By sufnic

10.2K 1.1K 926

A first attempt at expressing my imagination. It is a story about a young aspiring politician and a headstro... More

😄 And we are Progressing
1. Characters (Edited)
2. Handsome Street goon (edited)
3. Beauty without brain (Edited)
4. The unwanted visit (Edited)
5.B'day surprise and lunch(Edited)
6. Dare you!! Mr. Rajveer (Edited)
7. Exams can't judge my excellence (Edited)
8. I am impressed! (Edited)
9. A Promising leader (Edited)
10. At your service (Edited)
11. She's y😍ur biggest fan (edited)
12. Mr. hotshot CM gets pranked??
13. Wedding vibes
14. Shopping spree and a shocking spree
15. Settling the thoughts
16. Marriage, who?
17. How to keep your husband interested?
18. Best friends forever
19. The Most Awaited Night
20. Getting closer
21. Intoxicated at Holi
22. Pre Wedding Rituals
23. The Wedding
24. The announcement
25. Life back home
26. Action packed Date
27. Heartfelt talks
28. Unannounced Visitors
29. Father isn't in the picture
30. Narrow Escape
31. Main Viah nahi krona tere nal
32. Seal the Deal
33. Come, Find me.
34. The Action begins
35. The Action continues
36. The devil's lair
38. Just like that
40. Hospital visit
41. Night at Hospital
43. Stupid or Childish ?
Bonus: Sidelines
45. Angry and New
46. Brand New Beginnings
49. Trial marriage husband

39. Just do it

109 14 2
By sufnic

As the commotion settled and the crowd dispersed, the only persons who remained standing still were Amreen and Mani, camouflaged in the surroundings, ignored by everybody.

"Do you need an invitation or what?"

Injured Amreen was shaken rudely as her arm was held in a death grip, breaking her thought process making a small hiss escape her mouth as her twisted ankle was pressed badly again. Controlling her pain, she pressed her lips in a thin line using a moment to collect herself, but the other person did not seem to understand that as he pulled her away from the wall she was leaning on.

"You imbecile, you should know that you cannot treat us like however you wish anymore." Mani shouted as she stepped forward to support Amreen.

"Really? But nobody told me that." A nameless goon mocked her, riling her up.

"You saw that male god earlier, the one who took away our sister. The one who shot at your brother in arms. Don't tell me you forgot already. He is my brother-in-law, famous for his cruelity.

And the other one who was standing beside your boss, he is her boyfriend. So don't even think about hurting either of us again. Or i'll make sure the next bullet shoots straight in your forehead."

Amreen grew alert at the fake threat and the white lie, even through her pain, looking around if he had heard, giving away an incredulous reaction to Mani.

"I saw it earlier. So, don't think that you can fool me so easily.

They are here only for one person. As for both of you, it's just a matter of time that your fate is decided in Laila's hands."

With that, they were pushed harshly to move ahead towards a new prison.

"You are going to regret this."

Even though they had met Rajveer only twice, Amreen was confident that he would not leave them behind for these wolves. They were family afterall. Even Mani was trying hard to conceal her nervousness of being ignored in earlier encounter behind a tough facade. Nobody was at fault here, as they were really forgotten from the minds of their rescuers.

Stepping inside the well-lit room, Rajveer looked around to see a room that looked much better than he expected. Maybe, he should live another day.

Placing his treasured wife on the bed gently, he demanded a first-aid box from the guard who guided him there. His orders were unconsciously carried out as the couldn't gather courage to refuse him.

Rajveer took his seat beside unconcious Navneet as he looked at her battered appearance. Messy hair, pale face with fresh blood trickling down her delicate chin. Her thin arms were littered with bruise marks from the manhandling earlier. He collected her long hair in a messy knot at the top of her head, revealing her dainty shoulders and a swollen mark caused due to the drug injected before.

Suppressing anger was getting more & more difficult for him as he observed her face contorted in pain frowning continuously. Taking out his handkerchief, Rajveer went towards the bathroom and drenched it under water. wringing out the excess water, he proceeded to clean her face and hands off the dust and blood.

Squeezing out a pea amount of ointment he applied it on her bruises. Navneet's eyes fluttered open due to the burning pain she suddenly began to experience. Rajveer ignored her reaction and kept on doing his task. As the pain grew intense, she shrieked to stop him.

