Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

Letting go

796 16 1
By Lieke4043

I'm standing on the side of the stage where Brad is playing his heart out. I've been standing here taking it all in and enjoying every second of it.
Morgan has warmed up the crowd perfectly, I have never heard either of them live, but Morgan was incredible.
Brad is just crazy talented, the way he is playing his guitars is insane, I just don't understand how he does it.
I know there's only 2 more songs before he will start with 'Whiskey Lullaby' which is one of the duets I'm doing with him.

Normally he does that and the crowd will join him in the female part, but now I will walk out on stage singing a long with the chorus. I'm all prepped and ready, my earpieces are in, somebody has the mic for me so I can take it walking out. We did a couple of sound checks and everything went perfect, so it should be fine now as well.

Daniel comes up behind me and gives me a big hug.
"I'm so proud of you baby. They will love you."
"Thanks for this handsome. I know my first reaction wasn't very nice. But I am really thankful, it's so sweet that you tried so hard to get them to notice your messages. A bit stalker like, but I know you meant well." I turn around to give him a kiss when I hear Brad starting to play 'Whiskey Lullaby'

"That's it, I have to get ready. Wish me luck."
I take a few deep breaths.
"You don't need it, just enjoy yourself. I love you" he squeezes my hand and I take the microphone.

I walk out from the side of the stage and start my part of the song.

The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
Until the night

I'm now standing next to Brad and I see so many people in the crowd. I can't see their faces except for the ones right in front of me and they seem surprised, but not in a negative way.
As soon as this song finishes, Brad continues to play 'Remind me'. The first song is really soft and I didn't really need a lot of power in my voice, but with this song I can give a lot more.

I quickly look to the side where I see Daniel who is almost radiating with pride. I'm having so much fun, the nerves have all vanished since the first word I sang and Brad also makes me feel super comfortable.

"Make some noise for the talented Skylar Hayes everybody. She has agreed to join me for 3 shows and I'm extremely happy to have her on the stage with me. Give her some love!"
The song has ended and Brad talks to the crowd which is making plenty of noise.
"Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone, but I'll leave Brad to it now. He's the one you came here for. Enjoy the rest of the night." I wave and then make my way back to the side where Daniel is waiting.

He holds his arms out and I jump into them. He picks me up and spins me around before smashing his lips onto mine.
"Goddamn you were amazing, I'm so glad I've been able to witness this." He says after breaking up the kiss.
I've got my legs wrapped around him and I feel a lot of vibrations between them.
"What is that?" I ask and he grins.
"Just our phones blowing up." I put my feet back on the ground and he takes both our phones out of his pockets.

Apparently social media is exploding, I open insta for a quick look and already videos are coming online of me and Brad on the stage.
Scrolling through the comments that are flooding in, I think most are positive. I do see some not so nice once, like: 'only because she is with Daniel did she manage to be noticed. Otherwise she would still be a nobody.'
"They're not wrong." I say when Daniel scoffs after reading it himself.
"You have never been a nobody. So just don't read these things."
"But you were the one who arranged this. I never would have been out there if it wasn't for you." I decide to leave social media for now and just enjoy the rest of the night.

"I never would have been this happy if it wasn't for you." He says and I turn into a puddle.
The days after fly by, we went to Dublin and I absolutely loved the city. We had to be in Tilburg on Tuesday, so we left Dublin on Monday. Which meant we spent the entire Sunday in Dublin and I loved every second of it. I want to go back someday when we have more time.
In Tilburg it was crazy hot, I think the Netherlands had a heatwave, because it was about 35 degrees Celcius.
I'm glad there was airco in the concert hall, because I felt sorry for the crowd if there wouldn't be any.

We had to say goodbye to Brad and Morgan Wednesday, but they said they would stay in touch. I had tons and tons of reactions from Brads fans about me being there and I'm glad they were all so supportive. Only a few trolls, but I am just ignoring that.

And now we're in Hungary for the last race before summer break and everybody is more than ready for some well earned rest.
Daniel managed to scrape in a couple of points in Austria and France.
Now in Hungary it has been a crazy weekend weather wise. Friday we were boiling, it was so hot, yesterday it has been pouring with rain. Especially early afternoon and today it's just a bit gray, but it's not raining. Yet.

Daniel qualified P9, Lando P4. It really sucks that Daniel keeps getting out qualified by Lando and also Lando has quite some more points as Daniel and it's definitely getting to him. He really tries to stay positive, but I can tell it's getting harder for him every week. And I've got this nagging feeling something is about to happen.

