Chapter 13

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Amberley headed to Steve's chambers later that evening, opening the door and walking in before reeling back in surprise. 


And she was seated upon the lap of the King. Dress hitched up and showing much more skin that she should, lips upon his whilst their hips moved. 

Upon seeing her mistress she jumped off of Steve immediately and smoothed her skirts out, looking red faced and ashamed as Amberley looked at the pair calmly. "Amberley..." he began but she silenced him, walking over to Peggy and slapping her around the face hard without a word. "Amberley!" Steve now raised his voice. 

"Do not begin to lecture me about fidelity! What is right, what is wrong and what has been the 'done thing' for the men before you!" She turned and now raised her voice, throwing her anger back at him. 

"The world does not revolve around you!" Steve fired back

"No but the fate of your bloodline does!" Her eyes stared from him before falling onto Peggy and then to Steve once more. "I shall leave you to finish what you started, and shall come back later to speak with you".

He huffed. "Amberley just tell me what the fuck..." 

"No!" She silenced him once more. "It is of no importance, Husband. You must think yourself lucky that you married a woman who is as patient as I am. I can wait". 

Turning quickly, she stormed out of the room, anger bubbling at it's highest point. She needed to calm herself for the sake of her child. Unnecessary stress was never a good thing, and Lady Carter was that exact stress that would destroy her if she allowed it to get to her. 

Returning to her room, she calmed herself, taking a long sip of wine that was well needed. It was just as well that a letter received that morning had come to her at the right time. 

"Everything alright?" Nat asked, coming in from the adjourning room and seeing Amberley now taking another savoured sip of wine. 

"Everything is as it should be Lady Romanoff...or at least, it won't be long until it will be". Amberley smiled to herself with satisfaction. 


Steve watched his wife from across the table as she ate supper in her usual delicate manner a few days later. So far neither of them had spoken nor seen much of one another since she had walked in on him and Peggy the other evening. He had half expected her to return later on with her argument to hand, however she did not. 

But that did not mean that he had slept peacefully. 

"Lady Carter has received an offer of marriage..." Amberley now began, causing Steve to choke somewhat on his wine. Her eyes flickered up at him for a moment as he cleared his throat and then went back to focus on her plate. "From Lord is most likely the best one that a woman like her should get, and her father has asked for my permission to remove her from my household - something to which I have agreed". 

Her eyes met his again. 

"That is not..." Steve began

"Not what?" Amberley looked at him. "She is a member of my household, not yours - therefore any offers of marriage are given permission by me."

Steve frowned. "And when is she to leave?" 

"As soon as her father permits her, which shouldn't be long considering Lord Souza is eager to wed her as soon as possible. However it is a great shame that she will not be here to help me prepare for the birth of our son, I shall have to ask Lady Yelena to take her place instead..." 

She noted after swallowing the tiniest piece of bread that he had ever seen, and then looked at him with a knowing expression. 

His own now changed upon realisation of just what she was telling him. "You're with child..." He pointed gently to her stomach. 

Amberley smiled lightly and nodded to him, "I am, which is the news that I wanted to deliver to you the other evening". 

A broad smile now appeared on his lips and he got up, just as she did. Steve placing his hands on her stomach, before he leant in and kissed her. "My clever, clever Queen..." he then uttered to her while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

The news now beginning to sink in that she was carrying his son. 

Suddenly, nothing else mattered except her. 

Only her. 

Only their child. 

"You're happy?" She grinned up at him from where she stood a few inches shorter than he did. Her heart swelling at the sight of his excitement. 

"More than happy". He mirrored her smile and picked her up, spinning her around with her laughter now echoing throughout the chamber. Putting her down he gave her another lingering kiss. "Tell me what you need, whatever you want you will have". 

Amberley knew what she desired, but even now with her knowing that Peggy would soon be gone from court, she did not know just what it may take to secure the King's love. An heir perhaps, but she wanted more than it to just be that. She wanted him to love her for her. For him to see her just as he did his mistress. 

"I want for nothing, for I already have it". Amberley told him graciously. 

His hand placed itself back onto her stomach. "I'll have someone spread the news". 

She shook her head. "Let us keep it to ourselves. Just so we have this one thing for us for a short time. There is plenty of opportunity to celebrate with everyone after the coronation". 

"Which I will tell them to bring forward". Steve now knew it had to happen sooner than planned, his wife and Queen deserved that much and more. His mind was now filled with just what needed to be done, affairs that had to be put into place, celebrations, affairs of state to sort in preparation for the birth of the Prince. 

There was time, but not enough of it in his eyes. 

"Steve". Amberley now told him gently running a hand down the side of his face and across his beard. "Calm yourself, there is plenty of time". She could read him clearly, that much was obvious. 

He nodded. "You're right". A far gentler tone came than one he had used on her before. "But you need to rest, don't..."

"I shall be fine as I am. I'm not going to be another woman confined to a dark room for the last duration of pregnancy, to just sit in a bed all day and wait for our child to appear - I very much detest being bored. Plus I am no invalid." 

Steve was stunned. He knew Banner would send her into confinement like all women did. 

But Amberley was not like other women. 

She was far stronger, and Steve had seen it. She would fight to keep herself from being locked away again. Even if it was for a good cause. 

"Then you shall not be". He agreed. 

"You can do what you feel is best, however Banner will be checking up on you, as will I to make sure you are not over-exhorting yourself. 

Amberley smiled pleasantly. "I am glad that we agree on something". 

"If it means avoiding a battle then I am prepared to do so". He now smirked and returned her to her seat, then going to sit back down and finish his meal. "You must eat though, you've barely touched your food".  

"I find I do not have much of an appetite, the sight of some things makes me a little nauseous". 

Peggy Carter being one of them. 

"You must keep your strength up, promise me that". Steve now told her, knowing full well that his wife wouldn't listen. 

"One thing you should know about me? I aim to do everything I promise, and I always succeed. As your wife and Queen? This shall be no different."

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