The Possesive Alpha

By hehe_jennyy

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STOP!!!!! Please stop, don't do this. I will come with you, luca, just don't hurt Ryan. I love him. Don't giv... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
about update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
10.1k reads!!!???
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Bonus Chapter#50
Author Note
Author Note

Chapter 21

666 9 0
By hehe_jennyy

When we hit the road. Luna wasn't speaking. She was looking outside the mirror. What's wrong with our luna. I don't know when she's going to adapt this life. I decided to break the silence. Isabelle are you going to speak something or are you going to be silent for the whole ride? Uh- what should I speak? Umm we have two hours. We can talk about random stuff. If you will like it. I dont want to talk.

What's wrong with this guy? Why he's bothering me. Weird. Cm'on isabelle I don't wanna die because of this boredom. Don't you love your life? What do you mean? If your psychopath boss know that you're trying to talk to me . He's going to rip your neck. At this he start laughing. Wait you mean luca-oh my gosh. What's so funny that you're laughing. Oh gosh izzy I have a girlfriend. And luca knows her very well. Am loyal to luca and am like a brother to him. So he's not gonna kill me.


I don't wanna talk about anything and am not gonna talk to that person who kidnapped me and make me hostage at his boss house . Oh cm'on . It was boss order's , i wish things could be different. Am sorry about that. Am not a bad person.  Yeah yeah keep telling yourself. Cm'on izzy i don't want to die from boredom. Ugh this guy is so irritating.

Ok what do you want to talk about. Yayyy finally! I rolled my eyes on his reaction. So izzy are you enjoying here? What do you think? If you were kidnapped by a psychopath, and kept against your will, you will enjoy it or not? Tell me. At this he shut his mouth.  Good I think you already know the answer. I then face the mirror. Isabelle your point is valid. But now you're here , why don't you adjust yourself here. Luca isn't a bad guy , If you get to know him.
He's madly in love with you. One day you're gonna understand it. Oh please love love love. Am sick of it. No-one can love anyone at first sight and if he love me according to you. He has good way to show it by kidnapping me. And torture me.

Well he tortured you because you tried to escape many times and don't use this torture word. We both know very well he can't even lay a hand on you.


Silly he loves you. Just give him a chance. Am never gonna think about it. Gosh you're more stubborn than my girlfriend. Haha whatever you think. Am never going to give him a chance. You know eric?


Well you know the reason behind why I leave my parents? Umm no. Well lemme tell you. My parents were spoil rich bitches. They only want me to drop my education and want me to married someone rich of their choice. I escape from their but now am stuck with your mf boss. Am stuck to live my life with that person whom I don't love. There was complete silence. Eric didn't say anything.

Now if you don't wanna talk about anything else. I think we should stop talking. Geez calm down women. So tell me about your girlfriend. Well she's the best thing happened to me. I freaking love her. We are madly in love with each other. Oh wow ! So why don't you marry her? Well in our pack, we don't marry.  It's the bond for life time. What do you mean? Uh-i mean in our family marriage isn't a tradition. But if my girl want it. I will definitely arrange the function.  Awww she's definitely a lucky girl. I said with a wide smile.

Trust me isabelle you're also the lucky one. Not again Eric. During the ride we talked about random stuff and for the first time during this month. I laugh and enjoy talking to someone. Gosh I miss these days. I wish Eric , things were different but fate has decided something different for me in the plate. Izzy things will be back to normal , if you will.... yeah yeah I know what you're going to say , Accept your psychopath boss and that's never going to happen. After two hours of driving we reach the Jessica apartment aka both of our apartment that's technically is Jessica now. (I don't know why am nervous. I think the fact is that... that asshole killed Jessica cat. He also stoled me from Jessica. Idk how to react in front of her. God have mercy on me. )

when I was in my thoughts eric said. ....Let's do it. What do you mean by that? Where are you going? Am coming with you. No way in hell. What you think? that I will leave you alone with your friend and you will tell everything to her and then you will escape. Uh no. Yeah yeah I know you very well. Also I have to follow my boss orders. Am not leaving you alone. Either I come with you or else you're going back with me . Decide what you want . We have not enough time. When luca will be free from his meeting, Am taking you back. Weather you like it or not.

Yeah I understand. I said while rolling my eyes. Don't be over smart missy. Today's your last day here. So enjoy it, without getting in any trouble. Are you done talking? Or are you going to talk more. If you're done then let's go. When I reach the door, I ring the bell. I was quite nervous. Hey don't be nervous.  You shut your mouth. I said to Eric while rolling my eyes. When suddenly the apartment doors open..


