Chapter 28

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Both Amberley and Pepper stood beside their husbands as the court watched the signing of the treaty later that afternoon. Both men shook hands and the court applauded as it was announced that Manhattan and Brooklyn were allies. 

Preparations for the feast and celebrations that evening were now being put into place and whilst Stark and his wife went to rest in the guest wing, Amberley headed back to her and Steve's chambers. 

Natasha hand already laid out her dress for that evening quickly hurried from the room as the Queen walked in. Amberley only then realising that her husband had followed. 

"We need to talk". He said. 

"Still annoyed about our betrothal agreement? It's alright, you have the power and authority to tell Stark it's a 'no' if you really don't want to". She snapped bitterly and set herself down into her chair. "After all...I am not your equal..." 

Steve sighed and knelt in front of her. "What I said this morning. I shouldn't have..."

"Well you did, you said how you felt and the truth. It hurt, but it did not wound me - I know my place". She didn't look at him and instead carried on with her sewing. 

"Amberley, put the damn embroidery down and listen to me". 

"Yes, your majesty". She slammed the sewing circle down and stared coldly at him. "I have done nothing but love you, respect you, do as you ask - I give you an and heir and what do I receive?" 

"All of this around you" He growled. "Don't argue with me Amb, I know I was harsh and I didn't mean to be - but you cannot just make deals like you did with Stark! It could be dangerous - thankfully this wasn't but another enemy? Are you going to throw our children at them?"

"Are you?" She reverted the question back to him, "Because you had plans to betrothe Phillip as well". 

"But to who I choose! You have to think of the pros and cons before offering them up! It would've been different if we had a daughter, I'd have retracted the agreement straight away if so because she could've had a better offer for us to consider". He explained. Still she didn't look at him until he turned her face to his. "You know I love you, but you have to be careful, we both do - it's the future of our kingdom and bloodline". 

Leaning in, Steve gave her a deep kiss. "I don't like fighting with you". 

"Neither do I". 

"And I'm sorry for what I said to you this morning. I meant none of it, you do everything that is asked of you, that you promise". 

They could not be angry at one another anymore, nor did they want to be. "Let's not start this allegiance with Stark with an argument hanging over us. I won't question or meddle in your affairs - however I hope that you would still ask my opinion on certain issues". 

"If it's a case of doing so, then your council will be welcomed". He kissed her hand and then pulled her up into his arms. "Now, how about we keep everyone out of here until the feast and spend a day catching up with what we were doing this morning?" 

Amberley smirked and began to untie the laces on her bodice. "Now that sounds like an idea sire..."


"You majesty...may I have this dance?" Tony asked Amberley as he got up. 

"I didn't think you a dancing man Stark? My husband certainly isn't". She smirked 

Steve rolled his eyes. "I'd only step on your feet anyway sweetheart, I'm saving you pain". 

"You gave me enough of that when I birthed our son". She smiled sweetly and got up, taking Tony's hand, "Let's go Stark". 

Steve and Pepper (who was in no condition to dance) watched as their spouses took to the floor to dance together. The rest of the court watching. "The Queen really is remarkable..." Pepper now spoke as she watched them. "I hope you consider yourself lucky to have a woman who knows her own mind". 

"Sometimes that isn't a good thing". 

"She is clever...would you rather that or a silly wife?" 

"I'd take her as she is obviously. I'm fully aware of just how smart my wife is Lady Pepper, so much so that I'm thankful to have married her when I did - If I die before my son takes the throne then I know that Amberley is capable enough to rule as regent". He'd already made sure that plans were in place in case of such a thing. Steve had them drawn up on the day that Phillip had been born. His wife and son would want for nothing. 

Pepper nodded. "Then let us all hope that it does not come to that - she loves you dearly but I will promise you now that she would be well looked after. She would have the backing of Manhattan at her beck and call - I hope you'd offer the same should anything happen to Tony". 

Steve looked across at her with a sincere look upon his face. "If it comes to a point where Tony and I will have to fight alongside one another, I will protect him at all costs, and if the inevitable? We will ensure you and your child are looked after, and that Manhattan carries on". 

"Well then, I am glad to have an ally in you and the Queen, because at this point? We need all the allies we can get". 

Steve nodded and turned back to watch his wife and Stark. "You're right about that..." 

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