Jikook Oneshots 2

By Mikchimin

54.9K 1.9K 16.9K

Another compilation of stories where Mimmie loves Koo and Koo loves Mimmie right back. Hey~ I filled out an e... More

Classicalish (Part Two)
Adults (Continuation of Children)
ThE most ClichE Jikook Story evVer Part Too??? Yes!1!!!
Ice (Part Two)
Leather (Continuation to Bikers)
Koo The First
Koo The First (Part Two)
Koo The First (Part Three)
Mimmie His Love (Continuation of Koo The First)
Best Friend's Little Brother (Continuation to Big Brother's Best Friend)
Conference (Continuation of Electric)
Among Us
Reality (Continuation of First Sight)
Graduation (Continuation to Top Kinky and Dare)
Letters (Continuation to Servants)
Brothers (Part Two)
Brothers (Part Three)
Famous (Part Two)
Famous (Part Three)
Dog (Part Two)
Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)
Drawing (Part Two)
River (Part Two)
Awkward (Continuation to Birth)
Awkward (Part Two)
Bachelorette (Part Two)
Kingdom (Continuation to Swords)
Kingdom (Part Two)

Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)

231 6 45
By Mikchimin

"And about an hour and a half from here is a tulip garden. They just have fields upon fields of tulips!"

"Aw, we have to go!" Jimin beams. "Reminds me of our first date."

"That's what I was thinking," Jungkook's voice is warm as he and Jimin walk down the street. "We should go back there soon."

"I miss the koi fish," Jimin sighs. "I was so out of it on our first date. I'd love to do a make-up."

"If you want to, we should. For the record though, our first date was so amazing for me," The taller shrugs. "You were so cute, and so kind, and a bit shy, but that's okay. I went home and texted Namjoon for like two hours. He told me to shut up."

"Namjoon?" His eyes widen. "But he's so sweet!"

"I guess I'm annoying when I'm in love," Jungkook pokes Jimin's side with a smile, face going towards his cheek.

Jimin giggles. "What one man calls annoying, another man calls the best thing that's ever happened to him. Your wonderful love saved me."

"Oh shush," Jungkook scolds. "You know I don't like it when you say that. We've talked about this. I helped you realize you were worth it. You always were, even when I wasn't here to say so."



Said male's blood runs cold. He knows that voice. It's been years...but he knows it like the back of his hand.

They make eye-contact. "C-Cody?"

"Cody?" Jungkook repeats, looking between his husband and the man he's heard too much about. He makes eye-contact with Jimin, and he just knows. Jungkook's eyes go darker than Jimin has ever seen them go.

"Yes, Jimin and I were um..." Cody thinks. "Friends in college."

That makes Jimin roll his eyes, crossing his arms. "Oh sure. We dated for two years Cody, but you were never my friend."

"I-it's so good to see you," Cody's voice is disgustingly sweet. "I...I've missed you. I would've talked to you sooner, but I had no way to get a hold of you. Your friends told me you changed your number..."

"Are you kidding me!? It's been three years since I saw you!" Jimin yells. "You were inside another person when I saw you last! You can't just say that as if we just 'lost touch'!"

"Jimin, I've been a wreck since I lost you," He whines. "You just disappeared. You were the best thing I've ever had in my life. Baby, I still love you, I've been hoping and praying I'd run into you one of these days. Let's try again...come back."

"Oh, Sweetheart, did you hurt your hand?" Jungkook dives for Jimin's left hand with his own, examining it. Jimin just lets him do it. He's on the brink of crying, and he's even a little bit scared. He's been going to therapy for a long while now, to combat the events of those two years, because that relationship destroyed his self-worth, and he was getting better. But now all the memories were coming back, and he was panicking.

Jungkook slowly turns their hands in front of his face, emphasizing the rings they both had on their fingers. Maye it was petty, but Jungkook was more angry than he's ever been.

"Huh, seems I was mistaken," He shrugs, letting him go only for his hand to occupy the small of Jimin's back.

"Jimin, you're married?" Cody gapes. "It's only been a few fucking years! What happened?"

"Obviously in hindsight you meant little to me, because I think I met him...two days after we broke up?" Jimin lies through his teeth about the reasoning, but he just wants Cody to suffer like he once did at the hand of this terrible man. He knows it's not right, he knows he should be the bigger person, but...fuck the past hurts. "Thought he was cute, asked him out. It hadn't even been a week since we broke up that he and I had our first date. I honestly had forgotten you existed after a while."

He wished it were that simple. He wished all the trauma he built up from that experienced he could just unlearn.

"I see," Cody inhales, defensive. "So you really are nothing without leeching off a man, like I first thought."

