Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

By Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... More

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Punched in the gut.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back


1.1K 19 0
By Lieke4043

Back at the track we have breakfast again before Daniel and Michael get to work. After a couple of hours they come back to have lunch. I've been walking around a bit talking to a lot of people.

Right now I am at the hospitality chatting with Charlotte after Daniel goes back to the team before FP2
"So where are you going after this weekend?" I ask her. "Will you be in Miami as well?"
"Oh yes, I don't want to miss the first race in Miami and well... it's Miami." Charlotte laughs.
"Well yeah I've never been there so I'm stoked to go there." I tell her. "Daniel is hoping we can go to Beverly Hills after this weekend first. He wants to show me his house there."

"Oh that would be nice. Hopefully the team can let you guys go." She finishes her drink and we go to the garage because the second practice will start soon.
Unfortunately this practice, Daniel can't even get in the car because of some problems. So that sucks, because now they only have Landos data and he doesn't really get a good lap either.
Hopefully everything will be fixed for the sprint in a few hours.

The team has to talk about what's going on so I decide to wander around a bit and outside I bump into Shayla again.
"Hey there, how are you today? And how are you enjoying yourself so far?" I ask her.
Her face is glowing with excitement, "this is absolutely the best weekend I've ever had. I'm so thankful that you and Daniel set us up to experience all this."
I give her a hug, because she is so adorable in her enthusiasm, "I didn't do anything, but I'll tell Daniel you said thanks."

She smiles, "that would be great, I'm going to buy my dad a little present." And she quickly takes off.
I shake my head, she's so sweet how she wants to make her dad happy.
I should get something for my parents and my brother as well. My brother is a big Lewis fan and my dad is more a Max fan. That is always a lot of fun if we watch races together.
I decide to get them both a cap and hopefully I can ask Lewis and Max to sign them so I can send them over.

I make my way to the shops behind the paddock and get them both a cap.
There's a guy in there who laughs when he sees what I'm getting, "Damn girl, dating Daniel and buying merch from his competition?"
I shrug, "yeah well, my brother and dad aren't dating him."
"I sure hope not." He laughs.
I pay and then get back to the paddock to see if I can find Max and Lewis real quick.

Max is talking to Kelly and they both spot me in front of the garage.
"Hey Sky, are you looking for somebody?" Max asks me.
"Yeah you, look I don't want to bother you, but can I maybe ask a small favor?" I give him my sweetest smile.
"Well if you look at me like that, sure. What can I do for you?" He wants to know.

"I bought my dad a cap and I would really appreciate it if you could sign it. He's a big fan." I turn a bit red, because I really don't like asking for things.
"Why did you buy one, I could have given you one, we've got loads. But let me have it I'll sign it for him." He shakes his head thinking about me buying a cap.
"I'm not going to ask you for a cap, that's just not me." I shrug.
"Silly girl, next time please just ask me for one. Or anything else ok? I could hook you up with loads of merch for your dad." He tells me while he signs the cap.

"Well I'm not going to spoil him all in once. Might as well surprise him every now and then with something. But thanks for offering. I'll try to think about it next time." I wave the cap to let the ink dry faster, "I really appreciate this Max. Good luck with the sprint later."
"No problem. See you later!" He hugs me and I say goodbye to Kelly.
Now on my way to the Mercedes garage which is right next to the Red Bulls.
I do see George, but not Lewis.
"Hey there George, how are you feeling?" I ask when I walk up to him.
"Sky! Nice to see you, I'm good, looking forward to the sprint. And you? How is your day going?" We hug as well. These guys are really so nice.

"I'm ok, better than Daniel at the moment. Hopefully he can do the race this afternoon." I give him a worried look.
"The team will get it done I'm sure." He encourages me. "Were you looking for someone?"
"Yeah Lewis, but while you are here. Would you sign a cap I got for my brother?" I ask him, because what's better then the autographs of both Merc drivers.
"Of course, here give me. I'll get Lewis when I signed it." He quickly signs the cap and then goes inside to get Lewis.

They both come out within seconds and Lewis greets me, "hey kiddo I heard you wanted me to sign something?"
"Kiddo! Really, Lewis I'm only 3 years younger than you." I punch him on his shoulder gently and he starts laughing.
"Well still younger though." He signs the cap as well, my brother is going to freak out.
"Hey I would like you to meet somebody! Come with me." He asks me to follow him and I get in the Mercedes garage.
They all greet me very kindly as I'm walking behind Lewis.

