Chapter 20

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All eyes were on them as the doors to the Great Hall were opened, and Steve and Amberley now walked in, the Queen carrying the new Prince of Brooklyn. 

The men bowed, the ladies sank into curtsey and there was silence as they made their way to their thrones, standing at the head of the hall and looking out onto their people before Steve now spoke. 

"My wife and I would like to present to you all, Prince Phillip of Brooklyn". 

The applause sounded through the hall, echoing around them as Amberley smiled down proudly at her sleeping son, who was now stirring and began to cry from the noise. "Hush now my darling boy, they are just pleased to meet you", and gently rocked him. 

"Continue!" Steve told the court and they resumed their conversation as well as the music that had been playing before they had entered. 

They settled down on their thrones while King Thor and King T'Challa were announced next. "Did you reach an agreement with each for trade?" Amberley asked, settling Phillip back down to sleep and glancing across at her husband. 

"We did, it'll start as soon as they return home". Steve now leant over and checked on his son. 

"Perhaps you should think about a treaty with Stark..." Amberley now suggested

Steve snorted, "A treaty with the man who thinks he should be sat on this throne? I don't think so". 

She sighed. "Perhaps it would stop this nonsense though". 

"The only way it will stop is if he dies". Steve told her darkly. "Now I won't hear anymore about Stark, this is our son's celebration - let's enjoy it". 

Amberley sat there for a moment and said nothing. "His wife is with child y'know..."

"And what does that have to do with me?" 

"If she has a daughter..."

Immediately he knew what she was suggesting. " son of mine is marrying a Stark."

"If we seek a betrothal with Stark it will perhaps stop him from this vendetta against you, a betrothal and signed treaty that will earn you another ally, and he could be a good one..."

"Or it could backfire and he'll have easier access to the damn throne". 

"He would not have a claim, not if his child is a daughter and she marries into our family. You would have a treaty too..."

Steve let out a frustrated growl. "No. He is not being betrothed to any Stark girl. There are far better options out there for him, we're speaking no more of this - is that clear?"

Amberley knew when to not battle against him, and when to choose them. Now was not the time and so she simply let it go. "Yes my love". Was all she replied and turned back to watch the court dance and talk away amongst one another, pulling Phillip's blanket around him a little more. 

" know it would be dangerous". Steve now said, knowing that he'd probably upset her. 

"You said yourself it's a dangerous game". 

"What you are suggesting? Yes, it is". 

"So you would rather chance a battle against Tony Stark over your throne than try to come to an agreement without bloodshed?" 

Steve paused before he spoke again. "With that man? There will always be bloodshed. I cannot risk your life or Phillip's. I'd rather choose to die for you than with you". 

She looked at him. "You would?" 

"Over everything and everyone. I will always choose our son, and you". He took her hand and placed a kiss on top of it. "Surely you know that by now?" 

Amberley smiled and nodded. "It is just that I thought you gave your heart to another, and that it still belonged to them". 

"It belongs to you". He told her firmly. 

The decision he had made when it came to sparing her and marrying her had been the right one, even if he did not think that he would ever come to love her. He had, and their son was living proof of that. 

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