On our way here we got quite a shocking message about Seb. He decided to retire after this season, I totally understand, but I'm also sad.
He's been such a great guy. Especially after the party we talked a lot more and I grew to love him. I can't blame him though, working with the Stroll family can't be easy and he has his own little kids he wants to spend time with.
So we will miss him like crazy, but he already invited us to Switzerland for winter break and we are definitely going.

First lets get through this race. Daniel has a meeting afterwards with the team which caused me to have a knot in my stomach all day.
I just feel shit's about to hit the fan. There are so many rumors going around that they're going to let Daniel go and him being replaced with Piastri. We have talked about it a lot, he does have a contract until 2024, but if they pay him enough they can let him go.
Daniel told me if that would mean he has no seat next year they will have to pay him 21 million.

I can't even comprehend the amount of money that is. But for Daniel and me it's not about the money, he loves what he does. Even though I know this year his fire is burning up the way things are going.
He's becoming more and more quiet even though he tries to hide it from me. I know him so well by now, that I know it's draining him mentally.

I did talk to Kelly the other day and she told me, she heard from Max that Checo is also thinking about retiring. I haven't told Daniel yet, because I want to know for sure first and we have to wait what McLaren will say tonight. I feel he's going to need me after that, so I'll be sticking around until he gets out of the meeting.

We are flying to our vacation destination tomorrow. And then we will be at a ranch, spending 10 days there before going back to Monaco to have some time at home. Maybe we will have a couple of days in LA before Monaco, but we'll see how it goes. We haven't been back home since we left for Silverstone and I would love to be able to be there for a bit.
After the summer we will go to Spa and Zandvoort, I'm looking forward to that a lot. But first a lot of horseback riding, getting dirty and just being together.

I'm just so nervous for him today. I want him to do well and I know he's so eager to prove he still has what it takes. I know he does, the car sucks massively, this papaya tractor just doesn't work for him. So maybe it could be a good thing if they decide to let him go. I don't know if he would be able to do this another year. He would probably lose himself completely pushing to get something out of the car.

He's about to get in the car and he has been sitting with his headphones and music on to focus for the last 15 minutes. I love watching him like that.
"He's going to need you today." Michael says and I nod.
We both know what's likely to be the outcome of the meeting today.
Just before Daniel gets in the car he comes to me for his good luck kiss.
"Keep it on the black stuff handsome. I love you and I'll be here for you."

"I promise. Love you too." We kiss and he gets in the car.
He gets on pretty well, has some nice action on track and he is able to keep up with Lando quite good.
That is until at his second stop the team decides to put him on the hard tires. Lando is on mediums and this just pisses me off.

Michael is next to me and he can see my face turn red in anger.
"What the fuck, who's idea was it to give him hard tires, they don't work! It's too cold, did nobody learn from Charles on the hard tires!"
Michael pulls me from my stool and drags me with him to the back room.
"In there might not be the best place to start yelling at the team." He says when it's just the two of us.
"They are fucking him over! They have been screwing up his strategy multiple times this year. I can't believe this team." I'm pacing furiously back and forth.

"Calm down Sky, there's nothing you can do about it." Michael tries, but I'm furious.
I know it's also a lot of tension that I'm letting out of my system now, but this just made me boil over.
"I'm not going to calm down, I hope they hear me, I love Lando and he's really talented, but this team is obviously choosing him over Daniel. It's not fair how they treat him and they are messing with a human being here. He deserves so much more than this. Bunch of assholes!" I yell at the door that leads to the garage.

Maybe I'm unreasonable right now, but I'm so done with this team right now.
Michael grabs my arm the 20th time I pace by him and turns me around so I face him.
"I know, I get it, but either he has another 1,5 season to go with this team or he has to finish this season, so calm down, because he needs you here every race. If the team decides they don't want you here, because you yell at them every time you feel they screw his race up, he's the one affected by it."
I take some deep breaths because he has a point, but it will be hard keeping quiet if they keep doing this.

"I know you are right. Usually I don't explode like this, but it's so frustrating. My heart aches for him. Sometimes I want them to let him go, but I also know he is not done with F1. I just think this team is not right for him mentally."
Obviously I know the people from the team should know what they're doing, after all the have all the data and knowledge. I mean who am I? Just a WAG right? I just don't feel like they are doing Daniel justice.

