Chapter 34

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6 months Later

Amberley lit the candle in front of Queen Sarah's portrait early one morning, and watched the flame flicker, one hand settling on her stomach that had grown larger as the months had gone on. 
She couldn't sleep, and with the way the baby was positioned inside of her, she was uncomfortable as of late.  

Looking up at the picture, she spoke to her. "I hope I can give him another son this time, really I do". 

Another son was needed to ensure that the throne would be safe. That their bloodline would go on for generations to come. 

The court expected it, and she was feeling pressure more so than ever to please, especially as they had lost their other unborn child months ago. 

"Amb..." Steve rounded the hallway and now saw where she was, having woken to find his wife gone. "Why are you up so early?" 

"The baby is making me a little uncomfortable" she admitted as he joined her side and placed a hand over her growing bump that could be seen under her nightgown by now. 

"Come back to bed" He murmured, steering her away from the table and down the hall in the direction of their chambers. "You need to rest; Banner told you that..." 

Amberley rolled her eyes. "I know he did Steve". 

"So why are you not listening?" 

She was silent for a moment. "I'm scared something will happen, day after day I live in constant fear, wondering as to whether I'll be able to do as I promised you, because last time I couldn't..."

He sighed as they returned to their chambers and set her down into one of the chairs by the fire, now pouring her a cup of water. "You think I'll lay blame on you? Be disappointed that you couldn't do as you said?"


He turned to her. "Do you remember what Banner said? When we lost our other? It just happens, no one knows why. Unfortunately, it's just a freak act of nature with no explanation, only some but even Banner said those are not set in stone. We lost our child, but that doesn't mean to say that it will happen again this time".  Steve now paused. "But you need to rest, remember what Banner said about unnecessary stress". 

She nodded. "I know...and I really am trying". 

He came and knelt in front of her, taking her hands. "I need you to try harder, not just for my sake but for yours too". 

There was a knock at the door and Sam now walked in, bowing his head. "We've got someone seeking an audience with you". 

Steve frowned. "Before dawn?" 

"Says it's urgent - dressed like some kind of wizard..." 

Steve's face changed. "Strange..." 


"Did you really need to place this many men around him"? Steve asked Bucky as he entered the throne room, seeing at least a good chunk of his army surrounding the man who he knew to be Steven Strange standing there looking calm. 

"He could have a motive". Bucky hissed. 

"No motive, just simply seeking an audience with you". Strange now spoke, Steve now gesturing to the knights to stand down. "Impressive..." Strange commented as he noted Steve now come and sit himself down on his throne, the door now opening and Amberley now entering. "Your majesty" He now bowed, "I've seen many things about you..." 

Amberley frowned. "Seen?" 

"Why are you here?" Steve now demanded, "you kept quiet for long enough - I'm sure you're aware of the situation with Thanos? That he's been destroying everything in his path?" 

"I am, which is why I'm here. To warn you". 

Steve now heard Bucky mutter, "this is ridiculous" from behind him. 

"We don't need warning; we are already prepared if there's an attack".  The King stated. 

Amberley put her hand on her husband's. "Steve...let him talk..." she said, then turning to Strange. "Go on...tell us what you need to". 

"I've seen every outcome of your battle, different versions from different timelines...but that's not the point. You only win one..." Strange explained. "Thanos has been looking for and has already gained infinity stones. The stones do indeed possess the power of each of the gods of infinity, and to free himself from their curse, he needs them all as well as one who can help to unleash this" 


"The one who calls herself the Scarlet Witch..."

Steve and Amberley looked to one another before the Queen spoke. "Scarlet witches died long ago, I heard there were many, but their cavern died out". 

"So it was said, but only one remains - A woman named Agatha Harkness". Strange confirmed. "Thanos is growing closer to his goal, I can't confirm how many stones he may have nor what ones he still needs, it's not always clear - but Agatha Harkness needs to be found". 

Bucky spoke. "Any ideas? I can ride out with a group of knights to find her and bring her here". 

Strange nodded. "She lives alone just outside of the hamlet of Westview". 

Steve nodded to Bucky. "I'll get Sam and we'll make for there now". 

Watching as Bucky exited the hall, Strange then turned to Steve. "There is also another matter that I should wish to speak to the Queen about...alone..." 

Amberley looked to Steve. "He will not harm me. Go and join Bucky and the others, I shall be fine here". 

Hesitant, Steve rose. "Thank you Strange. You're welcome to stay if you wish?" 

He nodded. "I'll consider it". 

Once Steve had left and the doors closed, Strange turned to Amberley. "That's a very pretty amulet you have around your neck..." 

"A gift from my husband...why?" 

Strange looked at her. "Keep it safe. When the time comes, you will know when to use it".

"I don't quite follow". 

He looked at her. "That stone around your neck is one that Thanos will need to achieve his goal to break the curse. However, it can also be used in his defeat. When the time comes, you will know who it must be given to". 

She nodded, "No pressure then. Was that all you needed to speak with me about?" 

"There is another matter, and not a happy one". He said and looked at her. "I have seen the child you carry, a son..." Her face changed. "The vision was only brief and a little unclear, but it told me enough...I'm sorry". 

Amberley now felt sick. "What do you mean?" 

"Everything you have promised your husband will be given, but unfortunately it means that you will be unable to promise him anymore once you have given him this son - your time as Queen will come to its end". 

Keeping her composure, she knew what this meant. "I'm going to die, aren't I? Baring this son, it will be my final act as Brooklyn's Queen?" 

Strange nodded. "I'm sorry..."

Amberley was silent and then rose. "Then if that is what will happen, I am prepared. I have been faced with death before and I simply looked it in the eye and welcomed it like a dear friend. And this is what I shall do with this. But...will they succeed? Will my husband reign long after I am gone? Our bloodline continued?" 

Strange smiled. "For many, many years to come. Your sons will be a credit to you both, and Phillip? He will be a King who is fair and just - the people will love him". 

Amberley nodded, knowing that this needed to be her burden and hers alone. If Steve knew of what could happen, then he would do all he could to ensure that it would be stopped, no matter how unclear the vision had been. 

Holding her head high, she then smiled, feeling some sense of peace and clarity overcome her. 

"Then I am ready to face anything that comes my way...thank you Strange".

Wildflower (King!SteveRogers AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz