Chapter 33

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With the arrival of the three Jarl's, Amberley stood by her husband's side as they each rode in with their men.

Nicholas Fury was the first. A man who had one eye (the other was covered by a patch and Amberley still thought looked constantly annoyed by his surroundings and the people who fell within it). They had not been introduced yet as he had been unable to attend the wedding, however he was one of Steve's most trusted allies - and according to him -had been one of her father's as well.

"Nice to see you again Fury" Steve shook his hand.

"Rogers...and this must be your wife" Nick bowed his head to her.

"Amberley this is Nick, however he prefers that you call him Fury. Fury this is my wife Amberley".

Amberley smile. "Lord Fury. A pleasure at last. I was beginning to think that you were just as much of a myth as Thanos"

Fury chuckled and looked to Steve. "I like her. She's got spirit"

"She certainly has" Steve looked to his wife with admiration. It was the first time that she had shown a glimpse of her old self in a long time. "Keeps me in line"

Amberley smiled at him whilst keeping a hold of his hand. She felt more secure and a little more relaxed after the previous evening's antics. She had been so consumed in her own thoughts and fears, that she had forgotten how it had felt to feel the way that he made her when they were together.

Tony and Thor both came to greet them before everyone made their way inside. The four men going to take a drink in private before talking business.

"Brooklyn will be the last stand. Surely you already know that Rogers? He's going to take our cities before heading for the big finale" Fury spoke.

"So what's taking him so long?" Tony asked, "Performance issues?"

Steve shrugged. "We still don't know his motive, he could be looking to bring Ultron back, for all we know he may have even succeeded and is biding his time. Or he just wants to burn us all for the sake of it. Our weapons are useless against him though, he's cursed by magic. He can only be killed by..." He trailed off and then looked at the others. "What if he's looking for the stones? To undo his curse?"

"Well he's gonna have a tough time finding them. No one knows where the hell they are" Fury replied. "Listen we can theorise all we want but the bottom line is we need to find a key of stopping him".

Steve looked at the pair. "You ever heard of a guy called Doctor Strange".

"The wizard with the amulet that apparently makes him see stuff? Sure. Can we find him? Probably not". Tony replied. "If he had any balls then he'd let us know what was about to happen".

"Maybe he doesn't know". Steve sat with his arms crossed in thought. "Maybe this is something he can't see".

"That motherfucker can see everything, he knows what's gonna happen". Nick sipped his drink.

Thor had been quiet so far, until now he spoke. "Well, If we do all end up dead then just know you're all very welcome in Valhalla".

"Because that makes us feel so much better about the situation". Tony rolled his eyes, "Rogers and I have kids to think about before we bite the dust".

Steve smirked. "I'd at least like to know my Kingdoms safe".

"Pretty sure your wife could make anyone bend their will. You die then she'll have this place under control - trust me". Nick smirked.

Steve called time on the meeting. "Let's sleep on this, we'll meet again after breakfast tomorrow and see where we all stand, pinpoint locations that Thanos has been sighted or burned to see whether there are any connections". He looked around the table as all of them agreed. "Right now? Just enjoy your stay here".

There was nothing more that could be said or done on the matter.

Thanos needed to leave a clue or something that could answer their questions.

The main one being, when was he going to attack?

And who would be first?

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