Chapter 7

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The feast was already lively, the ale flowing and people making merry by the time that Steve walked in, everyone bowing before him. He simply acknowledged the court with a nod and made his way to his throne, Sam and Bucky following  and standing either side. 

All three men observed the turnout. 

Tonight was the night that the court were celebrating the betrothal between their King and the Lady of Wisconsin, and she was yet to arrive. 

Steve knew she had received the dress as well as a couple of others he'd commissioned. He really had no idea as to what silks and fabrics women liked and only had Bucky's observation of rich colours to go by. How women decided was beyond him, but he was baffled by the process. 

He had not seen the finished garments, nor had he received any thanks. For all he knew she could have found them appalling, however Natasha had said to Bucky that Amberley looked the epitome of a Queen when she had tried them on. 

Now here he was, waiting for her to be announced so that his court could finally be introduced to her properly.

"Lady Amberley!" 

Steve now looked up from where he'd been pondering as Amberley glided into the hall, everyone stopping to stare. 

And their faces said it all. 

They were in awe of her. 

Steve stared at her, dressed in purple and gold. A regal choice if there ever was one - and Natasha had been right. 

She possessed every grace and confidence that a Queen did. All eyes on her, including his own. 

Behind her he caught sight of Peggy along with the other ladies in waiting that accompanied her. She smiled weakly, however Steve had to avert his gaze to avoid anyone catching sight that it had lingered elsewhere for a moment or two. 

They fell back on Amberley...

Rising from his throne, he met her in the middle of the hall and she sank down into a curtsey, then looking up at him. 

Steve held out his hand for her to take, and she rose back up again. 

Still he stared, his free hand reaching out and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Lady Amberley..." 

On realising his hand still had a grasp of her own, he let go, feeling all the eyes of the court on them. 

"The dresses are beautiful, especially this one. I want to thank you personally. Sometimes it is better to say the words than write them". She smiled kindly. 

"It was my pleasure, come, you're to sit with me". She took his arm and set herself down onto the throne beside his, hands clasped together in her lap and then glanced across at him once he'd seated himself back down next to her. "Continue!" He commanded the court and on instant, everyone went back to their conversations and drinking, the music also resuming.

Bucky now came and bowed to them both with a grin. "Sire, Lady Amberley - my congratulations...I wanted to be the first before Sam". 

Steve grinned. "Less of the formalities Buck, and thank you". 

"May I be allowed the privilege of asking for a dance?" Bucky grinned and looked from Steve to Amberley. "Just to make a few ladies jealous".

"And by 'a few' you mean Lady Romanoff". Amberley smirked at him knowingly.

Steve had to chuckle at this, seeing Bucky's cheeks now sporting a pinkish tinge. "Well I'm not dancing with you". He told him. 

"You? Dance? I've never once seen you do that in all the years that I've known you" 

Amberley looked at Steve. "You do not dance your majesty?" 

He shook his head. "Like I keep saying...just waiting for the right partner". 

Amberley smiled lightly to herself. She knew that she was not that person as much as both Steve and Bucky did. She was not silly, she knew that Peggy was his mistress. The whispers had not exactly been discreet, yet she had taken the news calmly and collectively. She could not allow such a thing to bring her down nor could she show weakness. 

She was to be the High Queen of Brooklyn, and she would make that impact on everyone - especially the women who warmed her soon to be husband's bed. 

"You have my permission". Steve's voice broke Amberley from her thoughts and she got up, taking Bucky's hand as he led her out to join the other couples who were about to begin their dance. 

Steve watched as his friend danced along with Amberley, who was now beaming as they carried on dancing. She was in her element and even Bucky looked as though he was enjoying himself. 

So...she liked to dance? Another thing that he had learnt about her - and no doubt there were many more things to come. 

Out of the corner of his eye, Steve could feel Peggy watching him, however he kept his focus on Amberley and his friend, knowing that if he looked at her then the guilt would increase more than it already had done. 

By now most of the other couples had stopped and were simply watching, the music finishing and applause sounding. 

Steve smiled warmly and clapped, Bucky returning Amberley to her seat. 

"You never told me you could dance so beautifully". He said as his friend left to get some drinks from himself and Sam. 

Amberley simply looked at him innocently.  

"You never asked". 

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