Chapter 5

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Bucky rode beside Steve as they were out hunting a few days later.
Since dismissing Amberley the other evening, the Brooklyn king had made no effort to see her or summon her - however according to Natasha she had been fairly quiet and distant. Even the new dresses that had arrived for her had not positively impacted her mood.

As far as he knew, she had selected a few ladies to join her household, Lady Margaret Carter being one of them, his current mistress.

Perhaps she knew that already and had chosen Peggy just to spite him.

"You alright?" Bucky asked as they rode along, jolting Steve from his thoughts.

"Just thinking".

Bucky smirked at this, "dangerous - everyone's looking forward to the celebrations though, it's all anyone at court is talking about - amongst other things".

Steve snorted, "they never stop."

When it came to the court they thrived on gossip, pride, jealousy - a wide mixture.

"They're more excited at the prospect of finally having a queen, pal".

"More so than I am".

"You didn't have to marry her y'know, you could've always just had her become a lady in waiting to serve another who would become your wife?" He looked knowingly at his friend.

"I can never marry Peggy", Steve sighed, "no matter how much I want to - she may be of nobility but she's not the daughter of a Jarl. Marrying Amberley is more strategic. Their people and city will prosper more under our rule".

"But you would much rather marry Peggy?"

"For love? Yes, but that doesn't play into it. It's all about politics when it comes down to marriage".

"Always fucking is". Bucky snorted. "That doesn't matter though, tonight we shall drink away to you and your new betrothed - something tells me that Sam's gonna have a hell of a headache come the morning!"

Steve laughed at this, "I could drink the both of you under the table".

"What's that you always say on the battlefield?"

"What? 'I could do this all day'? I could, and compared to you two I can hold my drink".

Bucky shook his head. "I don't think your new wife would like the idea of her husband to be drinking his knights into a drunken slumber".

"It's not for her to dictate what I do, she should be grateful I'm even marrying her at all". Steve grunted and tugged on the reins of his horse to quicken the pace.

Sighing to himself, Bucky followed, the pair returning to the palace and dismounting in the courtyard.

Steve sensed someone watching from the upper window and now glanced up, seeing Amberley there.

Their eyes met for a moment as she looked at him with some sadness, before she turned away and disappeared.

"I'll see you later, have supper with me, tell Sam to join us too".

"You got it pal". Bucky said and headed off to change for the knights afternoon training session.


Amberley heard the door open from the adjourning room, signalling Natasha's return. "Perhaps we should walk the grounds this afternoon - it's nice weather and..."

She stopped in her tracks, walking in to greet her friend but seeing that it was Steve who stood there instead.

Immediately she curtsied. "Sire..."

"Lady Romanoff says that you have not been yourself, I came to see if you were ok".

"That's very kind of you". She looked taken aback but thanked him anyway, "I am how you see me".

"Wallowing in self pity?" He sighed, "what will make you cheer up, if you're going to be walking around looking like sour milk then I should have just had you executed".

"It would have been kinder" she muttered, however he heard this. "Back in a Wisconsin, I was free to walk the city, I never went beyond its walls but I was allowed the freedom of walking and mixing with the people. They respected me for it, and I quite enjoyed looking at all the stalls when market day was Well I am confined..."

Steve shifted. "You'd wish to go out into the city?"

"If I am to be Queen to your people, I should like to walk amongst them, talk to them - how are they to have faith in my duty to them if they do not see who I am?"

He took in what she said and nodded. "If you are to walk there, then you will need guards..."

"You would let me?"

"Only under guard, never alone. I'm willing to compromise, however when you are queen? You will not be able to do so as much".

"Of course, I understand that my role will change, but as I am not yet Queen or your wife? I would like to make the most of it".

Steve nodded at this. "I'll have Sir James and Sir Sam accompany you when you wish to go".

"Thank you" she smiled. The first genuine one he'd received since they had met. "Did you enjoy your ride?"

"It was refreshing, helps to clear my mind when there's a lot going on".

"You are the High King, it must feel like a burden sometimes".

He smiled and replied gently, "you have no idea"

Amberley paused. "I do like the gardens here. I walk them everyday - the fountains are something that help to clear my mind, just like riding helps yours. It's peaceful..."

"I'm guessing you deemed this place as your own personal hell".

"I will not lie, I do, but my opinion may slowly change. I am just longing for home. No doubt once I settle more then I shall be ok".

Steve headed for the door. "I have work to get on with, however if you wanted to go to the marketplace then there are always stalls out. It's not just one day - just ask Bucky and Sam and they will go with you. You can trust them".

"And can I trust you?" She asked.

"That is for you to decide"

She watched him leave and smiled lightly to herself. At least she had cracked one of the barriers that stood between them, but it would take a lot get to know just exactly what Steve was like and whether any trust could be built at all.

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