Chapter 26

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"I'm surprised you didn't run him through on first sight" Amberley said to Steve as they lay in bed early the next morning. To say that she had been surprised on seeing Tony Stark ride in with her husband was an understatement. Only then did she realise that she could use this alliance to their advantage. 

Steve's fingers gently trailed up and down her spine whilst she was snug against his chest. "He made the first move unarmed, Clint was ready if anything had been different". No doubt Hawkeye would've struck him down before he could even raise his sword for the first blow. 

"So you are friends now?" She now craned her neck to look up at him.

"Barely. Allies? Yes". He looked down and kissed her nose. "Anyway enough about Stark, we have more important things to do". Rolling onto her and pinning her down under him. 

Her legs wrapped around him allowing him to consume every part of her. He could be gentle, or rough depending on what mood he was in. Last night the adrenaline had been rushing through and things had been very heated, but still they were in a sleepy state so slow and sensual was usually the choice for early morning bedroom activities. 

"Open up for me sweetheart, let all of me in". Steve murmured into his wife's ear, feeling her legs spread further apart, allowing him to slip into her more. 

She let out a sharp breath as he pushed through, before he was fully sheathed inside of her. They began to move together at a steady pace, Steve then hitting a certain spot that always made his wife mewl with delight, her body jolted against him as he slammed into her, over and over while making each thrust harder every time. 

By now her head was beginning to spin . "Steve..." 

"Look at me Amb, let me see those beautiful eyes". He turned her face to him and rested his forehead gently against hers, eyes now staring into each other's. Within moments she was quaking against him, his arms keeping her held against him. She felt the familiar feeling of him releasing inside of her and rode out her climax until they both came down, gasping for air. 

Steve rolled off his wife and collapsed next to her, running a hand through his hair. "You never cease to amaze me". 

"I'm glad, because I'm sure you'd tire of me easily if I didn't". 

He glanced across to her. "That's not true". Taking her hand and kissing it. "Plus with how you dealt with Stark earlier? I think you'd probably run me through if I did anything to upset you". 

"Well then I suppose you should sleep with one eye open".

Rolling over she huddled against him, placing a light kiss on one of his biceps. "Do you really think that Thanos will try to attack the city?" 

Amberley had seen the Dragon scale that Steve had brought back from the patrol. Confirmation that the man who had faded into legend and bedtime stories had returned. She feared for Phillip, and even more so for her husband. He would be right up there leading the charge into battle like he'd done so many times before. 

And if he never came home? 

Her son would have to be guided by her until he came of age to take the crown. 

"He will burn city after city -but we will be ready for him when he does". He now looked down to his wife and saw her face. "Amberley..." brushing the single tear, that ran down her cheek, away with his thumb. 

"I cannot lose you..." 

"You won't - now what's brought all this on? You're the strongest woman I know?" 

She kept a hold against him. "I cannot have our son grow up without a father. It scares me to know that you would take on a man who is cursed. Thanos holds more power than any other..." 

"I have a duty Amb, we've been through this before I left yesterday.If Thanos strikes anywhere else then we will be ready. For now though? I have to talk treaty terms with Stark, however considering you made the biggest one yesterday I don't think there's any point in demanding anything else". 

She sat up and looked at him. "I knew you were annoyed, I could read your face like no other.". 

"Because you practically struck a deal that involved our son without consulting me first! I'm the King and I make the decisions!" 

"I put the suggestion to you, and you forget that I am not just your wife but your Queen too". 

"And your job is to stay out of my affairs!" 

Amberley stared at him. "And what? Do what other Queens do? Birth your children? Sit there and look pretty with my crown. I thought you trusted me? Saw me as your equal?" 

"No one equals me - not even you, title or not", your authority is limited".  He'd been thinking about the deal she'd made ever since she'd walked out of the council chambers. He still didn't like it...

She got up and stormed across the room, heading behind the dressing screen to put on her dress. 

Natasha now poked her head around the door after knocking and saw Steve's face. As he got up and passed her to go and dress in the adjourning room. "I can come back later..." 

"No, it's fine". He growled with annoyance and disappeared. 

Nat walked behind the screen to find Amberley lacing the front part of her dress, "What happened?" She now asked, "you could cut the tension in here with a knife?" 

"Just my husband asserting his dominance..." The Queen replied through gritted teeth, "I thought he saw me differently to any other...turns out I am simply just another Queen who's only importance is to give him an heir.

Nat finished lacing her into the dress and smiled weakly. "I'm sure he didn't mean that. I'm guessing this treaty with Stark that is being decided today is stressing him a little". 

Amberley emerged from behind the dressing screen and walked out onto the balcony, Nat following and coming to stand by her side. "It is just a disagreement. One I am sure that we will work it out...but what he said? It hurt". 

"Once the treaty is signed and sealed then he will be a little more reasonable perhaps?" 

The Queen shook her head at this. "There is no reasoning with the High King of Brooklyn". 

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