Oh my gosh is that you??? She hugged me tightly without thinking twice and start crying.  Jessica what happened why are you crying.  Come let's go inside. When we get inside the apartment... there was tissues all over the floor.  Apartment wasn't in its best place. Use tissues were all over the place. The kitchen wasn't also clean. Alcohol, ice cream,  snacks wrappers and bottles were all over in living lounge. What on the fuck happened here. Gross. Eric said behind me. I glared at him to keep his mouth shut. I make Jessica sit on the couch. Easy drink this water jess and tell me everything. She was crying continuously. Her condition was like she's hadn't taken the bath from the party night. Her hair was all messy.  Babe now tell me what happened. Izzy someone's shot my snow.

Who's snow? Eric asked me. Oh you wanna know who the hell is snow.. I stand from the couch and went towards Eric and grab his shoulders. Snow is the cat that your asshole boss killed without any mercy, I said in his ear. He was embarrassed and didn't speak again. I went to jess again. Babe look stop crying, we will find the person who killed our snow and I will let them pay. I make a excuse to her. But izzy she's the only person I had beside you. Jess let's go. We will go to pet store right now and we will buy a pet for you. Izzy that's not an issue. But you know very well. We had found her in a dark alley. We adopt our baby. ( I will never forgive that fucker, he made my Jessica cry and he killed my cat) I said in my mind. Ok ok now stop crying.  We will do your favourite things today. We will go to mall , will do shopping. Then we will go to kfc and after that we will buy a cat. You sure ? Yes jess , but first take a shower ,you stink. Okay just give me half hour I will be back.

When she stand up, she saw Eric using his phone. Who's that? And what the hell he's doing in our apartment.  At his Eric put his phone in his pocket. Uh- he's luca's friend.  And what he's doing here? I wanted to accompany isabelle that's why I came with her. Eric said with full confidence.  You can go now. What you will do here with two girls? Don't you have anything to do . Jess said.  No am not going anywhere. Am izzy bestfriend.  Oh hell no mister am her bestfriend.  You go now. They both were arguing. The hell guys. Calm down. Jessica let him stay. If he want. We can have our time and I promise you he will not disturb us. If he will not disturb us so what's the purpose of staying here? Jessica let him stay.

He's luca's friend and he gave him order to stay with me . But why ? A control freak in start? She said while rolling her eyes. I wish I could tell her everything but I have no choice to lie to her. Umm jess he's possesive about me. Now enough with questions girl , we have to go. I said because I dont want to answer her questions and Jessica i bring you some gifts, hope so you will like it. Eric put them here. Okay! He didn't said anything.  Let me have a shower. Then I will see. After that jess went into her room. Eric are you dumb. Don't be over confident. I said while rolling my eyes.  Hey don't roll your eyes that much otherwise it will stuck in your skull.


So this is where you live he asked me. Well duh smart ass. Where are you going isabelle? I was going into my room. Why? Eric I just want to collect few of my things. I don't know when I will come back here, at this tears filled in my  eyes. So I just want some time in my room till jess came back. Ok you can go , but remember one thing izzy. If you did something. Your love ones will pay for the consequences. I know that. All you guys do is to threaten me. After that I went to my room. When I entered my room. All the things were at the place. One month ago when I was about to went to the party. All dresses were on my bed as it is. Makeup were all over the table. I just wish things were normal. Such a beautiful life I was living,  but fate had something else for me. When I was looking around the room. I saw my spare phone on the bedroom side table. I grab it and when I open it. There were alot of message and calls notifications.

Few of them were from jess and remaining were from ryan. When I opened Ryan inbox.  There were alot of messages from him. Tears start rolling down my eyes. When I saw the messages.

* izzy where are you babe?

Izzy please trust me. I can't never cheat on you.

Its not what it look like. You're the only one for me.

God izzy why are you not replying????

Call me ASAP.

Izzy why are you ignoring me? Please reply me.

I came to your home. But jess kicked me out.



You there? *

tears were continously rolling down my eyes as memories of that night hit me again. Ryan cheated on me , making me believe that he loved me. I hate him. I fucking hate him.. ughhhh god why me....why me god???? I said while throwing my phone on the wall. When It hit the wall. It was all broken. I then opened my wardrobe ,all the things Ryan had gifted me were there. The first flower, the locket, ring and everything were in the drawer. I quickly grab everything and throw it in the dustbin. That's it am never going to believe in love again.

On the other side.

I was getting ready for the meeting, but I was thinking if I make a good choice by letting isabelle go with Eric. I don't trust her. Today is the last day world will know about her because today am going to remove her existence. From now onwards world will consider her as a dead person. After wearing the suit, I went to the meeting with my delta. Nolan did you done the work I said to you?

Yes alpha!

Everything is done. You don't have to worry about it. After half hour , we reach the place where meeting was going to held. When I enter the meeting room. All alpha's stand up and bow to me.

Afternoon alpha's!

You can sit down. Let's start the meeting. So how's the rouges problems going on ? Alpha we haven't spectate any attack from them. Its look like they vanish. Alpha from the crimson pack told me. What about other alpha's. Same alpha no one's attack. But I think they are planning something big. If they are planning something. Double your securities on the borders. Train your warrior's more. We will be ready ,when they will attack.

