Chapter 4

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"He wants to see you..."

Amberley looked up from where she sat by the fire that evening as Natasha walked in. They had spent the day walking the palace and the gardens so as she could familiarise herself with her surroundings.

She did not like the expression her new friend sported.

"Why? I am dressed for bed? Surely he must know that?"

Natasha nodded, "he knows, and he wants to see you". She made it clearer, hoping the emphasis would make Amberley realise just why.

"Can I refuse?"

"No" Nat shook her head, "no one refuses him, what Steve wants, Steve gets - and he wants you".

She knew that this could happen. It wasn't the done thing, not unless Steve viewed her as a common whore which - from his request - seemed like he did.  However she was to be his wife. She would have to become used to him summoning her as well as sharing a bed with him.

Standing up, she smoothed down her nightdress and tightened her robe around her. "Ok. Take me to him".


Steve poured himself some wine from the jug and another for Amberley.
It had been a long and rather dull day, minus the events of that morning, but he needed to know whether this woman was willing to follow his every command.

The door opened and Natasha stood aside to let Amberley in, shooting a look to Steve before closing the door on them.

Amberley curtsied, "you wished to see me?"

He nodded, passing her a chalice of wine before taking a sip from his own. "How are you settling? Has Lady Romanoff been of some use?"

"I like her very much, I was in need of someone to talk to, considering I spent days locked away in a tiny cell of a tower".  She eyed him from over the rim of the chalice, taking a long sip for courage.

"And now you are to be Queen, no other prisoner gets the same treatment".

"Is that what I am to you? Your prisoner?" She challenged lightly.

He chuckled. "Is that what you see yourself as? Because it certainly sounds like it".

"I see myself in a better light than you see me, that much is clear"

"Because your father was all but prepared to help Tony Stark take my throne from me", he snapped, "so you will forgive me for not being more welcoming when it comes to bringing you into my court".

"And yet you are to make me your wife".

"That means nothing - you are here to do a duty" he argued, "to give Brooklyn the heir or two that it needs to continue the legacy my family has been leaving for generations".

Amberley glared at him, "I am so much more than that".

"And you're going to start by showing me how" he slammed the chalice down and gestured to her robe. "Take it off".

She stared at him and then slowly removed it.

Steve circled her, coming to stand behind her and putting his hands firmly on her shoulders. Amberley kept still, feeling his hands slide down the sides of her arms, right down her waist and beginning to bunch up her nightdress. She felt the air hit between her legs and then his hand.

Her body shook a little at his touch, hot breath on her neck. His lips brushed lightly against her collarbone.

All the while she was just frozen, hoping that it would soon be over.

Steve sensed her vulnerability, usually something that he'd take advantage of. She was willing to do what he wanted her to, allowing him to use her body for what he wanted.

He couldn't do this. Not yet.

Steve was many things but he still had some respect. He would never have it from her if he did not show her any at all. They would need people to see that they were united. Any whispers of trouble within the marriage before it had even started would show just how weak of a King he was.

He could not afford to be seen as that. It would only mean that enemies such as Stark would see it as an opportunity to try and overthrow him.

His hand moved away and pulled her nightdress back down.

"Leave" he told her, now walking back over to pour himself another drink.

"That's it?" She frowned, wondering what she had done to make him stop. Had he decided this was a bad idea? That he had changed his mind and would not marry her?

"I said leave".

She picked up her robe and pulled it back in silently, then making for the door. "Goodnight sire..."

Then she was gone.

Steve set himself back in his chair and pondered. She had spirit and appeared to be the only woman to have the courage to challenge his authority - something she would need to do less of.

Perhaps she would make a better Queen than he had expected...

Wildflower (King!SteveRogers AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora