Chapter 9

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Amberley didn't speak as Natasha brushed her hair out in preparation from the night ahead. 

"There, all done..." The Lady in waiting smiled at her in the mirror's reflection, noticing the look on the new Queen's face. "He will be good to you..." 

"And if he's not?" 

"Then I shall be having words with him" Natasha smirked lightly. "Some things I can say, but others? Not so much. I may be his friend but he is the King. Even I have to remember my place, same as Bucky and Sam". 

Rising from the stool, Amberley looked down at her nightgown, which was finer than the one she had already been wearing. Another gift from the King so it seemed. 
Her new chambers were unfamilar, but larger, and far more luxurious than those of the guest chambers she had been frequenting. She was the Queen now, and although technically not coronated, the court was to see and address her as just that until she was. 

"Will you walk with me?" She asked Nat, who was busy putting the jewellery back into its box. 

"Course I will". 

Grabbing the torch from the wall, Natasha led her friend to Steve's chambers until they came to a stop and she knocked on the door. 

"Enter". Came his voice from inside and Nat opened the door, giving a quick curtsey. "The Queen, sire". She told him as Amberley walked in cautiously, seeing Steve now turn from where he too had been getting ready for bed. 

His eyes fell onto Amberley, taking her in. Her hair framed her face beautifully, he'd never seen it down before, but it cascaded in waves just past her breast. The nightgown was beautiful, and did certainly leave little to the imagination around the chest area. 

Looking to Nat, he nodded. "Leave". 

"Goodnight ". She dipped another curtsey, seeing Amberley turn to her in fear and mouth "No...please..." to her. She felt truly awful but knew that come the morning, her friend would feel differently about the whole act. If she knew Steve, then she knew that he wouldn't be as brutish as he'd come off as towards her. 

Seeing the door close, Amberley felt him linger behind her before he placed a gentle kiss behind her ear. Then he passed her some wine. "You need to relax..." He told her, taking a sip from his own cup

She swallowed a mouthful before answering. "How can I when I know what is to come?" 

Or who, Steve thought to himself. 

"You really think me that callous to you on our wedding night?" She said nothing to this. He let out a small 'heh', "Well...clearly we will have to get to know one another better then". He put his cup down and pulled off his shirt, then stopping in front of his wife and leaning down to kiss her neck. 

She stood there, frozen to the spot, letting him do as he pleased. 

He didn't like it...

She needed to be comfortable, to trust him and clearly she didn't as now the cup dropped to the floor out of pure fear, wine spilling onto the stone floor. Her eyes were tight shut in desperation to get this over with as soon as possible. 

" your eyes". He stopped and told her gently, ignoring the spilt wine. The servant's could clear it up in the morning, but this? This was of far greater importance. "Have you never 'explored' before?" He frowned. 

She shook her head. "Explore what sire?" 

It seemed as though he'd married the purest little wildflower in all the land, but that would soon change. He'd mould her to being the Queen that she should be in the marriage bed. It would probably take time, but Steve was determined. 

"It doesn't matter now...but you have to relax more, I'm not going to hurt you and although it might do? Just know that I don't mean for it. I'll try to be as gentle as possible". 

Amberley nodded. "I'm sorry about the wine..."

"Don't worry about that, come on..." He look her hand and led her to the bed, which was quite possibly the biggest that she had ever seen. Stopping by the side he gently undid the laces of her nightgown and pushed it over her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. 

She felt exposed, looking away from him as her cheeks flushed. 

Steve turned her head slowly so he could take in her face a little more and then leant in and kissed her softly, hands keeping themselves on her shoulders until they trailed down, across her breasts, over her stomach before coming to rest between the slight gap in her legs. "This won't hurt, if anything it'll help you". He told her in between kisses, slipping two fingers inside her as far as they would allow. 

She broke the kiss with a small gasp and then looked apologetically at him. "I'm sorry..." He took her hand and unlaced his breeches, guiding her hand down into them and wrapping it around him. "I erm...I don't know what to do...I was never really told..." Amberley pursed her lips, feeling uneducated compared to the likes of Nat and Peggy. 

"It's ok, we'll take it slowly". He calmed her and took her hand away, leaning into her ear with a whisper. "Lie down and spread your legs". 

Amberley did as he now came to rest between them, placing a kiss on her lips and then disappearing down. She let out another gasp on feeling his tongue lick her folds up and down, then slowly moving and beginning to suck on the bud just above them. His hands kept her legs firmly apart while he sucked, licked and made her whimper - however it was a pleasurable one. He could tell. 

She could feel a burning sensation within her, the heat and wetness building between her legs. Her head spun. She'd heard things about this, but had never questioned them. In fact she found herself enjoying it. 

She let out a disappointed moan as he moved away and back up her body, kissing her until he got to her lips. "I'll try and be gentle". He told her again and slowly moved into her, feeling himself push through as she winced slightly. He silenced her with his lips on hers, moving in further until finally he was fully inside of her.  "That's my girl, taking all of me on the first try - others haven't you know". 

Amberley nodded. "It wasn't that bad..." 

"It may hurt just a little more, but it will soon pass". He assured her and began to move against her, seeing her pained expression once more. 

His kiss was deep, and Amberley soon began to move with him, the pain disappearing and the feeling becoming more pleasurable - the same feeling that happened before beginning to build within her, her head now in a little bit of a spin. 

Steve groaned slightly as she tightened around him more. "That's it sweetheart, we may just get you're first orgasm outta you if you keep on the way you are". Her heart was beating faster, their pace becoming a little quicker until she looked at him.

"I...I think..." 

"Go on..." He encouraged her. "Let go". 

She threw her head back with a small cry as she released around him, her legs shaking and then feeling him do the same inside of her. 

Steve caught his breath and leant down one more, brushing his lips over hers. "Are you alright?" 

"I...did I do the right thing?" She asked, still a little embarrassed that he'd rendered her that way. 

He chuckled and gently eased himself out of her, "You did more than the right thing. Not many are capable of that on the first time". He told her as he lay down beside her. "You never know, we may just have a son sooner than anticipated". 

Amberley stared at the ceiling, "That wasn't as bad as I imagined that it would be". then turning her head to look at him next to her. 

There was a smirk on his face. "I should hope not, or you would be the first person who I'd have disappointed". He pulled her body against his, a different kind of comfort washing over him compared to the one he had with Peggy. "Get some sleep, it's been a long day". 

She felt his lips on her forehead, body entwined with his. "Yes sire..." 

"Steve". He now told her. "From now on behind these doors? It's Steve".

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