"You are hurting me, Rajveer. Please stop it."

"You brought this upon yourself."

He answered monotonously easily freeing his hand from her grip and continued again, but a bit more gently this time.

"Are you here for me?"

She asked hoping a positive answer. Disappointedly, she tried again,

"What are you doing here? If not for me."

Concealing her nervousness and fear, she spoke

"When did you find me?"

"How did you know i was here?"

One by one all her questions fell on deaf ears and she grew irritated at his lack of response. Angrily, she snatched her hand back from his healing hands. But still he just clenched his jaw in anger and remained silent, packing away the things he took out previously he stood up from his place.

"Are you really a part of this syndicate?"

"Is this how you reached here easily? and surprisingly, found me."

"Is that why they let you get away even though you shot at their person?"

"Tell me, dammit."

"Believe whatever you want.

It's not like my words matter to you. In the end, you are just going to do whatever you want to do. Isn't it?"

This time Rajveer had planned to use her stubborness and overthinking capabilities to keep their purpose hidden. So keeping her in dark and taking her out at appropriate time was the best solution. He wanted her to disobey so that their act can easily be bought by the enemies. Their agenda could be carried out once the coast was clear

However, the cold tone of his voice was not something she had not experienced before. Still it was something she was not used to as well as used to.

Infact, she had thought she had outgrown the fear of him as they were on friendlier terms and now a relationship. But the chilling in the bones that she just experienced proved her wrong.

"Come on, tell me. I'm sure you must have already thought of some shitty excuses to escape your accountability again."

His words were full of mockery and sarcasm.

"Rajveer, you are either a part of this or not? Make it clear to me this instant."

She asked again, ignoring the undertone of his words. She never lied to him, had she? And he dare treat her reasons as excuses. She was impulsive? Maybe. But wrong? Not at all.

"And why so?

Do you think you have some kind of hold over me. Just because i treated your stubborn self nicely, did you think i'll accept your unruly behavior everytime."

"I wasn't doing it for myself. It was for the sake of children.."

"I just told you to do one thing, Navneet. Don't go looking for troubles. Hadn't i?

And see where you have landed yourself. But it won't be Miss Navneet Dhillon, if she let me had a peaceful day. I don't even want to imagine how your family kept with your tactics. Let me tell you one thing this ends here. I'll not tolerate your reckless self anymore."

This was the inner rage that kept boiling inside him speaking unrestrictedly, without caring for the tears pooling up in her eyes. Since the day, he had known her she kept him on toes. And the day he always feared actually arrived. She served herself on a silver platter to people who preyed on the innocent. He stepped closer to her, holding her arm which was unbruised.

"You are good at just one thing, Navneet. Making people regret.

Have you even thought about your sisters, you brought along. And what about your family what will they be going through, once they get to know your impulsive actions. Had you ever thought about me?"

She had neither any selfish reasons, nor excuses to act the way she did. Hell, she wasn't even regretting it a bit. She was only thankful that if Rajveer was here for her, all those children will be saved and sheltered. So she stood their waiting for him to finish as he bashed her continuously. While, Rajveer thought she was reflecting on her actions and admonishing herself that made his stature soften a bit. He pulled her even closer in an attempt to comfort her before she freed herself, stepping away from him.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I'll be cautious next time and not let others be implicated with me. And, I sincerely apologise for making you go through all this. Now do me a favor and call the police here. These people deserve to be punished. In return, i will talk to our families and call all this off."

She offered calmly, referring to their marriage alliance. A bitter chuckle escaped out of Rajveer's mouth, out of utter disbelief. Talking to this woman is similar to hitting a brick wall. Isn't it?

"And what if i refuse?

What will do you then?"

He countered.

"I will expose you."

She hardened herself and threatened him, making his eyes glitter in amusement. Every change of expression on her face was revealing her inner turmoils. She was believing everything he said, when he actually said nothing.

"Now that you know about my hidden identity, i absolutely cannot let you go. How about you continue being my bride and i'll let your companions leave safely."

"You bastard.."

So they were actually right, huh. she thought.

Cursing him loudly, enraged Navneet attempted to grab his throat and choke him to death, catching him by surprise. Thanks to his quick reflexes, he was able to hold her in time and escape her claws. But the force she had used to attack caught him off guard. Entangled with each other, they fell on the mattress together, with Rajveer taking the fall.

