Chapter 35

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Steve and his group of Knights rode out, heading for the small hamlet of Westview. Apparently, Agatha dwelled in the forest just outside of these, which Bucky said was a 'typical witch thing' to do.

"I still don't trust the wizard..." Sam added. "Could be sending us on a wild goose chase..."

"Well, if he is then we'll soon know about it" Steve said, looking around while they trotted along. It had been well over an hour or so since they'd left the city, and now out in countryside with rolling hills and surrounding fields, it could have been classed as peaceful in any other circumstance.

"Witches, wizards, dragons...boy am I gonna have some stories for the grandkids". Sam carried on.

Bucky smirked. "Only if you actually don't die, and if it's not Thanos? Then it's gonna be me".

"Just you try..."

Steve chuckled at their arguing. "Okay, that's enough. If anyone's killing anyone, then they need my permission first".

"Permission to kill Sam to shut him up". Bucky now asked.

"Permission to kill Bucky so as I can say I killed him!" Sam now retorted back.

Steve sighed. "If you two don't stop then I'm gonna be killing you both with my shield, ok?" He looked ahead and then held up his hand so as the group began to slow own until they came to a stop. In the distance was a village - Westview. "Let's go". He ordered, a little relieved that they were drawing closer

"Did we ever discuss what was going to happen if the witch tries to kill us all?" Sam now asked.

"Yeah, we retreat back to Brooklyn, I'm not risking us all when there's a worse enemy on the loose".

"One hundred percent agree, pal" Bucky nodded, the group trotting on until they had passed through and were heading towards the surrounding forests.

Steve stopped once they came to a clearing and dismounted, seeing a lone house not too far from where they were, smoke coming from its chimney. "Let's go pay this Agatha a visit".

As they drew closer to the home, they noted a woman in the garden, digging vegetables from the tiny patch and placing them into her basket. Upon noticing them she stood up and wiped her hands on her apron with a wide smile. "Well hi gentleman!" and then noticed Steve, "if you're here to burn me then you've had a wasted trip..."

"Are you Agatha Harkness? The one they call the 'Scarlet Witch'?" Steve now questioned.

Her face changed and she sighed happily. "I haven't heard anyone call me by that name for some years now...I was the Scarlet Witch...but not anymore". She emphasised.

"What happened? Some voodoo spell gone wrong?" Sam spoke, on his guard just as much as the others were.

Agatha now laughed a little manically. "Oh god no! But the one who now has that title? She took it from me, along with my powers. So now? I'm just a simple mortal, trying to survive like everyone else". She sounded a little bitter at this.

Steve frowned. "Who took your power?"

"I don't know her name, she was a powerful one though - didn't think she'd be able to defeat me, but she sure did...the question is, why do you? What do you want with the Scarlet Witch?" Now it was her turn to look quizzical.

"We believe she may be conspiring with Thanos to help break his curse..."

Agatha nodded. "I see...well I'm sorry you had a wasted journey".

"So you don't know who it was who took your power from you?"

She shook her head. "No...all I know is that she was running from something - or even someone. When you're fighting against somebody you tend to not be asking questions".

"Try telling that to Peter" Bucky muttered with a smirk as he saw Sam with the same expression out of the corner of his eye.

Steve nodded. "Do you know where the witch may have gone?"

Agatha shrugged. "No idea, but if this was a ploy to help free Thanos like you said it was? I wouldn't be surprised if she's right under your noses..."


Amberley was busy playing with Phillip in the nursery when Steve finally arrived back, the King now quietly watching his wife and son from the doorway while they enjoyed their time together.

She was radiant.

Her eyes finally sparkled once more, even more so when she saw their son, one hand rested gently across her bump that was prominent - even though it was under her dress.

He adored her.

He adored them both, and soon another would join them.

"Your father is back". Amberley now said to Phillip and pointed to him now that she'd realised her was lurking. "Well? Did you find her?"

Steve walked in and helped his wife from where she was on the floor, now picking up his son. "She's no longer the scarlet witch, nor does she hold any power at all. Someone took it from her - but she doesn't know who. She seems to think they would be close by if plotting with Thanos.

"I we have nothing that will help us. If Agatha is right in thinking, then do you believe there is someone here? Watching?"

"If there is then we will soon find out. I have Sam and Bucky keeping their eyes and ears open for anything or anyone who could potentially be this Scarlet Witch". He told her, shifting Phillip in his arms. "We have to be on our guard, especially as we're to have another child soon enough - they need to be protected, as do you".

Amberley scoffed at this. "The safety of our children is the only matter that I am concerning myself with. Not my own".

After all, time was running out for her - she did not matter when there was a potential threat against her sons.

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