"I understand, I really do. I agree with you, but you have to bite your tongue for now." He pulls me in a hug and I listen to his steady heartbeat which helps me relax a bit.
"Ready to go back?" He asks me when we let go of each other.
"Yeah I'm ok. God I'm not an angry person, but they are definitely getting on my nerves. But anyway let's go. I'll behave."
He grins and we walk back. When I sit back at my stool I get a few looks from some team member. I don't say anything, but I think the way I look back tells them not to talk to me.

Daniel finishes 15th and my heart breaks for him when I see him getting out of the car. His body language tells me all I need to know and as soon as he has weighed and Michael puts away his helmet I go up to him.
The team will have to wait a minute.
"Come with me." I say and take him with me to his drivers room.
I close the door behind us and then wrap my arms around him.
"I might have yelled to the team a bit today. I hope you don't get into trouble because of it."

I feel his body shaking and I'm afraid he started crying, but when I look up he's actually trying not to laugh out loud.
"Are you laughing at me?" I ask him.
"Not laughing at you, but you are always so soft and sweet and calm. And now you're telling me you yelled at the team?" He snorts and I have to laugh with him.
"I was furious, ask Michael, he actually dragged me into the back room so I wouldn't make a bigger scene. I might have called them a bunch of assholes."

Now he is crying, but from laughter. "Oh my god, my innocent lady is swearing at my team. I love it."
"Innocent? Are you mad? Since when am I innocent. Remember the last time we were in this room or do you need a reminder." I say acting like I'm insulted.
"I would love a reminder, but I have to talk to some press and then debrief. We'll grab something to eat after that and the meeting is at 19.30." He sighs.

"Look no matter what the outcome will be. I'm here waiting and I know everything will work out in the end. Also tomorrow we go on vacation so then we have plenty of time to think about possible next steps or whatever you want." I give him a long kiss and then we go outside so he can do the things he has to.
While he is talking to the press I find Kelly to see if she knows more about Checo yet.
"Kel, is there any news?"

"Not yet, but it really seems like he's going to retire. He keeps talking about Seb and his choice to spend time with his family and how he would love to do the same. So I think if they can agree on his contract ending earlier, he might actually leave." She says and I get a little glimmer of hope.
"Ok good, let me know as soon as you know. Then Blake can do his job. But first lets see what McLaren decides."
She gives me a hug and just as I want to walk away she says, "how amazing would it be to see Max and Daniel in the same team again. Not just for them but also for us. It would be so much more fun having you in the Red Bull garage."

Right at that moment Christian walks by, "I think Daniel would prefer her in the McLaren garage Kelly."
She turns red, but I feel a bit bold, "well if Checo leaves and McLaren decides to sack Daniel. Maybe he could come back home?"
I don't know if I crossed a line here, but I can't take it back anymore.
"But you don't even know if McLaren is going to let Daniel go." Christian says.
"I guess, but we both know that it doesn't look good. He would fit in perfectly, you know he would. But I know it's not my place, so never mind." I really hope I don't push my luck.

"We'll see. It was nice talking to you Skylar." Christian leaves to the team and I turn to Kelly.
"Fuck, did I just say that. I might have crossed the line here. Daniel is going to be pissed if he knew I suggested this to Christian." I have never had Daniel be mad at me, so I'm a bit worried what this might do.
"He won't. He can't get mad at you, he loves you too much. Besides it's not like you drew up a contract yet and Christian just overheard us. No big deal." Kelly sounds a lot more confident than I feel right now.
"I have to go. I'm supposed to meet Daniel for dinner."
We say goodbye and I go back to McLaren to find him.

He's already waiting for me when I arrive and he only needs one look at my face to know something is bothering me.
"What's wrong?" Is the first thing he asks me.
"Nothing, we'll talk about it later." I reply and give him a kiss.
When I want to walk inside he pulls me back.
"Should I be worried? Because you look worried and nervous." My heart sinks. The last thing I want to do is stress him out more.
"Don't worry about it ok. Let's eat and we'll talk later." I fake a smile, I know he doesn't believe me, but he lets it go for now.
We eat quietly with Michael, all three of us knowing what the outcome will be, but we don't want to say it out loud.

Eventually Daniel has to go for the meeting and I walk with him to the door.
"I'll wait in your room ok babe, no matter what happens now, it will work itself out. I love you." He hold me tightly and I feel him swallowing a lump in his throat.
"Love you too Sky. I'll come find you in my room."
He goes in and I turn around to find Michael standing there with his arms open.
I throw myself in his embrace and cry, letting out all the worries I have for Daniel.
I can cry now, he needs me to be there for him later.

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