"Lewis who is your friend?" I hear a heavy voice with a German accent ask.
"Toto this is my friend Skylar, Daniels girlfriend. I told you about her."
Wait what? He told Toto about me?
"Ah right the singer, nice to meet you." He shakes my hand and I'm kinda impressed, I'm actually shaking hands with Toto Wolff. It's crazy.
"Hello Mr Wolff, pleasure to meet you too, but you can hardly call me a singer." He looks a bit intimidating, but his smile is friendly.
"Toto is fine. Lewis told me you were very talented. Maybe you can sing at a party some time?" He asks me.

My eyes are probably popping out of their sockets right now. I mean this man wants me to sing at a party they will give someday.
"I eh.. Really?" I don't know what to say.
Lewis is almost pissing himself laughing at my reaction.
"Kiddo you are fantastic. Just say yes."
"Well ok, I'll give Lewis my number. Thanks for asking me this. It would be a massive honor." I shake his hand again.
"Sure, I'll have somebody call you." He nods and then gets back to his work.
"What the hell Lewis, I'm nowhere near good enough for that. Are you kidding me!" I don't know if I should be angry or thankful.

"You are good enough, now come on. He's waiting for you." He takes me with him to the back.
"Oh so it wasn't Toto you wanted me to meet?" I ask him.
"No way, this dude is way more important." He smiles.
"More important than Toto?" I wonder who it could be.

Lewis opens the door and he is greeted by Roscoe.
"Oooh my god Roscoe, hey buddy how are you doing." I kneel down and he barges over to me almost knocking me off my feet.
"Hey gorgeous, oh my god you are so cute." I cuddle with him and he is such a sweetheart.
"Thanks Lewis, he's amazing. And yeah a lot more important than Toto. I totally agree."
I cuddle with Roscoe for a while, but then I realize I really should be getting back to Daniel before he has to get in the car.
"I gotta go, but I hope I can see you again buddy." I tell Roscoe while giving him a final pet on the head.

"I'm sure he would love that." I can tell how much Lewis loves his dog.
"See you later boys. Good luck out there Lewis." I make my way back to the McLaren garage where Daniel is warming up with Michael again.
"Hey baby, what have you been up to?" He asked me while stretching.
"I just walked around a bit, got some presents for my dad and brother and I got them signed by Max, George and Lewis. Oh and I got to meet the most important guy out here." I walk over to Daniel to give him a kiss.

I can see both him and Michael have a questioning look on their face.
"Who would that be? Me Sulayem?" He asks.
"Who? Oh the big boss. No not him." I smile. "I met Roscoe just now."
"Roscoe?" I can actually see when the penny drops. "Oh Roscoe!" He laughs. "Yeah I understand why you would say he is the most important guy here."
"He was extremely friendly. And I think he liked me." I joke.
"Well so far everybody likes you baby. And why wouldn't they. You are amazing." He holds me against him and I breathe in his intoxicating scent.

"I also met Toto. He actually asked me if I could sing at a Mercedes party someday." I look at Daniels face to see his reaction.
He lights up with pride, "of course he did! That's awesome, I'm so proud."
"Thanks, by the way, have they solved the problem with your car yet?" I ask a bit anxious.
"They have. I'll be able to start the sprint. Speaking of that. I should be getting ready, we have to put the car on the grid soon." He checks the time.

"I'll be here watching. I love you, be careful and keep it on the black stuff." I kiss him before he heads out.
"I promise baby. See you in a bit. Love you too."
He puts his suit on and he gets in the car.
Everybody makes his way out to the grid for final preparations. I take my spot in between the team again to watch the sprint.

When the formation lap starts Alonso doesn't move at first. Eventually he gets away, but that wasn't a good sign for the real start.
They all made their way round for the formation lap and now the lights are going off one by one.
I hear, "it's lights out and away we go!" And they take off.
Max doesn't have a great start, but Charles and Lando fly away. Daniel gets away fine, but he gets in a fight with Kevin and it seems like they had a bit of contact. Daniel gets overtaken by Checo as well and now there's an Alpine in his gear box.

"Oh shit yellow flag, what happened?" I look at the screens and it's Zhou who went off and destroyed his rear wing. They deploy the safety car so the field has to follow. Pierre has got damage as well so he has to pit.
They show the replay of the start and Daniel really got away good, he just got stuck in between Kevin and Checo and they definitely made contact. I hope he hasn't got damage as well.
After the Safety Car goes back in it doesn't take very long for Sainz to overtake Alonso. And he's also closing in on Daniel. But Daniel is closing in on Checo, because he is fighting with Kevin.

Jesus my heart is racing, it's amazing to watch on tv, but being here and feeling the tension of the team makes it so much better.
Lando can't keep up with Charles and Max, but the McLaren just isn't as fast as the other two.
Ooh yes come on Valtteri, he overtakes Seb.
Oh shit Carlos is so close to Daniel, but Daniel is also so close to Kevin who has been overtaken by Checo.

Daniel makes his move on Kevin , "YES babe!! You did it!" I'm bouncing and can't keep sitting down. Some team members look at me amused when they see me jumping up and down.
Ooooh there goes Carlos!! He has passed Kevin.
Lando has lost his third place to Checo, too bad that won't be a podium for him so far.

Noooo Carlos has gone passed Daniel.
"Damn it!!" I try not the yell too loud. Michael comes up to me laughing.
"You are really into this aren't you?"
I nod, "yeah of course. Just look at him going. He's doing so well, but that Ferrari is just so fast." I can't help but sound incredibly proud.
That's my man out there doing what he does best.
Ok to be honest, there are a lot of things he's really good at. I've experienced that the last week.

There are only a few laps left and Max is getting extremely close to Charles. Eventually with hardly any time left he overtakes him and takes the lead.
"Oh my god that was intense." I'm so proud because Daniel managed to stay on the position he started at. And he got 3 points.
Everybody lines up in the pitlane and Max, Charles and Checo have interviews. Daniel has to weigh first before he can come back to the garage, so I'm waiting for him together with Michael.
"He did really good huh?"  I nudge Michael.
"He did, I guess you are his good luck charm." He nudges me back.

"I hope so, but I doubt I have anything to do with it. He's just an amazing driver and it sucks that he can't show it as much in the car at the moment." I am extremely proud of Daniel. And also I'm so proud to be part of his life.
When Daniel comes back to the garage he has his helmet in his hand and he looks pretty happy.
His team members are patting him on the shoulder and back, but he only has eyes for me.
When he reaches me, Michael takes over the helmet to put it away.
"You look really sexy right now, with those messy curls of yours." I tell him when he's in front of me.

He smiles, "you always look sexy."
"I'm so proud babe, you did amazing. I really thought after the contact with Kevin you would have damage, but you nailed it." He can tell by the look on my face that I mean every word I say.
"Thank you so much baby. It felt good knowing you are here encouraging me." He gives me a hug and picks me up. So I wrap my legs around him in a tight embrace.
"She definitely encouraged you mate, I didn't think she could swear like that." Michael comes back at us. "She looks so innocent."
"That's not true... I've cursed at you a few times the other day during work out remember?" I remind Michael.

"Oh yeah I forgot. Well let's just say you are are a very passionate woman." He laughs and goes back to take care of some things.
"I already knew you were passionate, I get to enjoy that a lot, and I'm very grateful." Daniel gives me a kiss and then puts me back down.
"I'm just going to finish up here, I have a short debrief with the team and then we can go."
I nod, "Sure, I think I'm just going to see if I can go for a walk with Roscoe. Just call me or text me when you are done."

I make my way back to Mercedes where I find Lewis who is also just about to go into a debrief.
"Hey Sky, here again, what did you miss me?"  He asks with a bright smile.
"Huh? Yeah of course I did." I chuckle, "but I wanted to ask if I can go for a walk with Roscoe?" I give him the same smile as I gave Max earlier.
"Of course you can, especially when you smile like that. He's still in the back. I'm sure he'll love to get out with you." Lewis points to where Roscoe is so I make my way there.

When I get in he is so happy he tackles me and I land on my ass. "Jeez buddy, relax! Come on let's go for a walk." I put a leash on him and he's really excited to follow me outside.
This is nice, clearing my head and then get back to the hotel with the love of my life. How amazing is my life right now.

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