Even though this was not the first time he held her this close, he still wasn't used to it. She was sprawled all over him. Her bun, he made earlier came undone and covered his face with her raven locks. The familiar scent of hers, engulfed his senses completely giving him much required relief. She was unsuccessfully trying to straddle him, as her wrists were locked in his firm grip, sending Rajveer down the road of unfamiliar sensations. Though he was inexperienced, but a man nonetheless.

In an attempt to save himself from the torture, he reversed their position. Navneet stared at his handsome face looming above hers, wide-eyed.

"Tivali, even if you think this is a good method to distract me from the matter in hand. I suggest you to stop it, the consequences will definitely leave you horrified."

He grinned uncharacteristically at her as Navneet stared apprehensively at him, unable to comprehend his words, so she struggled again under his grip.

"Don't call me that, you liar. I hate you."

Rajveer was least bothered about her accusation infact amused at her imagination, but his face remained passive.

Although Navneet had never bothered to check the exact meaning of the nickname he gave her, she accepted it as somewhat a couple thing from him, the thought of which was unacceptable to her at the moment.

Her struggles made him lose his footing as he fell forward on her, resulting in an unexpected collision of their noses. The blow was that harsh but definitely painful causing tears to spring in her eyes. Accompanied with the betrayal that she was facing sent her emotions haywire.

On the other hand, It seemed like time had stopped for Rajveer, as he laid there unmoving staring at her, closer than ever. But his emotions were of no concern to Navneet angrily headbutted him, trying to push away. She appeared very angry. Rajveer was feeling regret not because of the hit, it only affected him a little but he was helpless knowing that his Tivali will mess up the things in her naiveity just like earlier, so he decided to let her be and ended up softly rubbing her forehead which turned red at the impact.

I will explain later, he thought.

The chain of thoughts was broken with the bang on the door. Victor, the person on the other side of the door was impatient. He had already given enough time to his new employer to sort out things with his fiance, while trying his best to not stare which was becoming increasingly difficult, who appeared to be messing up the things more than they already were.

The knock though unwelcomed was highly appreciated. Collecting himself, he helped tidy up Navneet before he stepped towards the door.

"Laila is asking for you. He has arranged a lawyer and readied a marriage contract for you." Victor said clearing the situation for Rajveer, a little.

"What the hell is he upto now?" Rajveer questioned but only received a shrug in response.

"He is a psycho and loves to play with minds. You should probably warn her, boss." The suggestion seemed righteous so Rajveer acted on it and stepped back inside.



He called her twice, but his attempts went ignored by the lady standing by the little window. He didn't had the time to coax her yet. Frustratedly, he stepped forward and yanked her to turn to him, pressing an old injury from earlier by mistake.

I promise i'll take care of it later, he chanted in his mind.

Navneet emitted a little hiss and snatched her arm from the unwelcomed grip stepping away, making Rajveer clench his jaw in suppressed anger.

He moved forward enough to craddle her face in his large palms looking into her eyes, ceasing her struggles momentarily.

"Listen Navneet, i know you are feeling upset. But you have to trust me. We need coordination at this moment and the things going to happen in the near future cannot afford your anger.

So please act rationally. Don't put unnecessary fight in front of them. I promise to solve all your grievances, once this is over.

Just stay calm and fearless. I won't let you get hurt nor the others." He told her softly.

But i'm hurt already.

She kept the words on her tongue at bay as he closed the door noiselessly behind him and waited.

The meeting room,

As the fancy double door opened, Rajveer lazily strolled to occupy his seat beside Vihaan. The awkward atmosphere and the tense posture of his accomplice not going unnoticed by him.

"Mr. Virk, just on time." Laila commented with a sly smirk on his face. Already imagining his passive mask slipping away at his next words.

"I've decided to make this day of our meeting, a memorable one."

Receiving a nod to continue he added further.

"As i've been told, your fiance is like an unbridled horse. So i wanted to help you put a leash on her. No offence though. She does seem like a nice ride."

His supposed joke dropped the temperature of the room by several degrees as Rajveer's expressions turned from dark to grim, making Laila want to dig the ground and die peacefully.

"As i said, no offence to the sister-in-law.

