Chapter 15

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Taking his wife's hand, Steve led Amberley to the royal box, so as they could watch the jousting, both of them taking their seats and the King side eyeing his wife.

"You are staring Steven". She smirked, keeping her eyes on the jousting field.

He didn't take them away. Her side profile was poised and regal looking. Just as she was. "Am I not allowed?"

"I never said you weren't husband, I should simply like to know what it is that has caught your attention". Amberley glanced to him.

"Just thinking..."

She made herself a little more comfortable on her seat. "I have come to learn that you do an awful lot of that".

"I have to" He shrugged, "Did you have anything like this back in Wisconsin?"

Amberley shook her head. "Just our army. Of course there were celebrations when it came to my father's birthday or mine - then of course we would have the seasonal favourites such as Christmas tide..."

"Something like this shall be new to you then".

She nodded. "My city was smaller, more intimate so there was no cause for a joust really, but my father? He would have enjoyed this".

Steve saw her weak smile and squeezed her hand before taking it away as the first contenders came out onto the field.

Amberley recognised Yelena's colours straight away and clapped along with the rest of the court who had come along to spectate. "My bets are on that one". She pointed to Yelena who was disguised in armour.

"Rather short in stature".

"It's always the ones you least suspect husband". She mused and watched as her new personal guard went up against Sam and completely dismounted him from his horse.

Steve leant forward with interest, watching as Sam got to his feet and bowed to him and Amberley before going off, ready for the next contender. "Who is that?" He asked his wife who said nothing, but had a rather amused look on her face. "Amb".

She looked across at him. "I don't know, but they are certainly skilled".

"Hmmmmm". Was all Steve could reply.

They watched on, Yelena's skill being shown to all as she claimed victory over everyone, including Bucky who looked completely stumped.

On being hailed the winner, Yelena dismounted and came towards the royal box, removing her helmet so as she could identify herself to Steve.

"Isn't that Natasha's sister?" He frowned.

"It is, and she is my new personal guard. She is very very talented don't you think?" Amberley eyed him knowingly. "Choose your next words carefully".

Steve nodded to Yelena in acknowledgement and then rose from his seat, Amberley following as they made their way back inside. "Why are you letting women into my army..." he asked as he walked along.

"Because we are far more superior to men in most circumstances and on the battlefield should be no different. My father had women in his army. Commanders, archers". She closed the door as they walked into their chambers. "There are women like Yelena out there whose talents are being wasted sitting around all day, being forced to read, They have skill and I shall encourage that even if you will not".

Steve turned to her with a smile. "I never said I wouldn't, although I would like to see more of what Lady Yelena can do".

Amberley looked a little astonished at his willing to perhaps allow this one thing for her. "It is not just Yelena...there is another. Lady Kate Bishop - Like Sir Clint she is skilled in archery..." She now told him. "Steve...there are armies out there with women who serve and protect in them. If you show that you can be as accommodating as my father was? People will love and respect you even more for your equality towards them".

He paced around a little and looked to her again. "I want to meet with them both. Yelena already has the position you have given her and has shown she is more than capable of protecting you. Bring Lady Kate to me also".

"I will send for them at once". She told him.

As she went to leave, Steve stopped her. "On the day that we first were protecting your home and city...were you part of your father's army?"

Amberley swallowed. "In the event of the city being placed under attack, I was to be put in charge of defending the halls until an outcome was had. And yes, it was on my father's order. He knew that I was capable enough to withstand an assault such as that while he went and fought on the field".

"Even now you never cease to amaze me..." He admitted to her.

She smiled lightly, "There is still a lot that we have to learn about one another".

He nodded in agreement. "You're right...perhaps when I'm not stuck in endless meetings and audiences then we could have some time to do just that".

"I'd like that very much..."

"Do you still think of me as your enemy?"

Amberley shook her head. "You are my King, and also my husband - even though it still pains me to think of what you did to my father? You spared my life when you could have ordered that to be taken too. That was when I forgave you".

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