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One Year Later

It had come as no surprise to any of Steve and Amberley's friends that another child was soon to be on their way. A prize for their victory over Thanos. The amulet was taken by T'Challa and sealed in the vaults of Wakanda, where the guard was tight over things such as that. Amberley had not been sad to see it go after learning about what it contained.

Now she sat up in bed cradling the only precious gem she needed right now.

Their daughter.

Princess Adela had entered the world just mere hours before, and already had her father wrapped around her little finger. Once again he'd fallen in love, but this? It was a special bond the pair would share given that she was the youngest and the only girl to be born to them.

Steve currently was staring out of the window over the city that was sleeping below them, the people unaware that their Princess had arrived. He'd told the guards to hold off from announcing the birth until morning, simply wanting this time spent with his wife and newborn. Banner had initially been worried considering what had happened last time, however his mind was put to rest by Wanda, who insisted that nothing would happen of the sort again.

"You should get some rest". Amberley now spoke.

He turned away from the window and looked at her. "I should be saying that to you", coming over to perch next to his wife and admire their daughter some more. "Let the nursemaid take her now she'd fed".

She shook her head. "I find I cannot stop staring at her".

"Amb...time to rest". He insisted,giving her a kiss and taking the baby from her, walking back over to the window. He gently spoke to his daughter about their family, and the greatness she would achieve like her mother had, looking back and seeing her eyes now closed and a smile upon her face. "And now she takes orders..." He told the baby quietly.

"I can still here you Steven".She now said out loud, eyes closed and lips turned into a smirk.

He chuckled and came back to stand by the bed. "Sleep my love, that's an order".

Amberley's eyes had opened by now, looking at her husband with her mischievous look that was only ever meant for him. In fact everything she had done had been for him, and through the darkest of times, he still had noticed and appreciated every part of her for it, even when he'd not thought it possible to love her as he did. 

Now he couldn't imagine not loving her. He couldn't even remember back to when he'd seen her as the enemy who had been imprisoned for her apparent treason.

His wife's humour now shone through with her next words before she finally obeyed her orders and fell into well deserved slumber. 

"And I would not take them from anyone else".

The End

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