I've the lawyers and the papers ready, just your signatures are pending. I'm sure you won't have any hesitation about that. So, shall we proceed?"

Laila completed his sentence awkardly, staring at the businessmen sitting in front of him, expressing anything but civil.

"I took the offence though, Mr. Laila."

Rajveer answered after a lapse of few minutes.

"And i don't think, there is any way that my impending marriage plans concern you. So you better keep your end of deal and we leave peacefully completing our bargain."

He added.

"I see, you want to keep it completely professional between us. But after you mercilessly shot at my dearest brother, i guess i do deserve some sympathy.

And i'm not sorry to say that i will not let you leave until i get to eat the sweets of your wedding, Mr. Virk."

Laila completed not fearing to put their newly formed alliance in jeopardy.

"Oh comeon man, I assure you to deliver the very first invitation of his wedding at your doorstep myself. Wedding is a big thing and we must not hurry.

It'll crush the poor girl's dreams." Vihaan half-joked, trying to make Rajveer retreat with his glare.

"Mr. Shergill, if you had really considered the poor girl's dreams, then you won't you had snatched them in the first place, right?

She is kept here as well as by his side forcefully and expecting her to accept being Mrs. Virk is an insult to her emotions. She will never be doing it willfully, neither today nor tomorrow? So why not the earliest?"


"Plus getting a wedding registered is also a procedure right. You can always hold a destination wedding and get her a Sabyasachi later on.

Signatures, please."

Laila cut Vihaan's words and instructed his lackey to put the papers in front of Rajveer. With hesitant steps, the papers finally reached him but were sent flying into tatters a moment later as the recipient turned them into pieces.

"Tsk, Tsk.

Mr. Shergill, why don't you try to convince your partner while i go for a smoke."

Laila stood up indicating his people to keep an eye on them and place a new contract on the table. Everybody present was aware that the visiting party was outnumbered. They had no choice but to accept so as to avoid bloodshed.

"Hey Raj. Comeon don't be stubborn. It's just a signature."

Vihaan hurriedly collected the papers and pen to hand them over but got agitated seeing him unmoved.

"What the hell do you want, man?

She is no stranger to you. Sooner or later, even your family won't have any problems with it."

"Once this farce is over and girls leave peacefully, you can rip his guts out however you want. Just get done with this alright."

He offered again.

"Listen you may not care about her, but i do. If you have slightest bit of affection for her, you will sign these papers and send her away at the soonest.

You aren't really an emotionless basta*d, are you?"

Vihaan asked in melancholy.

"If you really think that way.."

Rajveer after carefully analysing the contract put his sign on it.

"But i know she won't agree."

"Oh come on, it's not like you both are strangers."

Vihaan took the papers and handed them to the nearest person. Rajveer was very clear about her answer, she had disagreed openly when they were on good terms, but after the drama that happened earlier he didn't need to contemplate much. He just hoped that Laila will let her leave in peace.

As his fears were waiting to come true, the clock ticked slower than ever. Laila, Vihaan and Rajveer sat together waiting for the time to exchange sweets.

As expected, the papers were returned though not in tatters but unsigned.

"Bring her here." Laila commanded.

"Don't manhandle her." Rajveer spoke gravely.

After a few minutes, anxious cries were audible even before the feet had reached their destination.

"Leave me alone."

"Let me go. I'll report you guys."

"I want my sisters, you obnoxious bast***s."

The door flew open and a messed up Navneet was pushed to the center of the room with a great force, managing to balance herself at the last moment. Grabbing Rajveer who was at edge from the beginning, Vihaan went forward to coax her.

"Come on, Ms. Dhillon. Sign here and you can leave peacefully with your husband."

"So you were also a part of this facade, huh.

And here i thought, you both were honest citizens, reaching these heights with your hardwork."

"Navneet calm down and cooperate. Just sign here and we will leave."

Rajveer tried to convince her again, already developing a headache at her habit of not listening to him. Hearing him, Navneet wanted to grab him in a choke hold again, but reminiscing about the earlier event she decided against it.

"I trusted you. Over and over again.

why couldn't you just let me go? You make me wonder whether it's your love or your extreme hate that makes you so adamant on tormeting me and keeping me beside you."

She was hurt and he was the reason. He couldn't explain the things to her even if he willed.

