Chapter 25

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"Your Majesty...the King is back". Natasha appeared in the doorway of the nursery, giving a reassuring nod to Amberley who was rocking Phillip in her arms, trying to get him to settle to sleep. 

"Oh thank the gods of Infinity, are they all safe? Unharmed?" 

Nat nodded. "They are...however he's brought a guest..." her face slightly pained. 

Amberley frowned. "A guest?" 

"Jarl Anthony..."

The Queen's face changed immediately. "He has returned with Jarl Anthony?" 

The only time Steve would be seen with his enemy was on the battlefield, so why now bring him here? Was he a prisoner? Or had he changed his mind and was considering an allegiance with the Jarl.

Passing Phillip to the nurse, Amberley hurried through the halls, skirts swishing behind her until she came to the balcony in the Royal chambers. Steve was indeed here, and so was Tony Stark, the two men dismounting their horses along with both sets of knights. 

On sensing someone watching, Steve looked up, seeing his wife looking down on him. She looked rather intimidating if he said so himself, and it seemed Stark thought that too. "I see your wife's ready to roll out the welcome wagon". 

Steve simply threw a sideways glance. "Don't count on it", and then gestured for him to follow. 

Amberley returned inside, no doubt that the pair would be heading for the council chambers. She walked so briskly that Nat was almost running to keep up with her mistress. "Do you think he'll consider a betrothal between the Prince and a first born daughter?" She said, a little breathless from trying to keep the same pace. 

"Stark is a fool if he does not". Amberley replied and turned the corner, pushing open the door to the council chambers and seeing both Steve and Tony stood taking some wine. They turned on seeing her and Tony bowed his head. 

"Stark may I present my wife...Queen Amberley". 

Tony took a sip of wine, "Pleasure to finally meet the infamous Lady of Wisconsin. I've heard all about how you tried to fend your husband off with a handful of guards and some furniture". 

"Are you mocking me Stark?" She looked him up and down with some distaste. 

"Not at all. I knew your father, brave man...however I'm not sure he'd be pleased with this union... "

"Well given the fact that he's dead I really don't think it matters". Amberley's reply was as sharp as a knife. Then she turned her attention to her husband. "And here was me thinking you never listened to my suggestions?" 

Steve sipped his wine. "I don't, but Stark and I have called a truce. We're having discussions about a treaty for the next couple of days and when we finally come to an agreement with terms then we will sign. We both want the same outcome when it comes to fighting Thanos, and if we do it then we need the numbers". 

Tony looked at her. "And what was your suggestion to him? Rogers has failed to fill me in on that". 

Amberley looked at him with determination. She had told herself that she would have to play the game, even if now she and her husband were in a good place. She'd influenced him so far, even counting this as part of that. "Your wife is with child is she not?" 

"Your point?" 

"Steve and I formed an alliance through marriage. I want to do the same between our son and your first born daughter when your wife should have one. That way we have full allegiance. It's all well and good negotiating trade and whatnot, but a union between our first son and your first daughter? It will ensure that any quarrels between us are stopped once and for all. We have a strong army, even stronger with the trade we are going to be receiving from Wakanda. It is probably the best offer that you will get, and an even better decision for you and your city if you agree to our terms". 

Tony was taking it all in, thinking before he threw a look to Steve. "Well Rogers, you chose right in marrying this one - she's clever..." and then turned to Amberley. "Agreed. When Pepper has a daughter then she'll betrothed to your eldest son". 

Amberley could tell that Steve was still reluctant about this, however he could not complain. It would have been a different story if she'd insisted that Stark's son be married to any daughter of theirs. 

"Well then, I shall leave you to talk, however I hope to not find you both bleeding out on the floor later on - we're making such progress". 

Turning on her heel, she left the room in a flurry of skirts - both men watching her go. 

"What's the betting that she'd probably make us both bleed out if we disagreed?" Tony now asked. 

"Very, very high..." Steve said, still staring at the empty doorway and taking a long slug of wine. 

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