the direction where the building collapsed, not planning to give the boy a chance to recover. However, a line of blue fire gets in my way as a figure starts to walk out of the flames with his hands in his pockets.

At this, my eyes narrow towards the newcomer as I prepare for another fight.

"A year ago... a demon with the appearance of a child told me..." Says a young man in his 20s with patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin on the lower part of his face.

"Than overcoming hell near death..." He says with a crooked smile spreading across his face as his eyes are locked on me as if I'm his most valuable prey. "It's the secret to the explosive evolution of a villain." He says pointing at me with both hands and pointing the tips of his fingers at me as blue flames start swirling around him.

"Todoroki Enji!!!" He exclaims sending a powerful blast of blue fire in my direction destroying everything in its path.




Shortly after, a great current of fire rises over the entire city in a mixture of red and blue fire, completely lighting up the city for several seconds.

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