"Come on, horsey. Don't make this anymore difficult and get married already."

"I will not marry a selfish, immoral, disrespectful, egoistic and hypocrite man like him, ever." Navneet scoffed at Laila's comment.

"Pardon me, young lady. I never realised you might have been expecting a proper proposal from your groom, right. i'll just have it prepared."

"Even if you cut me into bits and pieces, i'll never agree."

"Even though it's not a bad idea. You should just wait for my props, horsey. I mean sister-in-law."

Laila fake smiled at her.

Soon after, two haggard figures were hurled into the room where everybody remained waiting. Amreen and Mani were not in a bad condition but definitely looked badly shaken up. They weren't mistreated themselves but were made to face the tortures that was being inflicted on others. For the little time they had separated both of them had seen the extent of atrocities that could befell on them and they were thankful to have been able to leave from there in one piece.

Vihaan, Victor as well as Rajveer were barely controlling their rage as they watched the persons they cared about were being manhandled. The urge to demolish the place for once and all was raised as they watched Laila take out his gun and stepped to the girls' direction. Grabbing Amreen's hair he pulled up her face to shout another threat.

"Has your decision changed yet, bhabhiji?"

He asked again pointing the gun he held at Amreen's throat as her disbelieved eyes widened and continued to wrap around the things happening. All this while Navneet stood motionless.

Navneet was still contemplating that how such a simple thing as leaving her house at midnight turned into a mission of rescuing children and how the hell something as auspicious as marriage was suddenly a life threatening situation for her and her sisters. The most disappointing thing about the person her family had chosen for her, was still sitting on a posh chair without batting an eyelash revealing his eyes darker than ever, as if the persons being threatened meant nothing to him.

Was it because of the anger? No, i must be mistaken. She thought. He was never the one to step back when others were in danger.

"Are you really going to do nothing?" She asked him for one last time.

"Just do it, Navneet. We had to register our marriage anyway. Go ahead, i've already signed." He said calmly trying to help her dilemma.

"Yeah right. You cleared many things." She silently took the pen and put her signature on the marriage papers.

Signing her life away? Hell no. She'll get back on him, when i have the chance. The priority is just to leave this place first.

"Now that all things are settled here, we'll take the girls and you will receive the promised amount. As for the new additions we promise to compensate you appropriately."

Rajveer grabbed his now wife's hand and made the move, expecting the others to follow.

"What's the hurry, Mr. Virk urf Chief Minister Rajveer Singh Randhawa."

Rajveer's back stiffened with the sudden revelation of his identity. He had expected this in worst case scenario but not this soon. He turned to stare silently.

"You know what, you had really got me there. But handsome faces such as yours, are hard to stay hidden, i must say. As the things have reached a dead end here, I guess we must wrap up the loose ends here."

Laila spoke taking his seat at the head chair of the table.

"Just let the girls leave with my men and we can continue to negotiate." Rajveer spoke coldly pushing Navneet behind his back as Vihaan covered the other girls behind him.

" Seriously, i think You must thank such as evil person like me to fulfill your last wish even. If you want i can also arrange a wedding night for you, Mr. CM. It'll be a waste to die before having a taste of such a beautiful wife."

"Do you think a joker like yourself can hold a leash over me?"

Rajveer gritted at him. The response sent a bullet flying piercing the flesh of Rajveer's arm and blood coated his dark blazer making Navneet gasp in shock as stared at the stream of blood that created a little pool on the floor underneath his hand.

"Let the girls leave, Laila. I promise to save you from death sentence."

Rajveer growled holding onto his rage.

"How about you stay here?

I'm sure i will receive a good amount for the life of the leader of state and I'll allow everybody to leave."


The agreement was cut off by a number of voices that echoed simultaneously.

"What the hell, Rajveer. We're not going to compromise your security here."

"No way."

"He is right. We leave together." Navneet supported Vihaan.

"Who said you can talk, bloody bit**. Didn't you wish him to be dead a moment ago."

A tall lanky goon standing beside Laila spoke, breaking the straw of patience of Rajveer who instantly landed a punch on his jaw dislocating it bewildering his companions.

"Now that's really mean of you Mr. CM. You can hit my guys whenever you want and we cannot even talk freely here. Why not i help you again and end the cause of your weakness right now."

