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"Hold!" The guard shouted his directions at the others as they attempted to keep the doors to the halls of Wisconsin barricaded.

The enemy was just the other side, only wood between them - and fire could burn straight through that.


"What is happening!" Lady Amberley now hurried down the steps from the upper levels where the family's chambers were located, the skirts of her dress billowing behind her.

"They are at the door my lady!" One guard now turned, "you should take your chance and leave through the tunnels like the rest of the court, it is not safe!"

"I shall not!" Amberley held her head high. "Let the army come, we have held off this long, but even I know when to admit defeat. They will burn this place to the ground otherwise. I cannot have that".

The guards looked at one another, "my lady..."

"Open the gates. Now! My father and his army have been defeated, it is obvious from the amount of men we have outside, but we too must surrender with our heads held high, and if fate so be it? To die with dignity".

The guard nodded and began to remove the barricades.

Amberley had seen the devastation that had rained down upon the city from her window. She could not afford anymore innocent people to die, their homes and livelihoods were already burning from the flaming arrows that the Brooklyn army were shooting at them. 

You could probably see the smoke from miles around.

The doors were smashed open and in walked armoured men, Amberley standing patiently by her fathers throne.

She would go with dignity and grace.

One of the men, throwing instructions to the others now noticed her, walking to her and removing his helmet.

"You are Jarl Philip's daughter". His eyes looked her up and down.

"I am". Amberley stood her ground, "and you are the men who are making my people suffer. They are innocent".

The man's eyes met with her own. "They are no longer your people, the Jarl is dead, this city is under control of the crown, as are surrounding towns and hamlets. You are to be arrested for treason".  He gestured for a couple of men to come, watching as Amberley willingly held out her wrists for them to be shackled.  "You are prepared to come quietly?"

"I have lost my father, my people, everything that is of my possession - but I am no traitor. You can put me before your King and have him see that I played no part in this. Political affairs are not a subject that I choose to involve myself with".

The man nodded. "Smart woman. Take her". He commanded and Amberley walked willingly out into the burning streets.
The smell of smoke and burning flesh filling the air. Around her lay the bodies of guards and civilians alike.

Her stomach turned but she had to show no fear.

She could not afford to.

"You'll pardon the intrusion my lady". The man who had commanded her arrest grunted and hoisted her onto a horse. 

"Where are we going?" She now asked, however he did not answer her. 

"Sir James and Sir Sam will escort you to the tower of Brooklyn. You will stay there until it is decided whether you will stand trial, or simply be taken to the block".  He looked up at her from where he stood, blonde hair dirtied and bloodied, much like the rest of him. 

This was a man who had seen many a battle, and had been hardened by it. With a nod to Sir James and Sir Sam, Amberley's horse began to set off alongside them. 

She looked back at the man who was still watching her, before he backed up a few paces and then turned away. Possibly going back to deal with any other person who they thought a traitor to the crown. 

It was in Brooklyn that her fate would be decided. 

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