Wildflower (King!SteveRogers...

By Geenie90

104K 6.3K 910

"It's a game...a dangerous one at that" When her father Phillip, Jarl of Wisconsin, dies in battle, his daugh... More

The Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 40

1.1K 90 9
By Geenie90

Amberley came into the room silently and dismissed the servant who was currently helping Steve with his armour, then choosing to help him instead. 

"I should not have to do this..." She told him quietly. But if I do not then I fear that I'll regret it". 

He stopped her, taking her hands in his and pressing his lips to her knuckles. "Do not expect many of us to return, least of all me, but know that I love you with every fibre of my being - and that you have been all that I ever could have asked for, even when I did not deserve you". 

Amberley removed her necklace and gave it to him. "Take it, for courage - you will have me with you even if I cannot physically be there". 

"You said you'd never take it off..." 

"Well...when you come back to me? I will put it back on and not take it off after that". She grinned, "Take it, please". 

He kissed her gently, putting the necklace into his inside pocket, one hand cupping her cheek. "I know that you will know what to do in the best interests of the city and it's people". 

"We will be ok, just as you will". She promised him. "I have every faith that you will come back to us, we still have so much we can achieve". 

Steve nodded at this, kissing her once more until they both heard footsteps in the doorway, Wanda now standing there waiting for them. Steve could tell that she wanted to speak to the Queen alone and she kept her patience as Amberley finished adjusting some armour. "I'll leave you two to talk". He said, walking out and going to find Bucky and Sam. 

"I said I would fight for you, and I will, you know my magic could at least prove useful". Wanda looked to her mistress. "I will protect him, your majesty. I promise - please, let me go with them". 

Amberley nodded. "You may go, and Wanda?" 


"Please bring him home to be safe". 

Wanda nodded and then disappeared out of the room, leaving Amberley to think about what action would need to be taken once Steve was gone. 


The army was lined up outside in the courtyard, preparing to march for Vormir fields. They stood to attention, Sam, Wanda, and Bucky on horseback while waiting for Steve to join them. 

"I love you". Amberley told him quietly, resting her forehead against her husband's. Silent tears were already sliding down her cheeks. 

"Love you more, you keep yourself safe, and if I don't come back to you? You know what must be done for Phillip". 

She nodded, not wanting to think of a potential life without him, but Strange's vision about her had been wrong in some respects. Perhaps it would be wrong for her husband too. "I promise that I shall do my best". 

What was to say that she would never see her son again? If the city came under attack and she died? Phillip would have no one. Amberley knew one man who would possibly help should that happen was T'Challa. He'd sworn allegiance to her son on his birth, he would be safe, even if he would be in Wakanda. 

"We'll see one another again, that I can promise you - but I can't guarantee when". Steve said, letting his grasp of her go before he bid his wife goodbye and went to mount his horse. 

Amberley watched the army ride out, the lump in her throat never leaving until they were fully out of sight. 

Turning to her guards, she addressed them. "We have work to do, put up extra defences around the city, tell the people to stay in their homes unless absolutely necessary. No one is to come in or out. Should there be an attack, the people are to make for here and take refuge in the great hall". She now paused. "Women and children mostly. Should we have men who are able to fight, we tell them to take up arms and fight for their King". 

"Yes your majesty". They said and went off to ensure they did as she'd asked. 

Amberley returned into the castle and went to stand on the balcony, looking out at the city. Her voice muttered a quiet threat to Thanos.

"You send your army to try and break these walls? You will not succeed - because first you will have to break me, and I should like to see you try..."

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