Laila talked menacingly and shot in the direction of Navneet who stood shocked. As soon as the bullet left the barrel she was pulled back by Rajveer taking the shot at his shoulder. The mind numbing pain coursed in his body as he stood there. Perhaps that was necessary to complete the mission they were on.

The fight soon broke out as the sound of shots being fired filled the air. Even though the officers were outnumbered, they were specially trained to undertake life endangering missions. Therefore, this situation was not new or difficult for them, but at this moment they had to protect their lives as well as their employer's.

On the other hand, all Rajveer cared about was Navneet. Though injured, he stood as a shield between the girls who had gathered around him seeking protection as the chaos occured. He helped them reach the exit and motioned his subordinate to leave with them. With hesitant steps he reached to grab his boss's wife, who refused to move from her stance.

"You are just a liability here, Navneet. If you want to really help us, just leave with him without giving him any hard time."

Rajveer spoke with difficulty making Navneet leave from there unwillingly. He was sure with the team and backup they had, they could easily overpower the criminals. He had not even released a sigh yet as another voice spoke from behind.

"And then what?

Have a happy ever after! Bro, do you think it's that easy."

Laila's brother commented from behind their backs. His injured arm slung with a support and his other hand waved a gun in front of them.

"What about my revenge, then. Both of you cannot leave, atleast not before i make you a cripple."

A shot was fired and had hit its target on his chest, creating an echo around. Navneet who had just left, was nearby, left her sisters and ran in the opposite direction, at once. But it had only fueled Rajveer's bloodlust, instead of weakening him. He had been cautious for too long which was quite a shock for himself. Now he had no responsibility to protect or a person to care about. His bloodshot eyes stared at the shooter who stood in front of him, confidently laughing. The sound of his laughter ceased as his throat was caught in a death grip turning his face different shades. His flailing arm failed to touch Rajveer as he was being strangled to death.

As the pressure increased the unmoving body fell on the ground with a thud as Rajveer's wavered and he fell on the ground with an equally loud thud. He was unconscious with continuous blood flowing out of his wounds. Though he was discovered soon after by the loud shouts of Navneet who sat craddling his head in her lap with endless tears.

The fight had ended. Both Rajveer and Laila were sent into emergency, while the others had lesser severe wounds and fractures. Laila was on verge of death, thanks to the bullet of his most trusted subordinate, Victor or Vikram which was shot in revenge of his sister's death. After Khanna the next biggest culprit was him in Vikram's eyes but for the revelation of his secret connections and crimes Laila had to be saved as for the others they had met their fate.

Even the children were rescued by the local police, who had put them into an orphanage temporarily, with significant amount of help to cope with their trauma, physically as well as psychologically.

The sun had set long ago, and the corridors of the hospital where Rajveer was being treated had also grown emptier but the light of the OT, was still on. The doctors, the staff as well as the executives of the hospital, were all on edge as the most influential figure of their state laid motionless on the operation table as their hospital turned into a small military barrack.

"Let us wait for his response, for future course of action."

The head doctor leading the surgery instructed his subordinates to complete and soon stepped out of the OT. He was soon surrounded by the crowd who had followed Rajveer earlier.

"Doctor, when can we take him home?"

Vihaan asked anxiously as soon as he saw the doctor who stood there awkwardly hearing him.

"Doctor, is he alright?"

Navneet asked a more appropriate question.

"His condition has been stabilised, Mrs. Randhawa.

But he remains critical until he gains conscious on his own. I'm sure with the way he has fought until now, he will be good in no time. We just have to wait for him to wake up for us to know the extent of damage. For now we are shifting him in the private ward and as per rules nobody can stay by his side."

She nodded and let the doctor leave. Spending a few more hours at the hospital, she also left the place at Vihaan's insistence.

After a lapse of 48 hours, she was back in her apartment, alive and with her sisters, but feeling numb inside.

Thinking back to the incidents that occurred she showered.
She had left her abode as a free and single spirit but now the status of her relationship was very much unclear to her and the answer to her questions was laid unconscious on hospital bed. Sending a prayer to the almighty, she laid on her bed to sleep unable to stop her anxious tears.


Heya guys,

One of the very long chapters . I tried my way best to describe the incident as much as possible, i hope it was enjoyable. Please vote and comment at your favourite places and yes, please vote.

Thank ya.

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