Chapter 27

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"Your majesty, Lady Pepper of Manhattan has arrived". Yelena entered the room where Amberley was sat sewing along with Nat, Wanda, and Kate.

Amberley rose from her chair, "I shall come and greet her at once, have something to eat and drink brought to us Lady Romanoff, she must be tired from her journey". The poor woman was with child, and Amberley knew exactly what it was like during the later stages.

Starks wife had arrived for the treaty signing, and to bare witness to a great moment.

A moment of peace and unity between two men who now had to put their differences aside and work together to protect a kingdom and two cities.

Tonight they would hold a feast to celebrate, and to dine as friends and allies at long last. Hence Peppers arrival.

Walking down to her private parlour, Amberley found Lady Pepper already seated as she walked in. The Stark wife went to get to her feet but the High Queen stopped her. "Please, do not get up". Walking to the chair opposite, Amberley settled down and smiled lightly. "It is a pleasure to meet you at last Lady Pepper - and under circumstances that I never thought possible".

"Very true, Tony has always said that the only day he'd see eye to eye with your husband was if his head was on a spike looking at him". Pepper now winced at the thought. "I tried to convince him that war was a bad idea...your father was killed in support of my husband".

Amberley nodded, "he only did what he thought was right, I've accepted what happened - just like I have forgiven my husband for his part".

"Unfortunately Tony always thinks he's right, especially in warfare".

"It would seem that they are more alike than they think, but I am glad that they are willing to put everything behind them, there is much at stake".

Pepper nodded in agreement at this. "There is, do you think that an attack will be soon?"

"We can't be sure, but we have to prepare. I know it is not the best time for you considering you are with long left?"

"The physician predicted a month at least, the midwife said the same".

"Then let us hope that nothing is imminent, however should you need the extra protection, there is more than enough here that I can spare for you".

"Thank you..." Pepper pondered for a moment as to how to address her. Formally? Or just as casually as their discussion had been.

"Call me Amberley. No need for formalities amongst friends". The Queen now smiled and looked up as a servant brought them some fruit and wine. 

Pepper sipped her drink and sighed. "Do you worry for your husband like I do with mine?" 

"At the moment I'm currently in the state of mind where I don't care if he dies". Amberley replied bluntly and then saw Pepper's face. "We had a disagreement over the betrothal..." 

"He doesn't want it going ahead?" 

"More so the fact that I was the one who called the shots and bargained with Tony. Unfortunately Steve is a little proud. Any affairs that are political or that involve the future of the bloodline and Kingdom should not be decided by me, but by him. I am just hear to wear the crown and pop out as many children as he desires". 

Pepper frowned. "I'm sure he doesn't think that". 

"He literally told me to stay out of his affairs. I have no authority over him, and my own is limited - possibly even more so now...I fear he may not trust me again". 

"Did he not in the first place?" 

Amberley snorted at this. "It took time to build. He loved another before me and may still do no matter what he says. We grew more once Phillip was born" She sighed, "Steve was so thrilled that I was able to give him a son, to do as I'd intended. I plan to see everything I promise through to the very end, not just for him but for the Kingdom. I hated him when we first met, but now? I very much adore him, even if he does not now feel the same way". 

"It's just a disagreement, Tony and I have them all the time". 

"Yes, but how many do you win?" 

"All of them" Pepper smirked. "Then again Tony always sees me as equal to him. With you and Steve it's different. He's the high King, he needs to be the one to make those decisions - but you do realise that behind every powerful man is a woman just as much so? You've done your planning quietly. Keep it that way, you influence him more than you may think you do". 

Amberley shook her head. "I really don't". 

"If you didn't he'd have said no to the betrothal, he has the power to break it off before it's begun, so why has he not done so yet?" 

"Possibly to avoid a war breaking out in the council chambers". 

"Because he knows that you are right". Pepper shot her a knowing look. "He's too proud to admit it now, but when this is signed and over with? Once you're over the disagreement? He will admit that you did the right thing - I know you have, and I'm pretty sure that Tony does too". 

There was a knock on the door and Bucky walked in, bowing to them both. "The signing will be taking place in the great hall this afternoon". 

"They reached an agreement?" Amberley asked and he nodded. 

"and without killing one another might I add. Yelena and I will escort you both to the hall when everything is ready. Court is to be summoned too". 

"Thank you Bucky". 

Once he was gone Pepper turned back to her. "Like I said, you did the right thing". 

Amberley hoped so, because the last thing they needed was Stark back as their enemy once more. 

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