"Oh yeah, because it was you who got him into that prestigious university, on full scholarship, by the way, where you guys met," Jungkook bites before Jimin's heart can even drop to his stomach. "And it was me that gave him the brain that helped him graduate earlier than most of his class. And it was me that landed him that well-paying job that supported us both while I finished school. Jimin is the smartest, kindest, most successful man I've ever known, Cody. You had your chance with him, and because you couldn't control your dick, you lost it. That was your fault. Jimin is his own person, and he can fend for himself, but I will not let you speak to my husband that way. Are we clear?"

Cody says nothing.

"If you ever see Jimin or I, or any of his friends you once knew after this, you better walk away," Jungkook threatens. "Or Jimin and I will file restraining orders against you. No one deserves to be harassed or mistreated like this. If you have one percent of the intelligence Jimin has, I think you'll make the right decision."

Cody simply has nothing to respond to that. He has been rendered speechless.

"Goodbye Cody," Jimin says after a second, voice stern. "You've already wasted two years of my life, stop wasting even more."

Cody grimaces. "I'll get you back someday Jimin. I know you miss me."

"I'm not an NPC you can win over," He counters. "Goodbye Cody."

"...This isn't over Jimin," Is the last thing he says before he walks away.

For a second Jimin just stands there as he tries to take a deep breath. Once he knows Cody is gone, he whispers, "Remember that park a few blocks away where we had that picnic once? The fairly empty one? Can we go there?"

"Yes, of course!" Jungkook quickly leads him there, arm still around his waist.

They arrive, and there's no one there, just like usual. They're barely a few steps in before Jimin hugs Jungkook tight, just sobbing.

"I know," Jungkook comforts. "I know. You did so good Jimin. I'm proud of you."

"I-I feel like I'm breaking all over again," He shakes.

"But you're not," He assures. "This was hard, but you stood your ground. You are in a much healthier spot than you were when you last saw him, and your worth is not tied to his opinion."

"I know," He sighs through tears. The verbal reminders did help. Jungkook was just his comfort person. "But this just reminded me of everything."

"I get it," He soothes. "Would you like me to go with you to your therapy session this week to help you talk about it?"

"No," The smaller shakes his head, pulling back. "I'm so glad I have you for support, but I need to make sure my self-worth isn't dependent on someone else. And I really think I'll be able to get through it on my own, I'm going to really try."

"There's the strong Jimin I've always known, and always loved," Jungkook kisses him. "And I will always be here to support you. New offer. You want me to invite Tae and Namjoon over for a 'we love Jimin' night, where we watch a bunch of movies and eat all your favorite snacks?"

"Well, don't call it that, but," Jimin nods. Namjoon has become one of his closest friends too.

"Awesome," Jimin squeezes him tight once more. "Keep talking to me when you feel you need to talk. Don't keep things inside."

"Never," Jimin promises. The shock was finally wearing off. Maybe he wouldn't break after all. "I love you Jungkook. I'm so grateful I didn't run into him alone."

"Me too," Jungkook agrees. "I'm glad I was there. Ugh, he's awful, worse than you described. I said I was gonna kill him, why didn't I kill him!?"

That makes Jimin laugh. "You're too good. I like that you're good."

Joy fills Jungkook's chest as he hears that melodious noise. "Well good. I love you Jimin. For who you are, because you're you."

Jimin could still barely believe he had it this good.  

A/N: I revised Rebound, in case any of you are interested. Obviously my writing wasn't at the level it is now, not that it was bad, I just have improved, so I fixed it. One thing I do value with my improvement is pacing, so I added some bits to help with the pacing. If you're interesting in re-reading it, possibly because you had no idea what the fuck was going on in this story, or you're just up for another read, just making you aware it is improved. 

Hello everyone, and happy holiday season :)

I've had this idea since the second I wrote Rebound, it's been in my noggin for quite a while. How long? I do not know, when did I write Rebound lmao-

Okay I was freaking out about blonde Jungkook, which was January 2021, So I probably wrote it late 2020. That's two years...damn, I've had this story idea just laying around for two years, and now it is on the internet, it is no longer just my own. That's cool.

I guess I didn't realize how old some of the ideas I'm writing are, I guess most of them are two years old because I do the oldest pages of ideas first. That's kinda wild-

But anyways, there's not too much to talk about in my life. It snowed yesterday. We never get November snow where I live, so it was pretty magical in my opinion. It's supposed to snow more tomorrow, which is really exciting. I just love snow :)

As for BTS...let's see, since I've been gone, Jungkook went to Qatar to perform at the world cup, Tae went to Paris, Joon went to New York, and Hobi is in Japan for MAMA. We got so many awards, I'm so proud of them :)

I'm hoping and praying the government is gonna have a last-minute freak out and ban BTS from joining the military. Or, not as good of a scenario, BTS go to the military and the economy dips to the point the government freaks out and forces them to go back. 

