Chapter 32

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After the loss, it was rare for anyone to see the Queen at court. She would keep herself to herself, only her ladies and Steve being the ones to actually see her.  Sometimes courtiers would catch a glimpse of her in the gardens, walking either by herself or with Lady Romanoff. But mostly she had isolated herself.

Being with Phillip was when she was at her happiest, and now the baby had learnt to crawl and move around, sometimes she would sit outside in her private garden with him in the shade.

Steve was sat with Bucky taking a drink in his study late one evening, his friend speaking of someone he'd heard the court speak about. "I'm just saying that if he's got magical abilities then it's worth a shot - we need to be ready, Thanos already burned some of the hamlets outside Asgard to the ground.

Currently Tony, Thor and another Jarl, Nick Fury were on their way to hold a meeting with Steve. The situation with Thanos becoming more dire by the day.

"People talk Buck, since when has Strange ever made house calls? If he's what they say he is then why has he not warned us?" Steve pointed out.

Bucky shrugged with a sigh, "I don't know".

"The only motive Thanos has is to kill for the sake of wanting to feel superior again - I'm not letting him have that". He sipped his wine, "any idea where we could find the Strange guy?"

Bucky shook his head. "Not a clue. I've asked around, seeing if anyone knows anything more but they don't".

"Figures". Steve muttered and finished his drink. "He's getting closer though, I can feel it".

Helping himself to another drink, Bucky now enquired about Amberley. "How is she? She never attended "Torres's knighting ceremony?"

Steve stared at the floor. "Not herself. She keeps herself busy with Phillip and Natasha also tries to coax her out for walks."

"Let her know I'm thinking of her, people at court miss her".

"That's not how she sees it, even though I've told her a hundred times, she still believes people see her as weak because of what happened to the baby".

Bucky winced. "It happens".

"Exactly what Banner told her. She says she's being punished but really it was my fault. If I hadn't caused her stress then by now she'd nearly be halfway through and we'd be preparing for another Prince".

"Did you ever write back to Sousa?"

Steve nodded. "I sent my condolences. That was enough".

"And what about you? How do you feel about everything now Peggy's gone?" Bucky dared to ask.

"She's gone, there nothing else I should feel". Steve now shrugged. "She's the past, I've got no reason to be stuck there forever, not when I have more important people to think about".

Bucky smiled, refilling the king's glass. "You got that right".

There was a knock on the door and Sam walked in, having just returned from the evenings patrol. "All clear with regards to purple dragon man".

"I don't know whether to be relieved or to carry on being suspicious".

"Hey, they say no news is good news right?" Sam said, swiping Bucky's drink from his hands and downing it".

"Depends on the situation". Bucky replied through gritted teeth and then had to find a fresh cup.

Sam leant against the wall by the window and looked out of it. "He's making us wait on purpose..."

"No shit". Came Bucky's response.

"Buck". Steve rolled his eyes and turned to Sam. "What do you know about this Doctor Strange person that people have mentioned".

Sam turned. "Who? The wizard man? Just the same as you, why?"

Steve took a seat and then looked at them both. "I wanna try and find him".

"We should be so lucky, the guy's a recluse".

"Any ideas as to where he might be?"

Sam shook his head. "He only comes out to play when it's necessary. It'd be like searching for a needle in a haystack with that one".

Steve just hoped that if there was to be destruction that would threaten everyone, then this Doctor Strange would make himself known.


Amberley was on the balcony when Steve came to bed later on that evening, simply staring out across the city. His wife was not the same as she had once been. She was absent in both mind and spirit. Spirit that had taken so much to not be broken. 

But that was what she felt. 


She wanted so much to try for another, but after what had happened, it scared her to no end. It could happen again. Perhaps she wouldn't be able to carry any more, bear any more children. Perhaps that had been the sign. Fate even? To just bear one. 

"Come on...sleep". She felt her husband's hands now steer her away from the balcony wall and back into their chambers. "Did you rest today" 

She nodded. "For a little while, I couldn't get comfortable though". 

Steve got ready for bed and slid in beside his wife, pulling her close. "I need you present tomorrow, Tony, Thor and Nick will all be visiting for a meeting". He felt her nod and then sighed. " can't go on like this". 

"I can...whatever it takes, isn't that what you always say?" 

"Not for that circumstance. We can try again once you're ready..." 

She cut him off. "I'm scared...I can't go through it again Steve - and what's to say that I'll even be able to give you another?" 

"You will" He encouraged. "You're stronger than this Amb, and if another child does come? We'll have Banner keeping an extra eye on you to make sure nothing happens. But it means you'll need to do as he says. Rest up, you have nothing to prove". 

Amberley swallowed. "I have everything to prove, to the court, the people, the Kingdom..." 

"You have shown then enough that you are perfectly capable of being Queen, that you earnt the right and the title. I just want you back to your old self". He kissed her gently. 

She let him, feeling his hands slide under her nightdress and between her legs as their kiss became deeper and more heated. Steve telling to now just relax and to let him show her how much he loved her. 

And she did, because she wasn't going to deny being loved, no matter how scared she felt at the possible outcome from it. 

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