Chapter 17

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The months began to slowly roll by and Amberley watched as her stomach grew rounder, feeling triumph as her dresses were slowly let out. It was now only a matter of weeks that Banner had estimated the Prince's arrival, and she was beginning to feel nervous.

Her relationship with Steve was improving by the day and one pivotal moment had come when she'd summoned him from a council meeting, feeling their baby moving and kicking about for the very first time. The actions bringing amazement to both of them at the fact that their was a life that they had created within her.

Today, Steve had returned to their chambers earlier than expected, pausing as he heard the humming from his wife and -without startling her- leant against the doorway to watch as she arranged some flowers, one hand atop of her stomach, gently rubbing it.

It was a rare moment that she had to herself without her ladies around.

He smiled to himself at the sight of her. She really did look like she had been sent by the Gods of Infinity themselves.Her amulet shining just as brightly as she seemed to be.

On sensing his presence, Amberley looked over to him and smiled, then looked down at her stomach and cradling it gently. "I did not expect you..."

Steve now walked into the room and joined her side, taking one of the flowers she had just cut and putting it into the vase. "Neither did I, but you'll be happy to know you have me for the rest of the day - unless anything urgent comes up".

"I wanted some time to rest so I sent Natasha and the others off to finish some other duties, but I found I could not get comfortable". She smirked. Unfortunately the baby was laying in a rather awkward position and was very active, which meant she could not exactly rest easy.

He knelt down and kissed her stomach. "Let your mother rest, there is plenty of time for moving when you come into this world". He now murmured with a light scolding to their child.

"Your father commands it". Amberley added with a light laugh and cupped her husband's cheek, caressing across his beard with her thumb.

His eyes looked up at her, and now he took her hand kissing the top of it and getting up from his current position. "You look tired, you should at least sit down". He told his wife and led her over to one of the chairs by the fireplace.

Had she have followed traditional rules then she would have been made to 'lie in' weeks ago. But still she had refused, even when Banner had broached the subject with her again. Steve had even noticed that she still moved at a fairly quick pace for someone in her condition. She had even been dancing up until a few weeks prior - nothing too vigorous, but enough to keep her active.

And their child so it seemed.

To the court and the people of the city, the Queen was a breath of fresh air that they had needed. It had been years since they had been without one after all.

Passing her a drink, she sipped it lightly while he sat across from her.

"We should think of names..." Amberley said.

Steve smiled, "We still have time".

He wasn't about to mention that Sam and Bucky had been arguing for weeks about how the baby would be named after one of them.

"I know, I just didn't know whether you had something in mind already, he is your heir after all?"

"Our heir". He corrected her. "You are his mother".

She smiled and looked down at her stomach once more. "And he shall be the most beloved".


A couple more weeks passed and Amberley found herself growing more uncomfortable, though she never complained.

It would all be worth it.

For once she was sat reading as Natasha and the others went about their duties. The baby could arrive any day now and they had to be prepared for when the time came.

She was feeling a little hot and flustered once more and now rose from her seat, heading out onto the balcony to get some air.

Natasha followed. "Everything alright?" She now asked, seeing the Queen now fanning herself.

"Just a little uncomfortable with how warm the room is". Amberley now smiled but then let out a small cry, one hand flying to her stomach.

Nat ran forward to hold her up as well as Wanda and Kate now appearing to do so as well. Amberley remained calm, even though she could now feel water between her legs. "It's alright...Kate, fetch the midwives, I think it's time".

"I'll tell Yelena to go and inform the King". Kate called, hurrying from the room whilst Natasha and Wanda helped Amberley to change into her nightdress and to get into bed.

It was time to bring the Prince of Brooklyn into the world.

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