Chapter 10

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Waking in the King's arms was something that Amberley had never thought that she would ever do, let alone marry one. Her status was high enough to allow her, but usually she would be married to a Thane or another Jarl - most likely the latter in normal circumstances.

Now here she was. Dressed in probably one of the most finest of gowns that had come into her possession, and more were apparently being made, including the one for her coronation.

A gown of gold, is what Steve had commissioned, so Natasha had told her.

Currently they were now sat underneath a tent watching Bucky and Sam, as well as a few others shoot some arrows into some targets

"Good shot Buck!" Steve clapped as his friend turned and grinned in triumphant. He was considerably better than Sam, however his skills didn't quite live up to that of Sir Clint Barton, another knight who now smirked as he walked forward and took his position.

He lowered his bow. "Too easy, move it back a few more paces"

"Now that's just cocky". Bucky called with a laugh.

The servants moved the target back a considerable amount on Clint's order, before getting out of the way now he lined up to take his shot. "How could he possibly hit it from that far?" Amberley leant in and asked Steve.

He snorted. "He never misses. They don't call him Hawkeye for nothing", now gesturing to Clint letting go of the arrow. Amberley watched the arrow soar through the air and smack the target right in the middle, Steve standing up and applauding his friend as everyone else also did.

"One of these days you'll miss" Sam shook his head in disbelief.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that Wilson", Clint clapped Sam on the back and went to rejoin his wife.

Amberley noted how Barton looked at it his wife with adoration. According to Nat she was carrying their third child, and it was obvious from her size.

She wondered whether she and Steve would ever hold the same amount of love and adoration as the Barton's did. Would he ever look at her with such affection? Could she? Only the lucky few came to love their husbands marriage, but others? Not so lucky. With the King's love currently being held by another, Amberley knew that perhaps she would not be the lucky one. Whether she wore a crown on her head or not.

Her eyes glanced to Peggy, who was stood to the side along with the other ladies.

She was looking at Steve, however on seeing Amberley watching her, she immediately averted her gaze.

Amberley turned to watch the rest of the archery. Steve had told her this was a game, and she knew she would have to fight this woman tooth and nail if she was going to win his love. Her hand went to her stomach, desperately hoping that she could soon deliver him the news that they were to have the son he wanted.

And she would not fail in her duty.

Once the archery was over, the couple walked back towards the palace, Amberley's arm delicately linked through Steve's own.

They were a sight to behold. He could feel it.

Around her neck she wore the jewel that he had given her, keeping to her word and not having taken it off during their wedding night. It shone brightly and complimented her dress of the same colour.

She suited her new role so it appeared. Today her hair was pinned into some intricate style, however Steve found that he preferred it down and looking a little untamed. Perhaps he could bring out the wilder side of her in the privacy of their bedroom, already knowing that he'd broken the shell slightly. After all it was his wife who had suggested that morning when they woke that they should try again for an heir.

He hadn't been about to argue with her on that, and she'd been far more relaxed if not a little sore after, but that was expected.

Amberley noticed him looking at her and smiled lightly. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "Just thinking", before leaning in and asking her quietly, "can I come to you tonight?"

Her eyes met his and she nodded. "You can if you truly desire a son..."

His lips pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "Until tonight..." and he parted from her so as he could go and spend his afternoon sat in boring meetings.

Amberley watched him go before turning to the others. "Ladies", she gestured for them to follow so that they could return to her parlour to begin their sewing.

Tonight would be that night, she was sure of it.

Tonight would mark the conception of the child that would hopefully secure her a place in her husband's affections.

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