Chapter 36

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Brooklyn was silent as the city slept, the castle also the same with only the flicker of torches and the guards milling around patrolling as sign that activity still lingered. 

Amberley stood out on her balcony, having spent the last few weeks resting as much as she could before the arrival of their son. With the aches she'd been experiencing over the last few hours, she knew that the time had come. 

This would probably be her last chance that she had to gaze over her Kingdom before she left it behind, and she wanted to make the most of it. 

Dawn was coming, but so was darkness - and she hoped that it would not hang over the city for too long after she was gone. 

"You're awake?" Nat now joined her mistress. "Is everything alright?" 

Amberley nodded. "It has started..." 

Immediately her lady in waiting began to spring to action. "I'll get Yelena to..." Amberley's hand shot out and stopped her. 

"No Lady Romanoff. That will not be necessary, not yet...the pains are coming sparingly at the moment. I would just like to enjoy some peace before it all turns to commotion". She took a deep breath as the dull ache crossed her abdomen and then smiled. "It's rush..." 

Nat nodded. "Let's at least make you comfortable, the baby is early than Banner said it would be". 

"He wants to make himself known, and I have no arguments about that". 

Whether she would get to hold him before the inevitable was something she didn't know. But she hoped that she was at least granted that wish. 

Nat helped her into bed and then went to get some ale to help the pains ease, passing it to Amberley. "You are incredibly calm..." she noted. 

"I've done this before, I know what to expect" Amberley said, sipping the ale and settling back against the pillows that her friend had propped behind her. "But what I will say is what I asked of you last time - should anything happen to me, then please see that his majesty is taken care of, that my boys will want for nothing, and that they are always told that I love them very much". 

Nat looked at her and then nodded. "Like I said last time, you know that I will". 

"Good". Amberley smiled and then gripped the bed sheet with a small groan, "I think now may be the time to send for the midwives and the others..." 

Nat got up and left the room, Wanda and the other ladies filing in soon after along with the midwife, who began preparing just as she had done the last time. 

Now it was down to her son to decide when he would enter the world.


Hours passed, nightfall came, and the dawn of the next day appeared. 

Still there was no sign of the baby, and Steve was growing more anxious by the hour. 

Banner had been called in by the midwife to assess the situation and now was stood in front of Steve, explaining what was happening. 

"The baby was in the wrong position, I managed to turn it, however the Queen is still struggling...we may have to make a decision soon your majesty, and it's not something that I usually like having to suggest..." 

"And just what are you suggesting, Banner?" Steve asked, staring out of the window and knowing that it was anything but good.

Banner looked grave. "It would have to be the choice of saving the life of the Queen, or the life of your child..." 

"Leave..." Steve now said, not looking at him. 

Banner simply bowed and returned to the Queen's chambers whilst Steve sat and carried on staring out of the window. How could he possibly make that decision? If he chose his child then he would lose his Queen for sure, and if he chose Amberley? They would be faced with the loss of another child. 

It was times like this that he hated being the King. Being faced with the decision of life or death. He knew that Amberley would tell him to choose their child, but he also knew that if he did then she would never recover from the grief they would face. The first time around had broken her enough. 

Rising from his chair, he poured himself a cup of wine and downed it before hearing Bucky now walk in. "Any news?" His friend asked. 

"Banner says that Amberley is looks likely I'll have to make a decision if she doesn't deliver soon". His voice was quiet. 


"The baby was lying the wrong way, he's managed to turn it and hopes that this may now help, but she's exhausted". 

Bucky sighed. "She's strong, she wouldn't see that Banner's decision was made. She's just as stubborn as you are". He smirked. 

"And that's what I love about her. She ensures that everything she does is seen through to the very end. 

"C'mon...let's play some chess, it may help 

Banner returned around midday with a smile. "The Queen has have another healthy son".

Steve's head began to spin as Bucky offered his congratulations. "And my wife? Is she ok?" 

"Tired, but in good health. The birth was complicated as she had exhausted herself, but she is well". 

Steve looked to Bucky who nodded with a smile, and then made his way out to go and see his wife and new son. 

The ladies in waiting dropped a curtsey as he entered the room, seeing Amberley sitting up in bed, smiling at him. He came and perched on the bed next to her, Nat bringing over their son and passing him to Amberley. "Well done my love", he said as he kissed her. She looked exhausted but had the same happiness in her eyes that he had seen when Phillip had been born. 

"Another handsome boy. I still cannot believe that he is here" She beamed, fingers tracing over his tiny forehead. "And he looks so very much like you already". 

"I'd be worried if he didn't" Steve smirked as she laughed at this, then taking his son so as he could hold him. "Look at you my strong as your mother and brother". Placing a small kiss on top of his son's head. "You're going to make us proud". 

Amberley smiled at the scene and looked to her husband. "He needs a name".

Steve looked at his son for a moment and then to his wife. "Jasper..." 

"I love it" She grinned and kissed him, both of them staring down at their baby and admiring him. 

Eventually, duty called for Steve, and he rose, passing Jasper back to his wife and kissed her head. "I'll come and see you tonight after I'm done with my work, if not then it will be first thing in the morning". 

She nodded. "Until then, my love", watching as he headed out - a King's work never being done of course. 

Strange had been wrong about her, which made her question just whether he had been wrong about Thanos and his intentions. The vision he'd had was unclear of course and now with the relief overcoming her, she kissed her son - excited for when she would get to introduce him to Phillip. 


Steve woke the next morning with a start as Bucky came into his chambers and now looked at him with a sense of urgency. 

"What is it?" He asked, wondering whether either Thanos or the Scarlet Witch had made themselves known, but on seeing his friend's face, his heart dropped at his next words. 

"It's the Queen..." 

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