Chapter 19

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Preparations for the feast that would celebrate the Prince's birth were complete. The city itself would be celebrating just as they had done for the King and Queen's marriage and both King Thor of Asgard, and King T'Challa of Wakanda - two of Steve's closest allies would be in attendance amongst a few other allied Jarl's who fell under the Kingdom of Brooklyn. 

Well, apart from Jarl Anthony Stark of course. 

Much to the midwife's dismay, Amberley had insisted on getting up and back on her feet just a mere two days after Phillip's birth. "I've been stuck in this bed long enough. Queen's do not just lay about twiddling their thumbs - I have a child to look after and a Kingdom to help my husband run". 

"B-but your majesty!" The midwife stammered, "You need rest!"

"I rested before I birthed my son, and I have rested after. Now no more of this, give him to me so he can be fed". She rolled her eyes as Natasha now plucked Phillip from his cradle and brought him over to Amberley. Her face lit up on seeing him and swiftly she untied the laces on the bodice of her dress to feed him. "There my sweet boy..." She soothed, stroking his head. 

As the midwife was dismissed, Steve walked into the room, the ladies now sinking into a curtsey before making themselves scarce . "I hear you're being difficult for the midwife". He raised a brow at his wife. 

She scoffed. "She wants me to rest but I'm not one to. I suppose Sir James was the one to tell you?" 

He smirked. "He heard you making a fuss and decided to let me know". Now seeing his wife roll her eyes. "You need to listen to the midwife. It's for your health sweetheart". He now watched his son suckle away. "I allowed you the decision of feeding our son without the aid of a wet nurse, however when it comes to the midwife's advice you need to listen". 

"So you are basically saying that I need to spend more time sitting about in bed". 

"No, I am saying that you shouldn't exert yourself. The feast is in a couple of days and I'd like you recovered enough to actually attend. Not to overdo it and then to have complications".  His hand gently stroked his son's hair. "There's plenty of time to be up and about, but let the nurse care for him..."

"But I am his mother. I should be feeding him". 

"I never said you shouldn't. Still do, but let the nurse help you with everything else. It is what she is for after all". He saw her face. "Amberley. I need you to work with me here. It's for your benefit as well as Phillip's". 

She sighed and nodded. "Fine, she can help me out, but under no circumstances will she be allowed to feed him". 

"I will make that clear. Now, calm yourself. I need you in good health for when we present him to the court. All eyes will be on us three".

Amberley looked down at Phillip. "They shall be on him more. He is so very handsome already - a trait that he has been blessed with by his father". 

"And hopefully the kindness of his mother". He kissed her hair. "But now I have to get on, Thor and T'Challa will be arriving this afternoon to discuss trade negotiations ahead of the celebrations, they may want to seek an audience with you, however you will be told if so". 

She nodded, finishing feeding Phillip and passing him to Steve so as he could hold him. "Come here my boy". He grinned as the baby began to fuss a little, "just look how you're thriving already".
He was still in a state of euphoria. His son had brought him closer to his wife whilst he'd been in the womb and now was uniting them together through his birth. Already he was so very proud of him. "I have to go, but I will see you later". He told them both, passing the baby to his wife before giving them both one last kiss. He didn't want to leave them, but duty and his Kingdom called. 


Amberley had Natasha make her look presentable to receive her visitors. Both Kings, so as they could come and meet her as well as the Prince. 

Phillip was currently asleep in his cradle, the bed gently rocking in the warm breeze that swept through the balcony doors, whilst she was settled in her chair beside him, busying herself with some needlework. 

"His majesties, King Thor and King T'Challa, madam". Natasha curtsied as she announced them and then stepped to one side to allow them to walk in. 

Both men bowed and then smiled. "King Thor, it is a please to finally meet you". 

"And you your majesty. Your husband spoke of nothing but good things about you". 

"I should hope so considering I have just given him his heir". Amberley grinned as they both laughed together. 

Thor looked to T'Challa. "I like this one". 

T'Challa nodded in agreement. "The Queen and I met back when she was just a Lady of Wisconsin, you will find she knows her own mind". 

"Something that my husband may regret marrying me for". Amberley smirked. " is wonderful to see you again", the pair of them making the sign of Wakanda against their chests. 

"You look incredible. It is so good to see you" T'Challa spoke, "I am so sorry to hear about your father". 

She waved it off. "Thank you my friend, he lives on through my son", and glanced to the cradle where Phillip lay sound asleep. "May I present to you both Prince Phillip of Brooklyn". 

The two men now approached the cradled quietly and looked in, Thor now giving a thunderous chuckle. "Fine boy, no doubt he'll grow to be just as strong as his father". He said and nodded to himself. "He is worthy, I can sense it already". 


"Of being King of Brooklyn. His father showed his worth and so will he" He smiled kindly. 

T'Challa knelt beside the cradle and made the Wakanda sign. "You have our allegiance young one, if you call, Wakanda shall answer". 

"As will Asgard". Thor nodded taking his hammer holding it against his chest to signify his allegiance. 

Amberley smiled. "It is nice to know that he shall have your aid if ever he shall need it, I feel a little more at ease knowing that there are people who will protect him". 

"And should there be a time to, then we will do so with our lives". T'Challa promised. 

Amberley could only hope that there was never any circumstance to do so. But in a world such as this? There were always threats. 

Especially when it came to Kings and their heirs. 

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