Chapter 38

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The guard outside of the room nodded as he opened the door and allowed Wanda to pass through, with some fresh flowers to hand that she had picked especially on her walk that morning. 

Noting the King at the Queen's bedside, she curtseyed in her usual fashion before smiling. "I brought you some flowers, your majesty. I thought you might like them". 

Amberley, who was sat up in bed with the newborn prince in her arms looked at her and smiled weakly. She was growing stronger by the day; however, people could still see how very ill she had been just by seeing how pale she still was. 
Wanda had wasted no time in helping to bring her mistress back, uttering the words of the spells that ran through her veins before a flash of red crossed her eyes. At first, she had thought that what she cast had not worked, but just hours later she had received the news that the Queen was beginning to fight back. The next day the fever had broken, and she was no longer in danger. 

Everyone had been overjoyed, Banner completely amazed by the complete turnaround in Amberley's health, and now just days later, things were settling back to normality. 

"Wanda". Amberley smiled. "That is too kind of you". 

Now it was Steve's turn to speak. "Lady Maximoff. The Queen and I, myself especially, want to thank you for all that you did. You brought my wife back to me and you are forever in my debt. No one here will know of what you did, and we will keep your secret for as long as you want us to". 

"I...I can stay?" She looked at them surprised.

Amberley laughed lightly. "Wanda...your power? It's used for good. You yourself have told my husband that you have no desire to fight alongside Thanos, and that you would fight for us". She now looked down at Jasper and pulled his blanket across him a little more. "We would never banish you from Brooklyn". 

Wanda swallowed the lump that was in her throat. "I did what I had to. I could not stand by and watch you die". 

"And it is because of you and your compassion that I shall get to see my sons grow". 

"There will be more". Wanda now confirmed, "At least one more child that I've seen...but you will not be in any danger". 

Steve and Amberley now looked to one another with small smiles at this new information. "Well, that is good to know". 

"I'll put these in some water" Wanda now said, gesturing to the flowers. "Thank you, for letting me stay and for keeping my abilities to yourselves. Pietro and I are grateful to have found somewhere that we can feel safe". 

"Run along now" Amberley smiled. "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon".  

Once Wanda had gone, Steve came and perched on the bed next to his wife, both of them looking down at Jasper who was fast asleep after being fed. "You look tired sweetheart; I'll have Natasha come and take Jasper to the nursery. You need some rest". 

"Another child..." was all she could say. "We will be blessed with another..." 

"We are lucky, very lucky - I couldn't lose you Amb..." 

She was silent before she finally spoke. "I heard everything that you told me". 

"And I meant every word". 

"I know". She still wouldn't ever tell him that she had known of her impending fate, and now there was no reason to. 

She was alive and with a future still lying ahead of her. 

They both looked up as Natasha now carried in Phillip, Steve beaming and getting up to take their eldest from her. "There you are, come and meet your brother". He said proudly, coming and sitting back with Amberley. "This is Jasper, and you should always look out for him, protect him just as much as I will protect you both. I have no doubt that you'll be the best of friends". He told him as their son looked down at the baby in his mother's arms. 

"Come here my sweet boy". Amberley said, now putting her arm around Philip whilst Steve stopped him from trying to crawl onto his brother. "He is too young to play with just yet, but before you know it, you'll be out riding together across the land, jousting, most probably arguing, but you will love each other regardless". 

"That's right" Steve agreed softly, now having to put Phillip back on his lap again. 

These two boys were his everything. 

"We should let your mother rest; she has been through a lot". He told Phillip, calling for Nat and Wanda to take the children to the nursery. Once they had gone, he turned to Amberley and kissed her once more. "I have a council meeting to get to. Rest. I won't hear you tell me otherwise". 

She smirked at this. "Yes, your majesty". 

He smiled and left; the smile still present as he walked the hallways to get to the council chambers. 

His wife was alive and well, and now with Wanda's confirmation, he was safe in the knowledge that she would be there by his side for years to come.

Wildflower (King!SteveRogers AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن