Chapter 30

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Amberley noted her husband's silence as they sat and ate supper in their chambers that evening. He had been overjoyed at the news of her pregnancy that morning and yet now his demeanour had changed? Why would he be unhappy that another Prince or even a Princess would be brought into the world? 

"Steve? You've barely said a word all evening? Is something wrong?" She asked, setting her fork down and now looking at her husband. 

"I'm just tired sweetheart" Was all he replied and then his eyes flickered up to look at her. "Don't worry yourself - it's not good for you".

She stared at him. "I am the only person who knows what is good for me Steven - now tell me what's the matter before I beat it out of you with your own shield". 

He took a sip of wine and then sat back in his chair. "Lord Souza sent me a letter this morning". 

Amberley frowned. "Lord Souza? Why? What did he want?" She then saw his face change. 

"Peggy passed away last night..." 

The silence hung in the air for a moment or so before Amberley finally spoke. "And how are you feeling about that?" She knew exactly how he was feeling. It made her wonder whether he'd grieve her just as much if she were to die. 

"I don't's a strange feeling". 

His wife rose from the table, "Well then - perhaps you should count yourself lucky that you did not marry her - you have a wife, a son and unborn child. You are the lucky one". 

"How else would you like me to feel Amb?" He now snapped. 

She turned to him. "How about you feel nothing for her at all! She means nothing to you Steve! She is not your wife, I am! So why grieve for a woman who you only connected with through taking her to bed!" 

"Because I loved her!" He watched the blood drain from his wife's face. "I loved her once Amberley! Long before I loved you! I married you because I knew it was the right thing to do! So If anyone should count themselves 'lucky' then it's you! Because I could have easily had you executed!" 

Her eyes darkened slightly as she looked hard at him. "Perhaps that would've been the best outcome for both of us! - you have my condolences for your loss" She spat and walked out, making for the chapel where she fell to her knees upon cold stone and then looked up at glass stained window, the tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"He thinks me better off dead..." Her voice echoed around the chapel. "I try my hardest to do as I promise to him, and yet I still cannot compete with that woman!" The frustration in her voice was clear. "Why can't he just accept the decision that he made and move on from her!" 

"Because he is a man your majesty..." Natasha's voice came from behind her as she walked down the aisle and knelt next to Amberley. "They're complicated enough as it is..." and then turned to look forward. "I am sorry about what he said..." 

"You heard then?" 

"Yelena." Natasha confirmed. "She told me I should come and find you". 

Amberley sighed. "He tells me he loves me, and then this? I'm competing with a dead woman and will be for the rest of my days". 

"There will always be competition. Queen or not there will be other women who will try to turn his eye to them". 

"He wouldn't..." 

"He could if the opportunity arose though - not that I am saying that he will, but he is the King. What the King wants, the King gets". She replied. "It is in every court. It always will be - your sons, however many you bear, will do just the same no matter how much you will teach them to be chivalrous". 

Amberley looked to Natasha. "Then we can only hope that the child I carry is another son". 

Getting up from the floor, she smoothed down her skirts. "He will forget her. But the wounds are still deep - as much as I hate to say it? Maybe give him some time to process the news. You cannot stress yourself out in your condition". 

With a nod, Amberley and Nat returned to the Queens chambers. She'd keep away from those she shared with Steve for tonight, and come morning he would hopefully have an apology to hand for her. 

She doubted it though. Any chance of still keeping their marriage strong all came down to rest upon the child that she was now carrying. 

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