Chapter 3

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Amberley paced the floor of her chambers. The room that would only be temporary until she moved into the Queen's chambers. Those had remained empty since the last woman to wear the crown had walked there.

Sarah of Brooklyn.

Steve's mother.

She had been known for her patient temperament, and Amberley now began to wonder whether this was a trait that the King possessed. So far from what she had seen? Perhaps not. 

Marriage to the King? Would it be considered a worse decision than that of execution? Already she had been just left to her own devices in her chambers. She hadn't taken into account the summer heat that blazed down upon the city. Nor had she really taken much notice of anything as she had been transported to the tower. Amberley had simply kept her head bowed as she'd ridden alongside Sir Sam and Sir James, not for being ashamed - but because she did not wish to lay eyes upon the people who considered her disloyal. 

Her loyalty would shine through now though, just as the sun did. It had to. 

Amberley now fanned herself with her hand, the pressure of her bodice tight against her chest, crushing what little air they had left within them. 

Already she found this room suffocating, more so than the tower. She didn't even know whether she was allowed out of there. There was no one to accompany her, and the palace was quite large in comparison to the halls of Wisconsin. She would become rather lost and very easily. 

All thoughts travelled to her father, and his last words to her before he'd ridden out with the army. "No matter what may become of me - part of me still lives on in you. You will know what to do if ever you become unsure - even when it comes to making the hardest of decisions. You're too much like me in that respect". He'd smiled down from atop of his horse. 

Had he known that he was riding into a battle that he would surely lose? Wisconsin's numbers compared to that of the Brooklyn army were far less now she had thought about it a little harder. The tower had given her time to reflect on that as well as other things. 

He had known that he was going to die, but had fought right until the very end. 

That was what she needed to do as well. 

There was a knock at the door sometime later and red haired woman walked in, smiling and dropping a quick curtsey. "Lady Amberley, I am Lady Romanoff - the King has made me your chief lady in waiting now that you are betrothed to him.

Amberley smiled. "It's a pleasure Lady Romanoff, in all honesty? I could use a friend right now".

Natasha smiled weakly, forgetting for a moment that the woman who stood before her had lost everything and, ultimately, had made the decision to marry Steve - the man who had killed her father and seized everything...including her future. "The King is aware that you played no part in what happened..."

"You are close to him?"

"We've been friends since childhood".

Amberley nodded to herself and went to stand by the window, it overlooked the courtyard and below people were hard at work. Beyond these walls lay true freedom, but  now she would never know of it. Despite the King wanting to make her his wife and Queen, Brooklyn was to be her prison for the rest of her life. However long or short it may be.

"What is he like?" She now asked Natasha.

Nat watched her linger by the window, "He is not he enemy if that is what you are referring to him in your head. In fact, he's very much your saviour. Steve..." she corrected herself, "the King could have just chose to send you to the block, but he didn't - he gave you the choice. You chose right". She smiled. "Once you come to know him? He's not so bad - he cares for his kingdom, his people, even if it may not seem like it".

"Do the people love him?"

"More so than his father, but Steve has always sworn never to be like him. He is more like the late Queen if anything".

Amberley set herself down on the window seat, "I don't think I have what it takes to be High Queen".

"If you didn't then the King wouldn't have made you the offer that he did". Natasha now came to sit on the edge of the bed, just across from her new mistress. "I heard that you were the one to surrender with dignity. That you didn't just up and flee like a coward".

"Because I am no coward Lady Romanoff". Amberley looked over to her.

Natasha smiled, already liking the woman who would rule alongside her friend. "You can call me Natasha if you like? I don't know whether you'd prefer formalities though".

Amberley could see this woman wanted to be her friend, not just to serve her. She had no friends, or no one who she could call that. Perhaps when it is just us - in front of the other ladies when they will come? We will stick to formalities.

"Wise decision. You're certainly gonna fit in around here".

"The court may think otherwise".

Nat snorted. "So let them. Not everyone will like the King's decision, however they've just got to deal with it. You are who he has chosen. You just need to show them what you're made of".

"By being a walking child bearing is all he wants me for and the only use I am to him. The crown on my head is simply a trophy. It means nothing if I cannot use it for what it stands for".

"Then perhaps you should be the first to make use of it, you're clever - I'm sure you'll find a way to and who knows? Perhaps he may listen to you". Natasha shrugged, watching her. 

Amberley knew that her soon to be husband was stubborn. It would be a miracle if they even shared anything in common. 

"He is the High King of Brooklyn, he listens to no others council except his own". 

Wildflower (King!SteveRogers AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora