You're The Music That's Been...

By kelseyb2000

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Miraculous Ladybug was created by Thomas ASTRUC, Disney Channel owns the right to the show Miraculous Ladybug... More

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A Special Christmas: Part 2
A Special Christmas: Part 3
A Special Christmas: Part 4
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Despair Bear: Part 2
Despair Bear: Part 3
Despair Bear: Part 4
Luka Chapter Seventeen
Prime Queen: Part 1
Prime Queen: Part 2
Prime Queen: Part 3
Prime Queen: Part 4
Befana: Part 1
Befana: Part 2
Befana: Part 3
Befana: Part 4
Luka Chapter Eighteen
Riposte: Part 1
Riposte: Part 2
Riposte: Part 3
Riposte: Part 4
Robustus: Part 1
Robustus: Part 2
Robustus: Part 3
Robustus: Part 4
Gigantitan: Part 1
Gigantitan: Part 2
Gigantitan: Part 3
Gigantitan: Part 4
Luka Chapter Nineteen
The Dark Owl: Part 1
The Dark Owl: Part 2
The Dark Owl: Part 3
The Dark Owl: Part 4
Glaciator: Part 1
Glaciator: Part 2
Glaciator: Part 3
Glaciator: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty
Sapotis: Part 1
Sapotis: Part 2
Sapotis: Part 3
Sapotis: Part 4
Gorizilla: Part 1
Gorizilla: Part 2
Gorizilla: Part 3
Gorizilla: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-One
Captain Hardrock: Part 1
Captain Hardrock: Part 2
Captain Hardrock: Part 3
Captain Hardrock: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Two
Zombizou: Part 1
Zombizou: Part 2
Zombizou: Part 3
Zombizou: Part 4
Syren: Part 1
Syren: Part 2
Syren: Part 3
Syren: Part 4
Frightingale: Part 1
Frightingale: Part 2
Frightengale: Part 3
Frightengale: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Three
Troublemaker: Part 1
Troublemaker: Part 2
Troublemaker: Part 3
Troublemaker: Part 4
Reverser: Part 2
Reverser: Part 3
Reverser: Part 4
Anansi: Part 1
Anansi: Part 2
Anansi: Part 3
Anansi: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Four
Sandboy: Part 1
Sandboy: Part 2
Sandboy: Part 3
Sandboy: Part 4
Style Queen: Part 1
Style Queen: Part 2
Style Queen: Part 3
Style Queen: Part 4
Queen Wasp: Part 1
Queen Wasp: Part 2
Queen Wasp: Part 3
Queen Wasp: Part 4
Malediktator: Part 1
Malediktator: Part 2
Malediktator: Part 3
Malediktator: Part 4
Frozer: Part 1
Frozer: Part 2
Frozer: Part 3
Frozer: Part 4
Luka Chapter Twenty-Five
Catalyst: Part 1
Catalyst: Part 2
Catalyst: Part 3
Catalyst: Part 4
Mayura: Part 1
Mayura: Part 2
Mayura: Part 3
Mayura: Part 4
Chameleon: Part 1
Chameleon: Part 2
Chameleon: Part 3
Chameleon: Part 4
Animaestro: Part 1
Animaestro: Part 2
Animaestro: Part 3
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Luka Chapter Twenty Six
Bakerix: Part 1
Bakerix: Part 2
Bakerix: Part 3
Bakerix: Part 4
Backwarder: Part 1
Backwarder: Part 2
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Oni-chan: Part 1
Oni-chan: Part 2
Oni-chan: Part 3
Oni-chan: Part 4
Miraculer: Part 1
Miraculer: Part 2
Miraculer: Part 3
Miraculer: Part 4
Oblivio: Part 1
Oblivio: Part 2
Oblivio: Part 3
Oblivio: Part 4
Desperada: Part 1
Desperada: Part 2
Desperada: Part 3
Desperada: Part 4
Luka Chapter Thirty
Chris Master: Part 1
Chris Master: Part 2
Chris Master: Part 3
Chris Master: Part 4
Startrain: Part 1
Startrain: Part 2
Startrain: Part 3
Startrain: Part 4
Luka Chapter Thirty-One
Kwamii Buster: Part 1
Kwamii Buster: Part 2
Kwamii Buster: Part 3
Kwamii Buster: Part 4
Feast: Part 1
Feast: Part 2
Feast: Part 3
Feast: Part 4
Moving forward
Book 3

Reverser: Part 1

175 9 10
By kelseyb2000

The school bell rings, signifying the end of class, packing up my stuff I prepare to head to the art room where a few of us had decided to spend our free hour. Approaching the stairway I notice the new exchange student for this year; a boy named Marc. Marc was a shy boy since he was the new kid from out of the country I had made it my job to befriend him. He liked wearing ripped jeans with a chain belt, a tie-dye shirt with a red hoodie, and a black choker that matched his gloves and boots. He had tuffed-out black hair and emerald-green eyes and from what I could gather he liked to write stories, even though he never let anyone read them.

Peeking through the holes in the stairs I call out to him with a smile. "Hey Marc, how's it going?" Once I have his attention, I walk around and join him under the stairs. "Where's the rest of your class?" "Oh hey (y/n), we're done with classes for today, everyone probably went home," He explains, and again I smile as I offer him to join my friends and me in the art room. "Perfect timing. My class has a spare hour so some of us are heading to the art room, you should come check it out," He gives me an unsure look but ultimately nods. "Sure, why not?" "Maybe you'll finally let me read your story," Marc proceeds to clutch his writing notebook to his chest. "I dunno. Maybe..." "Awesome, see ya then," I wave goodbye and head on up, I'll let him come when he's ready. There was no need to pressure him. I recall for the billionth time that Marc was proof that it had been a year since I first came to Paris and just who boy so much has happened since then.

I enter the classroom to find a few people here already, Nathaniel telling the art teacher all about his latest drawing of Mightyillustrator fighting with Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir. "Bad guy comes over to the good side what a great idea. You should turn it into a comic book." "Yeah I want to but I'm only good at drawing stories, not writing them." "Then you should team up with a creative writer." "I don't know anyone who's into that," Nathaniel and the teacher converse while I help Rose write the next song for Kitty Section when I spot Marc peeking through the door.

"Marc! You made it! Come and meet everyone!" I run up and pull him in before he can try and skitter away and I introduce him to everyone. "This is Marc the boy who's always writing." "Welcome to the art room, feel free to drop on by whenever you want. You can create whatever you want, any way you want. (y/n) and Rose are writing lyrics for their rock band. Alix is our expert in street art, Marinette is our latest fashion designer, and Nathaniel-" Mr. Monlataing introduces Marc to everyone else before Alix cuts him off. "He likes to draw people in skinny suits," Nathaniel proceeds to throw a crumpled piece of paper at her before turning to Marc. "Welcome, Marc. As you'll find out the good thing about this place is you can create whatever you want and no one will judge you or at least not seriously," Marc notices Nathaniel's drawings and looks over them in awe.

"I saw your drawings on the school website but they're nothing compared to the real thing. The movement, the expressions, the attitudes, they're all so..." He trails off in his compliment and he's brought out of it by Nathaniel thanking him. "Well it's just that I've never seen drawing so-" "So messed up? All he ever draws anymore is Ladybug ever since she de-akumatized him. As if Ladybug could care less about a guy like him," We suddenly hear Chloé interrupt before laughing at Nathaniel. 

Feeling embarrassed he starts to pack up when Mr. Monlataing stops him telling Chloé "I've already told you Chloé if you have an art project that you wanna work on then you're quite welcome here but negative comments like that aren't." "Of course, I've got a project. A unique masterpiece that will revolutionize the art world. Nothing you commoners would've come up with," Chloé boasts, doing a little spin before making a pose while Sabrina starts to pull out the project. "Let me guess another collage of selfies?" Alix asks, mimicking the pose and everyone starts snickering.

"What? No! That's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! You don't deserve my art anyway," Chloé says soon pushing Sabrina out of the room, and Mr. Monlataing sighs. "Well, Alix if Chloé really did have an art project it's too bad we didn't give her a chance to tell us about it isn't it?" Alix shrugs and turns back to her work. "Hey, Marc, you came at a perfect time. (y/n) said you like to write right? Nathaniel here is looking for a script writer for a comic book," Mari tells Marc who jumps at the idea. "Me a scriptwriter? I don't write that kind of stuff- I mean I don't write anything interesting. Sorry, gotta go!" He rushes out of the room, running straight into the banister pole and I rush out to help but he was already gone when I notice his notebook on the ground. Picking it up I read the title. "The Diary of Ladybug?" I mutter, my curiosity piqued. Finding somewhere secluded I start reading the first few pages. I know I shouldn't but with a title like that how can you not wanna at least flip through the first few pages?

I saw the Evilustraitor again today. Now that he's no longer controlled by Hawkmoth he's become a true superhero like Chat Noir, (s/n), and me. I'm sure he'd make an awesome partner but I'm too shy to ask him. I don't wanna talk to talk to Chat Noir about it because I'm worried he'll be jealous and (s/n) has been pushing me to ask him to join the team already. I read through and smile. "It's definitely not the truth but a fun read." "Well you three have become a great source of inspiration," Flaake says and I nod. "Plus this is the exact kind of writing that works with Nathaniel's drawings. They're totally meant to work together."

I start looking around for Marc and find him in the locker room, tearing his locker inside out. "Looking for this?" I offer him his book back. He lets out a sigh of relief as he clutches it to his chest tightly before asking scaredly "Did you read it?" Guiltily I nod. "Just the first few lines, I'm sorry I was just too curious," Marc lets out an embarrassed groan. "How embarrassing and so lame." "Hey don't think like that. I thought it was really good. In fact, I think you should team up with Nathaniel to make a comic book.

"He won't like it, I know he won't," I frown to hear him doubt himself, it reminded me of my self-doubt and how it's held me back. So I give him an encouraging look and tell him. "You should have him read it before assuming his opinion." "But if he doesn't like it I'll be so embarrassed! I'll have to change schools to never run into him again!" "That's an easy fix. We won't tell him who wrote it. If he likes it it's a win-win if he doesn't he'll never know it was your work. Deal?" "Ok." He hands me his notebook and I head back to the art room and erase the 'by Marc Anciel' underneath the title before handing it to Nathaniel stating "Hey Nathaniel, someone gave this to me to give to you," He eyes the notebook curiously, asking "Who's someone?" "I can't say just yet. Read it then we can talk," I walk back over to Rose and send a smile Nathaniel's way when he shoots me a shocked look.

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