Because while they are doing this on their timing, we all know this is not what Bangtan would do if they weren't mandated by the military. While I fully believe in and support their decision to focus on solo work for a little while, as to not loose the passion they have as a group, they should not have to go into the military while they are doing their part for the country by fueling their enconomy. They have made over 40 trillion won for their country, I think that's a pretty good contribution. 

It's so weird talking about BTS going to the military publicly. For the first five years as a fan it was so taboo, we weren't supposed to talk about it. But now we are talking about it...because it's being shoved in our faces. It's real. Fuck I hate reality. Everything sucks. 

Like hearing Jin on Hobi's phone at the award show last night. I was smiling with a heavy heart. I miss him so much already. 

I think it's pretty cool that we don't know what exactly all of BTS are doing at all times. It's cool they have a chance to go under the radar when they want to. We hear of BTS traveling but we don't really know why. When they're in Korea we don't know what they're doing. I miss them, but I think it's cool they have that privacy for now.

I used to know where BTS was and what they were doing all the time. And now I don't. I thought it would be awful when I didn't know what they were doing, but it's not bad. It's only the thought of them going away that makes me sad. 

Still, at least we're going away strong. ARMYs were still able to outvote multiple fandoms, even over all the votes they bought (which, btw, was disheartening...you wanna beat BTS so bad, so you ask other fandoms to take them down, /and/ you buy votes?? With that logic your faves wouldn't have deserved the win and the award would've been meaningless. But I digress). I won't name names though because I'm not an asshole.

Hobi won two awards, Bangtan won four, including a platinum daesang, because they won all the Daesangs they qualified for, for the third year in a row. They simply are the best, with the best fans, and the most passion, and it makes me really happy :)

I'd never say any group doesn't work hard, because every Kpop group at least starts out working really hard. But I will say I am proud of BTS, because after nine years they still perform with the passion they had before they debuted, and they're still so kind, and so humble. Even when Hoseok talked about his successes in Jack in the Box, it wasn't in a braggy way. They are just the greatest humans. 

You can argue about their music based on personal taste, that's fine. But you can't argue that they are passionate, driven, kind, humble, lyrical geniuses, outstanding producers, among a billion other things. Just overall talented people. I'll always be proud of them, and I'll always support them.

Anyways, enough of Bangtan, I really love talking about them, but also my heart hurts to talk about them. I want to leave it with remember, Joon's album comes out in two days, on December 2nd, listen to it, stream it, give Joonie the love he deserves to devoting his twenties to creating amazing music and being a light in so many lives :)

But that's it regarding them. I don't wanna cry lol.

I'll talk about something else heavy on my noggin (shoutout Bailey Sarien). 

Why are conservatives so focused on gender? 

I've been thinking about it recently. I am a cisgendered woman. I am very comfortable as a woman. But besides regarding who I am attracted to, I don't think about gender at all.

Like it's one thing if you're not cis. Gender means a lot more to you I'm sure, and it makes sense. But why do cisgendered conservative people care so much about it?? Why do they freak out if boy like pink and girl like mud? Oh no boy want paint nails and girl want play trucks, the humanity!! 

I'm not here to say gender doesn't matter. It does, simple. But it doesn't matter /that/ much. I don't think about, "Oh men are better at this, women are better at this, being a man means this, being a woman means this-" No. It doesn't matter. Our make-ups are different. There is a difference between male and female. 

But our abilities aren't. Male and female may be physically different, but our abilities are very very very similar. Sure, people born male can't get pregnant, at least not in this day in age, but besides that? Besides shooting loads and growing people inside you, what is different?

Nothing. We all have the same parts besides that. We all have the same horomones, just at different levels. Conservatives are like, "Woman make the babies and men swing their dicks around big tough grrrr" when like...how much is the ability to make babies really a part of people's lives? It is for people who want kids, but only for a little part of a full life. 

I just don't get it. Gender does not matter that much in life. So why do people act like it does? Except for the fact I wanna hug and fuck dudes, gender does not matter to me, as a very feminine woman, it doesn't matter. 

Conservatives are just so weird man. Calling us the snowflakes while screaming and crying over pronouns and whether or not someone has a dick. 

Why does it matter?? You wanna fuck them??

No?? Then stfu their life doesn't concern you.

People are just dumb. 

Dumber than my cat.

And there's nothing in his brain. 

Anways, I got a new piano, so I'm going to go play that. 

And teach myself to do the splits, I've been teaching myself. It's been really fun. It's painful, but my wish to do the splits is greater than the pain of the streches I do. 

I will do it!

I have so many things I do. Exersize, and write, and read, and play video games, and learn to do the splits, and pet my cat, all that.

And also school, I guess I'm a college student lmao-

I'm done here

That's all folks and whatever the fuck

Love you guys!

Thanks for listening to my rambles, it's nice getting heard :)


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