Yes alpha!

When we were discussing about something, alpha from SHADOW pack speak. Alpha sorry to brag , but rumours are spreading that you had found your mate. He said with a nasty smirk on his face. Every alpha was looking at me. Why are you hiding her from werewolves community. He said in a sarcastic way. ( This sick twisted old man, Am gonna kill him. He always try to find a way to degrade me but always fail. He wants my title. But that's never gonna happen)

Growl...Don't fucking talk about my mate!!!! I will kill you mf , my wolf came at the surface and take over . At this all alpha's and their wolves submit to us. Why alpha , we all want to meet our queen. That man said again. That was the last straw. Zydus grab him by his neck. Now now now you fucking bitch, what did I told you recently? Don't talk any shit from your mouth regarding my mate. Don't you understand? Sorry King zydus, am extremely sorry. I wasn't speaking with wrong intentions. Idc if i saw any of you speak regarding my mate. It will be not good for you. When the time will come, you will meet her. Now the meeting dismissed, you all can go and  you !!! alpha from SHADOW pack. Am watching you. So be careful.  Now go! Alpha you have to cool down . Please take your control back. Nolan leave me the hell alone. You can also go back. Yes al-alpha as you say. He Stuttered. My izzy is so innocent for this world. She's not ready to be a part of these thing. I have to keep her safe no matter what.


Jessica are you ready , we don't have enough time let's go. Okay am coming. So where are we going. Eric asked me. Well first we will go to mall and then kfc and then pet store. Okay let's go. We went in Eric car. Obviously jess asked me why his car. So I make an excuse. After half hour of driving we reach the mall. Thankfully Eric give us privacy but he give me a warning after going outside the shop. I decided it was not the time to do anything stupid , because I dont want to risk jess life. After the shopping and pet shopping. We went to kfc. During lunch jess and I talked about a lot of things. Gosh I miss this jess. I missed spending time with you. You're back for good right izzy? Or are you going to leave me alone. Jess said in a sad tone.

Oh honey. I wish things were different but uh luca wants me to uh I was thinking to make an excuse , when suddenly Eric speak. Izzy cm'on tell her. Luca wants you to meet her parents back in the country and you're moving with him. Wait what, this ass-hat . I muttered in my mouth. Holy shit izzy !  Her jaw drop on the floor. Isn't that too early for these things girl? You're moving way to fast. I wish I could do anything.


I mean... when someone's like you , you have to put your things aside and make that person your priority.  (Wow izzy great , you should be a great actor , i said in my mind.)  Eric was also smiling like a idiot. He's enjoying it. Isabelle I think we should go home. It's the time. Are you going to leave me. Jess I promise you I will come back to you. You're stuck with me. Don't worry. Come let's drop you at home. After reaching the home. We said our goodbye to each other and went back to car to go back to luca.

So izzy did you enjoyed today? Eric asked while driving the car.  Yeah I enjoyed I told him with a weak smile. Oh don't be sad girl. When you will do as luca told you. He will give you the freedom. You just have to keep patience.  (Oh you both don't know what am planning,  he will be done when I will leave him. I said in my mind.) Oh yeah that's never gonna happen, I said with a smirk on my face.

When we reached the home luca was doing paper work in lounge. He was wearing the glasses,  his sleeves were folded.  He's looking like a snac. Dang he's  looking handsome. When I was drooling over him. He saw us coming and remove his glasses.  Oh you guys are back. Eric you did a good job. You can go now , we will discuss everything in the go and have some rest. Okay thankyou. After that he gone.. now again there was silence between me and luca..oh baby come here I miss you.


My heart was beating faster. Idk what he will do. So I slowly went towards him. He grab me by his hand and make me sit on his lap. Lu-luca what are you doing? What? I was missing my baby. Now let me love her. He said innocently. At this My heart was beating faster. Sweat was forming on my forehead. Now let's see how obedient you're. What do you mean by that? He gently grab me by my chin and make me face him.

And then he claimed my lips. His kiss was sweet then suddenly he start sucking my lips and start bitting it for dominance. He slipped his tounge inside my mouth , he explored every corner of my mouth and start sucking my lower lip. Oh boy am feeling wet inside my legs. Idk why am feeling attracted towards him. I was trying my best so a moan can't escape from my mouth. After that he separate our lips. Izzy wow. (I just want to thrust my length into her. I dont think so , i or neither my wolf can control myself around her )

What can I say , I have to do all the stuff in order go gain his trust. When I tried to stand up. His grip on waist get tighten.  He didn't let me stand up from his lap. Babe I have something important to tell you.


We are going back to Colombia  tomorrow and I have a surprise for you.

What luca tell me.

Now you're dead for everyone.


What does luca mean by that? How isabelle will react on this? Read more to find out.♡

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