Chapter 37

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The last three days had been the longest of Steve's life, with Amberley's health drastically declining. Banner had been observing her constantly, in case of any changes that occurred, and unfortunately there were.

"I've tried everything that I know..." he now said and looked gravely at Steve as he stood in front of him after requesting a private audience. "I can't do any more than I already have..."

The words made Steve's heart sink further into the pit of his stomach as Banner confirmed the cause that even he knew it was likely to be. 

Childbed fever.

"How long does she have?" Steve now asked, wanting to try and prepare himself. It was a disease that killed many women after childbirth, everyone knew that there was no remedy.

Banner was silent before he gave his answer. A day or two at the least. She's holding on but she's weakening. She's currently delirious, we've made her as comfortable as we can, so if you visit her, mostly she will be in and out of consciousness due to the fever".

"Let me see her..." Steve said quietly.

Banner nodded and took him to Amberley's chambers, Nat and her ladies by her bedside, but all rising as Steve entered. They looked as though they had been crying, Nat's expression saying it all. She was devastated. Even Yelena looked grave, and she never once had let her emotions get the best of her.

"Leave". He commanded; his voice broken as he laid eyes on his wife.

Everyone vacated the room, leaving him alone.

This is what it would be like. The deafening silence would sweep through the castle and extinguish all joy in its path. 

He would be alone, his sons too young to even understand why their mother was no longer with them.

They needed her...

He needed her.

Amberley was his light that would guide him in his darkest moments. The only woman who could make him see sense of anything.

When he lost her, he would lose himself. Of course, his advisors and courtiers would expect him to marry again, to cement the legacy of his bloodline even more. 

He couldn't. 

Now he made a silent vow to himself that he would never love again. 

He set himself at her bedside and took her hand. "You cannot leave us..." he told her with some desperation. "Please, I cannot do this without you - not when we've achieved so much".

She was pale, almost gray to look at, the light sheen of sweat dampening her hair and skin. Her fever was raging through her. Every so often she would weakly squeeze his hand, but her eyes remained closed.

Steve knew in his heart that she didn't have days. Banner had probably said that just to keep him clinging to some form of hope. 

She had mere hours...

"I need you Amb, more than anything I have ever needed before. Our children need you; they can't lose their mother. Not like are their kingdom, just as you are mine".  His lips pressed against her knuckles.

Her fingers gave the weak squeeze, just to show that she could hear him, that she was still there clinging onto what was left. 

And it wasn't much...


He had stayed by her side for the forthcoming hours, silently grieving, trying to plan for when she was gone. His thoughts were muddled, and he'd not noticed the presence that now lingered cautiously until he looked up and saw her. 

"I thought I asked for everyone to leave..." He half snapped at her. 

Lady Maximoff said nothing for a moment and continued to watch him silently before she spoke. "I can save her..." 

Steve's head whipped back up to look at her. What are you talking about?" 

"I have the ability to save her, and I will...I've seen things like Strange, although his visions were unclear. Mine showed that it is not her time. That I can be the one to change that..." She saw his expression change. "I was never and never will be the one who helps Thanos, my allegiance is to you, because you showed me and my brother such kindness when we came here. I can save the Queen, and I can help you to stop Thanos..." 

It fell into place...

"You are the Scarlet Witch..." 

She nodded. "I was too afraid to tell you for fear you'd have me killed. It is the reason why Pietro and I had to run, why our village was attacked. They were hunting me, looking for me". 


"Witch hunters. Ones who know that the Scarlet Witch still lives...but then we came here, you gave Pietro a knighthood, I was given this opportunity to serve you and the Queen, and you have shown me kindness I never knew I could have". 

"How do I know I can trust you?" He asked. 

Wanda shook her head. "It is a question as to whether you trust your own judgement. There's no catch, no price. I can save the Queen; it is down to you to make the call for me to do so".  She told him, "And should you want me to leave after? I will go. I wouldn't want to be the cause of any unease or seen as a threat to your Kingdom". 

Steve contemplated, knowing it was risky and then finally spoke. "If you save my wife, do as you say you will in terms of your allegiance to me, then I will allow you to stay - and should you wish for me to, I will keep your secret so as you are free to live free from the fear of being hunted". 

Wanda nodded. "You are a fair King, your kindness will always be rewarded and never forgotten". She then began to mutter something, eyes flashing red as well as her hands now manifesting some kind of energy. "Now is not the time for your Queen to die, there is so much more that you have yet to achieve, but to do this? You will need her guidance, her love, her spirit - you need her as much as she needs you". 

Steve got up and looked at his wife who he could see was slowly fading before them, a small look of determination crossing his features. 

"Bring her back to me Lady Maximoff".

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